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You get out of the rickshaw, pay, and look up at the building in front of you. It is tall and opulent, and you are awed at the lavishness of it all. As you gape at it, a kindly woman walks out of the mansion-like school. She smiles at you. "Welcome to the Radiant academy. I take it you are the new Radiant?"


Welcome! In this, you create a character who has recently become a squire. Your character will learn to become the best Radiant they can be, and bond a spren. Eventually, you will graduate and go out into the world of Radiants.


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6 hours ago, Vapor said:

"Welcome to the Radiant academy. I take it you are the new Radiant?"

"Radiant?" Khash ran his hand over his waxed scalp. If he was already getting mistaken for a Radiant, that had to be a good sign. "Not quite, my good woman, but a squire, certainly. I was told to come here but wasn't given much information as to why. Would you mind filling in those gaps for me?"


Character intro: Khash (khakh + shash) is a bald darkeyed Alethi man of no small height who has spent his life travelling around the whole of Roshar in service to a wandering brightlord whose retirement wishes amounted to "wander the world" and nothing more. When his lord died, he spent time in Rall Elorim, eventually meeting up with a secretive cabal of people who urged him to visit the new Radiant Academy. When he expressed great interest in being on the road again, he was chosen to become a squire (in a formal ceremony that he's not even fully sure of the significance of, nor does he entirely know what a squire is) and sent on his way. Being that his Radiant is so far away, he doesn't have much in the way of ability to draw in Stormlight, but he considers that nothing more than a slight handicap that his physical fitness should overcome happily.

Potential Radiant Orders: Willshaper, Truthwatcher. (I took the quiz in his mindset, those were the two largest results.)


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3 minutes ago, Vapor said:

"We are the Radiant academy. Here, new squires can be trained to become a Knights Radiant. You will also bond a spren. Now, let's head inside, the highstorm is coming soon."

"Ah yes, highstorms. I've almost forgotten what a strong storm feels like," Khash said, following the introduction lady inside. "Strange for an Alethi, I know, but I've spent so long in the City of Shadows that it's become unfamiliar."

He hesitated for a second.

"We aren't...going to be chained to a roof through it, are we?"

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2 minutes ago, Vapor said:

"No, why?"

"I'd heard that was something one of yours had done to him at some point. Figured I'd find out if that was standard practice." He wouldn't let his face show it, but he was very relieved to hear that he wouldn't have do that. It sounded unpleasant at best and downright suicidal at worst.

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7 hours ago, Vapor said:

You get out of the rickshaw, pay, and look up at the building in front of you. It is tall and opulent, and you are awed at the lavishness of it all. As you gape at it, a kindly woman walks out of the mansion-like school. She smiles at you. "Welcome to the Radiant academy. I take it you are the new Radiant?"

Leonas (not Legolas; that's a completely different person) exists now!

"Hi, um, uh..." He clear his throat. "Yeah. Radiant... big deal, huh? Um... I can do things that other people... can't. Are there people like me, here... possibly?"

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
I'm wondering if Leonas should be a girl...
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28 minutes ago, Invocation said:

"I'd heard that was something one of yours had done to him at some point. Figured I'd find out if that was standard practice." He wouldn't let his face show it, but he was very relieved to hear that he wouldn't have do that. It sounded unpleasant at best and downright suicidal at worst.

She smiled. "Wait one second, someone else is here," she said as she walked out the door.

22 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Leonas (not Legolas; that's a completely different person) exists now!

"Hi, um, uh..." He clear his throat. "Yeah. Radiant... big deal, huh? Um... I can do things that other people... can't. Are there people like me, here... possibly?"

"Yes, there are. You came to the right place." the woman said.

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6 minutes ago, Vapor said:

She smiled. "Wait one second, someone else is here," she said as she walked out the door.

I shouldn't. But it would be hilarious. Bad idea hilarious, but hilarious. 

Khash, never the most patient of men when standing still, decided he was going to explore the area instead of waiting idly for the matron to come back. 

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25 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Thank you." He hesitates. "So... what do I do now?"

"Well, first I should take you and the other new recruit to your rooms. What is your name?" she asks as she walks inside. "You may call me Brightness Sebarial."

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She nods and heads up a flight of stairs, leading him to a plush room with a giant bookcase in it. The bed looks comfortable, the dresser roomy. "Your new room," she says grandly and goes off to search for Khash.

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