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RoW Chapter 6 Discussion


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I don’t think Dalinar would like Veil assassinating people...that won’t end well.

Moash is back! And pretending to be a Bridge Four, in some ways.

 Poor Sigzil.

Thousands of Fabrials for the barge? Wow. 

Metal type matters a great deal for Fabrials apparently. Interesting. 

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One has to wonder what distinguishes a proper fabrial from an improper one.

Good to see Renarin is getting a handle on his Illumination (or what he has intead, potentially), and good to have book confirmation that Truthwatchers also make illusions. Not looking forward to the next chapter with Moash....

It appears that despite Radiant being able to summon Pattern as a Shardblade Shallan is the only personality with mnemonic abilities.

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I like Leshwi. 

There's an odd symmetry here. The Windrunners kill a Fused One, and in the next Ever Storm, a singer/parshmen loses their life/gives up a body to the spren/spirit of a Fused One, which is the mind of an enemy. 


If a Windrunner dies, their spren can bond to some other squire.


It's a recycling of spren on both sides, with Parshmen and humans dying for it. But the mind of the Fused One is the same Fused one, whereas it's would always be a new person, Windrunner.

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So Navani's revealing fabrial secrets to monarchs. Interesting. "As she'd feared, he'd come to rescue her." Do you not inform people of your plans? I am really feeling the "in medias res" of this book. Assassination! "The Heavenly Ones' sense of honour." Mutual respect to stay alive. Renarin used Balls of Light! It's super effective! They're looking for the Spiritual Realm! Navani's looking for the power of the gods, and Rushu thinks that's neat. Leshwi and Kaladin have very similar morals. 

1 minute ago, NeutroniumAlchemist said:

Dammit, we're down to one chapter/week :(

I think that's because Brandon read 7/8 already. 

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Just now, Innovation said:

Thousands of Fabrials for the barge? Wow. 

That barge is incredibly heavy. 

Good to get confirmation that normal Truthwatcher Illumination works similar to how Shallan's works. I believe giving the illusions sound was a Lightweaver only quirk, but at least they are similar. 

I think Veil will lose the vote 2 against 1 to murder Ialai. Might kill her if a battle breaks out though. 

The Fused aren't on the same page, similar to the orders of radiants I guess. Surprising to see though. Good for Leshwi. 

No wonder this war has been fought to a stalemate with the Windrunners and Heavenly Ones essentially sparing one-on-one until someone gets hurt and saying "good game" afterwards.  <_<

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Veil going to assassinate that woman dear me. She has been busy driving the other highprinces off the board. More Truthwatchers hmm.. interesting indeed. Jasnah has journals that she is unwilling to part with. Still clinging to your secrets dear oh dear. What do you know? Confirmed the Oathgates can be set to Shadesmar intentionally. Leshwi and Kaladin continue to have an interesting relationship she spares Sig because Kaladin spared the other Heavenly one and then sends Kaldadin to save innocents. Odium will possibly be displeased with such a development. "You did what?" "I let him save innocents Odium sir." That will not go well. MOASH you storming man just die already!!!!!! 

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Thinking Ialai's covered hutch has an aviar?  And wow, Shallan (well, Veil?) as a cold blooded assassin is scary.  Kinda awesome (I love a good rogue), but scary.


Navani said they can visit Shadesmar using the Oathgates! Whaaaaaa.... I mean they did it in OB, but it was by accident....maybe Sja-anat is helping them?


Kaladin and Leshwi almost remind me of windspren.  Like, this should be a dangerous battle (and is on the ground), but in the air they're kinda.....just having fun? 

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Wow, I'm starting to really like Leshwi. 

It's great that we're getting Navani's reactions to seeing Moash. Its good to remember that he hasn't only hurt Kaladin and Bridge Four, but Dalinar, Jasnah, Navani, Adolin and Renarin. 

I'm curious what weird things Renarin's light does. His visions seem to be out of his control, would be interesting if the light acted out on its own too. 

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4 minutes ago, Zelly said:

Navani said they can visit Shadesmar using the Oathgates! Whaaaaaa.... I mean they did it in OB, but it was by accident....maybe Sja-anat is helping them?

Dalinar probably unlocked the Oathgates with help from the Stormfather. 

 Note how, aside from Fortune, Renarin can create light, but not illusions. An odd distinction. 

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7 minutes ago, Ciridae said:

I'm curious what weird things Renarin's light does. His visions seem to be out of his control, would be interesting if the light acted out on its own too. 

It's a super cute use of his powers. Love Renarin. I'm glad he's gets some active use out of Illumination. We'd only seen him get futuresight linked with seizure-like episodes that he couldn't control.  

10 minutes ago, Innovation said:

Good point. When Navani mentioned the ship’s two lattices, I assumed what she meant was two Fabrials, not a collection of Fabrials. 

Yeah, I'm curious as to how this thing works. I've read the thread where everyone tries to break it down, but we don't have enough info yet.  Brandon said on reddit there will be an in-depth breakdown in the book. 


3 minutes ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

Someone hypothesized that Dalinar might be able to unlock the Oathgates as the de-facto Honor, and it seems to be right, if they can now use the Oathgates to go into Shadesmar.

Yeah, he's close enough. Can he create a perpendicularity and travel through it to Shadesmar to talk to the Oathgate spren?

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7 minutes ago, Child of Hodor said:

Yeah, he's close enough. Can he create a perpendicularity and travel through it to Shadesmar to talk to the Oathgate spren?

I mean Navani says that Shadesmar is easily reached through the Oathgates, so... something happened and now the Oathgate spren are allowing them to travel.

But I don't know if he can travel through his own perpendicularity.

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2 hours ago, Zelly said:

Navani said they can visit Shadesmar using the Oathgates! Whaaaaaa.... I mean they did it in OB, but it was by accident....maybe Sja-anat is helping them?

Yeah, I immediatley picked up on this too. As well as Navani apparently briefly seeing into Shadesmar when Dalinar opens the perpendicularity, which Rushu does not, who also doesn't appear to hear the tone that she does (she doesn't mention it as part of what she experiences, only "a pulse, a powerful thump. For a moment I felt as if I were falling into eternity…").



2 hours ago, Innovation said:

Dalinar probably unlocked the Oathgates with help from the Stormfather. 

 Note how, aside from Fortune, Renarin can create light, but not illusions. An odd distinction. 

Well Odium is many things, but a liar he is not, eh?


2 hours ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

The Heavenly ones have too much Honor for people using the Odium's investiture. Interestingly, other Fused don't have that.

The listeners also demonstrated an ethic of battlefield honor, even after the Alethi (Sadeas) brutally slaughtered every single one who had surrendered to him after an early battle.

You might say the Heavenly Ones appear to be the most like the "Original Singers" of the Fused.

Now, what the heck was Moash doing at this battle? He didn't fight, and immediately retreated from sight when spotted. Is he being used as bait to draw out Bridge Four? But as stated, that's not the M.O. of the Heavenly Ones that we've seen.

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I know some of the other highprinces haven't exactly had a lot of screen time, but it was still odd to hear Thanadal was so casually killed offscreen.  I wonder if there's more to his death than what is suspected.  Maybe Moash added highprinces to his assassin's list?

I'm really enjoying the 'new' Shallan and her constantly shifting personalities.  Very curious to see where this Ialai and Sons of Honor plot goes, and if it's just the launching point for something altogether different or if they really are going to be main antagonists this book.  Leaning towards the former.

Glad to have confirmation that regular Truthwatchers can use Illumination like Lightweavers, and that Renarin cannot.  And something's brewing between Kaladin and Leshwi.  I don't think it's going to be romance, but there's been way too much emphasis on the 'honorable' Heavenly Ones for it to be coincidence.

Why can't November be tomorrow?

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By the way did anyone get Revenge of The Sith vibes when Veil said I'll finish what Adolin started and assassinate Ialai. I worry for her this is a dark road of casual oh lets start killing people. Who else might be on her list. hmm... 

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And we proudly present the assassin couple Veil-Adolin. I'm excited to see how the Ialai arc turns out. Shallan's project of the last year seems to be coming to its closure.

Kaleshwi is definitely on. Heavenly Ones and Windrunners seem to be getting along better than Heavenly Ones and that teleporting Fused.

Navani sees and hears a lot when Dalinar opens perpendicularities - she looks for the Spiritual Realm. So where's her spren hiding?


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And here I was hoping that Shallan would be able to deal with Ialai better than Adolin did with Sadeas. Oh well. 

I am loving reading Navai's pov. She is a character I didn't know I wanted more of. This chapter made me remember Brandon's words about how he likes to write science because it can be wrong. I suddenly feel that she will be the scientist who got something wrong about the way she thinks the tower functions.

And then there is Kaladin. Hope he won't kill someone by treating them like a porcelain vase that you aren't allowed to see or touch, lest it breaks. It's kind of funny how the Stormfather and Honorspren treat humans for their adaptable and changeable nature while our dear Kaladin acts more and more like a spren.

Still not sure how Moash's eyes turned green, however.

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1 hour ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

The Heavenly ones have too much Honor for people using the Odium's investiture. Interestingly, other Fused don't have that.

I think it's cause they are still using the same surge radiants do and like u know how forces  come alive as Spren by how ppl think of them. 


I think the windrunners and skybreakers were the first ones to use gravitation and hence the surge began to see itself as only accessible by those who had honor. 

So I guess being honorable is a key to access gravitation

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