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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Let's mess around! (Retired)

Channelknight Fadran

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52 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


"Considering that we don't have easy access to actual supplies?" Fadran looked over at Kelly. "No. No there is not."

The red drains. A whitish blue tube drains and mixes with grey. "Well, I have a matter fabricator and a limited but useful supply of programmable nanotech."


What do you guys think? Should the matter fabricator work or not?


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4 hours ago, The Unknown Aon said:

The red drains. A whitish blue tube drains and mixes with grey. "Well, I have a matter fabricator and a limited but useful supply of programmable nanotech."


As long as it isn't a one-button deux ex machina then I'm good for it. Just limit it is what I'm saying.


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9 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:



My character stores his emotions in color coded tubes. Zephrun's character can manipulate reality at will. My headcanon for Setallon's world is super advanced technology combined with a super complicated alchemy. The real world form of alchemy focused partially on transmutation, so this world working slightly better makes sense to me.


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Two doors over, Bryson tinkered. Most of the other guards used lunch hour to eat and socialize, and while Bryson had hastily ran through the salad line he preferred to sequester himself in this unused room.

His latest invention was nearly complete. Setting the last metal bracer in place, he looked around the room- funny how he still needed to make sure he was alone, after all the time he had spent here- and shot a little bolt of fire-electricity out of his pointer finger, welding the bracer in place.

Bryson stepped back, admiring his handiwork. If everything had been constructed correctly, the windmill contraption in front of him should convert water into sustainable energy. He just had to test it.


Bryson will notice when you guys use TUA’s machine, assuming you use it and it’s noticeable. Then he’ll join you.


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Setallon walks over to a fairly large space and unpack a large amount of parts that seem large enough to fill up his backpack completely and then some. He then types on his arm for a few seconds. Soon, drones fly out of a small pouch on his hip, ranging from a few millimeters to a little smaller than a centimeter. They then start construsting the machine. It takes almost a half hour of them working in tandem with Setallon before the machine is fully constructed. He reaches into his backpack, then seems to think better of it. "Hey, do you have any scraps? Stale food, scrap metal, glass shards, just about anything will work."

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39 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

A matter fabricator? Shouldn’t that break all known laws of physics?


Doesn't your character draw upon an infinate source of energy that lets them create matter?


Edited by Frustration
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Oh frickkkk. Sry I haven’t been keeping up. Been preoccupied. That’s my baddd. Anyways..

Oh Light, they’re going in, she thought, racing to slip in.

Or you could just walk up and introduce yourself like a normal person? Krow suggested as they managed to slip in.

Q looked up at the grandness of the base, and nodded in appreciation. Sure, there were better bases back home, but it was still impressive. From what little conversation she picked out from the main group, this was some sort of resistance base? All things considered, it was in great condition and well organized for a resistance. Q wasn’t exactly sure who exactly they were resisting, but it had to be the person she was sent to take care of… right?

She sighed. You know I’m far from normal, Q responded, picking her way and following the main group.

Really? I think you’re perfectly normal.

I’m not scared or shocked that there is a multiverse, there are people who look different than I’ve ever seen, I can make death ribbons come from my fingers, I see blood and bodies everywhere, and not to mention I’m talking to a disembodied voice in my head.

See? Perfectly normal.

Q rolled her eyes. You and I need to have a talk about the definition of normal.

What? he said, sarcasm coming into his tone. You shouldn’t be surprised that there’s a multiverse, anyways. After all, you went to another world… Unitas, you even fell for––

Shut up, Q thought, frowning deeper. We’re not going to talk about that.

Okaaaaay. I still feel like––

From there, Q began to ignore his comments. She hung back still, watching from afar. They all seemed like they were… happy? As if meeting strangers wasn’t going to hurt them later. Like they had no fear about what they could do to betray them. Some of them were affectionate. Others were more outgoing. There was a leader, of course, and he looked like he cared about what happened to everyone that came his way, even though he was freaking out about how many people were suddenly showing up. Maybe it’ll be different this time. Maybe people will care for her. Maybe they’ll give her a remedy. Maybe…

You know that only the weak embrace love, an echo of Highness’ voice said, the scars immediately stinging.

Well… she just wasn’t going to get close to them. But that’s also what she said about last time, and… well…

Q shook herself, feeling Krow push her forward to meet the group. She carefully skirted around the edge of the group.

13 minutes ago, Elf said:

"We should get some food." Alisa repeated, as no one seemed to have heard her.

“But don’t you already have that?” Q said, folding her arms as she rose an eyebrow.

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The red tube mixes with the grey. Setallon violently grabs the slop and a couple other apparently useless things. He stuffs them in the machine and presses a few buttons. He produces a very small futuristic looking lantern that glows blue and an also very small piece of good looking toast. He hands to Fadran. "I can make a lot more if you get me some stuff."

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3 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

"Join the gang," Kelly said, "Where're you from?"

Q pursed her lips, then bit her bottom lip. “Udyiess. Continent of Zvso.”

4 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Well, I'm not just about to kick you out."

Looking back at him, she didn’t say anything, except for, “Hm.”

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