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(Part IV, the part which comes after the third, but before the fifth, and is regarded as an unlucky number in China due to its similar pronunciation to the word that means “death”)


The Representative: We all are required to use an unusually large quantity of exclamation points and express passion!!! It is mandatory! Stick, Strike 2! Agents, form up and rehearse your dramatic speeches mourning my tragic demise and swearing vengeance for my death!


Confident Indecision Maker: At this rate, maybe we should be called the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!!


The Representative: Excellent idea, Agent CIM! We have been officially renamed to the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! and kudos to Agent CIM coming up with that! However, shouting is NOT mandatory, so do not feel pressured by the renaming of the agency!


The Great and Mighty Game Master: Would just like to pop in and say that I am enjoying this very much!!! :P


The Representative: I thank you, oh great and mighty Game Master! Your praise brings me great joy!


The Intern: Indeed. This is quite amusing. Oh, wait.

Indeed! This is quite amusing!!!



The Representative: Yet another vote for abstain! The SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! is very hesitant to actually commit to a decision!

Edited by Ashbringer
Wrong section
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(Part the fifth, the number of fingers on a hand, unless one does not count the thumb as a finger, in which case it would be one MORE than the number of fingers on a hand)


The Intern: If necessary, I would choose to leave it open to either! Requiring game discussion would have stifled this discussion!


Confident Indecision Maker:  (Quoting the Great and Mighty Game Master) Our fabulous and illustrious Game Master has awarded the SHOUTY-SHOUT agency commendations with THREE (x3) exclamation marks and VISIBLE EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION in the form of a :P!!!

This is a great accolade for the newly dubbed SHOUTY-SHOUT agency!!!

(Quoting the Intern) I see that "Abstain!" is winning by a landslide!!!


The Representative: The indecision of the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! shall be our downfall! Also, the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! must be written in all caps with at least three exclamation marks afterwards, like so: SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!!


Confident Indecision Maker: The SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! is properly referred to as the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!!

However, the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! is also still LOUDLY INDECISIVE and supports your decision if you don't want to pronounce it like that!!!


(Here the minutes are interrupted by a scribbled note. It seems the writer is out to lunch and will continue later.)



Edited by Lahilt
storming mistake
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Well.  This has been an interesting and admittedly bizarre diversion.  Perhaps we could try to tilt the discussion back in the direction of game related content?

2 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

I like this analysis.

One slight nitpick though, I would not recommend that people speak up if storing is what cancelled their vote, because in that case 1 of the 2 possibilities is that they are a Sparker, which is a very valuable role for a villager and should probably be kept secret for now.

I see what you're saying; however, I'm not asking that they reveal anything about their role other than that it caused their vote to be soothed; IIRC, there are at least five roles that could cause this to happen.  Admittedly, common sense dictates that only three of them are likely, but I don't think sharing that would reveal anything especially dangerous to the Elims.

So, as far as the vote tally from the previous cycle goes, I've done some digging, and I'm fairly certain that there were, in fact, only three instances of vote manipulation.  :P  This may seem somewhat obvious, but I was rather confused by the manipulation that occurred, and I had wondered if perhaps a rioter and a soother had somehow cancelled each other out.  I no longer believe this to be the case.

I also am starting to doubt that there were any soothers involved.  This is more of a slightly evidence based hunch than anything else, but I think most of the cancelled votes came from storing.  I've heard tell through my PM network that there are a couple Twinborn in the game, and given the rather low power level of some of the lose-your-vote-while-storing Feruchemy roles, I wouldn't be surprised if some of them had been put with other Allomantic powers to even things out.  I would comment more on possible game balance elements, but I don't feel it's particularly useful at the moment.  Suffice it to say, I would not be surprised if all three Feruchemy lose-your-vote roles are in the game, and were also used last cycle.

This would unfortunately mean that the "vote manipulation" isn't as useful as I was hoping it would be towards analysis.  If I'm right, I would guess most of the cancelled votes were just people who weren't too worried about the outcome of the lynch.

Good grief.  I've been ninja'd like five times now and I keep expecting to have something to add to my post.  BUT NO.  ALL I HAVE IS COFFEE, CLAXONS, AND UNNEEDED DISTRACTIONS.  

Edited by Magestar
Additional bit of info.
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(Part the sixth, occurring either far too early in the morning or at dinner time, take your pick)

The Representative: We will be incredibly disappointed in you if you fail to appropriately address the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! as the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! but we understand! We will still give you strikes, but we will understand!


Confident Indecision Maker: The next topic of CONVERSATION for the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!!

How do we feel about the fact that this game has MORE PAGES OF CONTENT THAN THE AVERAGE QF GAME ON THE FIRST DAY??!!!


The Representative: We are INCREDIBLY PROUD! Pride surges in my gemheart at the thought that it was I who incentivised this discussion! Unrelated sidenote: Ventwyl's read of me is HILARIOUSLY wrong, and I am still laughing! I'm not a Firesoul!






THE COFFEE MACHINE: Sorry!!! I didn’t see the post where Ventyl said he suspected you, and I thought he still thought you were village. I got confused.!.!.!.!.!

*Claxon goes off in distance!*



(At this point, due to the mistaken assumption of an air raid, the meeting was paused as the members hid under their desks)

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13 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

Don't worry. There's six pages in the pm and the first two amount to nine parts so far.

Ah.  So you're saying there's no chance of any game related discussion any time soon?  :P 

I guess I'll have to do the heavy lifting myself this evening.  I typically prefer to be quiet during the night cycle, but I suppose putting myself in the spotlight for N1 won't be too terrible.  :P  Elims, don't kill me please.  I have more to give!  I'm still rusty from my hiatus!

I'd like to hear more from @Kynedath and @Shard of Reading.  Kynedath, because I'd like to get a better read on them, and Shard because - Oh look, they just Ninja'd me.

12 minutes ago, Shard of Reading said:

I might I am not completely sure how my role works.

Ah.  I see.  Perhaps you could PM the DM?  I don't believe they're active at the moment, because they have not yet answered my rather silly questions.  Or even looked at the PM for that matter.  You could also PM me, if you'd like.  :P  I'd be glad to help you figure out your role.

Or, I suppose, I could try and help you here.  That might be less suspicious.  You don't have to respond to this if you're worried about your role being revealed.

If you are a...

Connecter, Sentry, or Sparker, and you stored a charge last night, your vote would have been cancelled.  If you are a Rioter, and used your ability last night, your vote would have been cancelled.  And finally, if you are a Soother, and soothed your vote last night, your vote would have been cancelled.  :P  In theory, I guess, you could be a Pinaccle, stored a charge, and voted on someone who didn't have a vote on them.

I know the second to last two are unlikely, but I figured I'd include them anyway.  I don't know if that last one works, either.  Feel free to correct me, if I'm wrong, everyone.  :P

Edited by Magestar
second to last, not last.
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(Part 7, the number of the final Harry Potter book.)

 Confident Indecision Maker: ELLIPSES ARE NEARLY AS GOOD AS EXCLAMATION POINTS!!! (But still less patriotic to the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!!)



Confident Indecision Maker: WEEEE WOOO WEEEE WOOO WEEE WOOO WEEE WOOO!!!!!!

(that is the klaxon going off in the distance)


The Intern: How do I feel about the extensive content?!? 

How am I supposed to keep up?!?

I decided to try to do Orlok-style analysis on EVERYTHING, and THERE IS SO MUCH EVERYTHING!!!


The Representative: Your exclamation points have appeased the great beast that haunts these halls! You are not in danger(anymore)! Also, it still does appear that I will die, so practice your eulogies! Or save me if you want! I don't care either way!

Do not fear the content that you seek! You will find it or you will be torn to pieces by the bloodthirsty beasts you call people! 


(The transcript paused here as the narrator was ripped to pieces by a pack of bloodthirsty people. The new narrator would like to comment that all the narration was added after the fact by Stick and Confident Indecision Maker.)

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(Part the eighth, the part corresponding to the last Harry Potter movie, because they split the last book in two so they could make more money, kind of like we of the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! are doing with the minutes)


Confident Indecision Maker: ALL of the everything!!! SO MUCH to analyze!!!

I normally like to make my analysis posts BIG!!! But in this game I am making them smaller in order to make the amount of boxings I earn BIG instead!!!


Stick: (quoting the intern) The stick points out that Orlok is only able to do that due to extensive thread-scraping tools.

Also, the stick is annoyed that they just renamed the channel the SHOUTY-SHOUT agency when people changed the name again!


The Representative: Somehow, the game has FIVE HUNDRED posts Day ONE! Do not be Orlok! I daresay even Orlok would struggle with FIVE HUNDRED posts! 

Stick, we have not discussed a renaming of the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! Whatever do you mean‽


Confident Indecision Maker: I occasionally use some scraping scripts I made but that's mostly to do stuff like vote tallies!!!

The SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! is, was, and always will be the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! Any claims to the contrary are DANGEROUS AND SUBVERSIVE NONSENSE!!!

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(Part the ninth, which is a number most fortunate as it is three threes, and three is the number of sides in a triangle, the most stable shape, and so this post is the most stable of the most stable)


Stick: The stick refers the representative to his earlier comment about renaming the Talky Talk Agency the SHOUTY SHOUT agency, then his subsequent demand to always pronounce it with three exclamation points on the end!


The Representative: The SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! would like you to remind you to close your second set of parenthesis!


Confident Indecision Maker: Is this another request to change to the name of the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! message thread, Representative?!!!




Stick: Now that the parentheses are brackets, the stick would like to review the budgetary proposal! The stick has also kindly produced a memo made of recycled paper from under its sole leaf to remind everyone what the budget proposal is! @The Great and Mighty Game Master

(So what if the RP we're doing here gets posted in the writeup under a spoiler as kind of an episodic thing, and the Great and Mighty Game Master divides the boxings earned evenly among all of us? That seems fair, as it lets us share this with the thread while also maintaining a fair boxing division.)

EDIT: The stick has burst on fire!

(The remainder of the page is rendered illegible by scorch marks)

And, now back to our regularly scheduled program, or probably not.

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Araris sat in a corner, sharpening his sword. This whole situation was quickly devolving beyond his comfort zone. Insectoid hive mind aliens? Easy. Secret assassins trying to overthrow the government? He’d slain the Immortals during the Night of the Red Stars. But this mess of shouting people was a worse mess than if you left five copies of Tavi alone for a month! As he considered how to respond, he felt a tap on the shoulder. Turning, Araris noticed an elderly man leaning somewhat heavily on a well-worn staff. The stranger was both familiar and not, for he was certainly not among the original inhabitants of the room, yet his face jogged something in Araris’s memory. Before Araris could react, the newcomer struck out with his staff. Rather than impacting, it sank into Araris’s chest, and the swordmaster puffed into a cloud of Mist, which slowly dispersed.

Aralis surveyed the room. He could tell from across the Cosmere when an older fellow was in need of help for disciplining foolish youngsters, and figured it was time to intervene. Also, having been killed several times himself, he didn’t have much to worry about if things went a bit south here. He hefted his staff and looked for the best place to intervene.

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As far as analysis of the last cycle goes, I'd assume that one or two of the canceled votes were cause by Feruchemy. It's also probably worth considering that people who didn't place votes may have been either Rioters or one of the Feruchemy roles that cancels a vote. If I were an elim, I probably would have Soothed one (or two, if possible) of the votes on Hatz. The reason being that Hatz was totally inactive, so there was no incentive for the elims to want to kill them. However, Hatz is now slightly suspicious, having been saved by vote manip. I'd like to hear from (them/him/her?) next cycle if possible to get a more solid read. Here's my updated reads list:


TJ Shade

I've pretty much just added some village reads based on people either trying to solve the game or saying things that an elim probably wouldn't say. I might add Drake and Xino to the elim list, since the fact that I don't have a read on either of them despite several posts makes me somewhat suspicious. Everyone else basically needs to say more things. I know it's currently night, but once day hits we should get some serious lynch discussion going. I'll probably vote on one of the 5 names above, although the result of the night cycle could influence that somewhat.

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3 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

As far as analysis of the last cycle goes, I'd assume that one or two of the canceled votes were cause by Feruchemy. It's also probably worth considering that people who didn't place votes may have been either Rioters or one of the Feruchemy roles that cancels a vote. If I were an elim, I probably would have Soothed one (or two, if possible) of the votes on Hatz. The reason being that Hatz was totally inactive, so there was no incentive for the elims to want to kill them. However, Hatz is now slightly suspicious, having been saved by vote manip. I'd like to hear from (them/him/her?) next cycle if possible to get a more solid read. Here's my updated reads list:


TJ Shade

I've pretty much just added some village reads based on people either trying to solve the game or saying things that an elim probably wouldn't say. I might add Drake and Xino to the elim list, since the fact that I don't have a read on either of them despite several posts makes me somewhat suspicious. Everyone else basically needs to say more things. I know it's currently night, but once day hits we should get some serious lynch discussion going. I'll probably vote on one of the 5 names above, although the result of the night cycle could influence that somewhat.

I'm curious what you'd have me do to try and "solve the game" that would get me off of your sus list?

I personally think that saving Hatz is more likely to be a plot to make them look suspicious than an actual attempt to save a team member.  But that's just my two cents.

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Just now, Shard of Reading said:

I just clarified how my roles work and @Magestar, they were defiantly canceled.

Awesome.  Glad I could help!  And now for some more RP.

The mists were swept through the night, the winds of fate shaping them and giving them life.  They coiled and swirled above the warehouse complex as men argued, alliance were forged and broken, and people plotted the death of others.  There was discord in the air.

Yet Reginald slept on.

Someone would die tonight.  Anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention would be able to feel it in the air.  The more superstitious Scadrians might say they could hear the mist whispering of the violence to come. 

But Reginald slept on.

Noise drifted up from the warehouse, disturbing the mists.  For some reason, the people within were still shouting.  It could mean nothing good.  They ignored the more serious problems, the issue at hand.  There were traitors among them.  They would need to be found.

Still Reginald slept on.

And so, the night went on.  Time flowed swiftly, more swiftly than it did in the day, for there were less men awake to witness it's passing.  It was almost daylight now.  The mist would retreat soon, falling back while the sun awoke from it’s slumber.

And Reginald -

"By the Survivor's beard!" Reginald said, waking up with a start.  "How long have I been asleep?"

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This thread has been a joy to read!!!

Lafay was ashamed of himself. He couldn’t believe what he had been apart of. He knew it was probably because of his drunkness that he wasn’t able to think clearly about the situation and talk to Coda and find out if they weren’t a Firesoul, but he wasn’t in the right mind. After he had left that table he had snuck around and found some more alcohol and got even more drunk. As the day was coming to a close he helped beat that man to death, and when he said, “Long live the People’s Republic,” Lafay knew he’d messed up. Again.

Now he was in his room, for once he wasn’t thinking about trying to escape or drinking. The only other time he’d every stopped thinking about getting a drink was that day on Roshar. He had even made killing thunderclast a competition with Banalanet and the other Radiants to see who would buy drinks for their group of Willshapers. Then, when she died, he didn’t drink himself into to more despair... No, he cried. He wasn’t a Windrunner, obsessed with protecting everyone, but he was still a Radiant. He was supposed to be strong enough to save the ones he loved. And when he wasn’t, he became a coward. He had left Roshar.

It was a surprise that Ola didn’t leave him. Her excuse was she wanted to explore the Cosmere and he was the best way to do it. That still didn’t explain why she wanted him to swear his Ideals so badly though. He was content with his Allomancy, Surgebinding, and Blade. Although Plate would be nice, it wasn’t necessary, he’d heard of other ways to become impossibly strong.

Lafay’s thoughts were interrupted by the shouts of a woman. She was saying something about Coda... if he wasn’t in such a reflective state, he might have tried to drink himself into a comatose state. But instead, he listened. It was painful. But this time, Lafay Etteax would not run away from his demons.


Edited by Ventyl
Fixed a grammar error.
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One thing I'll say, since I've been a little busy with the SHOUTING: I agree that Pyro and Karnage (and I) are likely all Village.

However, if one of Pyro or Karnage flip Elim, then I think the other has a good chance of also being Elim.

Mist and Drake are also on my radar, since they followed Pyro on the Blank>Karnage>Hatz train, but I can hardly say that's evidence when I did the same thing. Following the votes leaves clues, I just don't know what kind of clues.

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Adomert had always been far more interested in the intricacies and wonders of the world of science than in their own magical abilities. They had spent years studying the way different materials reacted with each other, and had gone on to study at one of the greatest universities in the Elendel Basin.

When Adomert had heard the news of the metalborn training facility, they saw it as a perfect opportunity. Not to master their own abilities, but to show off their latest experiments with electricity. If their calculations were correct, they could possibly use electricity to make simple calculations without the need of a human mind. They had fervently spent night upon night working on their experiment, and it was finally ready. These Loyalists were merely a distraction to their work.

Someone had left Adomert a note about being interested in their work and that they would be interested in investing in their product once all of this...mess was over. Adomert had gladly left their own note and told this mysterious person where to meet so Adomert could show off their invention. It was at this meeting place that Adomert now anxiously checked their invention over and over again for flaws. It had to be perfect for this potential investor.

Adomert heard footsteps coming down the hall. It was time. They did some last minute checks and decided it was perfect. The figure walked around the corner, and Adomert began to greet them. The realized that they couldn't talk. This was not the time to be panicking!

All of a sudden, their face was on the ground. How did that get there? Weren't they supposed to be showing off the invention? Adomert felt something wet on their chest. Was...that blood?

The world began to fade as the figure's footsteps faded as they walked away.


Adomert's body was discovered the next morning. No one knew who could've killed them. Accusations began to fly around the room.

Devotary of Spontaneity has been killed! They were a PRE Operative Slider/Sentry Twinborn!

PMs are open, but make sure to add Young Bard, Fifth Scholar, and myself to all PMs. Also, make sure to make new PMs with players rather than adding new players to PMs. 

There will be a lynch this turn. As a reminder, there is no vote minimum for the lynch, and a tie vote will result in one of the tied players being lynched randomly.

The turn will end at 9 pm CDT on June 8th. The next turn will begin one hour later.

Player List

  1. @Karnage - Lance Neverwatch 
  2. @Elandera
  3. @Elkanah 
  4. @The Young Pyromancer - Pyria Young
  5. @Shard of Reading
  6. @Experience - Shard
  7. @Lahilt - Lahlit
  8. @Ventyl - Lafay Etteax
  9. Coda PRE Operative Seeker and Hemalurgist
  10. @Matrim's_Dice - Lord Cauthon
  11. @TJ Shade - TJ Shade
  12. @Emi - Lorinne
  13. @xinoehp512
  14. @ILuvHats - Villin
  15. @Mist - Lumen
  16. @DrakeMarshall - Lorena Blackburn
  17. @Araris Valerian - Araris Valerian
  18. Devotary of Spontaniety - Adomert PRE Operative Slider/Sentry Twinborn
  19. @Kynedath
  20. @Walin - Lerin
  21. @Ashbringer - Faleast
  22. @The_God_King
  23. @Magestar - Reginald Kettis

 PMs will be sent out as soon as possible.

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1 minute ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

Okay, that supports the Twinborn theory. Interesting that the elims killed someone that had very little thread presence. Did Devotary express suspicion of anyone in pms?

Most likely the kill was targeting Devotary because she had very little thread presence. It means there's little to no information that can be gained from her death, unless more was revealed in PMs. 

Also, regarding the lynch last turn (I'm finally on a laptop again, so I have a bit more freedom for searching and exploring), I don't think there was any rioting. From what I've seen, no votes were added to any list, only removed. I also want to look at the votes placed on Hats and who the voters had voted on before, as I still believe if one of those votes was soothed because of the previous target. The Hats lynch happened late enough that there were plenty of people not around to make any action changes.

If the Shouty Shout thing was game-relevant, please let me know. I'm basically skimming over RP because I don't have a lot of time to invest in reading through it all. 

1 hour ago, Ashbringer said:

One thing I'll say, since I've been a little busy with the SHOUTING: I agree that Pyro and Karnage (and I) are likely all Village.

However, if one of Pyro or Karnage flip Elim, then I think the other has a good chance of also being Elim.

Mist and Drake are also on my radar, since they followed Pyro on the Blank>Karnage>Hatz train, but I can hardly say that's evidence when I did the same thing. Following the votes leaves clues, I just don't know what kind of clues.

If elim!Pyro tried to lynch Karnage, why would that make them both elim? I'm not entirely sure I follow the logic here.

@Araris Valerian, you mentioned possibly being willing to vote on Experience, Kynedath, Magestar, Drake, or Mist. Of those, which is your top candidate?

I'm still suspicious of Experience, so I'll put my vote there for the moment.

That's it for now. I need to read through D1 still, and then hopefully I'll start listing out some reads with reasoning.

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I've currently got Experience flagged for more things than any other player. However, to diversify the votes, at least initially, I'll place on Magestar. Again, none of my suspicions/reasons are concrete enough to be worth arguing over in the thread yet, so I'm not going to offer further explanation.

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Twinborn theory? Is that just the theory that there are, in fact Twinborn?

If there's one of each Misting and Ferring, then there has to be.

19 minutes ago, Elandera said:

If the Shouty Shout thing was game-relevant, please let me know. I'm basically skimming over RP because I don't have a lot of time to invest in reading through it all. 

If elim!Pyro tried to lynch Karnage, why would that make them both elim? I'm not entirely sure I follow the logic here.

The SHOUT section is completely irrelevant, except convincing Coda to try and save himself and one possible PM-slipup which has been stricken from the record. I may share it if it becomes relevent, but I don't know if it's a real mistake, a joke, or a "mistake" yet, and as of now it's irrelevent either way.

My suspicion was that if Karnage is elim, having a group get him very close to being lynched and reversing it very last-minute would be a good way to draw suspicion away from Karnage. And Pyro organized both the Karnage voting and the swap to Hatz.

Could just be me trying to figure out the logic behind the situation, but it is very weird. I don't know why elim!Pyro would move voting off of Coda (village), onto Karnage (?), then onto Hatz (probably Village), in any situation, but especially with Village!Karnage. 

Now that I think about it, I'm not positive Elim!Karnage leads directly to Elim!Pyro, but I think it does the other way around. It looks like Pyro was protecting Karnage with a "change of heart", which could be from Elim comaradarie or  from realizing he'd said he wasn't going to be active. 

Mainly I was trying to get a post in before reset in case I was right and the Elims tried to silence me. :ph34r:

Edited by Ashbringer
adding explanation for thinking about it
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26 minutes ago, Elandera said:

Most likely the kill was targeting Devotary because she had very little thread presence. It means there's little to no information that can be gained from her death, unless more was revealed in PMs. 

Also, regarding the lynch last turn (I'm finally on a laptop again, so I have a bit more freedom for searching and exploring), I don't think there was any rioting. From what I've seen, no votes were added to any list, only removed. I also want to look at the votes placed on Hats and who the voters had voted on before, as I still believe if one of those votes was soothed because of the previous target. The Hats lynch happened late enough that there were plenty of people not around to make any action changes.

If the Shouty Shout thing was game-relevant, please let me know. I'm basically skimming over RP because I don't have a lot of time to invest in reading through it all. 

If elim!Pyro tried to lynch Karnage, why would that make them both elim? I'm not entirely sure I follow the logic here.

@Araris Valerian, you mentioned possibly being willing to vote on Experience, Kynedath, Magestar, Drake, or Mist. Of those, which is your top candidate?

I'm still suspicious of Experience, so I'll put my vote there for the moment.

That's it for now. I need to read through D1 still, and then hopefully I'll start listing out some reads with reasoning.

The only reason I see for your vote is because Araris said they were suspicious of me and that you were as well. Do you have any reasoning for that?

6 hours ago, The Young Pyromancer said:


Unless you're orlok apparently.

@Experience, you said you had time, and wanted things to count. May I suggest calculating boxings? That way we can know who could (theoretically, as we don't know lynches, thiefs, and who has bought items) buy lerasium.

Yes, I have been doing that. Though I have been gone today, it shouldn't be too hard because you guys only had 3 pages!

More thoughts later, gtg now. 

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12 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

My suspicion was that if Karnage is elim, having a group get him very close to being lynched and reversing it very last-minute would be a good way to draw suspicion away from Karnage. And Pyro organized both the Karnage voting and the swap to Hatz.

Could just be me trying to figure out the logic behind the situation, but it is very weird. I don't know why elim!Pyro would move voting off of Coda (village), onto Karnage (?), then onto Hatz (probably Village), in any situation, but especially with Village!Karnage. 

Now that I think about it, I'm not sure Elim!Karnage leads directly to Elim!Pyro, but I think it does the other way around. Mainly I was trying to get a post in before reset in case I was right and the Elims tried to silence me.

I need to look at the specifics, but if Pyro was leading the charge toward Karnage, they're not likely both elims. Trying to vote on a teammate that late in the turn is a recipe for disaster. It could easily get out of control, especially when there were several people saying they didn't want to lynch Coda. It more gave me the impression that the Karnage lynch wasn't getting enough momentum to actually save Coda, so it switched to someone else that might. It's possible Karnage is elim, and that's part of why it didn't get momentum (maybe some of the others that followed the Hats train but not the Karnage train could have been trying to save him), but I doubt it's Karnage and Pyro. 

12 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Twinborn theory? Is that just the theory that there are, in fact Twinborn?

If there's one of each Misting and Ferring, then there has to be.

My understanding of the theory is that it's most people are Twinborn. The exemptions may be those roles that seem super powerful, such as Archivist (?). It is a role madness game, so I suspect a lot of people have a few options. I'm not sure why this is a hidden theory, as it seems pretty obvious to me, but oh well. 

1 minute ago, Experience said:

The only reason I see for your vote is because Araris said they were suspicious of me and that you were as well. Do you have any reasoning for that?

It's the same reason I voted on you last turn. Most of it is a gut read, but a shift in your style near the end is what really gave me that gut read. I'll try to do some real analysis later, when I'm not quite so interrupted at work.

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