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7 hours ago, DeTess said:

Cadcom shouldn't have to answer this. He might very well have gone for very early talent pipes, but given that that's an item that can be stolen, he shouldn't be forced into revealing whether he has them or not. It makes me a bit suspicious of Xinoehp that he went fishing for this info.



So Hael has got a lot of posts, both RP and game-talk. And a lot of his game-talk made sense. But just about all of it is things along the lines of 'be careful about what info you share' and 'Edema Ruh life is hard life' and 'I oppose using that linguistics analysis feature in a way that involves majoring'. None of these are bad things to say, but it means that Haelbarde hasn't actually done as much to help solve the game as his post count might suggest, and this is making me a bit wary of him.

I'll point out that Talent Pipes cannot be stolen, only given willingly. Coin can be stolen, but even with talent pipes, you're still likely to get more coin by attempting to steal from a noble. Not to say that whether or not someone has gotten talent pipes isn't valuable information that I would think would better to keep to oneself, but it doesn't put someone at risk at getting their pipes stolen.

And your comments are entirely fair, because I haven't put any effort into doing so yet. The meat of this game is the interactions possible through the items and abilities you can acquire, and they're only just starting to become available now. Not that's not reason to have actually started solving the game. I really should have been starting to help do that last cycle, but while the first two cycle fell on the weekend and I was able to put in time (and then obsess over attempting to hit zero tuition), it's then been busy at work for the better part of the Term. I'm still writing this post, but I'll try actually get to that starting from now. 

On 06/05/2020 at 1:09 PM, Elandera said:

Green is the color of National Mental Health Awareness month. :)

It does appear the elims are choosing the low-information players for insanity. I don't have much time (still trying to build a website...) but I'll try to be more involved than last turn.

Oh, that makes sense. I kept on getting a few people mixed up as I scrolled past them - I had a moment of thinking that someone was talking to themself when they were actually two people.

17 hours ago, Karnage said:

@Haelbarde I have given up waiting for you, I will just say that I gave the baby to someone worthy and able, and you can RP getting the baby. This next RP is later on in the second part of this term.

Yeah... sorry - like I said, I had time to RP on the weekend, but haven't had the opportunity to since. I hadn't needed you to give the baby up though, but was offering to take it on if you decided you didn't actually want to keep up with using it in RP.

Alright, nothing immediately jumps out to me solely considering people's responses in thread this cycle, apart from maybe Striker's comments re: Straw resonating with me a bit. Well, about doing a lot that shows helpfulness without necessarily favouring one side or the other. Although I'm not sure what Striker is referencing rearding him trying to stop people from spreading out votes. He spent the second half of the cycle arguing why it wasn't a good idea to choose to not spread out votes late in the cycle after Araris decided it was time to start being more focused with our votes.

12 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

As for my second vote, I'm going to use it on Straw. I'm still not a huge fan of how much he was trying to keep us from spreading out our votes last turn. He's also been putting in a lot of work on something that isn't necessarily super helpful for the village. In my experience, players who put a lot of work in on something that isn't necessarily alignment indicative (such as post counts, mentions of other players in posts, etc.) tend to be elims. They're trying to show that they're putting effort into the game without necessarily doing something super helpful. (Also, Straw, don't take this personally in case you're actually a villager. This is how I caught an elim once in the AG, so I've started picking up on it in other games too. I do really appreciate your work despite all this! :))

So, I'm going to try and do a brief run down of people's interactions by looking through their posts.

1. Haelbarde - (Edema Ruh) - Me. A lot of RP, a few general warnings about being careful of sharing information (your data leaks affect everyone). Hasn't posted much during Term 2 - claims to have been busy.
2. Elandera - (Noble) - 1.1 pointed out the importance of not just having votes on Nobles, with the potential for multiple expelled nobles in that situation. 


Trusting them just because they want to expell isn't completely logical as it doesn't necessarily do village more good than elims. Skindancers could want to expell as many people as possible to increase their chances of being elevated and achieving their secondary win-con. 

Given the last two games (well definitely LG18, but pretty sure it was the case LG33), the skindancers focused first on expelling all students before worring about finishing off either the fields or killing everyone, I'd agree with Elendara's sentiments here. Though I suppose that it just means it's no different to the lynch normally - eliminators are benefited from the village lynching villagers. I'm leaning village on Elendara. I've also enjoyed their RP.
3. Burnt Spaghetti - (Commoner) - Not a fan of grammar and punctuation. A lot of RP, or general rules advice based on previous experience. Did note the value of the Bribe the Messenger ability. Did at least contribute some reads at the start of the cycle. She's always hard to read as anything beyond an agent of chaos who's just here to have fun, but I think she's more likely to be village than not at this stage (though that itself would be grounds for her being a Skindancer if we were playing the Resistance now...) 
4. DeTess - (Commoner) - Generally helpful, active and good at encouraging activity, but I'm not seeing anything that's particulary indicative of alignment. I'd maybe lean elim slightly, but I think that's more due to disagreeing a bit with their thoughts on the info game from lynches, which is really more a difference of playstyle. Basically just reading them as neutral for now.
5. Elkanah - (Edema Ruh) - Keeping quite active (which is certainly going to be helped from their need for tuition reductions as a Ruh). A lot of rule clarifications, some rule theory crafting that makes me lean a little village, shared a few reads. Still mostly a neutral read - need more data.
6. Straw - (Commoner) - RP, shared stats about previous games and previous cycles, which as Striker noted is a good way of getting overlooked. I probably agree more with them about using votes than I do with DeTess or Araris. Slight village read overall.
7. xinoehp512 - (Commoner) - Noted fairly early about that just one vote on all the nobles wasn't a good idea. Their general tone is of a villager trying to solve the game. I'm not sure a skindancer would have suggested the Linguistics Analysis scan idea, unless they were themselves a Linguist. They're active and engaged in the game. I'm reading village.

I think that's all I've time for today. I'll continue on with this next cycle.


8. Lord_Silberfarben - (Commoner) - 
9. Coda - (Noble) - 
10. Karnage - (Noble) -
11. Hemalurgic Headshot - (Noble) - Insane
12. StrikerEZ - (Edema Ruh) - 
13. Lumgol - (Noble) - Insane
14. Experience - (Commoner) - 
15. Devotary of Spontaneity - (Noble) - 
16. CadCom - (Edema Ruh) - 
17. Sart - (Commoner) - Insane
18. Furamirionind - (Edema Ruh) - 
19. Zillah - (Commoner) - 
20. Araris Valerian - (Noble) - 
21. Rathmaskal - (Commoner) - 
22. STINK - (Commoner) - 
23. Kynedath - (Edema Ruh) - 
24. Walin - (Commoner) - 
25. GreenRover - (Noble) - 
26. Young Bard - (Commoner) -
27. TheMightyLopen - (Noble) - 

@StrikerEZ, @CadCom and I guess @xinoehp512 , re: Straw. These are his posts from last cycle:


I will put my votes on Bard and STINK.

We now need votes on DeTess, Lord_Silberfarben, Walin, Experience, Xino, and possibly Coda.


I think it'd probably be a good idea to put down some votes to spread things out.


EDIT: Also, why are you waiting until now to do this? We've already decided to spread out the votes. It's fine if you want to start going after people next turn, but now is not the time.


The lynch doesn't actually reveal any information, so in my opinion it's best to try to spread out the consequences as much as possible. I also feel like the university abilities help the village far more than they help the elims. Due to this, I think it's preferable to keep students at the university if possible.

I also feel like it is immensely unfair to try to lynch players at this point in the turn. If we're going to have a lynch, we should decide at the beginning so everyone can argue and defend themselves.


 was meaning that it doesn't give us any direct information. I know perfectly well that it causes discussion.

In my opinion, the lynch seems to mechanically harm us, but helps us see connections between players. I'm curious if you can think of any ways to get discussion and see connections without actually having a lynch.

I'd still like people to spread out votes if possible today, and we can always talk about actually lynching tomorrow.

Pretty sure you've gotten mixed up with who was saying we should stop spreading out votes. Araris was the one to push it, with DeTess and Fura supporting in principle.

Edited by Haelbarde
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I'm feeling sort of stuck right now. I really want to help with analysis, but I feel dwarfed compared to a lot of more experienced players. I don't want to appear as if I'm not trying to post very much, but I don't really have much to say which hasn't already been said. I also don't want to be saying things that aren't at all helpful in order to look more active, so I'm not really sure what to do.

I'm going to go ahead and place my votes on Walin and Straw. Walin has posted a total of one time per turn(I believe), which seems like something an elim would do. Just enough to try and cast aside suspicion, but little enough to not accidentally give something away that they might know. Straw is sort of tricky. They have gone from spreading votes, to saying votes should all be condensed, and back to spreading votes. They have been doing a lot of talking, but it could be because it would make them seem more like village. It could be to help and be genuine, but I don't know. 

As of Lopen, who is currently the person with the most votes(I believe), I don't really know what to do because I don't think I've every played a game with them, so I don't know what their play style is. 

1 minute ago, Straw said:

Um... I think you're mixing me up with someone else. I have always been arguing in favor of spreading out votes. Araris and DeTess were the ones arguing against spreading out votes last turn.

Hmm. I thought that was you. I'll have to go back and check. Oh, and there's Hael, saying it wasn't you. I guess I'll take my vote off then. Straw. 

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I had been hoping to put a complaint down, but I'm not sure who I'd put one down on. I'd consider Araris, for choosing to push to expell people pretty late in cycle last cycle, but I'd really prefer to see a vote from the first, and if they're busy, I'd rather have a dialogue than vote when he can't really respond. I'd also have liked a vote from Fura, but I don't want to unnecessarily poke vote them... I'll try get back on before the end of cycle and have a closer look at some of the others on the list I've not gotten to.

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The Archives are a great place to conduct experiments, thought Nethwyl.

Ever since the little incident in the Fishery, she'd gotten the stink eye whenever she'd gone near the place. Eventually, she took the hint, so she started searching for alternate places to start conducting research.

The Archives proved the perfect spot. The sprawling cloisters of books had more nooks and crannies than could be explored in a hundred lifetimes, and it gave Nethwyl more than enough space to work in peace and quiet. She had to be careful not to let light show, or else she'd attract attention, but the one time someone came looking she'd been able to pass it off as just having been lantern light, nothing more.

In many ways, her new conditions were good - her surroundings forced her to get more inventive with her materials - what materials burn quietly, and without emitting much light? She took careful notes, noting down each effect as she saw them - Copper Chloride seems to turn flame blue - could be of use to prank small kids with, and make them think the Chandrian are near...

Working in this place had more hazards than just being discovered of course - one time the pedestal where she was conducting an experiment tipped over, and the fire singed several doubtless priceless old books - Nethwyl quickly grabbed her canteen and upended the whole lot over the books before it could spread further.

That's what Nethwyl found so fascinating about fire. It would only take one tiny slip of the hand, and how easily all these books would be lost to the inferno...

Did Nethwyl set the fires? Who knows? Tune in next week to find out!

OK, I haven't found anyone I'm kind of suspicious of yet. But I do have a few people that I'm not suspicious of, I think? So I'll start by listing those people, I guess.

Xino - they've been posting more than usual, and I've generally gotten a very village read from their posts, like they're not as concerned about how their posts are seen like I'd expect an Elim to be.
Karnage - new player, seems like he wants to jump in and be supportive of the village effort. I read him as genuinely trying to figure things out.
Straw - this is going to be a controversial one, but in it's own strange way, I feel like a Skindancer Straw might not want to draw attention to themselves by continuing to support the spreading the votes out strategy after Araris disagreed with him over it - the fact he's held to that makes me think he is a villager just with a particular view on the most effective way to play the game - I don't agree, but I don't think he's a Skindancer for saying so.

I suppose, in the absence of anyone else, I'll put a vote on Lopen.

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Traelynn grabbed the package out of Amilas hands excitedly. "You really got it to work? I've been trying to do that for years! This will help with sales so much! A candle made completely out of beets, beet juice made into wax, beet green fibers making the wicks, genius! With this it'll be a breeze to draw people in and sell to them! The aroma of beets will be wafting through the whole campus by the time the month is over!"

Amila was smiling, obviously proud at her work. Traelynn had missed her during her month off, she had become one of Traelynns closest friends here at the university, closer even than a lot of her friends back home. She actually tolerated Traelynns unwavering passion for beets. It was becoming more and more scary to be at the university though, so Traelynn worried about herself and Amila being attacked by skindancers more and more. There was another insane person when she got back from her home which worried her immensely.

"Amila, what do you think about the skindancer situation at the university? I mean it's getting worse and worse! So many people are being attacked and affected, there is like three people now who've gone insane, right? It's scary." Traelynn looked off into the distance for a small while, uncharacteristically quiet. When she looked back at Amila her face was more jovial again. "Maybe if everyone but me goes insane people will actually listen to me and make agriculture an official field of study huh?" @Zillah

Alright, I'm going to be completely honest @DeTess I don't have many game thoughts because there is so so much reading to do! I'm trying to keep up with the thread but it's a lot harder than in smaller games. And even in those I tend to come out more during the late game. I'll post again in a while with a vote or two, but for now @Elbereth @little wilson could I get a vote count? I'll look it over and come back with my official opinion before rollover.

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2 hours ago, Straw said:

Straw had been walking around the Archives when he began to smell some smoke. Eventually, he went to go ask about it, and found out that a fire had been set by some mischievous student. It sounded rather like something Bryn would know about, so he decided to go find her and ask about it. As he walked to the front of the Archives, Straw noticed that there were a lot of students who were desperately studying for admissions. He'd been doing much the same for the last few days. 

Eventually, Straw arrived at the front of the Archives, and saw that Bryn was already there. As he watched, she walked up to one of the librarians and started talking to him. Unfortunately for her, it looked like the librarian was angry at her for some reason. Eventually, Straw saw Bryn stammer an explanation or excuse and then run away. That was unusual. Usually, she always had some kind of excuse ready. Straw decided to follow her and ask if she knew anything about the fire. If she didn't, they could always study together like they had done a bit ago. He'd found a few books on pranks that she might enjoy, and had even pranked someone last month.

( @Burnt Spaghetti )



After ducking behind one of the many isles of books, breaking visual contact between her and the man she'd spoken to. Hearing footsteps behind her she panicked briefly, fearing they had followed her to ask more questions or bring her to the horns or something. She was pleasantly surprised when a more familiar, friendly voice was what she heard. Straw, the one who'd been doing some research with her earlier had approached. He was asking if she knew anything about the fire.

"Oh, ah, hi! Yeah um. No? Well, only what I just learnt. It wasn't me though! I've burnt things often enough to know full well this place is not for fire based anythings. I know better than to let myself anywhere near anything fire related!  Do you have any idea how fast fire can spread? Whoever did this must be out of their mind!"  She stopped to take a breath and sigh, lowering her voice a little as she noticed others seemed to be paying attention and/or approaching, "Apparently someone set a little fire in some sort of experiment or something, I don't know. Nothing serious but enough to ruffle feathers for sure. I understand why i'm immediately suspect, I typically am. But this actually wasn't me I swear." Her eyes were then drawn to the books he was holding and chuckled slightly "I see you found some interesting books here though. This doesn't seem like something i'd imagine you doing but this wasn't something from them right? Or something someone else might've used as inspiration? No... this is more than simple pranks... but who could it be?"




33 minutes ago, Haelbarde said:

3. Burnt Spaghetti - (Commoner) - Not a fan of grammar and punctuation. A lot of RP, or general rules advice based on previous experience. Did note the value of the Bribe the Messenger ability. Did at least contribute some reads at the start of the cycle. She's always hard to read as anything beyond an agent of chaos who's just here to have fun, but I think she's more likely to be village than not at this stage (though that itself would be grounds for her being a Skindancer if we were playing the Resistance now...) 


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Lopen(4): DeTess, Striker, CadCom, Bard
Walin(2): Karnage, Experience
Straw(2): Striker, CadCom

Devotary(1): Lopen
Green Rover(1): Lopen
Rathmaskal(1): Elkanah,
Elandera(1): Karnage
Bard(1): Xino
Experience(1): Xino
Haelbarde (1): Straw
Coda (1): Straw

The vote count hasn't changed a lot since Straw's last list, but we have gotten some piling up of votes, now including 2 DP for Lopen and one each for Walin and Straw. Those votes seem to be an attempt to make sure that someone is more severely punished, and just picking someone who already had a chance of being punished. The original vote on Lopen was for not producing enough content, which he has now done, to at least have a record of opinions. Both votes on Straw are partially based on misreading his posts, as Straw was not trying to prevent people from spreading out votes. I don't really know who I want to put vote(s) on though.  

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9 minutes ago, Experience said:

@Burnt Spaghetti, I think you double posted.

Thanks >> Though gathering from yours and devotarys seeming to doulbe too,  seems like the shards having a bit of the moment, hope that doesn't stick around..?


edit- this doubled too >>

Edited by Burnt Spaghetti
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"How could you help me?" The boy said with a sniffle. "Why would I even want the help of a noble! How about you help me by giving me what asked for!"

At this point Lasko was reaching for the coins that he had in his pocket. "Well, what if I paid you to do odd jobs around my house? I could make you look professional as well so you can start looking for a proper job."

"No. I don't want to be your butler. I don't want your pity either! You nobles are the same! You think that money can solve everything, and that everybody will tolerate you just because your a noble." With this the boy held out his hand besides the knife, palm up for the money and his jacket. 

Lasko gave the coins to the boy, the noise of the coins echoing in the silence. He then handed his jacket over. That is just sad, I offer to help him get on his feet and then he insults me. We really need a better social system. 

The boy took Lasko's things and ran. But of course they weren't his anymore.


I have already voted, so I'll do this.

People who have not voted at all this cycle.

 @Burnt Spaghetti 
 @Hemalurgic Headshot- Insane- Cannot Vote
 @Lumgol- Insane- Cannot Vote
 @Devotary of Spontaneity 

 @Sart Insane- Cannot Vote

 @Araris Valerian

For those who have not voted at all this cycle, is there a reason/ explanation why you haven't? 

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Guest Coda

The only person I have a modicum of suspicion towards is Lopen, and I think voting on someone who has so much DP at the moment would only cast suspicion on me. If we're trying to expel him, I'd be perfectly amenable. Are we trying to expel Lopen? If so, let me know and I'll slap some votes on him.

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9 minutes ago, Karnage said:


For those who have not voted at all this cycle, is there a reason/ explanation why you haven't? 

I haven't voted because i feel bad just throwing tuition reduction votes in for the sake of it when people have votes with reasons. Im not convinced of anyone to want to vote seriously on them.  And voting for spread defeats the purpose of moving towards real votes. So im abstaining. If i keep not voting please pester me about it though :P i have a bad habbit of avoiding voting for as long as possible because im bad at committing to suspicions :P

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14 minutes ago, Karnage said:

People who have not voted at all this cycle.

 @Burnt Spaghetti 
 @Hemalurgic Headshot- Insane- Cannot Vote
 @Lumgol- Insane- Cannot Vote
 @Devotary of Spontaneity 

 @Sart Insane- Cannot Vote

 @Araris Valerian

For those who have not voted at all this cycle, is there a reason/ explanation why you haven't? 

Yeah, it's weird how few people have voted.

I'm annoyed that both of the people voting on me ( @StrikerEZ @CadCom ) have incorrectly stated that I was trying to stop people from spreading out votes, when the opposite was true. I'd prefer to not be taken on the Horns due to people misreading the thread. I also don't see how posting graphs and stuff is evidence that I'm an eliminator. Why not vote on people who are flying under the radar and not posting anything?

Coda. Haelbarde. StrikerEZ. CadCom. I realize that you two are Edema Ruh, but I'd like to see some better explanations for why you two voted on me.

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Ok; for the rest of the turn it’ll be impossible for me to write anything down about other players, so I must once again defer judgement to them. Uh, I’ll do some analysis next turn if I remember to do so. I noticed a few people tagging me for my thoughts on the game; sorry I haven’t delivered on that front. I think that in order of priority, we have: Starting to lynch people, using our abilities (people are hopefully already doing that), PM’ing (lots of people are doing it but I’m not; I’ll get into it next turn), and then other things I forgot. I didn’t include Imre or other things in the list, since they heavily depend on what you’re planning on doing.


Hmmmm...since I won’t be around for the rest of the cycle, I won’t put any poke votes on anyone, and I don’t have a firm enough read on anyone to really vote on them. Next cycle I’ll do it.


Lin was walking around, looking for something. Even though he was out in the open, and hadn’t walked through a doorway in about ten minutes, he had just experienced a short-term loss of memory, for he didn’t know what he was doing. That was strange; he had thought that sort of thing only happened when walking into another room while indoors.

Oh, right! He had been looking for the students who seemed to be more focused on the Skindancers; they had already told him what they knew (and what they suspected), but this time he was armed with something important: a notebook to write all of this down.

And if they had learned more since the last conversation together, all the better! Hopefully when his studies for the day, were over, he could finally put an end to the confusion that he had over all this. And perhaps he would be of use to the rest, if he studied hard enough to draw some certain conclusions.

Though after recording all of the other students’ thoughts, he still had to do his regular studies before turning over to study those. And that would take a while, considering how much homework the Masters gave him. It seemed that ever since he was elevated, they began to expect more than he was capable of. It was frustrating, but it was definitely a good thing to be elevated. So Lin just kept walking, looking for the other students, content to study their words after his other priorities were seen to.


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I literally just lost a comment because I clicked on the notification to read straws comment Brief recap because I dont want to retype it. straw because even though I disagree with the logic to spread out votes, and see it as an elim thing to want, I think that is just because we have different theories to catch bad guys. That and the contradiction I thought I saw was based on false information that i read from strikers comment. 

haelbarde because i have some sort of mental bias or gut feeling against them this game. No evidence to back it up yet.

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14 minutes ago, Burnt Spaghetti said:

I haven't voted because i feel bad just throwing tuition reduction votes in for the sake of it when people have votes with reasons. Im not convinced of anyone to want to vote seriously on them.  And voting for spread defeats the purpose of moving towards real votes. So im abstaining. If i keep not voting please pester me about it though :P i have a bad habbit of avoiding voting for as long as possible because im bad at committing to suspicions :P

Hi can I just say the same thing or is that plagiarism 

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Actually after I put phone away, I had to pull it back out very quickly for this posthaelbardestriker, because even though it could have been a simple mistake, something about what you said about straw, and then it not being true just doesnt feel right to me. 

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14 minutes ago, CadCom said:


I literally just lost a comment because I clicked on the notification to read straws comment Brief recap because I dont want to retype it. straw because even though I disagree with the logic to spread out votes, and see it as an elim thing to want, I think that is just because we have different theories to catch bad guys. That and the contradiction I thought I saw was based on false information that i read from strikers comment. 

My vote has now been removed from CadCom and is back to Haelbarde. Thanks for removing your vote.

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17 minutes ago, Straw said:

My vote has now been removed from CadCom and is back to Haelbarde. Thanks for removing your vote.

Since im still awake when i shouldnt be and can confirm haels solidly asleep, and cycle ends ~8am for us, imma just ask for him, besides i curious- why voting hael specifically? If you had a reason previously my tired brain may have missed it

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1 minute ago, Burnt Spaghetti said:

Since im still awake when i shouldnt be and can confirm haels solidly asleep, and cycle ends ~8am for us, imma just ask for him, besides i curious- why voting hael specifically? If you had a reason previously my tired brain may have missed it

It's just because he hasn't posted much and I wanted to see more from him. Obviously, he's not going to be posting if he's asleep :P so I'll change from Haelbarde to Zillah. @Zillah we haven't seen much from you today. Is there anything you want to say about the game right now?

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Okay, so I think that my only real suspicion is the weird train going on Lopen right now. Can someone tell me why there is all the suspicion on them? I'll throw a tentative vote on Bard for now since DeTess apparently voted first from what I can tell and Striker and CadCom are already under scrutiny this cycle.

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Lopen has put a lot of effort into the game this turn, and due to that, I'm going to back off of him for a bit at least. Effort into solving the game is a really good indicator of alignment, and I know how hard it is to analyse people this game.

DeTess... I don't remember why I said I was inclined to think they were village. But DeTess and Lopen were the two I was most considering voting on last turn, I looked into both of them, and I felt like DeTess' posts sounded more like they were coming from a villager mindset.

It's worth noting that Devotary's last post implies the votes on Lopen lost their reasoning, but they don't outright state it. While I don't really want to vote on Lopen this turn, if he does turn out to be evil, I'd look at Devotary next.

I don't like the vote on Straw. Currently I think Straw is mostly NAI, though I like quite a few of their posts.

Built off Devotary's:

Lopen(4): DeTess, Striker, CadCom, Bard
Walin(2): Karnage, Experience
Striker(2): Straw, CadCom

Straw(1): Striker
Devotary(1): Lopen
Green Rover(1): Lopen
Rathmaskal(1): Elkanah,
Elandera(1): Karnage
Bard(1): Xino
Experience(1): Xino 
Zilla(1): Straw

Out of the people who have voted, DeTess, Bard, and Elkanah have only committed one vote. In addition, CadCom, Striker, Karnage, Experience, Straw, Lopen, and Xino have all spread their votes between multiple people instead of consolidating on 1 person. I see the people who have only cast one vote as hedging somewhat. They seem to want to encourage voting on a single target, yet don't want to be the reason that said target get's the negative effects. I'm going to reread through DeTess either now or next turn, we'll see if I get around to it.

I don't like the votes on Lopen, Walin, or Straw. I understand the votes on Striker, though I don't agree with them off the top of my head. I also like the votes on Devotary and Bard.

1 hour ago, Straw said:

It's just because he hasn't posted much and I wanted to see more from him. Obviously, he's not going to be posting if he's asleep :P so I'll change from Haelbarde to Zillah. @Zillah we haven't seen much from you today. Is there anything you want to say about the game right now?

Straw, is it just me or are you trying hard not to vote on anyone with votes currently on them? Voting on CadCom, then Hael, then Zilla? Also, this is a poke vote? You're voting on someone for lack of content near the end of the cycle, which makes little sense. Why not move your vote to a suspicion? I do find this suspicious, and with you already having a vote, that moves you into people I might vote on this turn.

@everyone who has been talking about being nervous about analyzing/voting on people. The only way you get better at this stuff is if you practice. With, I'm guessing, 5/6 elims, there is no way everyone being voted on here is an elim. But everyone is fine getting voted on. If you vote on me, I'm about to not even be in the university, so It'll hardly matter soon enough. xD

Ok, so right now I think I'm going to vote on Bard Bard. Bard, I'm sorry, but I do want this to hurt. No offense. : P
I really don't like how CadCom AND Bard both voted on Lopen... Just because. While I really do appreciate the fact you two are voting, I also don't like that you are voting on people you don't think are the elims.

Right now, I'm most suspicious of:
Devotary, CadCom, Straw, Bard.

I'm most trusting of:
Myself... Honestly, maybe Lopen now? I'm not sure.

Edit: Ninja'd by Kyndath. And we are on exactly the same page xD

Edit again, updated votecount:
Bard(4): Xino, Kynedath, Fura, Fura
Lopen(4): DeTess, Striker, CadCom, Bard
Walin(2): Karnage, Experience
Striker(2): Straw, CadCom

Straw(1): Striker
Devotary(1): Lopen
Green Rover(1): Lopen
Rathmaskal(1): Elkanah,
Elandera(1): Karnage
Experience(1): Xino 
Zilla(1): Straw

Edited by Furamirionind
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