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Sagaer Murtoy rocked his baby to sleep. The pleasant piano music outside was calming his sweet daughter down. He let out an easy sigh, content to relax for just a moment. He felt himself drifting into dream, and shook himself awake. This was no time to dawdle. He had to decide the trajectory of his life. There were twenty-seven students of note at the University, but only 9 fields to master. While it was possible to study in multiple disciplines, all fields greatly benefited from mastering that field. In addition, any Skindancers among them wanted to master the fields in order to destroy them. The trick was to find a field where there were less interested students than others, in order to have a greater shot at being a Master. But which field should he choose? Perhaps listing them would help.

  • Linguistics: The study of language focused on conversations of all kinds. Its flexibility was its main draw, as its abilities seemed less than useful. Sagaer doubted many people would want this field, but he wasn't sure what he would do with it either.
  • Arithmetics: For penny-pinchers everywhere, arithmetic was a tempting offer. Having more money meant more things to buy, which meant more power in the long run. Sagaer figured many people would go for this discipline.
  • Rhetoric & Logic: Argument meant one thing in this University: Being sent to the Horns. Anyone investing heavily in this would be able to nearly control the entire voting process. This was especially dangerous if a Skindancer took over the field. Unfortunately, they had no leads on who the Skindancers were, so the field might not be attractive to most.
  • Archives: The best way to figure out the Skindancers was to research. Unfortunately, that meant the Archives would be extremely popular as a field. It would be highly difficult to become a Master here. Still, the abilities were powerful enough that it might be worth sacrificing the higher post.
  • Physicking: Learning about the body encouraged healthy habits. Physickers were granted all the abilities of the field upon starting the field, which was a large benefit. However, most of the abilities required trust in their fellow students to be most effective. Still, having a suite of abilities rather than just one was tempting.
  • Sympathy: Here the subjects took a turn for the mystical, and with the mystical came a chance for insanity. With only two abilities, students in this field could be reasonably certain to learn what they wanted. Further, both abilities could be used to great affect, especially at higher levels. A very tempting offer, but still a dangerous one.
  • Alchemy: This school of thought focused on offensive items. Once you suspected someone, Alchemy gave you all the tools you needed to make their life hell. A powerful field that once again carried the prospects of insanity. He suspected the self-proclaimed alchemist Athdara would go for this field.
  • Artificery: Unlike Alchemy, this focused on defensive items. The longer you stayed in the field, the safer you would become. Mixing it with some Alchemy classes would prove to be a potent combo. He was curious to see who would invest in this.
  • Naming: And finally, there was Naming. The most powerful of all the fields, as long as you didn't go mad learning it. To all who attempted this feat, Sagaer wished them luck.

Having listed all the fields, Sagaer had not come to a single conclusion. All of them could be powerful if invested in. In the end, it all came down to personal preference. What did he want to learn? He didn't know yet, but he hoped he could come to one soon.

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24 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

So yeah, Leo is looking for anyone interested in starting up a club of some sorts. Any ideas are welcome!


After the first person Cadici spoke to just looked at him funny, and walked away, Cadici felt a bit defeated. 

I think it's time to check out the food options around here. He thought. After finding a cafeteria of sorts, Cadici ordered a plate of the most normal type of food he could find, and took a bit too loong to eat it. He needed to make this work. 

Cadici knew if he wanted to succeed, he had to network. It was time to start networking. He found someone who was dressed in a rather droll selection of greys. He must have been here more to study than to party, so this could be the perfect person to start networking with. 

Cadici approched this person and started to try to strike up a conversation. "Hey, I'm Cadici. Just got here a couple hours ago. I'm looking for the College of Arcane arts, so I can get more information about which field to pursue. Any idea which way to go" 

The man gestured nonchalantly toward a building that very obviously looked like a place to practice arcane arts, and seemed to overall ignore cadici beyond that. But he didn't give up so easily. "So what are you studying here?" 


So I'm still reading the rules to the game, After I see a few things happen at rollover, I hope to be able to put more thought into the game. 

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Just now, xinoehp512 said:

Something I notice when looking at the vote count is that no one has used both of their votes except for me, which seems... interesting. Are people just used to casting one vote, I wonder? @DeTess @Elkanah @Zillah @Straw  @Hemalurgic Headshot @Karnage @Elandera @Lopen

Disciplinary points from the NPC Masters are nothing to be trifled with. 45 DPs will be awarded every cycle until PC Masters take over and spend less (if they so desire, which they might not). Anyone with two votes on them (uncancelled) gets 1DP; anyone with any votes at all will get an average of 45/players with votes. Right now that means an average of 5 per player- enough to bring them On the Horns, but not enough for there to even be a chance to expel them. That's without counting potential vote cancellations, however; that number could easily be only 5 if everyone still has only one vote on them. That makes an average of 9 DP per vote recipient. Not enough for an expulsion- (although someone could get unlucky). Still, I agree with Devotary that the most logical course of action is to spread the votes around on a few Commoners as well, or at least double up all the votes on Nobles. There's plenty of votes to go around, and lots of activity, so that shouldn't be too difficult to achieve.

Yep, I have no intention on voting on two people... maybe ever. I am glad for the second vote, but the first vote gets me a tuition reduction. When I have someone I am actually suspicious of I will happily put both of my votes on the same one to make sure they get DP and, with a little help from the masters, expelled. Until then, it wouldn't hurt for me to spread the vote a little more, but I'd prefer to have the rest of the students vote. Therefore I will not be supplying them an out by doing their voting job for them. 

I am certainly not married to my vote on Elandera, but I also don't care to move it. I do find it interesting that Karnage has two votes and I'd like to humbly suggest either Straw or Hemalurgic Headshot move their vote to spread it a little thinner. Also of interest, we have yet to hear from @Lumgol @Experience @Araris Valerian @Rathmaskal @STINK @Walin @GreenRover and @Young Bard . Please come play with us. We still have about 18 hours in the turn, but I would love to hear your takes on the rules so far. Also @Haelbarde, did you find a last name for your character? @Kynedath, I know you don't like voting C1, but it might help to role play or something to bring costs down a bit. Same for you Healbarde.

Your votes would serve the good of all, but most of all yourselves.

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hey, this is the time of the day in which I am online monitoring my messages.

feel free to RP with me!


sorry Lopen I voted you, but you were one of the unvoted nobles and

"I hate nobles"

Perhaps I could make up for it by joining your club? Cad seems interested too.


"I hate nobles"

"I hate nobles," said Lord Silberfarben once again, testing his new motto, “Filthy, arrogant nobles.”

His empty table answered with a sort of gloomy silence that only could be properly created when a perfectly functional piece of furniture is unused.

Perhaps I should make new friends, he thought, Those two conversing over there seem friendly enough.

One of them was sitting with a bulged mouth, eating, the other was standing, probably waiting for him to finish chewing.


An interesting couple. The talkative one was obviously Edema Ruh, with lively and worn clothing, and an instrument slung over his back.

The chewy one was more interesting, dressed in formal greys and black, most likely not a noble, those wore their coins in their dresses, golden cloaks, and the such.


He hasty finished his still hot broth and stood up.


They seemed like they could be his friends, applied to their studies, and without coin to flaunt. He should ask them what they would choose for their studies.

Lord had settled, for now, a term as artificer and a bit of some other things. Perhaps they could do some study together next term, or this one.


Friends, so many new possibilities!

He wandered over to them and nodded his head to them.


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2 hours ago, Elandera said:

But then I'd be directly contradicting every reason I listed for voting on a commoner. All votes on nobles means anywhere between 1 and 9 people automatically being brought on the Horns right away. If it's between 1 and 4, each has a chance of being expelled. That means if we only vote on only nobles, worst case scenario is four people are expelled. 

Do you really want four nobles with their income only able to work in Imre from the start? Can you imagine the kind of power they'd accrue when they don't have to split attention between the University studies and Imre?

If you read what you quoted, I said that I just want all votes on nobles before voting on commoners, not that we only vote on nobles. In my opinion, the ideal situation would be to have two votes on every noble, one vote on every commoner, and no votes on every Ruh. Under this scenario, masters would have 21 targets for DP distribution.

This would mean that for any noble not staying at the Golden Pony, they would have a 34.35% chance of being brought on the first level of the horns and 1.9% chance of them being brought on the second level of the horns.

For commoners and nobles staying at the Golden Pony, there would be a 16.03% chance of being brought on the first level of the horns and a 0.51% of being brought on the second level of the horns.

I did not include the odds for higher levels of the horns, as they begin to rapidly approach 0%. For example, the odds of a noble not staying at the Golden Pony being brought on a higher level of the horns are just 0.02%.

I didn't take the time to calculate this, but these probabilities are not independent. If one student receives DP, it lowers the odds of other students being taken on the horns. I'll look into calculating this, but statistics is not my strong suit.

To help distribute the votes further, I will move my vote from Karnage to Lopen. I don't think he has a vote on him yet.

I'm a bit confused about your second point. Expelling nobles does not grant them any more power, as they are free to drop out at any time. I don't think that being expelled even grants you the ability to always be in Imre, as the Gray Man offers that ability to expelled students. This would mean that Vintish noblemen would be unable to be in Imre for both months, as they are forced to chose out of the two most expensive lodgings that they can afford.

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Guest Coda

I have decided to vote, as it seems beneficial. I've picked randomly from those who are not Edema Ruh. My trusty random generator has given me... Walin! @Walin, you have been complained about. And now some RP.

Catalan carefully filled out his complaint form. A... Lin Wa had bumped into him and gotten mud on his cloak. That cloak had cost more than that peasant's room and board! He submitted his complaint, and stood. He had to track down the person who was complaining about him.

He found the complainer just inside the University. The man—Leo, was it?—was going around telling everyone about how Catalan had wronged him. Well, he'd done nothing of the sort. He'd just gotten there. He hadn't even signed up for classes! This would not stand.

He walked over, perfectly calm. Leo appeared to be flipping coins, for some reason. Maybe he was betting with himself. He must have lost a bet to be going out in such drab clothes. Grey and black? Seriously? Either he had no fashion sense whatsoever, he was somewhat religious, or he was mourning someone. Hopefully Catalan hadn't just made fun of someone who was in mourning. Even if it was inaudible, that sort of thing was dreadfully tacky. 

Leo hadn't noticed him yet, so Catalan just stood there for a long moment. When Leo finally laid eyes on him, Catalan smiled pleasantly. "Hello there, good sir," he said. "Is there any reason why you have sullied my good name?"

He waited for a response from the offender. He wouldn't leave until he got some sort of answer. He could stand there all day if he had to. He was a noble, for Telhu's sake. Both of them were. It would have been fine if one of them had been a peasant, but nobles couldn't insult each other like this. That could start a feud! 


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Sorry for the double post, but I just noticed Devotary's point that Yllish commoners can also start at the Golden Pony.  Here's my analysis of two voting scenarios (assuming that nobility and commoners are equally split between subclasses and starting locations are evenly chosen):

Scenario #1 (one vote on all commoners and nobles):

There are roughly five players starting at the golden pony. This means that DP is distributed between the sixteen remaining players.

If a player is not at the Golden Pony, there is a 28.86% chance of them being taken on the first level of the horns, a 2.04% chance of them being taken on the second level, and a 0.04% chance of them being taken on a higher level of the horns.

If a player is at the Golden Pony, there is a 0% chance of them being taken on the horns.

Scenario #2 (two votes on all commoners and nobles):

If a player is not at the Golden Pony, there is a 34.35% chance of them being taken on the first level of the horns, a 1.9% chance of them being taken on the second level, and a 0.02% chance of them being taken on a higher level of the horns.

If a player is at the Golden Pony, there is a 16.03% chance of them being taken on the first level of the horns, a 0.51% chance of them being taken on the second level, and a 0.004% chance of them being taken on a higher level of the horns.

Personally, I think that the first situation is preferable.

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Lopen(2): Lord_Silberfarben, Straw
Devotary(1): DeTess
Elandera(1): Elkanah
Lumgol(1): Zillah
Karnage(1): HH
HH(1): Karnage
Green Rover(1): Xino
Araris(1): Xino
Straw(1): Elandera
Coda(1): Lopen
Walin(1): Coda

That's two votes for Lopen now. Straw makes a good point about it maybe not being worth getting everyone since doing so gets 15-16 people an extra DP.

@Elbereth, @little wilson, how do the Master's DP work? If all 21 nobles and commoners ended up with at least one vote, would you roll a D21 for all 45 DP, or is there some other method? If it's entirely random like the situation detailed above, I think the odds of anyone ending up On The Horns is significantly lower than what Straw is saying, closer to 18.5% percent by needing to have the 1/21 chance come up at least four times out of 45.  @Straw, what method are you using to calculate probability?

Edit: By 'getting everyone', I mean putting two votes on everyone.

Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

Something I notice when looking at the vote count is that no one has used both of their votes except for me, which seems... interesting. Are people just used to casting one vote, I wonder? @DeTess @Elkanah @Zillah @Straw  @Hemalurgic Headshot @Karnage @Elandera @Lopen

So, going into this game I was thinking that I might have a random poke vote today, then tomorrow vote on someone to get them to get on the thread as a second poke vote as it gets closer to the end of the turn. I also would prefer the 1st scenario and I agree that we need to spread out the votes. I've got to go but I will be back later.:D

5 minutes ago, Straw said:

If a player is not at the Golden Pony, there is a 28.86% chance of them being taken on the first level of the horns, a 2.04% chance of them being taken on the second level, and a 0.04% chance of them being taken on a higher level of the horns.

If a player is at the Golden Pony, there is a 0% chance of them being taken on the horns.


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22 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

That's two votes for Lopen now. Straw makes a good point about it maybe not being worth getting everyone since doing so gets 15-16 people an extra DP.

@Elbereth, @little wilson, how do the Master's DP work? If all 21 nobles and commoners ended up with at least one vote, would you roll a D21 for all 45 DP, or is there some other method? If it's entirely random like the situation detailed above, I think the odds of anyone ending up On The Horns is significantly lower than what Straw is saying, closer to 18.5% percent by needing to have the 1/21 chance come up at least four times out of 45.  @Straw, what method are you using to calculate probability?

Edit: By 'getting everyone', I mean putting two votes on everyone.

If 21 people end up with at least one vote - after the secret vote of the Golden Pony has been taken out - we'd roll a d21 for all 45 DP. If one of those players had 5 votes and all the rest had only 1, it'd still be a d21 - the number of votes you have on you after 1 is irrelevant (except for giving you complaints DP, .5 per vote). 

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32 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Lopen(2): Lord_Silberfarben, Straw

hmmm, two votes for lopen.

is it possible to change a vote?

perhaps i will change my vote to someone without a vote if lopen shows me not all nobles are bad.

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1 hour ago, Straw said:

If you read what you quoted, I said that I just want all votes on nobles before voting on commoners, not that we only vote on nobles. In my opinion, the ideal situation would be to have two votes on every noble, one vote on every commoner, and no votes on every Ruh. Under this scenario, masters would have 21 targets for DP distribution.

Ah. I am so good at reading things, apparently. I can agree with two votes on nobles and one vote on commoners. A lot of my reason for pointing it out early was to make sure we didn't get too late in the cycle before deciding votes should also be placed on some commoners, and end up with too many on nobles. I'm comfortable leaving my vote on you with the current number of votes. I agree with Devotary's assessment that we don't need to make sure all nobles have two votes before voting on commoners.

1 minute ago, Lord_Silberfarben said:

hmmm, two votes for lopen.

is it possible to change a vote?

perhaps i will change my vote to someone without a vote if lopen shows me not all nobles are bad.

Yes, you can change your vote. Just use the same color code to type the name of your old vote in green (which, by the way, you should probably make your normal text not close to green), then place your new vote in red again.

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49 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Lopen(2): Lord_Silberfarben, Straw
Devotary(1): DeTess
Elandera(1): Elkanah
Lumgol(1): Zillah
Karnage(1): HH
HH(1): Karnage
Green Rover(1): Xino
Araris(1): Xino
Straw(1): Elandera
Coda(1): Lopen
Walin(1): Coda

That's two votes for Lopen now. Straw makes a good point about it maybe not being worth getting everyone since doing so gets 15-16 people an extra DP.

@Elbereth, @little wilson, how do the Master's DP work? If all 21 nobles and commoners ended up with at least one vote, would you roll a D21 for all 45 DP, or is there some other method? If it's entirely random like the situation detailed above, I think the odds of anyone ending up On The Horns is significantly lower than what Straw is saying, closer to 18.5% percent by needing to have the 1/21 chance come up at least four times out of 45.  @Straw, what method are you using to calculate probability?

Edit: By 'getting everyone', I mean putting two votes on everyone.

I am using a binomial probability calculator. I checked that it was what I wanted by plugging a few tests into a more limited calculator as well. I think that my probabilities make a lot more sense when you consider how things would look if they were distributed optimally. For example, in scenario #2, let's say that the masters give one DP to everyone at the golden pony, and then distribute the remaining 40 DP among the 21 players. This would mean that every noble and commoner would have exactly four DP, except for two, who would have three. As it is very unlikely that they would be so perfectly distributed, you end up with a fairly high probability that a player will end up on the horns.

Edited by Straw
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3 minutes ago, Straw said:

I am using a binomial probability calculator. I checked that it was what I wanted by plugging a few tests into a more limited calculator as well. I think that my probabilities make a lot more sense when you consider how things would look if they were distributed optimally.

Plugging in 45 for n, 4 for k assuming a particular person got the automatic one DP for having two votes, and a p of 1/21 for the odds that player gets a Master vote gives a probability of 16.5% of receiving four or more votes. How did you get 34.35%?

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2 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Plugging in 45 for n, 4 for k assuming a particular person got the automatic one DP for having two votes, and a p of 1/21 for the odds that player gets a Master vote gives a probability of 16.5% of receiving four or more votes. How did you get 34.35%?

I... completely forgot that votes are not equivalent to DP. :P

You are correct.

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thanks! I might yet do that!

Player List
1.  - Seòras (Edema Ruh) no vote
2.  - Athdara, alchemist (Noble) one vote,
3.  - Bryn Aria (Commoner) no vote.
4. - Evelyn Bryen (Commoner) no vote
5.  Elkanah(Edema Ruh)
6.  - Straw (Commoner) one vote,
7. - Xinoehp512 (Commoner) no vote
8. - Lord Silberfarben (The smartest and luckiest Commoner) not vote, luckily
9.  - Coda Catalan, namer (Noble) one vote, lopen
10.  - Lasko Veitch (Noble) one vote, HH
11. HH (Noble) one vote, Karnage
12.  - Ryykal Ladzo (Edema Ruh) no vote
13. - Caia Irèn (Noble) one vote, Zillah
14.  - Shard (Commoner) One vote, Green Rover
15.  - Vol, paranoid alchemist (Noble) no vote... hmmmmmmmm unvoted noble...
16.  - Cadaci (Edema Ruh) no vote
17.  - Sagaer Murtoy, accompanied by a child (Commoner) no vote
18. F
uramirionid(Edema Ruh) no vote.
19. Zilah (Commoner) no vote.
20.  - Arael Solon (Noble) one vote, Xino
21.  - Rath (Commoner) no vote.
22.   - Ugfal the Three-Handed, with only two hands (Commoner) no vote.
23.  - Traelynn Weeks, likes beets (Edema Ruh) no vote, no beets.
24.  - Lin Wa (Commoner) one vote, Coda
25.  - Knighter Nune (Noble) one vote, xino
26. - Nethwyl Nox, pyromaniac (Commoner) no vote
27.  - Leo (Noble) two votes! Lord and Straw


I Think this list is about right

Edited by Lord_Silberfarben
Green Rover votes Shard
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6 hours ago, Elandera said:

Despite her teeth chattering from the cold, Athdara was smiling brightly as she crossed the University grounds. She was finally here. Finally able to start studying Alchemy for real. But it wasn't just that. It was everything the University could offer. Alchemy was her true passion, but how could she pass up the chance to learn the other disciplines as well? She’d stay a student forever, if she could.

The building she was looking for loomed just ahead. She started to jog toward it, though not just to get out of the cold. Once inside, she shook and stomped to free herself of the snow that had collected on her jacket and boots. 

“Oh, it’s cold,” she said to no one in particular, mostly because no one was around. They’d likely already filed through the hallways to find their classrooms. 

As Athdara looked around, she saw a surprising lack of signs to help her find her way. It was no bother to her, though. She was plenty early and a little wandering never hurt anyone. 

Before long, she’d found her classroom and a seat inside. She turned to the person next to her, offering her hand with an introduction.

“Hello, I’m Athdara Tolmach. You can call me Athy. What’s your name?”



It hadn't taken Bryn too long to find her classroom, well, it did, but she wasnt late so she wasn't going to mention the exact amount of time it took. She was on time, infact a minute or so early so therefore it didn't take as long as it could have. She settled down as a desk not too close to the front, not too close to the back and started pulling her things out of her bag and arranging them.  


A voice startled her out of her focus on making things neat. She wasn't ocd or anything, just bored and finding something to do while waiting for class to start. She turned her head to see another student had taken the seat by her and was offering her hand.

"I’m Athdara Tolmach. You can call me Athy. What’s your name?

"Ah, hey! I'm Bryn, " she clasped the offered hand, oof thats a cold hand  "Bryn Aria, nice to meet you Athy! Found your way here easily enough then? I admit I walked into a few wrong classes before finding the right one. Mind you I was a tad tempted to stay in the class of namers to see if i can learn the name of fire to stay warm but that would take forever and that master is scary so I figured I better not haha"

Edited by Burnt Spaghetti
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6 hours ago, Elandera said:

Before long, she’d found her classroom and a seat inside. She turned to the person next to her, offering her hand with an introduction.

“Hello, I’m Athdara Tolmach. You can call me Athy. What’s your name?”

Ditching the thought that he might be included with the musicians, he decided to quickly get to his first class. Impressing a (master/teacher) couldn't be too bad right? Not seeing any assigned seats he jumped into the one that called out to him. The desk that was both middle in the middle row and the middle column, the exact middle. That's exactly how he felt he was, the middle of the pack. "This is the year to fix that" he thought to himself. Hopefully, his ending at the school would be met with a celebration for his graduation instead of the Crockery and being humiliated in front of his family and all of the University.

After a little waiting with a few students sliding into desks into desks around the room, Lasko was attempting to find anything that he could about the other students based on where they sat. Interrupting his analysis a girl sat to the desk next to him saying, "Hello, I'm Athdara Tolmach. You can call me Athy. Whats your name?".

"Who, me? My name is Lasko Vietch, it's pretty cold outside isn't it?" he said noticing some snow left on her shoes. She must have come directly from outside to our class. Well, at least she was timely and nice.


Edited by Karnage
Got Ninja'd, I can be on the other side.
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Traelynn plopped her crate onto the stairs and gazed up at the university. There wasn't much farmland on the school grounds, agriculture still wasn't an accepted subject of study for the hoity toity noblemen. Well then she would just have to enlighten them to the glories of farming and fresh produce! The crate at her feet was full of beets, and she was determined to sell these delicious purple vegetables to those uneducated in their glory!

"Come one come all to Weeks Beets! Selling the best beets around! Salads, juice, even dyes! Beets can do it all! Purple and juicy, full of flavor, sure to enhance any dish! Beet greens fill out any dish whether they're charred, boiled, or eaten fresh! A student of Physicking? Beetroots are the perfect herb for you! They're hearty and full of vitamins and healing properties!"

A nobleman walks past, turning their nose up at the crazy lady waving beets around in the air, tossing dirt into the air around them. Traelynn just took a step toward them and yelled "Not civilized enough? Try calling them Beta Vulgaris, thats their science name, perfect for university life!"

As the nobleman kept walking Traelynn turned back to her beets and muttered curses under her breath. She stood there, advertising her beets to everyone who passed. Nobody gave her more than two glances. They probably assumed that she was just another dirt poor farmer come to beg for sales, despite the fact that she was actually enrolled at the university herself. Just then she saw a sight to behold, a commoner walking towards her with a coin in their hand! Finally, a customer!

RP reserved for @Zillah who contacted me over PMs.

While I do appreciate that it would decrease my tuition, I REALLY don't like voting on day 1, so I'll refrain from that for this turn.

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1 hour ago, Karnage said:

Ditching the thought that he might be included with the musicians, he decided to quickly get to his first class. Impressing a (master/teacher) couldn't be too bad right? Not seeing any assigned seats he jumped into the one that called out to him. The desk that was both middle in the middle row and the middle column, the exact middle. That's exactly how he felt he was, the middle of the pack. "This is the year to fix that" he thought to himself. Hopefully, his ending at the school would be met with a celebration for his graduation instead of the Crockery and being humiliated in front of his family and all of the University.

After a little waiting with a few students sliding into desks into desks around the room, Lasko was attempting to find anything that he could about the other students based on where they sat. Interrupting his analysis a girl sat to the desk next to him saying, "Hello, I'm Athdara Tolmach. You can call me Athy. Whats your name?".

"Who, me? My name is Lasko Vietch, it's pretty cold outside isn't it?" he said noticing some snow left on her shoes. She must have come directly from outside to our class. Well, at least she was timely and nice.


(Sorry for ninja'ing you there >> hope this helps. Good luck Elandera xD)

Now that Bryns attention was already away from arranging her books, she also noticed the person sitting on the other side of Athy. As Athy extended a greeting to her other neighbour, Bryn leaned forward to give them a wave as well. "And I'm Bryn, hi!

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Amila Tays sat on a small wooden bench near the pond that sat just below the university. She didn't know how long she had been sitting there staring at the wooden puzzle box. It was beautifully crafted, and apparently quite difficult to open! She cursed under her breath as yet another wooden piece refused to slide. She loved her puzzle boxes as frustrating as they were. It was an extraordinarily more pleasant way to spend her time than attempting to interact with other people. This one in particular was very special to Amila , after all it was from - 

She was starteled out of her thoughts when another young woman very loudly plopped a crate on the nearby stairs. The woman began advertising beets, an odd vegetable in Amila's eyes. Looking back down at the puzzle she tried to block out the woman's voice. However not long after  she felt her stomach growl, she couldn't quite recall the last time she had eaten. With a huff she got up and began walking towards the beet lady with a small coin in her hand, at least they were beets, not something dreadful like carrots. She braced herself for the dreadful experience of having to talk to someone. 

@Kynedath thanks for the RP!



Edited by Zillah
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