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On 5/16/2020 at 11:38 AM, Channelknight Fadran said:

I never knew this place existed... well, no time like the present, right?

There was no shortage of LDS jokes in the Mistborn series. The food storages made by the Lord Ruler were pretty great, but my favorite is how they had to engrave all their writings into plates of metal.

I found something else at the end of chapter 29 of The Way of Kings: "I believe because I feel something, a closeness to the Almighty, a peace that comes when I live my faith."

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On the subject of similarities between Vorinism and The Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, did anyone notice the similarities between the Vorin thing of choosing a calling in life, something they want to get good at, and the new youth and children program? I know there are lots of differences, but it seems similar to me. And tWoK came out 10ish years before the children and youth program.

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On 3/20/2020 at 11:12 AM, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

Here's one I've seen. Don't give me credit!

Screenshot 2020-03-20 at 10.11.25 AM.png

I would add TLR to this list as the stake president or maybe an area authority that is seen so infrequently that rumors and legends start to circulate.

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I was reading Jacob 5 and the allegory of the olive tree which was, well, cultivated by the master of the vineyard reminded me of Cultivation and her plans. The master of the vineyard and his servant prune, graft, and burn off bad branches of this tree, resulting in a tree that brought forth good fruit. Cultivation's whole thing is that she wants to be able to see growth in people by pruning them, if necessary, to become better. 

Edit: Apologies for the double post

Edited by Paalm Tree
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That was a real double post, with the same words both times :P

I would just like to say I am very grateful for the hymns. Today I got the chance to sit down and play five or six of them for my mom and younger sister to sing and it was an amazing experience since we haven't done that since before quarantine. 

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Okay, Just foud this thread. Shout out my brother who's going on his mission right before Rhythm of War comes out. If he can get as many people to read the BoM as he did Stormlight, I think he'll do great. 



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On 5/26/2020 at 11:03 AM, Hentient said:

Okay, Just foud this thread. Shout out my brother who's going on his mission right before Rhythm of War comes out. If he can get as many people to read the BoM as he did Stormlight, I think he'll do great. 



Mmm yes get people to read Bands of Mourning it's like my favorite

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m glad I found this thread! It’s good to know that I share a lot of beliefs with the people in this community. 

Also, my aunt is currently reading the Mistborn trilogy (thanks to yours truly), and she just texted me today to say “I wish somebody would just give Sazed a Book of Mormon!”

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6 hours ago, Rosharan A.C. said:

Also, my aunt is currently reading the Mistborn trilogy (thanks to yours truly), and she just texted me today to say “I wish somebody would just give Sazed a Book of Mormon!”

I mean...


... if she wants Ruin to win...


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Oh this is a thing. Cool. Wow kinda weird scrolling through and seeing a ton of people I recognize from elsewhere on the forums. 

I’m super super late but Fun Fact: my cousin is really good friends with one of the Youth Speakers at the last General Conference. She had no idea he was speaking too!:lol: He kept it a secret from everyone apparently. 

Are y’all doing home church? I like it but I kinda miss real church. 

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My family actually went to church today (with masks and other precautions of course), but our ward is doing it every other week, so next week will be home church again. I like home church too, and it’s really nice to focus more on the family. However, being at church today helped me remember how good it is to actually be there. I really felt the spirit, and I look forward to when we can have normal sacrament meetings again.

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

I think you're weird. There's a difference. Being not insane is good; being not weird is bad.

Well, I don't think you're insane, so maybe we are still the same person.

Edit: Thanks for thinking I'm weird! You're weird too. :D

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2 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

This is getting weirder by the minute. Which, as I just stated, is a good thing. In any case, we'd best be getting back on-topic.

What do you think is Brandon's religious outlet in his books? Just his various religions, or something different?

Maybe not the religions themselves, but the way the characters approach their religions. I notice this the most in Elantris. When Father Omin asks Hrathen about his faith, Hrathen wonders if he truly believes. Dilaf is passionate, but he misunderstands the religion in itself. The way each character views and interprets their religion, I think, is symbolic of the ways most people approach their faith.

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Well I suppose I'll post here. Hi everyone!

So I got to go to Church today as well, I can't wait to get back fully.

Personally I want to write like Brandon and had decided to exclude religion entirely but Brandon has made me reconsider.

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