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3 hours ago, EXPERIENCE said:

It was sort of crazy, cuase it was president Nelson with the last talk and I was like, ok there's no more crazy announcements, and then he announces China and Dubai! I was just so suprised.

Diddo, Very much the Diddoing.

1 hour ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

My favorite talk was probably Gerald Causse’s or Elder Holland’s. What about you guys?

Um.......... I cant remember any specific one, but what i do remember is feeling the spirit CONSTANTLY during the whole thing. I really liked conference, it was definitely unforgettable.

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All the talks are blending together at the moment and I plan to start reading them tomorrow because the text is now available but the ones that stood out to me was President Nelson’s Sunday morning talk and this part of Elder Stevenson’s talk on Saturday about the girl that was ill:

she wrote that someone had asked her, “How do you still have faith with all the heartache that surrounds you?” She replied firmly with these words: “Because faith is what gets me through these dark times. Having faith doesn’t mean nothing bad is going to happen. Having faith allows me to believe that there will be light again. And that light will be even brighter because I have walked through the dark. As much darkness as I have witnessed over the years, I have witnessed far more light. I have seen miracles. I have felt angels. I have known that my Heavenly Father was carrying me. None of that would have been experienced if life was easy. The future of this life may be unknown, but my faith is not. If I choose to not have faith then I choose to only walk in darkness. Because without faith, darkness is all that is left.”

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9 hours ago, GoWibble said:

It has got to be strange for non-LDS Sharders coming in here and reading B.o.M.

Honestly, I found it strange myself, as I’d never seen the acronym for Book of Mormon until after I’d read Bands of Mourning :P 

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He is not here: for he is risen.

-- Matthew 28:6

Happy Easter everyone! Make sure to remember the true meaning of Easter.

1) Jesus Christ atoned for the sins of everyone. That includes You.

2) He died for everyone. That includes You.

3) He was ressurected on the third day, and made it so everyone can be too. That includes You.

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When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.

-- Mosiah 2:17

I would like to challenge everyone to serve someone and post on here the unique ways that you came up with to serve others in these different times! Have fun serving!

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On 4/15/2020 at 10:56 PM, AonEne said:

Definitely didn’t just misread Mosiah as Moash, no way. 

Definitely not. :lol:

My mom started sobbing when they announced the China temple. It took my sister two sessions to realize why they were all six feet apart.

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58 minutes ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

Definitely not. :lol:

My mom started sobbing when they announced the China temple. It took my sister two sessions to realize why they were all six feet apart.

Thats great. The sister thing. Not the mom crying.

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Just read this today. Sounds a lot like a plot element from Mistborn. Jacob 4:1-2

1 Now behold, it came to pass that I, Jacob, having ministered much unto my people in word, (and I cannot write but a little of my words, because of the difficulty of engraving our words upon plates) and we know that the things which we write upon plates must remain;
2 But whatsoever things we write upon anything save it be upon plates must perish and vanish away...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Girls’ camp is officially canceled. At least I still can go next year, but after that I’ll have graduated. :( Is it canceled for any other wards? 

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9 hours ago, AonEne said:

Is it canceled for any other wards?

It’s for all wards. Here is the official notice that was sent out


Or if you don’t want the pdf you can just read it here:


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/2/2020 at 10:38 PM, AonEne said:

Girls’ camp is officially canceled. At least I still can go next year, but after that I’ll have graduated. :( Is it canceled for any other wards? 

(Bit late here, hope that's okay.) My camp is effectively cancelled, but they're apparently going to try to hold a virtual version. I confess that I'm a bit skeptical as to how they're going to pull that off.

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12 hours ago, Rushu42 said:

(Bit late here, hope that's okay.) My camp is effectively cancelled, but they're apparently going to try to hold a virtual version. I confess that I'm a bit skeptical as to how they're going to pull that off.

I haven’t heard if we’re going to try anything like that, but even if we do...it won’t have the same feel. 

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This summer was going to be the best. I was going to have trec this year and my family was coming from out of state. It is one of the last years my pool is going to be open because they're going to rip it down to build a new high school. I am turning 16 this summer too and was planning to finally ask that girl I liked out hahah. But, Trec is canceled. My pool is going to open but I'm probably not going to be a lifeguard. Don't think I can ask that girl out either because of social distancing. But hooray for more book reading time. 

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On 4/15/2020 at 4:41 PM, Experience said:

I would like to challenge everyone to serve someone and post on here the unique ways that you came up with to serve others in these different times! Have fun serving!

I try to help the Sister Missionaries out with the Zoom meeting when they hold them. Not many people show up to them and are willing to help them out. I’ve noticed that many people, including myself, have turned insular during all this. Hopefully that will change because our city is opening back up. Public parks open today.

But I’m pretty sure I have the best bishop ever! He is always finding ways to serve during all this. He brought us over a delicious pizza that his neighbor cooks (whenever he needs extra money) in his special pizza oven, he has also done a “we miss you” parade for the kids in our war and drove out to every single ward members house. Also dropped off a General Conference kit that includes stuff for our child and (of course) snacks. I’m sure he (and his wife) is doing tons of other stuff I don’t know about.

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