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I'm almost finished with an arrangement of Be Still My Soul for cello, piano, and violin for my mission farewell. 

It's a bittersweet time. It won't be too long before I say goodbye to my family and depart for my mission. But as I've served in the temple, I've come to appreciate the joy that exists in Christ's gospel and of our glorious purposes. We can live together with our families forever--what a blessing! Because we know of our divine heritage, we can stand on pillars of gospel truth and see past the obstructions that block others.

There's an old saying: "you can only pull others up to where you are" or something like that. A year ago, I wasn't prepared. Even a few months ago, I really struggled with knowing whether I was doing was right. But I know that the Lord has prepared me, through my unique life experiences and challenges, to preach His word to the nations of the world. I have felt His power in my life. I never realized how real it was. But there is power in our knowledge, in the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and in the house of the Lord. All we need to do is call on it.

It's amazing how much the Lord can change your life if you let Him in. 15 minutes of gospel study could alter the path of your life forever.

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1 hour ago, Shining Silhouette said:

I'm almost finished with an arrangement of Be Still My Soul for cello, piano, and violin for my mission farewell. 

No way! I was just looking for something like this! Is it possible you could actually send me link when you finish?

Edited by ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
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2 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

I'm almost finished with an arrangement of Be Still My Soul for cello, piano, and violin for my mission farewell. 

It's a bittersweet time. It won't be too long before I say goodbye to my family and depart for my mission. But as I've served in the temple, I've come to appreciate the joy that exists in Christ's gospel and of our glorious purposes. We can live together with our families forever--what a blessing! Because we know of our divine heritage, we can stand on pillars of gospel truth and see past the obstructions that block others.

There's an old saying: "you can only pull others up to where you are" or something like that. A year ago, I wasn't prepared. Even a few months ago, I really struggled with knowing whether I was doing was right. But I know that the Lord has prepared me, through my unique life experiences and challenges, to preach His word to the nations of the world. I have felt His power in my life. I never realized how real it was. But there is power in our knowledge, in the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and in the house of the Lord. All we need to do is call on it.

It's amazing how much the Lord can change your life if you let Him in. 15 minutes of gospel study could alter the path of your life forever.

Thank you for sharing this. Good luck, when you do go. :)

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The Lord is truly wonderful.

Amazing Grace pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right now. Same with Rock of Ages. I feel better than I have in a few days, which might not seem like a lot, but it is, for me. I feel not that I am perfect again in Christ, but that I am becoming perfect in Christ that I might, one day, in the eternities, attain perfection. Eventually. And, for now, striving and trying to get there is enough. Getting back up when falling is the name of the game, not being perfect on the first try, or the second, or even into the hundreds of tries (that's at least how it feels like it's been for me, if not thousands). I will become perfect, someday. And... I will have to be okay with that. I will have to be okay with the fact that I will be making mistakes and I hope that you all can come to terms with that too, because we all will fall.

Don't ever mistake that, repentance isn't a punishment. Hardly. It's a part of the plan. It's a part of the plan filled with imperfect people striving to be better. God knew that we would fall, so he provided a way for us to stand back up and continue the race on the straight and narrow path to the glories of Heaven and beyond.

Ahh, this is part of what appeals to me of the gospel, it isn't just sitting around the Celestial kingdom, it's constantly growing, constantly become more, constantly advancing through the afterlife that brings me in closer. Oh, how I love the idea of it and I hope that I can make it to the state where I can continue that progression. Because... sitting around, stagnant, even in glory, doesn't feel like it would be satisfying for me. I know, I know... it's just that it would feel stuffy. Maybe those feelings would get taken away, maybe I would just feel at peace. But, even still, evolving through an eternal life is what I want to get to. That is the end goal for me. Or, well, the endless goal as it would seem. I want to attain what Yeshua and Heavenly Father are offering unto us to become in the future. 

I close this big ol' hunky post with this: Please, please, please don't ever think you aren't worthy of love. Please remember that repentance is there for a reason. Remember that anyone who says that you don't deserve lover or that repentance is a punishment is fundamentally wrong and needs to reevaluate their knowledge of the gospel, despite what ranking in the church or outside they might have. Remember that we all matter and are all necessary, even if we don't feel like it. Even if we're weaker than others, or don't have a testimony as much as some other people in our lives, we are necessary and are loved. Okay? Let's mutually agree on that-

The Lord loves us very dearly and I love all of you as my spirit siblings in Christ and as my neighbors. I love all of you and I hope you can feel the spirit and can get repentance when necessary! Remember: God loves you!

God be with you till we meet again, my dear friends!

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On 04.09.2023 at 8:08 AM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

The Lord is truly wonderful.

Amazing Grace pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right now. Same with Rock of Ages. I feel better than I have in a few days, which might not seem like a lot, but it is, for me. I feel not that I am perfect again in Christ, but that I am becoming perfect in Christ that I might, one day, in the eternities, attain perfection. Eventually. And, for now, striving and trying to get there is enough. Getting back up when falling is the name of the game, not being perfect on the first try, or the second, or even into the hundreds of tries (that's at least how it feels like it's been for me, if not thousands). I will become perfect, someday. And... I will have to be okay with that. I will have to be okay with the fact that I will be making mistakes and I hope that you all can come to terms with that too, because we all will fall.

Don't ever mistake that, repentance isn't a punishment. Hardly. It's a part of the plan. It's a part of the plan filled with imperfect people striving to be better. God knew that we would fall, so he provided a way for us to stand back up and continue the race on the straight and narrow path to the glories of Heaven and beyond.

Ahh, this is part of what appeals to me of the gospel, it isn't just sitting around the Celestial kingdom, it's constantly growing, constantly become more, constantly advancing through the afterlife that brings me in closer. Oh, how I love the idea of it and I hope that I can make it to the state where I can continue that progression. Because... sitting around, stagnant, even in glory, doesn't feel like it would be satisfying for me. I know, I know... it's just that it would feel stuffy. Maybe those feelings would get taken away, maybe I would just feel at peace. But, even still, evolving through an eternal life is what I want to get to. That is the end goal for me. Or, well, the endless goal as it would seem. I want to attain what Yeshua and Heavenly Father are offering unto us to become in the future. 

I close this big ol' hunky post with this: Please, please, please don't ever think you aren't worthy of love. Please remember that repentance is there for a reason. Remember that anyone who says that you don't deserve lover or that repentance is a punishment is fundamentally wrong and needs to reevaluate their knowledge of the gospel, despite what ranking in the church or outside they might have. Remember that we all matter and are all necessary, even if we don't feel like it. Even if we're weaker than others, or don't have a testimony as much as some other people in our lives, we are necessary and are loved. Okay? Let's mutually agree on that-

The Lord loves us very dearly and I love all of you as my spirit siblings in Christ and as my neighbors. I love all of you and I hope you can feel the spirit and can get repentance when necessary! Remember: God loves you!

God be with you till we meet again, my dear friends!  https://betandreas-ozbekiston.net/ review here

Hello. I agree. Repentance is not punishment. It is a way to return to God's love and grace. I also want to change, change for the better. I think this can only be done with God's help

Edited by ronald12234554gbd
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On 9/6/2023 at 0:38 AM, Silver Phantom said:

Hey everyone, my cousin just got back form his mission in Texas and I am so happy to see him

Haha my brother is in Texas... what mission did your cousin have?

Edited by Bondsmith-Edgedancer
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