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Just. Brad Wilcox, man. (I guess that's Elder Wilcox now?) He is such a good speaker, and more than that, he clearly speaks with the Spirit. They all do--I also especially enjoyed Elder Nielsen's talk. And Sister Eubank is just awesome. And I could keep going...

Can't wait for tomorrow, too. :D @Chinkoln I'd hardly say they're the least important! Actually I'd argue that it's one of the most important announcements each year.

@Tani Same! I've made a few notes that basically amount to "Just rewatch this one. It's awesome."

Also, was that @Steeldancer I spotted in the choir again?

Edited by Slowswift
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19 hours ago, Slowswift said:

Can't wait for tomorrow, too. :D @Chinkoln I'd hardly say they're the least important! Actually I'd argue that it's one of the most important announcements each year!

Well I know it’s important, and temple work is amazing, but I mean, the actual announcement of temples kind of pales in comparison to the spiritual messages being shared


Edit: 14 temples!!!! 

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12 hours ago, Chinkoln said:

Well I know it’s important, and temple work is amazing, but I mean, the actual announcement of temples kind of pales in comparison to the spiritual messages being shared

Fair point!

I read somewhere that President Nelson has personally announced like 83 temples or something. It's insane.

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12 hours ago, Chinkoln said:

Well I know it’s important, and temple work is amazing, but I mean, the actual announcement of temples kind of pales in comparison to the spiritual messages being shared

Yeah, the temples and the work done within are more important than the messages, but the actual announcement of the temples isn't as important as the messages. They could be announced on churchofjesuschrist.org, whereas the conference talks don't have quite the same effect when you are simply reading them.

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On 10/2/2021 at 8:12 PM, Slowswift said:

Just. Brad Wilcox, man. (I guess that's Elder Wilcox now?) He is such a good speaker, and more than that, he clearly speaks with the Spirit. They all do--I also especially enjoyed Elder Nielsen's talk. And Sister Eubank is just awesome. And I could keep going...

Can't wait for tomorrow, too. :D @Chinkoln I'd hardly say they're the least important! Actually I'd argue that it's one of the most important announcements each year.

@Tani Same! I've made a few notes that basically amount to "Just rewatch this one. It's awesome."

Also, was that @Steeldancer I spotted in the choir again?

it was me! 

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On 10/4/2021 at 8:03 PM, Steeldancer said:

it was me! 

oh that's so cool! That must've been an amazing experience! I sang in the choir for the face-to-face with Elder Gong and that was so cool, I'd imagine singing in General Conference would be even more amazing 

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On 10/7/2021 at 7:07 PM, revelryintheart said:

oh that's so cool! That must've been an amazing experience! I sang in the choir for the face-to-face with Elder Gong and that was so cool, I'd imagine singing in General Conference would be even more amazing 

I've done it twice now, both were amazing, deeply spiritual experiences.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was able to go on a youth temple trip yesterday, and as a group we did baptisms for 179 names and confirmations for even more :D What's also cool is that I was one of two Priests there, so I got to do half of those. It was pretty awesome since it'd been awhile since I'd been able to go.

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh hey, this is interesting. I’m not religious and haven’t gone to church since I was four, but the only reason I speak Russian is because my dad went on his mission there and he speaks it near fluently. I’ve heard the language learning process for missionaries is super intense, but clearly it works since my parents are nearly fluent in the languages of where they went on their mission. 

also, I literally just remembered the thing about how (in Mistborn) they had to write stuff in metal! Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Joseph Smith like carve his prophecy words (sorry I don’t know terms) into metal plates and then bury them in the ground?

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1 minute ago, ashwastaken said:

Oh hey, this is interesting. I’m not religious and haven’t gone to church since I was four, but the only reason I speak Russian is because my dad went on his mission there and he speaks it near fluently. I’ve heard the language learning process for missionaries is super intense, but clearly it works since my parents are nearly fluent in the languages of where they went on their mission. 

My dad went to Russia as well! He can definitely not still speak Russian though :P But my uncle and Grandpa can both still speak their languages and I attribute my dad to Russian being really hard and him not using it at all when he got back, so good on your dad for still speaking it!

2 minutes ago, ashwastaken said:

also, I literally just remembered the thing about how (in Mistborn) they had to write stuff in metal! Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Joseph Smith like carve his prophecy words (sorry I don’t know terms) into metal plates and then bury them in the ground?

Close :P Joseph Smith was directed to the golden plates, which he un-buried and translated. But yes, they were written onto metal. Just by the ancient inhabitants of America during bible times, not Joseph Smith.

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1 minute ago, Matrim's Dice said:

My dad went to Russia as well! He can definitely not still speak Russian though :P But my uncle and Grandpa can both still speak their languages and I attribute my dad to Russian being really hard and him not using it at all when he got back, so good on your dad for still speaking it!

Close :P Joseph Smith was directed to the golden plates, which he un-buried and translated. But yes, they were written onto metal. Just by the ancient inhabitants of America during bible times, not Joseph Smith.

Russian is a really cool language, it’s grammar is just really really different from english’s. It takes ages to learn though, but it’s so so rewarding to be able to talk in someone else’s native language.

ahhh ok. This is one of those times when I wish I knew more about LDS theology

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