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Long Game 62: Remaster of the House


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Basic Rules:


Day turns will be 24 hours and night turns will be 48 hours.

At the beginning of the game, each player will be sorted into a random house. (Venture, Elariel, Tekiel, Hasting, Lekal, Tormander) There will be no more than 5 people per house, and no fewer than 4. Each house will have their own private Doc to communicate in. You may not Copy/Paste from or into your Doc. You cannot vote on a member of your house.

Each house has access to the same 6 actions. Each night, you may attempt to use one of your house’s actions. If you and another member of your house attempt to use the same action, neither of you succeed, but you do not know you failed.

In addition to the Nightly actions, there is a Daily Lynch. With regards to the writeup, the lynched player will be revealed to have Skaa Ancestry, and will be killed by the Inquisitors. Only one player may be Lynched per turn. If there is a Tie in the votes, no one is Lynched.

You may also, at any time you want, make any number of PM’s with any number of other Players. Please include the GM in all PMs and please put the names of everyone in your PM in the title of it.

In order to win, you have to be the last surviving member of your faction.

When a player wins, they will be removed from the game.

House Actions:


Allomancers: You may send your house’s Allomancers to kill another player. You cannot send them to kill a member of your own house.

Hazekillers: You may send your house’s Hazekiller’s to Defend another player from one Attack.

Guards: You may send your house’s Guards to Detain another player, canceling any order they sent in. You cannot target a member of your own house with this. You can stop a player from using Guards.

Obligators: You can send your house’s Obligators to negotiate with another player. They will not be able to vote the next day, but they are not aware of this.Skaa: You may send your house’s Skaa to mine for Atium. They succeed 33.3% of the time. If you have Atium, you may use it to amplify another ability. See the Boosted Actions section.

Beggars: You can talk to the Beggars, and learn who is in PM’s with a target player. You will also learn which of them is used the most, so don’t bother making 100 PM’s just to hide who you are actually talking to.

Boosted Actions:


Mistborn: The attack goes through all layers of protection, and cannot be roleblocked.

Hazekillers: Their target cannot be affected by any action.

Obligators: Cancel two player’s votes.

Skaa: Guaranteed to get an Atium. (I dare you to do this)

Beggars: Get a copy of the player’s PM’s.

Kandra: If you can target a player with a Kandra the same turn they die, that play’s win goal changes to ensuring your survival. They win if you survive. If you die, they win by surviving. They do not need to be the only survivor of their house to do this

Ookla Season Rules:


1. If you change your name, please change your title to your former username.

2. If you change your name, please do not also change your profile picture.

3. Please vote for all players using their former usernames. I will disregard all votes that are on Ooklas.

4. Please use former usernames for all PMs.

The game will start on December 3rd. SIgnups may be delayed if there aren't enough players.

Spec List:



Player List:


1. Elbereth (Lady Celeste)

2. Bartimaeus (Molsier Randaller)

3. Coda (Ashweather Tarnin)

4. Araris Valerian (Hadrian Penrod)

5. Lemonelon (Lady Elenbora)

6. Elandera (Dera Renault)

7. STINK (Germane Moniker)

8. Snipexe (Anonymous Unknown)

9. Elkanah (TBA)

10. StrikerEZ (Variel)

11. Devotary of Spontaneity (Lady Voelge)

12. Wonko the Sane (TBA)

13. Abstrusity (Mundric Petasum)

14. Stick (Unknown Anonymous)

15. Manukos (Glenn)

16. Shqueeves (Mukluk Topper)

Quick Links:


Edited by Elandera
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Oy! I didn’t put Sandhya in. She’s dead and all. :P Celeste was married into her current house to cement an alliance between it and House Seidel. No betrayal involved!

Also, the point of the game is to betray your own House. Just saying. :P 

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This intrigues me enough that I'm going to make the extremely unwise decision to play multiple games on an already tight schedule. I'm going to be able to at least check in every day, though past that it's anybody's guess. But I don't want to miss out on this.

Abundance character to come later (after I come up with one for my other game :P). I can pretty much guarantee I won't be doing much RP, though; sorry.

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