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Long Game 58: A Hidden Threat


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  • Group PMs are not allowed.
  • Rollover will probably be at 4PM EST. However, this is subject to change.
  • If there is a tied lynch, both players will die.
  • All players have one action per cycle.
  • Day turns will be 48 hours long, and Night turns will be 24 hours long.
  • All vote changes from rioters and soothers are anonymous.
  • In order for a lynch to occur, a player must have at least two votes placed on them.
  • Eliminator kills and coinshot kills will not be differentiated.



Spiked: Your goal is to reach parity with the Village. The Spiked have a doc, a kill, and start with one member (the Inquisitor).

Village: Your goal is to kill all of the Spiked



Thug: You can survive one lynch/kill.

Tineye: While you live, PMs are open. Each night, you can send the GM a message to post in the writeup.

Coinshot: Once per game, you can kill a player.

Lurcher: Each night, you can protect a player.

Seeker: Each night, you can discover a player's role and alignment.

Smoker: You are immune to rioting, soothing, and seeking. Each night, you can use an action to either extend this ability to another player or turn this ability off.

Rioter: Each day, you can change a player's vote. However, your own vote will be nullified.

Soother: Each day, you can nullify a player's vote.

Mistborn: Each cycle, you have access to a random allomantic ability. You will be told what the ability is at the start of the day turn.

Unsnapped: Each cycle, you have a 10% chance of snapping and gaining a random allomantic power. This is raised to a 25% chance on any cycle that the Inquisitor converts a misting.

The Inquisitor: You have access to a few spikes that grant you enhanced allomantic abilities. When a misting dies, you can give up one of your spikes to convert a player. The player you convert has a 50% chance of gaining the power that the dead misting had. If you use all of your spikes, you will die.

GM Notes:

The Game will start on July 27th, at 4:00 PM. This date is subject to change.

This game is a rerun of LG32 and LG2.

Player List:


1. Haelbarde (TBA)

2. Burnt Spaghetti (Opal Ghetti)

3. Snipexe (TBA)

4. StrikerEZ (Variel)

5. Araris Valerian (Hadrian Penrod)

6. Lumgol (Teraval)

7. Ax's Boyfriend (Voidapple)

8. shanerockes (Bill)

9. Doc12 (Galen Aurette)

10. Randuir (Eliza Deveill)

11. Amanuensis (MaiKaal)

12. BrightnessRadiant (TBA)

13. Fifth Scholar (Lerdar)

14. Devotary of Spontaneity (Nevene)

15. Rathmaskal (Rebelmaskal)

16. Young Bard (Beattie Buvidas)

17. Sart (TBA)

18. STINK (Fonar Redacted)

Spectator List:


1. _Stick_

2. Butt Ad Venture

3. A Joe in the Bush

4. Furamirionind

5. Elandera (Pinch Hitter)

6. Alvron (IM)

7. Cadmium Compounder (Pinch Hitter)

8. MrakeDarshall

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Edited by Elbereth
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Sign me up.

Should have time to play. Regardless now im back in se im in the mood to stay a little while.

I will be playing as Opal Ghetti. She loves to collect things that sparkle  and keeps all her glittery trinkets in a wooden box by her candles. She may have started naming her trinkets as well.  She mostly keeps to herself though- her family doesnt have the best reputation as far as being trustworthy  and so she finds its hard to talk to people without them assuming that she is just like the rest of the Ghetti's

Edited by Burnt Spaghetti
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Signing up! Teraval is back, because the knife used to kill him was secretly a spike... :ph34r: 

... or maybe because I just feel like RPing him again even though he's dead.

I'll likely have to request a pinch-hitter mid game, though.

Edited by Lumgol
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25 minutes ago, Lumgol said:

Signing up! Teraval is back, because the knife used to kill him was secretly a spike... :ph34r: 

... or maybe because I just feel like RPing him again even though he's dead.

I'll likely have to request a pinch-hitter mid game, though.

I don't think that this game is going to have pinch hitters, unless one of the spectators wants to not be in the spec/dead doc.

Edited by Straw
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Just now, Straw said:

I don't think that this game is going to have pinch hitters.

Ok. I'll be away for a week in mid-August, so I guess I'll have to either take a spec doc or potentially be gone for a few cycles towards the end. Maybe I'll just get killed off early :) 

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7 minutes ago, Ax's Boyfriend said:

I'll sign up. Why isn't there a write up tho...

I haven't been paying attention to recent games, but I don't think that most games have a writeup in the signups.


Ok. I'll be away for a week in mid-August, so I guess I'll have to either take a spec doc or potentially be gone for a few cycles towards the end. Maybe I'll just get killed off early :) 

I'll see if i can find a pinch hitter.

Edited by Straw
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1 minute ago, Straw said:

I haven't been paying attention to recent games, but I don't think that most games have a writeup in the signups.

^This one has writeup in photo form

I'm gonna stop now, I think you get the point :P

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  • Alvron pinned this topic
9 hours ago, Straw said:

The first countdown is in New Zealand standard time instead of EST. :P

Ah, NZT, the best timezone there is. :P 

2 hours ago, Ax's Boyfriend said:

Why isn't there a write up tho...

1 hour ago, Straw said:

It's not noted in the GM formatting section of the rule, which is typically what I refer to.

Flavour text is not required at any stage even during turnover.   If the GMs wish to put some in, that's their choice as is if they don't want to put anything extra in.  While the players love some extra flavour to get us more into the world, it isn't always possible to add some.  GMs don't always have the time or inspiration to work on it due to varying factors so having it in the rules to include would not be a very inviting way to encourage new GMs.

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I should be focusing on writing my master's thesis, and SE games always end up eating up quite a bit of time.

Anyway, I'll be Eliza Deveill, a noble heiress without any allomantic powers what-so-ever, and anyone who claims differently is a liar.

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22 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Saludan Leiken might not have been able to redeem himself, but maybe I can. Conversion games are usually a headache for me, but...

Signing up as the kandra, MaiKaal. Will try to post some RP when I have more time.

Man, you could’ve signed up as Amandra. :P

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