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The Newcago Court


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*Princess Delightful pulls out knife from my back, and I cough up a ton of blood*

Yeah I think there's some books in there. They're pretty heavy, why don't you come down to the archive with me to help me grab them.

*looks at blood*

Oh. Need any help there, Sir Leftinch?

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"I've got it M'Queen, have no fear"

As he said this the blood seemed to, flow, into his red duster. Then in a dash of speed that only a Steel Ferring could match, he took off his spectacles, broke the two ear pieces off, and rammed them into Miss Contrary's eyes. Making sure that She wasn't going anywhere he quickly popped a couple buttons off of his duster, revealing that they had long thin spikes as well. He paused for a moment, then viciously slammed them into Miss Contrary's Spine.

"Yes, M'queen I've got it all under control, I also appear to have a new person under your control as well."


Also M'Queen, an upvote would really be appreciated. I'm tied for 50th reputation and my power only adds to yours.

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The Mistress gasped, then fell on all fours on the cold, hard floor.

Blood gushed out of the three wounds and though the Scholar used smaller spikes, it didn't make it hurt any less.
In fact, like a smaller pinch, it hurt more. Then her body shuddered, vibrated, and the spikes slowly let themselves out of her body.

She took a moment, and waited to let the blood stop flowing, then slowly stood to face the Scholar who caused the pain. She looked at thim intensely and cocked her head to the side. It was eerie the way her eyes repaired itself.

"That hurts. Everytime. No matter how many times it's done.", she said huskily. "But it's not my first time, Scholar. I allowed you this, in payment for that knife in your back. The thing is, you had to choose old spikes. "

"You really should've chosen fresher, bigger spikes, Scholar."

She clenched her fist and Pulled Leftinch through the steel spikes in his clothing. As soon as he got near, fast as lightning, she punched him in the face, breaking his teeth.
Then she walked out of the court.
"I am a Lady of Chaos, a Goddess of Murder. Don't you ever attempt to do this again. Puny spikes don't work."
Edited by Quitecontrary
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The Mistress gasped, then fell on all fours on the cold, hard floor.

Blood gushed out of the three wounds and though the Scholar used smaller spikes, it didn't make it hurt any less.

In fact, like a smaller pinch, it hurt more. Then her body shuddered, vibrated, and the spikes slowly let themselves out of her body.

She took a moment, and waited to let the blood stop flowing, then slowly stood to face the Scholar who caused the pain. She looked at thim intensely and cocked her head to the side. It was eerie the way her eyes repaired herself.

"That hurts. Everytime. No matter how many times it's done.", she said huskily. "But it's not my first time, Scholar. I allowed you this, in payment for that knife in your back. The thing is, you had to choose old spikes. "

"You really should've chosen fresher, bigger spikes, Scholar."

She clenched her fist and Pulled Leftinch through the steel spikes in his clothing. As soon as he got near, fast as lightning, she punched him in the face, breaking his teeth.

Then she walked out of the court.
"I am a Lady of Chaos, a Goddess of Murder. Don't you ever attempt to do this again. Puny spikes don't work."



Really? Really?


You guys start the brawl while Im gone?

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Really? Really?


You guys start the brawl while Im gone?

 Don't worry, this is a personal fight between the two gods of murder. This isn't so much about clans.


"Do you have any idea how annoying teeth are to fix! They never come in quite straight."

Seeing the old roots of the teeth getting shot out of the mouth was just so gross that Contrary paled and then puked. Seeing the new ones come in wasn't any nicer. After grimacing through the whole thing the Scholar finally looked up at his rival.

"Well, if good old fashioned spiking won't quite work, then I guess we'll have to do something different."

He raised his hand and made a fist, holding Contrary levetating in the air using the force. After looking at her for a minute he then proceeded to send controlled bursts of lightning through her. With his other hand he pulled out the lenses from his spectacles, folded them over each other and placed them over his right eye. To increase the power he went ahead and stabbed his other eye out.

"You didn't think I wore normal glasses did you? Oh, no, these are a special kind of turturers lense. They allow me to double the power by overlapping them. I think we'd better go pretty far down into the archives so that your screams don't bother the Queen too much."

Snapping his fingers he quickly moved them down, down, into the archives into a special steel room with no doors.


Upvotes for the reference at the end.

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King Lord of Chaos, Your troops moved in first, and were then dealt with. This is now a private matter between murder gods, not something of the Guilds. However to keep the peace we will return Quitechaos to harmony.


*Tosses a charred remnant of a corpse off the wall*

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I'm sure it was well deserved that we struck first, so it was justified. You are no god, and I am the absolute ruler, so their business is mine. And so my edict stands.

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Also, Malliw, I'm quite sure you too are jacked and amped up on Hemalurgic Spikes and such. Don't preach about someone being a demon when you are not far from one.

Panda, I don't know what you are talking about. I haven't a single spike in me. If you are referring to my many FeatherSurges and blades, that comes from being the founder of the Featherclan and upholding our oaths.

Leftinch, that was completely uncalled for. Quitecontrary is not a Feather, but she didn't deserve that ugly attack. I'm glad she got you back. Another thing, show The Lord Chaos respect or you may just find yourself dead.

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The Mistress of the Wafflesworn, stood up, still steaming after being healed by the Lord of Chaos.

She looked at the Ice Palace, the beautiful food laid out, and smiled.

"As Princess Delightful has said, The Wafflesworn needs to send another representative here.

Master Leftinch, we live to fight another day. And I hope you're not keeping dangerous retired agents in your windowless archives.

I will head the kitchens of the Lords of Chaos, and my shadow will no longer grace these halls, as my Lord Chaos commands."

*leaves the ice palace for good*

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Leftinch, that was completely uncalled for. Quitecontrary is not a Feather, but she didn't deserve that ugly attack. I'm glad she got you back. Another thing, show The Lord Chaos respect or you may just find yourself dead.

A mere mortal such as yourself could never understand. When two gods declare for the same position in the nerdpantheon scarey things happen. The Duke Chaos appreciates my spunk. Its refreshing after all of your groveling and knee scraping.


As for spikes, those are called quills in feather fandom, and Maill has plenty.

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Well I appreciate the effort but it would clash dreadfully with my blood red duster. So what say ye to joining and becoming a knight and knitter of the Court?

Edit:sniped by the knave

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