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Unpopular Brandon Sanderson Opinions

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3 hours ago, Treamayne said:

And, of course Renarin getting the better of Wit is hilarious:

In more pop-culture terms, for example, I thought the movie Clue was funny (mostly) - but I do not think 90% of the films with Adam Sandler or Will Farrell (or their ilk) are funny at all. 

I hope that makes sense to somebody other than myself. 

I need to know what book and chapter that Renarin scene is.

Also, I got to help put on a production of clue last year and it was quite fun.


One last thing, and I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, but I just don't like Jasnah. Probably it's just harder for me to connect with her than other characters, but I find her stuck up, and feel like her trying to bring democracy to Alethkar as a way of virtue signaling as opposed to with Elend, where I really felt his desire for the people's good. This whole thing may just be because I connected with so many other characters first, or it may just be that I don't like her.

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59 minutes ago, Lego Mistborn said:

I need to know what book and chapter that Renarin scene is.

WoK Ch 15 (on the way to the hunt)


59 minutes ago, Lego Mistborn said:

One last thing, and I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, but I just don't like Jasnah. Probably it's just harder for me to connect with her than other characters, but I find her stuck up, and feel like her trying to bring democracy to Alethkar as a way of virtue signaling as opposed to with Elend, where I really felt his desire for the people's good. This whole thing may just be because I connected with so many other characters first, or it may just be that I don't like her.

Concur. Jasnah is (so far) in my bottom five "protagonists" for Stormlight Archive. 

As mentioned here.

That may change when we start getting consistent viewpoints from her, but so far. . . 


59 minutes ago, Lego Mistborn said:

Also, I got to help put on a production of clue last year and it was quite fun.

Awesome, didn;t realize they had made a stage show version.

Out of curiosity, did it use one ending or all three?

Edited by Treamayne
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Some Jasnah fanboys disagree, largely out of motivated reasoning, but it seems quite clear that Jasnah is a psychopath, of the charismatic, pro-social variety that is largely overrepresented among CEOs and politicians.  There are plenty of reasons to believe this, but the most obvious one is the way her go-to solution to every problem is murder.  For example:

  • Don't like your brother's new wife?  Hire an assassin to keep tabs on her, and don't so much as bat an eye when the assassin points out that assassins aren't hired just to keep tabs on someone.
  • Thugs robbing people downtown?  Use a Soulcaster to brutally slaughter them all.
  • Trouble with the Fused?  We should find some Heralds and kill them.
  • Something fishy going on with Renarin's spren?  Better murder him; it's the only way to be sure.

She doesn't always go through with it, but it appears to always be the first obvious solution that pops into her head.  Because she's a psychopath.  Having her on the throne of Alethkar is horrifying.

Edited by Mason Wheeler
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17 minutes ago, Mason Wheeler said:

Some Jasnah fanboys disagree, largely out of motivated reasoning, but it seems quite clear that Jasnah is a psychopath, of the charismatic, pro-social variety that is largely overrepresented among CEOs and politicians.  There are plenty of reasons to believe this, but the most obvious one is the way her go-to solution to every problem is murder.  For example:

  • Don't like your brother's new wife?  Hire an assassin to keep tabs on her, and don't so much as bat an eye when the assassin points out that assassins aren't hired just to keep tabs on someone.
  • Thugs robbing people downtown?  Use a Soulcaster to brutally slaughter them all.
  • Trouble with the Fused?  We should find some Heralds and kill them.
  • Something fishy going on with Renarin's spren?  Better murder him; it's the only way to be sure.

She doesn't always go through with it, but it appears to always be the first obvious solution that pops into her head.  Because she's a psychopath.  Having her on the throne of Alethkar is horrifying.

Don't forget, (RoW Spoilers)


There's a troublesome Highlord? Have him try to kill wit and mortally wound him, but Renarin will hopefully come in in time and heal him.


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On 1/31/2024 at 6:47 AM, Mason Wheeler said:

Some Jasnah fanboys disagree, largely out of motivated reasoning, but it seems quite clear that Jasnah is a psychopath, of the charismatic, pro-social variety that is largely overrepresented among CEOs and politicians.  There are plenty of reasons to believe this, but the most obvious one is the way her go-to solution to every problem is murder.  For example:

  • Don't like your brother's new wife?  Hire an assassin to keep tabs on her, and don't so much as bat an eye when the assassin points out that assassins aren't hired just to keep tabs on someone.
  • Thugs robbing people downtown?  Use a Soulcaster to brutally slaughter them all.
  • Trouble with the Fused?  We should find some Heralds and kill them.
  • Something fishy going on with Renarin's spren?  Better murder him; it's the only way to be sure.

She doesn't always go through with it, but it appears to always be the first obvious solution that pops into her head.  Because she's a psychopath.  Having her on the throne of Alethkar is horrifying.

She's got problems. A lot of people point to her unique point of view on life, but it seems to be her point of view on death that more interests people, mainly that so many people deserve to die, and that Jasnah is the one who decides who deserves to die. She's not altogether dissimilar to high-intellect Taravangian, who knows that it would be better for society if all the stupid people die, without realizing how much it means to so many that stupid people live, lower than average IQ and all. The only difference is that half the time, Taravangian sees this, while Jasnah almost never does. 

(unpopular opinion)

Edited by Voidlit Man
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22 hours ago, Voidlit Man said:

She's got problems. A lot of people point to her unique point of view on life, but it seems to be her point of view on death that more interests people, mainly that so many people deserve to die, and that Jasnah is the one who decides who deserves to die. She's not altogether dissimilar to high-intellect Taravangian, who knows that it would be better for society if all the stupid people die, without realizing how much it means to so many that stupid people live, lower than average IQ and all. The only difference is that half the time, Taravangian sees this, while Jasnah almost never does. 

(unpopular opinion)

Jasnah values human life, just not very highly. She saved Ruthar and only kills those who deserve it (by her standards). 
That being said I still don’t like her that much. She cares about others, but she needs to be more compassionate. 

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Jasnah is great. I support women's rights AND women's wrongs.

I'm not that interested in WOBs. They can be fun and interesting, but they're not canon unless I agree. They're my books now, Brandon. You have no power here.

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I like Jasnah, but only if it's from her POV, because then I get to see why she's doing the things she's doing and her perspective on it instead of Dalinar or Kaladin being horrified because she's callous sometimes. 

Jasnah is a great character who I want a lot more of. I fundamentally disagree with a lot of the things she does, such as that scene when she kills the thieves in the Way of Kings (mostly because I beleive that murder is wrong and that is exactly what she did in my opinion) and the way that she interacted with Shallan in Oathbringer in a scene or two. She has a different view on the world than I do, and that's entirely fine. I love seeing the ways other people think and why they act the way they do.

I for one cannot wait to get more of Jasnah in book five.

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I am SO EXCITED for when we get Jasnah's book in the back five! I find her POVs are super interesting to read, partially because I do not always agree with her.

...and speaking of the back five, I don't know if this is really an unpopular opinion, but Taln' flashback sequence is the one I am least excited about. Even though I absolutely love his interactions with Ash (the one at the end of Oathbringer kills me every time), I just don't find him as interesting as any of the others.

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10 minutes ago, Faerie Braids said:

I am SO EXCITED for when we get Jasnah's book in the back five! I find her POVs are super interesting to read, partially because I do not always agree with her.

...and speaking of the back five, I don't know if this is really an unpopular opinion, but Taln' flashback sequence is the one I am least excited about. Even though I absolutely love his interactions with Ash (the one at the end of Oathbringer kills me every time), I just don't find him as interesting as any of the others.

I’m really excited for the Herald flashbacks in general, but after we already have Ash’s I’m less excited for Taln’s.

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4 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

I like Jasnah, but only if it's from her POV, because then I get to see why she's doing the things she's doing and her perspective on it instead of Dalinar or Kaladin being horrified because she's callous sometimes.

That's am excellent point, I mostly see her from the perspectives of those around her (including Shallan) At some point I'll do a reread of just her viewpoint chapters to see if that changes things.

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7 hours ago, Lego Mistborn said:

That's am excellent point, I mostly see her from the perspectives of those around her (including Shallan) At some point I'll do a reread of just her viewpoint chapters to see if that changes things.

Here is the list I put together to do something similar:



 - Prologue

 - Ch 47
 - Ch 53
 - Ch 115
 - Ch 116
 - Ch 118
 - Ch 120

 - Ch 64
 - Ch 99

Hope that helps

Edited by Treamayne
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On 1/30/2024 at 9:08 PM, Lego Mistborn said:

Probably it's just harder for me to connect with her than other characters, but I find her stuck up, and feel like her trying to bring democracy to Alethkar as a way of virtue signaling as opposed to with Elend, where I really felt his desire for the people's good.

With the recent Elsecallers video, this is better understood; they are practical, actually too practical. They seek to be the best version of themselves, but I think that at least until the 4th ideal, they have no brakes. It doesn't matter if you want to be the best King, Slave Driver, Clown, Plumber or Chull Breeder, what matters is that you want to be the best.
She must see democracy simply as a promising system for technological and economic development; therefore, eliminating the monarchy is a logical step.
Additionally, we have the WoB, which says that Machiavelli would be easily accepted by them. And also about Jasnah we have the one that says that she would be a good Odium.

Regarding my unpopular opinions:
If Adolin were to gain powers, he would be an ordinary radiant.
Dalinar is right to try to instill humanity in the Stormfather.
Dalinar's redemption arc is more justified than Moash's one (at least so far).
Dark One is a good comic.

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On 8/29/2023 at 7:18 PM, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

There are many (unpopular) reasons I believe this is true. Firstly, Moash is mainly hated for killing Teft, it seems that is the unforgivable thing. Yes he did the wrong thing in killing Teft, no he should not have done that. Moash killed several  other people, too, such as Jezrien and Elhokar. Kelsier on the other hand, killed so many people in his lifetime, much more than Moash. Moash, as Vyre, was being very strongly manipulated by Odium (it seemed that way to me, at least), while Kelsier was being lightly prodded by Ruin, but even so most of what I hate about Kelsier are the things he did voluntarily, many of which were the same things people hate about Moash. Also, Moash would likely accept death, accept that he needs to be dead, and even if he didn’t I don’t think he would make an organization where he gives the members power and excuses as long as they follow three loose easily interpretable tenets. 


While I agree with you about Ruin, I extremely disagree about the killing/murder. While some of the noblemen probably did deserve it, the vast majority of the people Kelsier killed were brainwashed by the nobles, or unfortunately happened to be Allomancers and were forced to fight people like Kelsier, who was stealing what was not his. Even the Inquisitor was an unfortunate person being controlled by Ruin (in that situation, though, it may have been unavoidable.


Both are obviously wrong in killing innocents. However, I think Kelsier definitely had far greater reason and justifiability on his side. He watched nobles murder and rape his friends his entire life, and as such developed a hate for them. Even after all of that, he saved a nobleman from dying in book one, and seemed to come around(a tiny bit). 


Moash, meanwhile, had his grandparents killed by a child who was being manipulated by evil men. Even after he found this out, he still killed Elhokar, despite knowing that he was trying to getbetter. That much should have been obvious from the fact he was even in Kholinar and he was saying Radiant Oaths. And after all of this, he still went on killing innocents, including Teft.

The noblemen Kelsier killed were all corrupt and ignorant of the skaa. They deserved to die. Moash's victims did not.

While Kelsier is doing what he does for the greater good, with some bit of selfish reasons, Moash is purely driven by selfish reasons, under the false veil of the greater good. Neither are completely innocent, but Kel is certainly more justified.

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32 minutes ago, Dofurion said:

Dark One is a good comic.

Dark one deserves more love! I adore Dark One and desperately want another graphic novel, which seems unlikely, but I really do want it! 

Someone, anyone, please ask Brandon if we are getting another graphic novel!

33 minutes ago, Dofurion said:

Dalinar's redemption arc is more justified than Moash's one (at least so far).

I've seen this opinion a lot and I can agree on a reader level. From a writing level, however, I do think that Dalinar's was amazing because we know where he would end up (where he is in the story at least) and we knew that he was suffering emotionally from it and trying to be better.

However, we have seen hardly any of Moash's redemption arc yet, which I want at least some of because right now Moash is so much of a wild card that I think Brandon could go anywhere he could objectively want to at this point. He could be redeemed in a number of ways, he could come back to the windrunners, he could join the singers, he could fade off into the background and become a guilt ridden mentor in the back half, he could become a hero, he could save the day in book five, he could do so much. And he could come back to the bad guys and do some insane stuff, ya know. 

So there's that.

(I totally didn't have this almost all written out, then forgot about it for like a few days.)

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On 2/10/2024 at 11:13 AM, Dofurion said:

Dalinar's redemption arc is more justified than Moash's one (at least so far).

Dalinar wants to get better, so far, I haven't gotten any sort of hint that Moash does  as well. . . (unless it's in the SA5 prolouge or whatever-I haven't read that). This is a massive difference imo. So yeah, I guess I agree.

Edited by justice magician
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One of his biggest draws for many is how he handles the rules of his magic and that he himself has stated that his magic is more like science than magic.  I like his stories, but I do not like how he handles magic.  I want magic to feel like magic, not technology or science.  magic to me is always drawing on mystical forces, not the way he describes them. Elantris feels more like energy pulled from the earth, but his other systems feel less magical for lack of a better term.  

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5 hours ago, Zelda Goldberry said:

One of his biggest draws for many is how he handles the rules of his magic and that he himself has stated that his magic is more like science than magic.  I like his stories, but I do not like how he handles magic.  I want magic to feel like magic, not technology or science.  magic to me is always drawing on mystical forces, not the way he describes them. Elantris feels more like energy pulled from the earth, but his other systems feel less magical for lack of a better term.  

See, I like it because "magic is just science that isn't understood".

I don't think your opinion is as rare as you think, but the theorycrafters, who are bound to be the loudest voice(there's more to talk about, I think) are almost guaranteed to like the hard magic style.

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On 2/5/2024 at 9:45 PM, Voidlit Man said:

She's got problems. A lot of people point to her unique point of view on life, but it seems to be her point of view on death that more interests people, mainly that so many people deserve to die, and that Jasnah is the one who decides who deserves to die. She's not altogether dissimilar to high-intellect Taravangian, who knows that it would be better for society if all the stupid people die, without realizing how much it means to so many that stupid people live, lower than average IQ and all. The only difference is that half the time, Taravangian sees this, while Jasnah almost never does. 

(unpopular opinion)

Jasnah has a lot of parallels with Kelsier in my opinion...along the lines of how she sees the world, how she is a force for good, but only on her terms. 

Of course Kel is much more charismatic, so it runs people the wrong way less.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I lowkey happy that Brandon's Mainframe endeavor isn't as successful as he'd like. Mainframe aka Audible-exclusive products, while a decent idea, mostly wasted its stories and mediums. Not only do they miss an entire market by being Audible-exclusive, but most were told like how normal books read.

Compare Lux and that one Legion: Death and Faxes to The Original and Dark One: Forgotten. The latter two are told in a way where the format aids the story, while the first two are just stories that happen to be audio-exclusive. Lux would have most assuredly sold better if it had a physical release as well. 

Had Mainframe succeeded, Brandon probably have put the Secret Projects on Audible sooner, and we would not have gotten the victory recently gained if so. 

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