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3 minutes ago, The Awakened Salad said:

*goes to the oven and opens it* *The smells of freshly baked brownies wafts out* *Salad takes the tray out of the oven, waits for the brownies to cool, and then bites into one, looking Ene directly in the eyes* You may have my cupcakes, but you'll never take my brownies from me.

Fine with me, I made brownies a couple days ago. *eats cupcakes happily*

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9 hours ago, The Awakened Salad said:

I'm actually fine with this. If you give me that one strawberry cupcake, that is.


You don’t eat the cookie dough? 

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*Examines the quality of Salad's cupcakes* Are these Sugar and high-Fructose corn syrup free? otherwise I'm going to have to confiscate them. Can't afford to take chances with the outbreak. *steals all of Salad's cupcakes that Ene stole.*

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2 hours ago, Nameless said:

*Examines the quality of Salad's cupcakes* Are these Sugar and high-Fructose corn syrup free? otherwise I'm going to have to confiscate them. Can't afford to take chances with the outbreak. *steals all of Salad's cupcakes that Ene stole.*

But I already ate them :ph34r: 

(Is there something wrong with high-fructose corn syrup? What does it have to do with the outbreak?) 

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1 hour ago, AonEne said:

(Is there something wrong with high-fructose corn syrup? What does it have to do with the outbreak?) 

Considering the current state of TLT, it would be unwise to consume or bake any foods containing these dangerous substances.

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9 hours ago, ToaCalune said:

*steals more brownies*

*sighs and goes to the cookie dough, protecting it with a lettuce shield*

5 hours ago, Nameless said:

*Examines the quality of Salad's cupcakes* Are these Sugar and high-Fructose corn syrup free? otherwise I'm going to have to confiscate them. Can't afford to take chances with the outbreak. *steals all of Salad's cupcakes that Ene stole.*

I never use high-fructose corn syrup in any of my baking. But we are not completely sugar free. Some of my products, like the special super duper amazing chocolate cake that no one eats until I say it’s ready must contain sugar. It’s okay, I think we can dispose of all of the sugary goods in no time *gestures to everyone around them shovelling backed goods into their mouths* Also, I have a shield that protects my bakery from interference with TLT. 

Edited by The Awakened Salad
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2 minutes ago, The Awakened Salad said:

I never use high-fructose corn syrup in any of my baking. But we are not completely sugar free. Some of my products, like the special super duper amazing chocolate cake that no one eats until I say it’s ready must contain sugar. It’s okay, I think we can dispose of all of the sugary goods in no time *gestures to everyone around them shovelling backed goods into their mouths* Also, I have a shield that protects my bakery from interference with TLT.

*Looks up from finishing the chocolate cake* Good. I don't think it's a problem anymore, unless the mimes attempt to undo it again, I think that the outbreak is under control.

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Our school is officially closed for 2 weeks, and we're going to be taking online classes now. <_<. I'm just really ticked off at all of this, we have important tests coming up, and now, we're going to have to just figure out the resources that we're given, for two weeks.  I know people are dying from this, but it is a tiny percentage of people who catch it and actually die.  It just really ticks me off at the level of extremes people are taking this.

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11 minutes ago, Nameless said:

*Looks up from finishing the chocolate cake* Good. I don't think it's a problem anymore, unless the mimes attempt to undo it again, I think that the outbreak is under control.

*stares blankly at Nameless for a few seconds* *looks at the display fridge where the cake is missing* *looks back at Nameless* *turns around, takes a deep breath*

“I AM DONE WITH THIS!” Salad screamed. “IT ENDS NOW!” Suddenly, the lights went black, and all doors exiting the bakery slammed shut. 

Please ignore that I just changed tense and format

“Now,” Salad said, a sickly smile growing across their face. “Let’s begin, shall we?” 

Salad first went to Nameless, with chocolate smeared around the corners of their mouth. A few crumbs dotted the surface of a plate next to them. Salad grabbed Nameless’ wrist, his fingers still sticky with icing and leaned in close. “You like my chocolate cake?” Salad smirked, and then threw Nameless in the direction of the counter. They hit the counter and slumped to the floor, red icing starting to pool from their forehead. (My bakery has a spell cast on it that no one can be injured while inside. Any harm will manifest as a baking substance). Salad didn’t bother giving them another glance, but began walking, ready to find their next target.

I’m counting this as writing practice, because I put too much effort into this post for it not to be

Also, I just though I should say that it’s okay, I don’t hate any of you and I definitely wouldn’t actually do this. I’m not actually angry or anything. This post just kind of happened, and I wrote it for enjoyment, not because I wanted to write about me hurting anyone (I know maybe that’s kind of obvious but I wanted to say it just in case)

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12 minutes ago, The Awakened Salad said:

Salad first went to Nameless, with chocolate smeared around the corners of their mouth. A few crumbs dotted the surface of a plate next to them. Salad grabbed Nameless’ wrist, his fingers still sticky with icing and leaned in close. “You like my chocolate cake?” Salad smirked, and then threw Nameless in the direction of the counter. They hit the counter and slumped to the floor, red icing starting to pool from their forehead. (My bakery has a spell cast on it that no one can be injured while inside. Any harm will manifest as a baking substance). Salad didn’t bother giving them another glance, but began walking, ready to find their next target.

*Begins eating the red icing coming out of his forehead* *stabs self in chest to get maximum red icing production*

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4 hours ago, The Awakened Salad said:

Salad didn’t bother giving them another glance, but began walking, ready to find their next target. 

Ene is happy she headed on over to TUBA (*turns to stare at the camera*) where we’re having a bake sale! With no one trying to murder you! 


There is the sad point that injuries don’t manifest as food, however 

1 hour ago, Dreamer said:

Our uni closed down too 

Out of curiosity, can I ask what your major is? 

And another bites the dust - my school is closed too! We don’t know the particulars here yet either. 

Edited by AonEne
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