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3 minutes ago, Coop772 said:

OOC: Kay Oss has multiple personalities, and you've only met the pyro so far. would anyone object to me using different names for different personalities? I'm going to assume not for this post, but if you do, just lmk. Amy Stake is a huge flirt, and another personallity

Did I hear someone say wife? My name's Amy Stake, and, well, lets just say I may be able to help.

(Flirting with Len the PG-9 Pwayboy? I too like to live dangewously. :lol:)

Shree King Eels was making his way quickly in the other direction than the priest had ran, when the words caught him off guard. Eels had heard some pretty strange things in castle corridors, but this took the cake.

"No, sorry, I was just trying to say wife--er, wife! But then this priest pulled a wife on me!"

Uh-oh, it was spreading!

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A couple of early observations:

  1. RVS seems to be in full effect.
  2. It's odd to come into a thread that has been running for about 8 hours with so many players and not have to catch up to 300 posts. But I don't really mind (I'm reserving the right to call the thread quiet if we don't have 600 posts per cycle though, because apparently that's quiet :ph34r:)
  3. FoS on Elenion, as he's failed to provide us with the number of elims he expects, and how many cycles we have before LYLO.
  4. It's going to take me a bit to get rid of all these handy abbreviations. I'll probably keep WIFOM instead of IKYK for this game, though.

The pirates of Captain K.C.'s crew where milling about chaotically. They'd been on the tail of one of the prince's guards, but after a confusing chase down and across a hallway, he'd gotten away. A couple of them where 'dismantling' an ornate couch, convinced the man had hidden below the seat, while several others where cautiously approaching a big clock, after one of them claimed he'd seen something swing side-to-side in the big box below the clock's face.

The captain sighed. She hadn't picked them for their intelligence, but she still expected better than that. 'Awwight Wandwubbers!' ...

All the pirates looked at the captain, confused looks on their face.

"I meant to say 'Awwight, Wandwubbers!'". More confused looks, and a suppressed laugh from one of them. The heww is going on? 

One of the crew looked like he was about to make an inappropriate joke about wands, so the captain quickly cut him of, pointing down one hallway and shouting 'THAT WAY!' , and the whole gang charged away.

wew, at weast that stiww worked.



2 hours ago, Elenion said:

OOC: I'm using this RP to bring up a real point: if we get Miracle Max on our side, he can effectively negate the elim kill. But if the elims get him on their side, he could make the elims very hard to lynch, under cover of resurrecting people they trust. Miracle Max has incentive to work with both: the elims can help by providing names of elims who have died, but Max needs to resurrect more villagers than elims. If it comes to threats, both sides have repeatable kills, but that might make Max betray the blackmailer to the other side. If a side can convince Miracle Max to work exclusively for them, and only do the minimum resurrections for the other side, that side has a large advantage.

I'd say Miracle max would be more dangerous to the village if he worked with the elims than vice-versa. If he where to constantly heal the night-kills then the elims could just start slipping their own in there to get them cleared, while the village still needs to lynch people to solve the game. If he starts to keep the elims safe from the lynch though, they will become very hard to deal with, unless Wesley sacrifices his night kill to make sure the lynchee dies.

edit2: Regarding roles, the only thing that stood out as unusual (apart from max) is the giant. I'd prefer it if the giant claims if it looks certain he or she is going to be lynched, as that way we can move the vote elsewhere to prevent us from wasting a lynch.

Edited by randuir
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Rath peered down over the castle walls from a nearby hill.

"Tha mawwiage...is pwo-ceeding...  I wondow...when the fighting...wiwwwwwww begin....." he mused to his compatriots.

"Hunh?" responded one of the other pirates.


"What in Blackbeard's name are you talking about?  Get ready to run in and save the captain.  We're going to have a lot of fighting on our hands soon."


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8 hours ago, Elenion said:

OOC: I'm using this RP to bring up a real point: if we get Miracle Max on our side, he can effectively negate the elim kill. But if the elims get him on their side, he could make the elims very hard to lynch, under cover of resurrecting people they trust. Miracle Max has incentive to work with both: the elims can help by providing names of elims who have died, but Max needs to resurrect more villagers than elims. If it comes to threats, both sides have repeatable kills, but that might make Max betray the blackmailer to the other side. If a side can convince Miracle Max to work exclusively for them, and only do the minimum resurrections for the other side, that side has a large advantage.

Now, what kind of bowing play would that be? It's not evewy day one gets a wreak havoc on both the town and the ewims and get to blackmail both parties to do absurd and funny things in the thwead or something. 

(Wooking at you, Max. *Wink Wink*)

(Didn't think I'd succumb to the linguistic epidemic)

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@Coop772 What does your character look like, for RP purposes? I need to figure out how Eels will respond.

@randuir I don't think I'm usually in the habit of projecting the number of cycles before LyLo, except in that one Perfect State game when the field of players was really small. I don't even think such a projection would be possible in this game, with the amount of resurrection involved. That said, you are right that I didn't project a number of elims like I usually do. This game I'm fairly sure we have 5 elims, because we have 27 players, 26 if you discount Miracle Max, and so both the Square Root Rule and the 20% Rule give us 5.

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The Bwute Squad scattered before the real Bwutus Kwod, a thix-foot tall megawomaniac piwate.

"Where did the Brute Squad go?" Cried one of the Palace Guards in panic.

"I AM THE BWUTE THKWOD!" Thouted Bwututh Kwod around the leg of mutton he was munching on. He chewed and swallowed.

"Ah, that is better. Anyways, I AM THE BRUTUS KOWD!"


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33 minutes ago, Straw said:

Vote Count:

Bugsy (1): Araris

Araris (1): Kidpen

Walin (1): Mark IV

Kidpen (1): Devotary of Spontaneity

Devotary of Spontaneity (1): Val

Elenion (1): Randuir

I'm still used to straw being the GM from LG45. I was confused why the GM was giving a vote count. 


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To those of you unfamiliar with The Princess Bride, this might provide context for my character:


Westley:    I, as you know, am Roberts.

Buttercup:  But how is that possible, since he's been maurauding
            twenty years, and you only left me five years ago?

Westley:    I myself am often surprised at life's little quirks.
            See, what I told you before about saying "please"
            was true. It intrigued Roberts, as did my
            descriptions of your beauty. Finally, Roberts
            decided something. He said, "All right Westley, I've
            never had a valet, you can try if you'd like. I'll
            most likely kill you in the morning." Three years he
            said that. "Good night Westley. Good work. Sleep
            well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning." It
            was a fine time for me. I was learning to fence,
            fight, anything anyone would teach me. And Roberts
            and I eventually became friends. And then it

Buttercup:  What? Go on.

Westley:    Well, Roberts had grown so rich, he wanted to retire.
            So he took me to his cabin, and told me his secret.
            "I am not the Dread Pirate Roberts", he said. "My
            name is Ryan. I inherited the ship from the previous
            dread pirate Roberts, just as you will inherit it
            from me. The man I inherited it from was not the
            real dread pirate Roberts either. His name was
            Cummerbund. The real Roberts has been retired
            fifteen years and living like a king in Patagonia."
            Thank you. Then he explained that the name was the
            important thing for inspiring the necessary fear.
            You see, no one would surrender to the dread pirate
            Westley. So we sailed ashore, took on an entirely
            new crew, and he stayed aboard for a while as first
            mate, all the time calling me Roberts. Once the crew
            believed, he left the ship, and I have been Roberts
            ever since. Except now that we're together, I shall
            retire and hand the name over to someone else.

With that out of the way, time for some RP:

The Dread Pirate Cummerbund sighed as he walked towards the wedding. He had been living in such a nice retirement in the tropics across the sea, and now he was here, in miserable Florin. He only had himself to blame, he supposed. It was his own fault for living in a territory controlled by Gilder. Everyone knew Gilder and Florin had been at each other's throats for centuries. With enmity came war, and with war came armies. With armies came taxes, and Cummerbund was not all too fond of giving his money away. So, here we was, in miserable Florin, come to save a princess and stop a war, and hopefully keep all of his money to himself.

As he drew closer to the castle, he saw a group of pirates deeply engrossed in a conversation, speaking words that were hardly recognizable as English. He shook his head. The people from Gilder had the strangest accents. Still, he knew he couldn't save his fortune alone, and in his experience pirates were a pretty reliable bunch once they thought you were one of them. Fortunately for him, his lifetime aboard a ship with people from all over the world meant he had a decent ability to pick up accents quickly, which should hopefully integrate him with them. "Ho thewe, you thwee! What cwew awe you fwom?" he called out as he approached

15 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

Well, RP-wise I am totally out of my depth, perhaps to my own personal shame. However, Araris Valerian will have nothing to do with any pirates, including Dread Pirate Cummerbund.


The pirates are the good guys in this game, which surely you must have known were that your role in your PM. An elim slip in the second post of the game? Things are looking pretty good for the village :P 

I'm gonna assume that was a joke, and that the vote was a poke vote that will be retracted once I post. Still, as unlikely as it is, it's possible this was a slip, so if literally nothing else happens this cycle I may vote on you.

13 hours ago, Doc12 said:

I've had my eye on you for quiiite a while, Mr Doctor :P Before you came, was the Doctor around here, but as I was absent for a good while, I can hardly blame you for rising up to take the position of practitioner - I dare say it will be a pleasure to work with you this game, no matter how...strange your character!


I'll admit, it's been confusing at times, and I've frequently fought the urge to shorten his name to Doc. It's good to have you back :) 

7 hours ago, randuir said:

A couple of early observations:

  1. RVS seems to be in full effect.
  2. It's odd to come into a thread that has been running for about 8 hours with so many players and not have to catch up to 300 posts. But I don't really mind (I'm reserving the right to call the thread quiet if we don't have 600 posts per cycle though, because apparently that's quiet :ph34r:)
  3. FoS on Elenion, as he's failed to provide us with the number of elims he expects, and how many cycles we have before LYLO.
  4. It's going to take me a bit to get rid of all these handy abbreviations. I'll probably keep WIFOM instead of IKYK for this game, though.


I'd say Miracle max would be more dangerous to the village if he worked with the elims than vice-versa. If he where to constantly heal the night-kills then the elims could just start slipping their own in there to get them cleared, while the village still needs to lynch people to solve the game. If he starts to keep the elims safe from the lynch though, they will become very hard to deal with, unless Wesley sacrifices his night kill to make sure the lynchee dies.

edit2: Regarding roles, the only thing that stood out as unusual (apart from max) is the giant. I'd prefer it if the giant claims if it looks certain he or she is going to be lynched, as that way we can move the vote elsewhere to prevent us from wasting a lynch.

RVS? I'm going to take a random guess and say that's "Random Vote Syndrome", which would make sense, but I have no clue if I'm right. Also, what's FoS? I'm guessing it's an Elim read? 

That's a good point regarding Max. One thing I could see working is Max claiming so we know who he is, then healing one elim and 3 villagers to keep a balance. If either side breaks the truce, he'd probably have a pill or two to save himself, and then would help the other team to get revenge

Regarding Elim distribution, I wouldn't be surprised if there were 6. The original win condition for Miracle Max was to revive 3 Villagers and 1 Elim, but it's been changed to 3 and 2, which means there's likely a larger Elim team - if there weren't, his win condition would simply have been scaled up in difficulty for no reason, which hardly seems like a fair adjustment 

With regards to the Giant, I'd agree. While surviving the lynch would be a pretty good way to prove your role and become cleared, it still wastes a village turn, and in a game where we'll likely have to kill some Elims twice or more times, that doesn't seem like something we can easily afford.

I've now typed this post out 2.5 times, because it keeps disappearing thanks to things like internet connection issues or accidentally closing tabs. Apologies if it's a little incoherent, and if I seem to have forgotten a thought here or there, I probably thought I included something that made it more clear. Just ask and I'd be happy to clarify any of what I've said

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15 minutes ago, Bugsy said:

RVS? I'm going to take a random guess and say that's "Random Vote Syndrome", which would make sense, but I have no clue if I'm right. Also, what's FoS? I'm guessing it's an Elim read? 

RVS is Random Voting Stage, and FoS means 'Finger of Supicion' if I remember correctly. (speaking of which, Elenion).


Regarding Elim distribution, I wouldn't be surprised if there were 6. The original win condition for Miracle Max was to revive 3 Villagers and 1 Elim, but it's been changed to 3 and 2, which means there's likely a larger Elim team - if there weren't, his win condition would simply have been scaled up in difficulty for no reason, which hardly seems like a fair adjustment 

Hmm, that's an interesting angle on the number of elims, but it depends on the number of elims the 3 and 1 rule for Max was based on. I can see 6 elims in this game, maybe even seven, though I find that very unlikely.

Edit: Oh, another thing to consider is that people's role and alignment doesn't get revealed upon being mostly dead. This means that we get our lynch results with a delay of a single cycle. @Steeldancer, if someone mostly dead gets hit by a kill, do they die immediately? In the description of Spaniard it is mentioned that killing someone mostly dead does count for his win-con, but I can't actually find any rules for what will happens in that case?

Edited by randuir
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26 minutes ago, randuir said:

Edit: Oh, another thing to consider is that people's role and alignment doesn't get revealed upon being mostly dead. This means that we get our lynch results with a delay of a single cycle. @Steeldancer, if someone mostly dead gets hit by a kill, do they die immediately? In the description of Spaniard it is mentioned that killing someone mostly dead does count for his win-con, but I can't actually find any rules for what will happens in that case?

I don't recall where this was, but I remember Steel making a statement that someone killing a mostly dead player takes precedence over the pill, because the kill is earlier in the order of actions.

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@Bugsy I am aware that we are all pirates, but you are the only person that actually called yourself a pirate. Since you chose your name before alignments were assigned, I'm not sure how me mentioning it could be an elim slip. Regardless, Dread Pirate Cummerbund.

@randuir There doesn't seem to be too much reason to speculate on elim numbers. the 20% and square root rules both land us solidly around 5 elims. LYLO would happen at Day 9 I think (8 mislynches and 8 elim kills leaving 6 villages and 5 elims). But that isn't reliable, since Miracle Max and Dread Pirate Roberts can speed up/slow that down. Then there are the dagger and rum abilities, which could further influence when LYLO happens. We can probably start worrying around cycle nine or ten if no elims have been killed.

Fade spoke to the gathered pirates in a whisper, although there was no subtlety to the volume of his voice. "Don't twust you. Keep secwets to mysewf. Don't twust me eithew. Don't want youw secwets."

Another voice suddenly echoed from the heavens, causing all present to cover their ears with the volume. "Pwactice Pwivate Message Safety you foows!"

Fade gestured vaguely toward the voice in the sky by means of agreement, and then wandered off.

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12 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Powwydactywus Tewwodaktiw was vewy put out. As he was unabew to speak, the stwange cuwse that had affected the othew's vocawizations had instead changed his intewnaw nawwation. He wondewed who was to bwame fow this phenomenon. He noticed that though Incan C. Vabwe [Kidpen] had spoken many times, they had nevew shown any signs of having twoubwe pwonouncing hawd consonants. A cwue pewhaps?

Oi! Ain’t no need fow that! As it happen, Incan spoke both with autocowwect on and befowe the gweat god above cwaified what a hawd wettew was.

Awais did I do that wight? I doubt it, but oh weww.

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31 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:


@randuir There doesn't seem to be too much reason to speculate on elim numbers. the 20% and square root rules both land us solidly around 5 elims. LYLO would happen at Day 9 I think (8 mislynches and 8 elim kills leaving 6 villages and 5 elims). But that isn't reliable, since Miracle Max and Dread Pirate Roberts can speed up/slow that down. Then there are the dagger and rum abilities, which could further influence when LYLO happens. We can probably start worrying around cycle nine or ten if no elims have been killed.

True and true. However, as a result of me bringing it up anyway, a number of people have now talked about something that isn't RP or someone having an odd name. So despite the topic not being very useful, I think it has worked as a start of discussion. Anyway, to keep things going, do people think it would be a worthwhile use of Wesley's kill to kill the lynch target again to accelerate the rate at which we get information?

I personally think it would be useful if the person that has been lynched could easily go either way and implicate different groups of people, but I'm wondering if other people have an opinion on asking wesley to sue the vigilante kill this way.

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2 minutes ago, randuir said:

True and true. However, as a result of me bringing it up anyway, a number of people have now talked about something that isn't RP or someone having an odd name. So despite the topic not being very useful, I think it has worked as a start of discussion. Anyway, to keep things going, do people think it would be a worthwhile use of Wesley's kill to kill the lynch target again to accelerate the rate at which we get information?

I personally think it would be useful if the person that has been lynched could easily go either way and implicate different groups of people, but I'm wondering if other people have an opinion on asking wesley to sue the vigilante kill this way.

I don't think it would be a good idea. One of the primary advantages of a vig-kill is that it can hit the elims when and where they least expect it. If you use it to double-tap the lynchees, you make it easily predictable. The advantage to killing the lynchees is that any elim who would be lynched would be guaranteed not to come back, but I don't think that's worth giving up a surprise kill that could take an elim out of the doc for a cycle (mostly dead can't talk in docs) and potentially take them out of the entire game.

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5 minutes ago, Elenion said:

I don't think it would be a good idea. One of the primary advantages of a vig-kill is that it can hit the elims when and where they least expect it. If you use it to double-tap the lynchees, you make it easily predictable. The advantage to killing the lynchees is that any elim who would be lynched would be guaranteed not to come back, but I don't think that's worth giving up a surprise kill that could take an elim out of the doc for a cycle (mostly dead can't talk in docs) and potentially take them out of the entire game.

I definitely don't think it should be done with every lynch. If we do that, we might as well declare war on miracle max. However I can think of some hypothetical late-game scenarios where knowing how someone flips asap would be very valuable. I'll probably just bring this up again if and when those occur.

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I’m glad I joined this game, because so far, this has been pretty entertaining.

Also, random thought. I know this is kind of weird, but I’m imagining Cummerbund as a cucumber pirate. I guess just because Cummerbund and cucumber sound similar, as least in my head. Sorry if you now imagine Cummerbund as Larry the cucumber dressed as a pirate.

And lastly, a question. What does LYLO mean?

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4 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

I’m glad I joined this game, because so far, this has been pretty entertaining.

Also, random thought. I know this is kind of weird, but I’m imagining Cummerbund as a cucumber pirate. I guess just because Cummerbund and cucumber sound similar, as least in my head. Sorry if you now imagine Cummerbund as Larry the cucumber dressed as a pirate.

And lastly, a question. What does LYLO mean?



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12 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

LYnch or LOse. Nobody on here really uses abbreviations, but Randuir just came from the Mafia Championships where everybody talks like that.

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you. :)

11 minutes ago, Kidpen said:



Thank you for the visual, Kidpen. :lol:

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