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36 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

Is it bad that I have a little Alv voice asking me to vote so we get a 3-way tie??? 

It's not bad until you get a little Alv on your shoulder telling you the same thing.

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Looks like I'm going to be voting on Snipexe again, but more seriously this time. Between him and Steeldancer, Snipexe is definitely looking like the better choice, as Steeldancer was almost lynched instead of Elandera yesterday, and would have been if not for the Ciridae and Drought's presumed lover.  

Currently, we have 8 players who are going to lose one of their three passes, with @Aonar Faileas, @Megasif, and @I think I am here. on track to go a second cycle without voting. Droughtbringer's vote might get added on again, but that's still quite a few players not casting votes.

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Okay, it's fairly close to rollover now. I didn't want to do this, but it looks like I have to. Snipexe and I are lovers. When he put his vote on Steel, he wasn't doing it to swing the vote off of Elandera, he was doing it to swing it off of me. When he gets off of his plane in about 5 hours, he can verify this.

@Alvron, @Steeldancer, @Devotary of Spontaneity, would you mind taking your vote off of Snipexe? I'd prefer to live this cycle.


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Hey guys, not much time for analysis right now, sorry, but I personally don't want to vote snip, because it's only his second game, and his first he dies pretty early. I promise I'll do more analysis next cycle. 

So I'm going to go steeldancer

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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15 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Okay, it's fairly close to rollover now. I didn't want to do this, but it looks like I have to. Snipexe and I are lovers. When he put his vote on Steel, he wasn't doing it to swing the vote off of Elandera, he was doing it to swing it off of me. When he gets off of his plane in about 5 hours, he can verify this.

Steeldancer and I become the main lynch targets if we take our votes off, but okay, Snipexe. I don't really like most of the other lynches; I have mentioned that I currently don't believe either Steeldancer or Fifth are elims, and Droughtbringer being a lover with the player who moved his vote to Elandera would clear him. Arinian voted on himself and left, while Itiah has yet to post at all. Is there a reason you haven't cast a vote yourself?

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40 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Steeldancer and I become the main lynch targets if we take our votes off, but okay, Snipexe. I don't really like most of the other lynches; I have mentioned that I currently don't believe either Steeldancer or Fifth are elims, and Droughtbringer being a lover with the player who moved his vote to Elandera would clear him. Arinian voted on himself and left, while Itiah has yet to post at all. Is there a reason you haven't cast a vote yourself?

TBH, I'm being distracted by fanfic, which I probably shouldn't be, considering I still have school... Steel, I suppose, because I'd rather not have Snipexe die, and he's focusing on the Cthaeh a lot more than the elims. For some reason I'm getting a lot more village readings than elim readings this game, when usually it's the other way around.

Tentative trust of Alv, because he at least feels like he's putting effort in to solve the game. Voting on me, pursuing Snipexe this cycle, etc. Of course, Alv's known for deliberately being hard to read, but at least his effort feels genuine.

After getting Locke to go back to sleep, Alev went to her tent to retrieve her practice gear. Encanis...the Cthaeh...no, she shouldn't think about these things. Best to concentrate on practicing instead. She went to a mostly empty space and started shooing everybody else away.

If anybody noticed that she was much closer to the reassuring light of the campfire than a few days ago, they didn't comment. After all, it was a perfectly natural reaction to being accidentally injured while juggling in the dark. It had nothing to do with the half-remembered superstitions of the Chandrian. Right? Alev was not a sissy, and she glared at all the troupemembers looking her way, as if she could prove it with the force of her eyes alone.

First came the practice knives. Alev put two knives in her left hand, one in the right, and then tossed her right hand gently into the air. As the knife tumbled in an arc through the night sky, she transferred one of the knives in her left hand to her right hand. She tossed that one too, then caught the knife falling through the air, then transferred another one, slowly building up speed. Each knife flashed with the orange glow of the campfire, almost like little spurts of flame themselves.

After a while, Alev's attention faded from the whirling blades and turned again to the rumors she'd heard around camp. Somebody had said that Elandera, -- Elandera! -- had actually been Cyphus in disguise. And others said that the rest of the Chandrian also lurked among the troupe. Alev, of course, didn't believe a word of what they said, but here in the dark, in the wilds of Fae, well, anything could happen...

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@Wonko the Sane Let's be honest, anyone that looked at the vote count would come to that conclusion. Either that, or Skindancer possession which makes no sense, seeing as an elim died. What's your point? 

You also seem to be implying a connection between Snip and Devotary, which we now know (or rather, assume) to be false, as Snip is Rae's lover, if she's not lying. Which, come on, Devotary, she could be. Trusting her word immediately like that isn't a good idea. However, I don't want to lynch Snip for much the same reason as CadCom. I'm going to place a vote on Wonko, partly from suspicion, partly because I don't particularly like any of the other lynches and partly because I don't want to get that much closer to death.

I really don't like this Steel lynch, though. I'm not even sure why you all are even suspicious of him, to be fair. I have a mostly village read on him. Rae, the Cthaeh is equally as dangerous as the elims. If they win, nobody else does. It's not a particularly good idea to ignore it or the elims.

Edited by Eternum
Spelling, grammar, english in general. Can you tell it's early morning? :P
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I’ll vote for Wonko again, for many of the same reasons as my vote yesterday, and to widen the field of candidates for this lynch.

I have a strong village read on Rae, and as such certainly wouldn’t support a lynch on Snipexe.

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2 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Okay, it's fairly close to rollover now. I didn't want to do this, but it looks like I have to. Snipexe and I are lovers. When he put his vote on Steel, he wasn't doing it to swing the vote off of Elandera, he was doing it to swing it off of me. When he gets off of his plane in about 5 hours, he can verify this.

@Alvron, @Steeldancer, @Devotary of Spontaneity, would you mind taking your vote off of Snipexe? I'd prefer to live this cycle.

Well, isn't that interesting.  I can fully see the Elims having a lover pair if they had a higher than normal count so just because you and Snipexe are Lovers doesn't mean your Village.  However, I do have a slight read on you so Snipexe.

47 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Tentative trust of Alv, because he at least feels like he's putting effort in to solve the game. Voting on me, pursuing Snipexe this cycle, etc. Of course, Alv's known for deliberately being hard to read, but at least his effort feels genuine.

Do me a favor?  Take that trust and throw it out the window.  :) Typically when people publicly say they trust me even a little, I tend to wind up dead. 

I kinda trust Steel, for now, so I won't be voting for him.  Fifth and Devotary are on my list but I'm not sure which way they fall as it tends to go back and forth.  That leaves Wonko as the only one for me to vote on that I have even a mild suspicion of.  But I'm not going to vote on them as I don't feel it's strong enough.

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2 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Do me a favor?  Take that trust and throw it out the window.  :) Typically when people publicly say they trust me even a little, I tend to wind up dead. 

Very well then, I am completely suspicious of you and everything you stand for, you dirty, evil, lying, slinking shadow monster. Of course you're up to no good, I knew it all along! Alvron for most evil person ever! CHANDRIAN! Lemme go find my cold iron knife and stick it in you over the internet...

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12 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Very well then, I am completely suspicious of you and everything you stand for, you dirty, evil, lying, slinking shadow monster. Of course you're up to no good, I knew it all along! Alvron for most evil person ever! CHANDRIAN! Lemme go find my cold iron knife and stick it in you over the internet...

That makes me feel all warm and snugly for some reason. <_<

Since I need to vote to avoid losing one of my passes, Eternum.  The Gods of Luck and Chance say it is you I vote on.  They did tell me to vote on Elandera for the first two die rolls though so I'm not sure they are paying attention today.

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55 minutes ago, Eternum said:

Which, come on, Devotary, she could be. Trusting her word immediately like that isn't a good idea.

There aren't many good reasons to falsely claim lover unless Rae and Snipexe are elim teammates. If that were the case, Elandera would probably have tried to save herself by voting for Steel rather than Rae Cycle 1. Snipexe's vote shift from Elandera to Steel and his concurrent defense of Rae also makes sense in the context of a Rae-Snipexe lover pair as opposed to Snipexe trying to save Elandera. They are thus quite likely to be a village pair, which we should avoid lynching.

From what I can tell, the current vote count stands at:
Steel(4): Walin, Xinoehp, CadCom, Rae
Devotary(2): Wonko, Fifth
Wonko(2): Eternum, Orlok
Drought(1): YoungBard
Itiah(1): Bort
Fifth(1): Snipexe
Arinian(1): Arinian
Xinoehp(): Devotary

I will place my vote on Xinoehp, as the most suspicious of the Steel voters.

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Phase 3: Blood and Ink

"Every Fae child knows this, but you mortals never seem to see. We understand how dangerous a mask can be. We all become what we pretend to be."

Squick swam happily in a forest stream, playing his squid-flute to keep the troupers entertained in these trying times. Dimly, he recalled that things had been different, once. Once, he was not a prized showpiece of the troupe, a squid which played the flute. Perhaps once, he wasn't even a real squid at all... It was hard to remember, these days. He didn't mind very much; being a squid was nice. No fires underwater, usually, unless the troupe firestarters were taking it a little bit far. No nasty Chandrian to come bother him, or any of the other fae for that matter.

. . .

The troupe stood around a bonfire of ash and rowan. The flames, thankfully, were the normal shade. Atop the fire was an iron pot, and within this pot was a small demon that had tried to gouge out a trouper's eyes earlier that day.

"We need to find these Fae," one of the troupers said. For some reason, it was becoming hard to keep track of who was whom...

"Yes, we must find the Fae," another spoke up. "But how I cannot say; they may appear in any way."

"That so..." another pondered, but was interrupted by the lilting melodies of a flute player.

This was not just any flute player, it was Squick the squid, one of the troupe's major attractions... And a decidedly unnatural one. How could a squid play the flute...? Unless it were really one of the Fae, of coarse...

. . .

Squick burbled an upbeat tune, swimming lazily along the stream, when a large crowd of troupers and pretend-troupers began to wade into his stream.

Odd. They appeared aggravated. No, even more, they appeared angry at Squick. Maybe they didn't like his music? He launched into a new song, a flutist's rendition of the well-loved song Tinker, Tanner. He played his part skillfully, using all of his many arms to play the flute better than any human could. Beautiful harmonies echoed across the forest, hanging for a moment in the air.

The mob seemed unimpressed. Seriously, how could they not like Tinker, Tanner? What was wrong with them? Squick attempted to shake his head, only to remember he had no neck worth speaking of. Instead, he settled for a burst of ink, staining the waters around him black and letting him make a graceful exit after his performance. The mob surged after him, some of them wielding weapons.

Squick lead them on a merry chase. One of them lunged forward, only to miss Squick spectacularly and land face-first in the ink-laden waters, ruining a lovely cloak in the process. Another tried to block his path by standing in the way of the stream, but Squick simply slipped between the human's legs. Squick did his best to approximate a trill of laughter on his flute. Another staggered through the water after him, but it was too slow. He was escaping...

And then some manner of weapon struck him from above. Squick let out a plaintive toot on his flute as he passed... The waters ran red and black.

Blood and ink.

. . .

Steeldancer has been lynched! They were a Flutist!


Vote Count
Steeldancer (3)- Walin, Xinoehp, Rae, Cadmium
Wonko (2)- Eternum, Orlok
Fifth (2)- Drought, Snipexe
Devotary (2)- Fifth, Wonko
Snipexe (2)- Steel
Eternum (1)- Alvron
Arinian (1)- Arinian
I think (1)- Bort
Drought (1)- Bard


1. Elandera as Ahnya Cyphus
2. Eternum as Enerin
3. Droughtbringer as Pyra Mainiak
4. Aonar Faileas as Aorais Kipthorn
5. Devotary of Spontaneity as Gaskana
6. Walin as Nelden Dastardly
7. Fifth Scholar as Marne
8. Snipexe as Snip
9. Alvron as Laon
10. Steeldancer as Squick Flutist
11. Megasif as Mega
12. Xinoehp512 as Reyalp Nwoknu
13. Arinian as Ray Fox
14. Orlok as Locke
15. I think I am here as Itiah II
16. Arraenae as Alev
17. Bort as Master Ash
18. Wonko the Sane as Fifth Daughter Resterford
19. Cadmium Compounder as Deric Watar
20. Young Bard as Neris



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Darn, I didn't mean to start a lynch train...if I was the source. I know I was the first vote, though. Probably.

Anyone get a message on the winds?

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I'll put a vote on Fifth for now. I think I die if I don't vote today. 

There were a lot of 1-vote wagons, feels like elims were safe and content to just sit out. From the top wagons, fifth has a chance to be an elim imo.


Edit: Walin, yes, I received a message as well.

Edited by Megasif
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Yep, I got another message. Our Namer™ really likes ciphers, huh?

Speaking of, I think it's pointless to try and crack them. Comparing the two we've gotten so far, I think it's a one-time pad. Virtually uncrackable, if we don't have the key.

What happened to the elim kill? They're having pretty tough luck.

Edited by Eternum
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Okay. I should probably contribute to this game I suppose. :P Does a vote on Drake for getting Billy Joel stuck in my head the first day count against the filter? :P 

First of, I'm personally ecstatic that Naming can't read the elim doc in this game, regardless of my alignment, that was terribly broken; the person to whom that comment has any relevance knows who they are. >> 

Second: I have been paying barely any attention and have no clue what's going on, aside from the deaths. Terribly sorry. If voting on Drake can't save me from the filter, people should say stuff so I have real suspicions. :P (Didn't really end up contributing anything, but eh. Whatever.)

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3 hours ago, Eternum said:

What happened to the elim kill? They're having pretty tough luck, huh.

I don’t think this is the case—I believe they’re abstaining, though I’m unsure why. It’s a bit too perfect if our Monks and Namers have caught Elims sending in kills twice (and if they had we would have heard about it). Personally, I could see the Elims choosing not to kill so the Cthaeh doesn’t have an easier time of things as he starts trying to drag the village numbers down, and to give them more time to find and lynch him before trying to outnumber the village as part of their normal win condition. However, again, this is all speculation and doesn’t make for particularly useful discussion. 

7 hours ago, Megasif said:

I'll put a vote on Fifth for now. I think I die if I don't vote today. 

There were a lot of 1-vote wagons, feels like elims were safe and content to just sit out. From the top wagons, fifth has a chance to be an elim imo.


Edit: Walin, yes, I received a message as well.

Umm...so could you explain this? As one of the “top wagons,” and a fairly frequent poster, there should be a plethora of evidence to look over about me. 

Meanwhile, observing that “Elims were content to sit out,” while also admitting that you hadn’t voted for two days, and were voting on me just not to die, isn’t inspiring any confidence in me. Megasif, somewhat as a placeholder until I can figure out what the heck happened at the end of last cycle.

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Xineohp. There was something a bit off about his posts, like he is barely just trying to scrape by, but without really contributing.

I'll have another look tomorrow, and see if it's worth switching my vote to someone else.

G'night guys.

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2 hours ago, Aonar Faileas said:

Does a vote on Drake for getting Billy Joel stuck in my head the first day count against the filter? :P 

I thought about this question for The Longest Time when I ran QF30 with basically the same activity filter.

Don't Ask Me Why, but I feel strongly about what my particular brand of activity filter is supposed to do. While allowing this kind of vote would be very entertaining, it undermines the expectation that players share their thoughts in a way that measurably impacts the game (even if they don't necessarily feel confident in their thought process, or their ability to argue it to other people). I encourage you to share your thoughts, Just the Way They Are, because You May be Right.

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Wow.  24 hours into the cycle and only 3 (valid) votes?  I can kinda understand as there hasn't been any Elim kills so there isn't a whole lot we can go on.

Wonko, a couple of people have raised suspicions of you in both past cycles.  Anything you wish to say?

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