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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Actually, but was crying because he had just eaten an Apple phone, and had only then realized that it was a phone and not an apple. Also, it hurt going down. But that's irrelevant, as everyone thought it was at the music.

Also, look at this! (Screenshots of the top and the bottom of the page.)


Screenshot 2018-05-12 at 10.04.40.png

Screenshot 2018-05-12 at 10.03.51.png

Edited by Nerd3.14159265358979
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The Host is good. (Yes, I know that's old. Deal with it.)

Everyone, the word Misadventures has the word Venture in it. Your minds have been blown.

Butt was rather confused, but then he had been for his entire life, so he just went with it.

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Then he was sad, as he didn't have his piccolo, as he had thrown it away. But, luckily, he had the recorder and violin (along with a tuba and a piano) in his pocket, so he pulled out his violin and started playing, and forgot that he was falling down a bottomless pit.

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A sickening crack sounded as Lift and Butt hit the bottom of the bottomless pit. Lift looked around, made a frightened noise, then vanished into thin air. "Welcome, Butt Venture." Huh? Looking around, Butt saw that the speaker was apparently a.... cracked stone tree? "I am the Heahtc. You are in my lair now." The tree spoke again, before beginning to laugh maniacally.

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"Ah." The tree spoke, hissing. "My enemies, the 17th Shard, threw me down this pit, in order to.... What was it? "Limit my malignant effect on the Cosmere." That was it. But now, I have you to torture for all eternity. This will be fun. Finally, my revenge upon the accursed Butt Venture." Then, the roots of the tree seemed to detach from the ground and slither in a snakelike - no, Ghanderflaffle-like - manner towards Butt. "Yes indeed. My revenge."

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