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Rules of Warfare


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7 minutes ago, Archer said:

I meant, fighting actual people is different than fighting made up beings. They give up less easily. (I assume that in that rp they don't fight each other to the death, but I don't know for sure) 

Here's what I'd say is off limits: 

Mistborn with access to chronium, duralumin, God metals

Feruchemists with access to chromium 

Anyone above X Heightening 


Anyone with unique weapons in the cosmere (Eg Nightblood) 


Unless they have a good weakness. Eg we'll give you more power if your character is blind. 


You do realize that those rules were used against real people? PC's fought PC's with those rules.

You are right that they did not fight to the death. You had to obtain consent before killing off characters.

I think A chromium should be legal, but I think that you are right about the rest of your post.


As an aside, I forget if we decided that fighting in the streets of the alleryverse is illegal, but upon revised opinion, I think that it should be legal. Just avoiding every bit of violence in a world of broken people, is highly improbable. Its unreasonable to assume conflict wont arise outside of the arena, and that it can either be solved by talking or by going to the arena and fighting.

Also, same with kidpen, I will be off soon.

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The important part is the fact that people have to remember that outside of the arena, its less about beating the other character down by any means possible, and more about writing a story.



The point of free-form role-playing is much like the point of good storytelling: Don't focus on creating the most powerful, most brilliant, or most amazing character in the game. Focus instead on creating an interesting character. Create a character who feels like a person you might sit down and have coffee with: You might enjoy talking to them, or you might not, but the idea is to create a character who feels real.


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1 minute ago, MacThorstenson said:

The important part is the fact that people have to remember that outside of the arena, its less about beating the other character down by any means possible, and more about writing a story.



Yes. The flaws are always more interesting than the powers.

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For example, a flaw in Cam is that he is a chronic Dabber (the dance move). he turned it into a strength by tapping fortune while involuntary dabbing, and throwing a spike, this allowed him to discover new bind points. It also gets him into a lot of trouble during fights, he cant fight as fast or as hard as others before the Dab takes control.

This would be a hemalurgist I would support, so long as he didn't only use the Dab for hemalurgy and also made it an inconvenience as well.

EDIT: This is my new favorite character concept. Any chronic Dabbers are allowed to have more power, simply because of the hilarity that would ensue because of dabbing.

Also the Dabbing support groups that would pop up.

Edited by MacThorstenson
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New suggestion: we make a bunch of super specific rules. But we keep them on the books as a last resort. They can be enacted by a majority members vote, but they're like a state of emergency - used only when stuff gets crazy so we can get everyone back on track. 

The rest of the time we use a freeform style, but with some restrictions and codes of best practice for fairness. 

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1 minute ago, Archer said:

New suggestion: we make a bunch of super specific rules. But we keep them on the books as a last resort. They can be enacted by a majority members vote, but they're like a state of emergency - used only when stuff gets crazy so we can get everyone back on track. 

The rest of the time we use a freeform style, but with some restrictions and codes of best practice for fairness. 

"No you cannot become a shard."

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2 minutes ago, Archer said:

New suggestion: we make a bunch of super specific rules. But we keep them on the books as a last resort. They can be enacted by a majority members vote, but they're like a state of emergency - used only when stuff gets crazy so we can get everyone back on track. 

The rest of the time we use a freeform style, but with some restrictions and codes of best practice for fairness. 

In what situation would we use this? If we just have a couple super vague rules, they can be open to the interpretation of the mediators. This would mean it could be more of a case by case basis.

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I like that Idea,

Maybe we call it martial law.

Looking at it now, I think that we will have to run a "trial" of the game, constantly modifying it so that things work. Tweaking the rules and improving them. To put it in business terms, we are releasing a new product. We dont know if people will like it, or if it will work with the niche, but we can do the best we can, then change it based on feedback and re-release it.

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Just now, MacThorstenson said:

I like that Idea,

Maybe we call it martial law.

Looking at it now, I think that we will have to run a "trial" of the game, constantly modifying it so that things work. Tweaking the rules and improving them. To put it in business terms, we are releasing a new product. We dont know if people will like it, or if it will work with the niche, but we can do the best we can, then change it based on feedback and re-release it.

I believe this was the plan with Mraizes tournament. Just as a kind of test for the rules we come up with. Everyone think we are more or less ready to try?

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Just now, Kidpen said:

In what situation would we use this? If we just have a couple super vague rules, they can be open to the interpretation of the mediators. This would mean it could be more of a case by case basis.

If like we release the game, and everyone starts to play, but no body appreciates the meaning behind the rules, and makes their characters too op, or changes them to be too op after their character passes inspection. or if they just ignore the mediators.

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Just now, MacThorstenson said:

If like we release the game, and everyone starts to play, but no body appreciates the meaning behind the rules, and makes their characters too op, or changes them to be too op after their character passes inspection. or if they just ignore the mediators.

Fair enough. I suppose that makes sense. Although we should make sure mediator decisions are followed if someone wants to participate in the Alleyverse. They can due whatever the rust they want if they do it with someone else.

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Just now, ElephantEarwax said:

Then we may have to start ignoring players. It is a setting, and could be the punishment for a final offence. They do not get to be seen on the RP.

This seems most viable.

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4 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

I believe this was the plan with Mraizes tournament. Just as a kind of test for the rules we come up with. Everyone think we are more or less ready to try?

Sure, but I think that the arena will be a different environment then another thread.

If I was in a fight that was planned. I would have taken the reveal of TUBA Better then I did. I was blinded by my collapsing house of cards, and while I shouldn't let that affect my actions, it did. Something like that is less likely to happen in an arena fight, where new revelations aren't likely to interfere. 

My character was OP. If I haden't stopped myself, I would have godmodded and metaplayed the destruction of TUBA to no end.

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8 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

Sure, but I think that the arena will be a different environment then another thread.

If I was in a fight that was planned. I would have taken the reveal of TUBA Better then I did. I was blinded by my collapsing house of cards, and while I shouldn't let that affect my actions, it did. Something like that is less likely to happen in an arena fight, where new revelations aren't likely to interfere. 

My character was OP. If I haden't stopped myself, I would have godmodded and metaplayed the destruction of TUBA to no end.

You want to make a character and battle a character I make with these rules? I would be happy to if you want.

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4 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:


Sure, but which set of rules?

Also, are we trying to break them or make them work?

Also I wont be able to do much for a while tommorow, i'm free after 1:30 est, but not much else.

Trying to make it work. Free form, with character restrictions. We here can act as deciding if a character is valid or not.

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My guys name is Bill the actor. Don't read the spoiler until after you create your character @Kidpen. I would usually flesh them out more before writing them this way, but the basis of his character is here.



This fellow loved the theater as a kid, and he loved the sword, so he combined them. He is now a master sword fighter who can fight in a variety of styles. He is also a very theatrical fighter. not really liking realism, he tends to monologue, and put himself in difficult situations so that he can dramatically escape them through fancy aerobatics. This, as you can imagine, put him at a disadvantage when it comes to fighting.

Magic/powers: Master sword fighter, also a lurcher, requests a room with a metal roof for the fight.

Personality: I think I filled out everything that would impact him during a fight.



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From my experiences with the Reckoners RP I think freeform RPing works fine when you can trust the players, make it clear to newcomers that the point of the RP isn't to 'win' anything, your character isn't supposed to be the coolest most awesome character, they're supposed to be an interesting story you want to tell with other players' help. We rarely had to rely on the game master for any thread because we communally discussed things and retconned anything that seemed like it was breaking the game too much. We had characters of all power levels coexisting, so long as you made it clear that if your completely non-powered human went and pissed off the resident high epic then they would probably get burned to a crisp.

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1 minute ago, Voidus said:

From my experiences with the Reckoners RP I think freeform RPing works fine when you can trust the players, make it clear to newcomers that the point of the RP isn't to 'win' anything, your character isn't supposed to be the coolest most awesome character, they're supposed to be an interesting story you want to tell with other players' help. We rarely had to rely on the game master for any thread because we communally discussed things and retconned anything that seemed like it was breaking the game too much. We had characters of all power levels coexisting, so long as you made it clear that if your completely non-powered human went and pissed off the resident high epic then they would probably get burned to a crisp.

Thank you for expressing that more clearly and succinctly then I ever could. 

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