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Long Game 43: Under the Banner of Adonalsium


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I am, Joe. Planning on worldhopping tomorrow, though.

Welcome Ripple! Sorry Monster’s responsibilities got the better of him. Rest up and return refreshed, @MonsterMetroid

Gotta ask HH: You’ve held Autonomy for three full cycles now. If the win con is based on a timer (which I think it is), then did you get a new win con? I’m mainly concerned about Odium and Ruin, and not you. If we just got two hostile Shards with new win cons and kills that shear through most protection, without Honor on the table yet...yikes. 

I’m not disappointed in the lynch. We got good discussion, and at long last, confirmable results. Hopefully tomorrow we’ll have more to work with from tonight’s chaos. 

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1 hour ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Gotta ask HH: You’ve held Autonomy for three full cycles now. If the win con is based on a timer (which I think it is), then did you get a new win con? I’m mainly concerned about Odium and Ruin, and not you. If we just got two hostile Shards with new win cons and kills that shear through most protection, without Honor on the table yet...yikes. 

I dunno, from what we've guessed about Autonomy so far, I can see that being a nasty one, potentially.  Between adding votes and roleblocking, plus a new win condition, I would be concerned about an Autonomy Vessel.  Not enough to lynch them without good reason, but definitely just as worried as I would be about Odium or Ruin, actually.

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Day Four - The Streets Like Molten Silver Shone

“...but at least it’s better than a suspension,” Ninera said, cradling her right hand gingerly. She kept it hidden below the table, unwilling to let other people see the angry welts that crisscrossed her hand.

From the other side of the booth, Ayara nodded sympathetically. “Storms, Nin, that’s awful. I alwasy thought Scholz was a cremhole, but I never thought he’d do that. It’s like ten levels of illegal.” She fell silent for a moment and let the background babbling in the tea shop fill in the gap. Then, suddenly, she turned businesslike. “Know what, I know some people who would love to take your case. Lemme see your hand.”

“Alright,” Ninera said, reluctantly extending her hand. Ayara snapped a photo.

“Who’re you sending this to?” Ninera asked.

“You know the place I interned at in the summer?”

“Cooley? Those guys?”

“Oh yeah,” Ayara said. She grinned, a predatory, fanged thing. “Those guys. Betcha we can get Scholz fired in less than a month.”

Whatever discomfort Ninera might have once felt at the idea of doing anything to the Deputy VC was wiped out by the memory of her caning. “Yeah, that would be good.” she said. “He deserves it.”

“Anything for a friend, right?” Ayara’s smile morphed into something friendlier, infused with familiar warmth.

At that moment, Ninera’s phone dinged.

“Omigosh, is that Elias?” Ayara asked.

“Why, did you set us up for a date…” Ninera began. Then she read the text. “...nights afire! We’re screwed!”



“Nine-one-one operator. What is your emergency?”

The Vessel held the phone, shaking.

“I -- I need help,” it said. “I -- I, I, I, I can’t --”

“It’s alright. Don’t panic. Just describe the problem.”

The Vessel gulped down a lungful of air. “I -- There’s going to be a, a, a, a -- Shard attack. R-ruin. Now.”

“Okay. How do you know this?”

“It’s, it’s going to destroy S-s-silverlight. All of it,” it said, no longer listening to the operator. All that mattered was getting the warning out while it still could. Black mist spewed from its body. “I’m sorry.”

Then it crushed the phone with Shard-enhanced strength.


The air filled with screams. People ran every which way, like insects in a suddenly heated pot. Some of them fled indoors, while others took to the stairs in a race to the bottom floor.

A chemistry professor held the door open to a musty storage basement, shooing students inside.

A boy crouched against a brick wall with his hood on and hands over his neck, praying to the God Beyond.

A young woman hid under a table with her best friend and texted, “I love you” to her parents.

A reassuring hand squeeze; a last whispered, “we’ll be okay.”

Building facades caught on fire. A millisecond later, a shockwave rolled through Silverlight. Wood walls crumpled like tissue paper. Windows blew open in a shower of glass. Steel shrieked and melted.

Black smoke blossomed in the sky, an awful, beautiful, terrible testament to the power of Ruin.


The Vessel dropped to its knees, drained. Guilt lacerated its insides, accompanied by a swiftly fading euphoria. It hated itself for giving in.

All-too-human eyes surveyed the damage.


A charred body lay on the plains of Nalthis. A cognitive aspect, and a quickly fading spren were all that was left of that Nahel bond.

But not today. The universe had greater purposes for the man who Danced on Steel. And Endowment came calling.

Endowment awakened a bolt of its own, spearing the cognitive aspect of Steel back to the body. A divine breath entered him, and he heard Endowments voice.

"I forsee a great death if you are not returned. You must not let the lightning be awakened. The spiritual aspect of Speed already exists, and it needs no speed force. If he awakens the lightning- and he will find a way- it will attach to him- and collapse his universe into our own. You are the only champion that can stop him. I have awakened you- you will LIVE!"


Steel awoke, surrounded by white plants, entirely drained of color. Life pounded within him. The whole world seemed brighter. And he felt the speed. It was more than ever before, he could feel the actual ideal of speed. This universe did not need a speed force. With investiture, it was not required.

But already he was forgetting what had happened. But along came his spren- Phyl. She looked deathly pale. Instinctually, he funneled his investiture from a steelmind into his medallion, creating stormlight for her to revive upon.

She breathed in relief. "Run. I will explain what's happening. Returned usually forget their previous lives, but I will remind you. If you just got returned, that means you have something important to do."

Steel did not run promptly, but admired his body- even better looking than it had before. Evidently, being returned had some benefits.

"Run!" Phyl urged. And so Steel ran. Faster than he ever had before. It seemed more... efficient now. Like he wasn't just combining compounded speed and abrasion. But like each step and slide was... well, faster.

If the Cosmere needed him this badly, he better make use of it. To Hallendren.

(Credit to Steeldancer for the write-up of his return)

Nobody died! Steeldancer has been Returned!

The day will end in:


Player List:

  1. Young Bard - Jeral
  2. Arinian - Eilen
  3. Eternum - Habrian
  4. Fifth Scholar - Darrel
  5. randuir - Met
  6. Steeldancer - Steeldancer and Eobard Thawne Returned
  7. Straw - Straw 17th Shard aligned Researcher; Vessel of Preservation
  8. Jondesu - Quintus
  9. Droughtbringer - Ralar
  10. Devotary of Sponteneity - Reed
  11. livinglegend - Unnamed Character 3
  12. A Joe in the Bush - Locke Tekiel
  13. MonsterMetroid - Willie
  14. Magestar - Moro
  15. Hemalurgic_Headshot - Jiamo
  16. Megasif - Mega
  17. Sart - Sam Taswell
  18. TheYoungPyromancer - Kelsier
  19. _Stick_ - Stick
  20. shanerockes - Philepe De Pedro Von Leiderhuch Johnson III
  21. Drake Marshall - Everen
  22. Elbereth - Elaria
  23. The Sand Lord (Nalthis)
  24. Patji (Scadrial)
Edited by Seonid
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Alright, I'm just going to say it, this game is broken. Well, not in terms of balance issues, but in one key mechanical issue. There's no way anyone can freaking die. Half the current players have an extra life, meaning that they won't die unless there is a coordinated attack, or if there is a lynch. Let's look at the ways to make an attack. Braize has unfortunately exploded, so that's a no go. Odium got released N1, so no one has any of his investiture, unless they exchanged some at Roshar. Odium is a way to get past the Shard's extra life, but he isn't using his kill, and is instead helping the village by scanning. Dominion hasn't invested in anyone, so no Dakhor Monks are running around. Preservation hasn't invested in anyone, so no Mistborns are running around either. Tada! I have just gone over all the amount of kills in this game. No wonder no one took Honor; there's no kills to protect against! And even if we kill a player, guess what will happen. They'll just get resurrected! The lynch is our only way to kill people this game, and even that can be reversed. This game will go on forever at this rate.

So, what are our options? We could try to go for a Sudden Death Win Con! Unfortunately, the Win Cons are fundamentally opposed, so it's doubtful we can get everyone to put their Shards back into confinement. We would need to kill Survival to do that, and surprise, he has an extra life in addition to the Shardic life. It's unlikely we kill him without Odium's help at this point. Okay, maybe we just need more kills. Quick, let's send everyone to Roshar and pick up Odium Investiture. Unfortunately, that won't work either. First, half the people don't have any Investiture, as they are Shards. Second, the people with Investiture are more than likely to hit a Shard, making their attack useless. Games last forever when the villains can't kill anyone.

Well, at least we have the lynch right? Well, no, actually, that won't help us either. Let's suppose we lynch a Villager today. Well, that's bad. Don't worry though, Endowment will just bring them back as a Returned. Okay, well, what if we get lucky, and lynch a bad guy? The team might have Ambition, meaning they can resurrect their teammates, or they could have a way to gain an extra life. This is going to grind the game to the halt. It's Day 4, and only 1 person is dead. If this keeps up, we won't be done with this game till June. This is simply absurd. Eventually the village would triumph over the elims, but it would be a long drawn out process that wouldn't be fun for anyone.

Okay, so given that this game will go on a severely long time, I propose the following rule changes to quicken the game.

  • Remove the Shardic extra life. This allows kill actions to actually go through, while still letting Survival have their extra life. This will speed up time dramatically.
  • In compensation, allow Shards to use World abilities. It's odd that they can't do this already. They have limitless Investiture, so they should be able to channel that investiture through the worlds. This allows them to start getting Odium investiture, leading to more kills.
  • Finally, make the Returned and Shade decompose after a turn. We don't want death to be a revolving door, but I still want to keep those abilities in the game. Let them take their special action, and then peacefully depart into the Spiritual Realm.

Sorry for being so cranky, but I want everyone to have fun this game. I'm saying this as a Villager. It's not fun when the game drags on forever. Thanks for reading this.

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18 hours ago, Sart said:

Alright, I'm just going to say it, this game is broken. Well, not in terms of balance issues, but in one key mechanical issue. There's no way anyone can freaking die. Half the current players have an extra life, meaning that they won't die unless there is a coordinated attack, or if there is a lynch. Let's look at the ways to make an attack. Braize has unfortunately exploded, so that's a no go. Odium got released N1, so no one has any of his investiture, unless they exchanged some at Roshar. Odium is a way to get past the Shard's extra life, but he isn't using his kill, and is instead helping the village by scanning. Dominion hasn't invested in anyone, so no Dakhor Monks are running around. Preservation hasn't invested in anyone, so no Mistborns are running around either. Tada! I have just gone over all the amount of kills in this game. No wonder no one took Honor; there's no kills to protect against! And even if we kill a player, guess what will happen. They'll just get resurrected! The lynch is our only way to kill people this game, and even that can be reversed. This game will go on forever at this rate.

How do you know this, Sart? Straw claimed to have created a Mistborn, if Fifth's theory about Dominion is right he tried to make me a Dakhor Monk last cycle, and will continue to do so to other people. And I don't know why Odium Isn't killing, but he can both kill and Scan, and he could just be preparing for a long shard-killing rampage.


So, what are our options? We could try to go for a Sudden Death Win Con! Unfortunately, the Win Cons are fundamentally opposed, so it's doubtful we can get everyone to put their Shards back into confinement. We would need to kill Survival to do that, and surprise, he has an extra life in addition to the Shardic life. It's unlikely we kill him without Odium's help at this point. Okay, maybe we just need more kills. Quick, let's send everyone to Roshar and pick up Odium Investiture. Unfortunately, that won't work either. First, half the people don't have any Investiture, as they are Shards. Second, the people with Investiture are more than likely to hit a Shard, making their attack useless. Games last forever when the villains can't kill anyone.

Once again, I disagree somewhat. Hoid's group can have as many as 11 charges of Odium because of his starting investiture. If Hoid started laundering all that invesiture into killing power with the rest of his faction, and could figure out who the shards are, he could make a serious dent in either the shards or non-shard players. Khrissala does have something of a problem here though, but only if noone in her faction has a shard. If one of them does, it's as simple as investing it in a world, and seeing how long it'll take the rest to do something about it.


Well, at least we have the lynch right? Well, no, actually, that won't help us either. Let's suppose we lynch a Villager today. Well, that's bad. Don't worry though, Endowment will just bring them back as a Returned. Okay, well, what if we get lucky, and lynch a bad guy? The team might have Ambition, meaning they can resurrect their teammates, or they could have a way to gain an extra life. This is going to grind the game to the halt. It's Day 4, and only 1 person is dead. If this keeps up, we won't be done with this game till June. This is simply absurd. Eventually the village would triumph over the elims, but it would be a long drawn out process that wouldn't be fun for anyone.

Ambition doesn't resurrect. It gives someone a role they can use while being dead. Endowment will probably only continue returning people as long as she remains village, which will probably not last that long.


Okay, so given that this game will go on a severely long time, I propose the following rule changes to quicken the game.

  • Remove the Shardic extra life. This allows kill actions to actually go through, while still letting Survival have their extra life. This will speed up time dramatically.
  • In compensation, allow Shards to use World abilities. It's odd that they can't do this already. They have limitless Investiture, so they should be able to channel that investiture through the worlds. This allows them to start getting Odium investiture, leading to more kills.
  • Finally, make the Returned and Shade decompose after a turn. We don't want death to be a revolving door, but I still want to keep those abilities in the game. Let them take their special action, and then peacefully depart into the Spiritual Realm.

Sorry for being so cranky, but I want everyone to have fun this game. I'm saying this as a Villager. It's not fun when the game drags on forever. Thanks for reading this.

I can understand your viewpoint, I'm just not sure if its right. Depending on the win-cons of Odium and Ruin, we could be about to start seeing a lot more kills. I think we don't know enough yet to call the game broken.

Edit: Also, seems like Ruin has started killing planets, putting us on a clock for stopping him, as somehow I don't think any faction but Ruin wins if all planets go up. This is probably the moment we should be trying to find him. If we remove all claimed shards from the list, that leaves the following people as suspects:

  1. Young Bard - Jeral
  2. Arinian - Eilen
  3. Eternum - Habrian
  4. Fifth Scholar - Darrel
  5. Jondesu - Quintus
  6. Droughtbringer - Ralar
  7. Devotary of Sponteneity - Reed
  8. livinglegend - Unnamed Character 3
  9. A Joe in the Bush - Locke Tekiel
  10. MonsterMetroid - Willie
  11. Magestar - Moro
  12. Megasif - Mega
  13. Sart - Sam Taswell
  14. _Stick_ - Stick
  15. shanerockes - Philepe De Pedro Von Leiderhuch Johnson III
  16. Drake Marshall - Everen
  17. Elbereth - Elaria

That doesn't narrow it down in particular, but there's more we can do. I'd like everyone to claim where they where this night and N1. Also mention the names of people that can confirm where you where. I was on silverlight N1, and freed a Shard there, while I traveled to Roshar last cycle. I was the only one there though, so  can't prove that.

Edit2: Or maybe I can prove that, because all the refugees arrived in my Doc, instead of in a new one.

Edit3: My reason for thinking that Ruin has been taken over by his win-con is in part inspired by the write-up, and in part by the fact that any pro-village utility blowing up silverlight might have had before is gone now that most shards are gone.

Also, @Fifth Scholar and @Sart, I'd like to hear your where-abouts in particular. I presented the theory before that Ruin hadn't blown up a planet N2 because he had a witness, and if I remember correctly you two where the only two on Taldain last cycle.

Edited by randuir
all (or actually none of) the grammar
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7 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

I’ve been in Silverlight since the game started, and was roleblocked last night when Ruin destroyed it. 

Right, I misremembered. It was @Devotary of Spontaneity that was spotted on Taldain, not you. Apologies for the mix-up. Is there some way you can prove being on Silverlight N1? I'm looking for ways to hard-clear a bunch of people from being Ruin, if at all possible.

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Err...no, unfortunately. I can report not having Investiture, at all, because I keep going for released Shards, but other than that I have no way of proving it. However, the people on Roshar can confirm that I washed ashore there today.

In response to Sart’s point, a lot of people probably got roleblocked last night, so that’s probably why no kills went through. And Ruin is using their planet destruction, and not their vig kill.

Have you passed Ambition yet, Randuir? 

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3 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Have you passed Ambition yet, Randuir? 

I did that last day-turn, yes. I can't prove that unless the new Ambtion decides to claim, though.

Edit: also, @Hemalurgic Headshot, something that came up in the Roshar doc: could we ask you to go and make an aspect on the remaining worlds? That should slow Ruin down a bit. (right up until he kills you, but we'll honor your sacrifice)

Edited by randuir
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I was on Silverlight N1 (don't know if I can prove it but I tried to steal Auto's investiture) and worldhopped to Taldain on D3 -last cycle. Devotary, Sart, Pyro, Arinian and myself were the only ones there last turn, but now a bunch of players have appeared here after Ruin blew Silverlight up: Steel, Jondesu and Joe.

And yeah, the write up strongly suggests that Ruin is corrupted now. Rip.

Edited by _Stick_
Autocorrect tried to give DoS a Shard.
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Just now, _Stick_ said:

I was on Silverlight N1 (don't know if I can prove it but I tried to steal Auto's investiture) and worldhopped to Taldain on D3 -last cycle. Devotion, Sart, Pyro, Arinian and myself were the only ones there last turn, but now a bunch of players have appeared here after Ruin blew Silverlight up: Steel, Jondesu and Joe.

Auto got released N0 though... But yeah, unless the 4 people you just mentioned are all willing to lie for you, we can clear you of being Ruin, as well as Sart, Devotary, Pyro and Arinian.

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17 minutes ago, randuir said:

I did that last day-turn, yes. I can't prove that unless the new Ambtion decides to claim, though.

Edit: also, @Hemalurgic Headshot, something that came up in the Roshar doc: could we ask you to go and make an aspect on the remaining worlds? That should slow Ruin down a bit. (right up until he kills you, but we'll honor your sacrifice)

I suppose that would work. If Ruin is trying to destroy as many worlds as quickly as possible, then he won’t want to bother trying to punch through one of my aspects (and I’d be able to see who he is in the world doc). It sounds like a good plan to me.

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Excellent. I can finish my RP. 

Sadly, i have no interesting information for anyone. I plan on finishing my RP, deciding who I want my investiture to go to, and then peacefully passing to the Spiritual Realm. Odium, i don't know why the heck you killed ME, but seriously leave me alone. 

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7 hours ago, Sart said:

In compensation, allow Shards to use World abilities. It's odd that they can't do this already. They have limitless Investiture, so they should be able to channel that investiture through the worlds. This allows them to start getting Odium investiture, leading to more kills.

Or maybe get to use one of their actions to gain an investiture of the shard they have.  That makes sense to me, balance-wise, and also from a flavor perspective it works out ok.

Anyway, I don't really claim to understand how balance works, and yeah, it's unfortunate that their aren't more kills, but I think the GMs probably know what they're doing.

And, to start the day, I'm going to put a vote on Drought.

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2 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

[Devotary], Sart, Pyro, Arinian and myself were the only ones there last turn, but now a bunch of players have appeared here after Ruin blew Silverlight up: Steel, Jondesu and Joe.

I can confirm that these players were on Taldain last cycle. Steel obviously isn't Ruin, but Joe and Jondesu are possibilities.

1 hour ago, Steeldancer said:

I plan on finishing my RP, deciding who I want my investiture to go to, and then peacefully passing to the Spiritual Realm.

Would you be willing to provide charges of Odium's Investiture? If you, and possible future Returned, are willing to do this, it would go a long way towards making sure this game doesn't last for months. A Returned working with Dominion could produce two charges of Investiture every cycle without dying, but there's no indication Dominion would be willing to Invest in a village Returned every day turn.

@randuir-By removing claimed Shards from the list, your assuming that Ruin has had the same Vessel the whole time. If we assume that, we can eliminate Magestar from the list as Straw successfully Invested in him. 

Probable Ruins:

  1. Young Bard - Jeral
  2. Eternum - Habrian
  3. Fifth Scholar - Darrel
  4. Jondesu - Quintus
  5. Droughtbringer - Ralar
  6. livinglegend - Unnamed Character 3
  7. A Joe in the Bush - Locke Tekiel
  8. RippleGylf - Willie
  9. Megasif - Mega
  10. shanerockes - Philepe De Pedro Von Leiderhuch Johnson III
  11. Drake Marshall - Everen
  12. Elbereth - Elaria

That's still over half the players. Who arrived on Roshar this cycle Randuir? Who is newly arrived on Nalthis and Scadrial? Revealing player lists shouldn't be much of a burden because everyone can worldhop today, but it will hopefully narrow down the list of potential Ruins.

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26 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

That's still over half the players. Who arrived on Roshar this cycle Randuir? Who is newly arrived on Nalthis and Scadrial? Revealing player lists shouldn't be much of a burden because everyone can worldhop today, but it will hopefully narrow down the list of potential Ruins.

I was the only one to worldhop to Roshar D3, and no one else was there. The refugees from silverlight are Eternum, Shanerockes, Young Bard, Fifth Scholar and RippleGylf.

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1 hour ago, randuir said:

I was the only one to worldhop to Roshar D3, and no one else was there. The refugees from silverlight are Eternum, Shanerockes, Young Bard, Fifth Scholar and RippleGylf.

I may as well quickly verify this list is correct, and that I was on Silverlight until it exploded.

4 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

I was on Silverlight N1 (don't know if I can prove it but I tried to steal Auto's investiture) and worldhopped to Taldain on D3 -last cycle. Devotary, Sart, Pyro, Arinian and myself were the only ones there last turn, but now a bunch of players have appeared here after Ruin blew Silverlight up: Steel, Jondesu and Joe.

And yeah, the write up strongly suggests that Ruin is corrupted now. Rip.

The thing that surprised me most is that I would have expected an as-close-as-possible even distribution of refugees between planets. The fact that there are 3 (2, if you don't count Steel as a refugee like Jon and Joe presumably are) makes me think that:

1) That guess is wrong, and Seonid didn't necessarily distribute the players evenly, or:

2) That 3/4 refugees (including Steel) landed on each planet, and Ruin also happened to land on a planet with 4 refugees, leading to the strange amount of new players to Roshar.

Could someone from the other 2 planets double check who was there already, and who arrived, to check whether it's more likely to be Option 1 or 2? For now, I'm going to be assuming it's Option 2.

If so, that implies that Ruin is one of Rand, Eternum, Shane, Fifth, or Ripple. Rand claimed Ambition, so he's out, and Shane seems to be inactive, leaving three players. For Eternum, Fifth and Ripple, I'd like them to say their whereabouts for the game so far.

Eternum - Hard to tell - I haven't seen them post enough to give any indication.

Fifth - They first brought up Ruin in the Roshar Doc - I could see this being Ruin who was focused on their own role, hence them mentioning it (similar to Pyro with the Survival role, though less so.) Then again, it could easily be a villager who was just being (perhaps justly) paranoid.

Ripple - I had a brief conversation with them in the Roshar Doc, and they seemed confused and still getting their feet. I don't read that as them faking - though they could be Ruin and still genuinely confused, I suppose. I wouldn't mind other people from the Roshar doc commenting on whether they agree with that assessment, though.

If I were forced to pick between the three of them for the most likely Ruin candidate, I'd say Fifth, though I'm definitely not sure of the fact. I'm also wondering whether I'm really overthinking this, which is... very possible. I'm going to have a look at this in the morning, and see whether my non-tired (or at least less-tired) brain still agrees with my analysis before I put a vote down.

Going by Rand's theory that Ruin was in a Doc with somebody Night 2, if anyone was in a doc with one of these three players in Night 2 (remembering that Ripple is pinchhitting for Monster, for those who missed it), please come forward, as that might be the key to finding Ruin.

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I’d like for everybody who was in a world doc, with any player at any time, to list those players. Meanwhile, Bard’s analysis is interesting, and I’d agree with him that Eternum and I are the most likely Ruins. Knowing my innocence, but with no way to prove it, I’ll assume that Eternum is Ruin for now. Hopefully those lists will start rolling in, and once my name isn’t on any of them it will soft-clear me. And Roshar makes sense as a planet Ruin would want to blow up, because the ability to convert Investiture might make him a bit nervous. 

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I, er, think I've been on Silverlight the rest of the game? I'm still trying to catch up on everything I've missed, but I'm pretty sure Monster didn't leave Silverlight. If anyone else could provide some summary of what's happened up to this point, that would be great.

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I have been on silverlight the whole game (until it exploded). Night zero I attempted Odium, night one I tried ambition, night three endowment, and four honor. I have no investiture, shards, secret factions or way to prove any of this. All I can say is I haven't been in any world docs until now , and can confirm this:

2 hours ago, Droughtbringer said:

Drake LivingLegend and I are on Scadrial

Given recent analysis, I'll place my vote on Eternum

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