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No Oathbringer Spoilers Support Group


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I'm a huge stickler when it comes to spoilers.  I'm one of those "NO trailers, articles, or screenshots for the video game or movie I'm excited for.  I want the entire experience to be blind," sort of people.  The best part of experiencing something is being able to enjoy the moments raw, whether they be exciting or heartbreaking.  I will never understand the need some folks have to absorb all of the reveals and plot points before being able to enjoy the full thing.

Journey before Destination, my friends!

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I was originally planning on reading the chapters as they were posted online, but I decided against it because I didn't want to torture myself even more by exposing myself to parts of Oathbringer and being forced to wait for the next chapter to come out a week later. It's just so much more satisfying being able to sit down with a copy and read the storming book for hours non-stop :D

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On 9/28/2017 at 10:03 AM, Shqueeves said:

I'm joining this group for my brother. He left on an LDS mission yesterday, and won't be able to read Oathbringer for two years. I'm also avoiding spoilers for my own joy.

You can't read books when on mission?

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At least he'll have two years less to wait between Oathbringer and Songs of Listeners (if the titles continue to be in-world media works related to the flashback character; crossing my fingers this isn't like the Eragon-Eldest-Brisingr outrage that I was too young to experience)

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On 08/10/2017 at 3:22 AM, ILuvHats said:

NOOOOOOO!!!  I visited Extesians account and accidentally saw an Oathbringer spoiler while perusing the topics of discussions he's been in.  My life is in shambles...  

Ah that's annoying! Was it a major spoiler? I've been tempting fate lately by dipping in and out of the oathbringer spoiler thread, but by some way of miracle nothing has been spoilt for me yet.

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On course, steady as she goes. I've read WoK, with a WoR re-read waiting in the wings so I'm primed and ready to go on release day. Between them and for something different, I've been reading "The Ends of the World" by Peter Brannen. Despite the fantasy-sounding title, it is non-fiction - still a fascinating book, although slightly depressing. 

Haven't been hit with the desire to read spoilers like I was with WoR, I think because I felt pretty strongly that it lessened the experience for me last time, 

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I need support, peoples. At the WoR release I loved reading all the sneak peeks and discussing and freaking out three chapters at a t time while Peter teased us all mercilessly.....Im a sadist, ok. :P

However my husband is in the read-it-all-at-once camp and since we are reading it together, I am waiting. 

And its painful. The chapters are all there! I could just read them! And join in all the discussions!

But I must be strong. I must wait, and I must pray that my reading experience is not the worse for it.


ok. im ok. 


On 20 September 2017 at 3:01 PM, Penumbra said:

I'm Penumbra and I'm scared of Oathbringer spoilers. I'm in Sweden, but I'm hoping the english edition will be released the same date here as everywhere else (and that my local book store will be quick to acquire it!). I decided to wait because I have a ton of work to do right now until about November anyway and can't spare the time to re-read the first two books OR read and really get into Oathbringer :c

Ask the store to order it in for you then. :) 

On 23 September 2017 at 9:24 PM, Tesh said:

I'm waiting until the 1st to start my SA reread, so then I can go through all four without anything in between. (The longest I've ever gone without having a book to work on reading was about 12 hours).

I should do a reread. That might help. But what do you mean all four? Edgedancer is part of Oathbringer.

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On 2017-09-20 at 2:01 PM, Penumbra said:

I'm Penumbra and I'm scared of Oathbringer spoilers. I'm in Sweden, but I'm hoping the english edition will be released the same date here as everywhere else (and that my local book store will be quick to acquire it!). I decided to wait because I have a ton of work to do right now until about November anyway and can't spare the time to re-read the first two books OR read and really get into Oathbringer :c

Hello, fellow Swede! Sci-Fi Bokhandeln in Gothenburg will have it the 14th. I asked them to set a copy aside for me. 

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I was planning on NOT reading them. I made it through 3 weeks before caving. 

Hopefully you all will be stronger than I. It really is torture reading the book 3 chapters at a time a week apart. Of course it’s also a little fun to come up with theories only to be dis-proven almost weekly. 

Edited by StormingTexan
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2 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Hello, fellow Swede! Sci-Fi Bokhandeln in Gothenburg will have it the 14th. I asked them to set a copy aside for me. 

Nice! I went online to pre-book it on Sci-Fi Bokhandeln Stockholm now. The 14th is earlier than I expected though!

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7 hours ago, Delightful said:

I should do a reread. That might help. But what do you mean all four? Edgedancer is part of Oathbringer.


I was counting Edgedancer as it's own book.


I worded that weird.

But hopefully I got my meaning across.

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Hello everyone! To you who have chosen to refrain from reading Oathbringer till the release date, I come to give hope. I will not spoil anything, not a word. All I will say is that you have chosen a hard path of waiting but one that will reward you better then we who are weak and read the weekly chapters. We must wait for the next part after getting only a small portion of the story week after week, making it even more frustrating when we want more. You brave souls however will get the entirety of it and have a much more fulfilling prize for your sufferings come the end of November. So, continue to be patient and strong while awaiting eagerly for the book.

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4 hours ago, Aon Ati said:

Hello everyone! To you who have chosen to refrain from reading Oathbringer till the release date, I come to give hope. I will not spoil anything, not a word. All I will say is that you have chosen a hard path of waiting but one that will reward you better then we who are weak and read the weekly chapters. We must wait for the next part after getting only a small portion of the story week after week, making it even more frustrating when we want more. You brave souls however will get the entirety of it and have a much more fulfilling prize for your sufferings come the end of November. So, continue to be patient and strong while awaiting eagerly for the book.

End of November? It comes out the14th.

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On 10/9/2017 at 7:32 AM, PlanetReelo said:

Ah that's annoying! Was it a major spoiler? I've been tempting fate lately by dipping in and out of the oathbringer spoiler thread, but by some way of miracle nothing has been spoilt for me yet.

Well the spoiler was about another worldhopper people spotted, so I don't get the joy of discovering them myself :(.  Thankfully it wasn't anything super relevant to the plot.

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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, Stormfather-in-Law said:

OB Day! I didn't read a word until it arrived this morning. I will admit, though, that the itch was getting to me, especially after reading some of the spoiler-free reviews. I was thinking well...maybe just the prologue, the day before. But I was too busy yesterday to succumb to temptation.

So...who else made it? 

I have made it, and still am until my book arrives sometime today! This is the first book I've ever had to wait for, and I'm super excited to go into it totally blind! Congrats to all you other Sharders who also made it to Oathbringer Day spoiler free!

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