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This is a game of Sanderson Elimination which is currently in progress. Feel free to learn more about Sanderson Elimination in the General Rules & Etiquette thread in this subforum. Signups for new games will be coming up soon, so keep an eye out for a new game you can join!

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Well, congratulations everyone. You didn't all die for voting on Odium. That would have been pretty funny though, to be honest.

Chances are, there is a catch somewhere, but that isn't it. I for one am hoping that the catch was that Odium had some very powerful abilities. :P


10 minutes ago, asterion137 said:

Did everyone else get a second essence mark?

I can confirm that at least one player other than you received one. So probably yes.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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Not the best writing  because it's way too early in the morning, but here's the rest of the relevant info.

The stone door slid open, and Skai’s Remnant, Strider, and Requiem stepped into the crypt carrying Aona’s body. It was dimly lit by a few simple Aons on the walls. The room looked older than the rest of the city, and if the story Skai’s Remnant had told Requiem had been true, it had indeed been built before Elantris even existed.

In the center of the room was a stone platform with a body on it. An inscription carved into the platform read: “Here lies Skai, the body of our God. His power will be with us wherever we go.” Skai’s Remnant had carved it himself. He paused before it in respect.

Though it had surely been lying there for many years, Skai’s corpse was immaculately preserved. It looked like he had simply fallen asleep. Holding that much power will do that to a person. There was an empty space next to Skai’s body. Remnant gently laid Aona’s body on the platform beside her lover’s.

“Well, Skai,” Remnant said quietly, “here she is. Together at last.”


Strider opened the box. It was practically identical to the one the cloaked man had used in the Cognitive Realm. The objects inside weren’t glowing as they had been in that Realm, but they were the same shape: Essence Marks. Strider motioned for them each to take one.

As the acolytes examined their various new marks, Locke looked over at Strider, who was putting the box away. “Strider, are you coming with us?”

“Unfortunately not. I am waiting for someone here on Sel. I must be here when she arrives. Remember me when you use this Mark. You may choose to use it, or you may not. Do not forget the wisdom of the dead.” With that, he left the gates of Elantris.


“Where are we going?” Requiem asked as the acolytes gathered their gear and prepared to depart.

Skai’s Remnant strode over. “There’s an old friend of mine we need to pay a visit to.”

“Let me guess: it’s not going to be a short journey,” Requiem said.

“Indeed. Tanavast is not on this planet nor at this time. And while it is possible to make the transition anywhere, it will be easiest if we do so at a perpendicularity.” He rose his voice and addressed everyone now: “To the mountain pool!”

Edited by Ecthelion III
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@The Flash

Silver Feather finished planting the headstone, and put the small cross, Book of Mormon, and flag he had found down near the headstone.



You lived a short, painful life.

May your soul pass into eternity at the speed of- well-

A few Elantrians standing around cried a little. Boo hoo. One old dude gave a speech. Silver left quietly. He kicked dirt over Odium's body as he passed. There was a gathering of the others near some small trapdoor in the ground. “To the mountain pool!” Came the cry. Silver Feather shrugged and started running. He had seen the fight between Skai, or what was left of him, and Odium's manifestation out of the corner of his eye. He managed to pass Skai's remnant the nice "Feel Better Soon" card he had made. It had an actual rattlesnake that hissed when you opened the card. It was the nicest thing that Silver had ever done for someone. Skai should appreciate it. He had given Silver a new essence mark.




Note: Anyone read Alcatraz? For tonight's action, stand on your head, put your feet in your mouth, juggle eleven live tuna and dump chocolate pudding over yourself while singing "Hambo the great" in Dutch.

Edited by Roadwalker
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Heather was not only confused by her first experience worldhopping, she was also freaked out of her mind. What in all the Cosmere was going on?! She hoped wherever they were headed next would be less terrifying, she needed a breather. She probably should've done some more research before she tried world hopping. She sighed, and laughed at her own foolishness. At least she was finally having a real adventure, and not just stuck in her world of books. ;P

She'd even tried bidding on some sort of auction during all the chaos, but apparently it's a bad idea to use all of your money up in an auction. Oh well, maybe wherever we're going next wouldn't have given me anything for gold anyways. Who knows? They might have an entirely different currency system. She smiled at her feeble attempts to justify her wasted money.

She'd just have to stick close to the others and hope she could make a few friends who could show her the ropes of this interesting traveling system. After all, she tried to be a friend to all...she'd even had cake with that nice man in the hooded cloak. Maybe the others could use a good dessert to lighten their moods. She'd have to keep an eye out for some good foods in this new world they were headed for.

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Just because I'm good aligned doesn't mean I'm always right, I'm definitely not :P Take any advice I give with a grain of salt.

But chances are the upcoming day cycle will be a good time for analysis. Analysis is the bread and butter of every village.

We've gotten lucky with one eliminator suiciding and another getting hit by my scan. But we can't expect to ride that for the rest of the game. I don't think any of the other eliminators are planning on suicide. And my scan is most effective at finding Odium specifically, less so for finding other evils.

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Fake doctors, weird moving garbage cans, and dying shards. None of that interested Dr C who was actually a REAL doctor unlike that imposter waving his little stick in the air and yelling silly catchphrases. If he really was a doctor where was his scientific method or at least his medical practice if that's what he's into. Dr C was out doing the real important science while everyone else was fighting for their lives.

Yes I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. While everyone else was goofing off the great Dr C recreated the gun. Now it is time for his lecture about it. yay...

"Attention everyone!" Dr C tried to yell over all the chaos. It's not that he didn't care about the death and destruction that had occurred. He just new that it was vital that everyone heard what he had to say. After all his logic and reason could be the only possible thing that could save them. 

"I come before you today a brilliant, humble, but great man who has just made an amazing breakthrough.  Last night a man appeared wielding impossible magic. Or so it seemed to your small minds. I as always was the only one with the analytical mind who could see the simplicity of this device. Not magic, not even that clever of a design. A mind like mine took mere hours too not only recreate but also improve on Striders gun. I call it the MegaGun and you today will be the first too see it in action!!"

As the sound level of the crowd changed not one bit given that they were all ignoring the lecture, Dr C revealed his elegant yet deadly contraption for the world to see.

"Behold the future!" Was a rather odd thing for someone to say as they revealed something looking like a mix between a slingshot and the remnants of a miniature greatshell following the removal of its gemheart. The statement was an even stranger way to end a speech after said contraption self combusted sending small shards in all directions. Including the largest piece which connected directly with Dr Cs temple, mercifully ending another of immensely informative speech. Looking back on this moment in the future many will likely view this as Dr Cs finest moment. 

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Lucky Duke leaned back against the wall, breathing heavily. He had just finished wrapping his upper arm in a tourniquet - the battle in Elantris had been a rough fight. But Odium, the one Duke had heard caused all of this mess, had been destroyed. Deception and trickery Duke could not do to save his life. But a good old fashioned brawl? He'd been born to it.  

Duke slowly walked forwards down the street, noting the fires spread throughout the city and the blood splattering the stone of the street. Clearly the casualties on his side had been more than he had been led to believe. Still, Duke thought, it was well worth it. Those bony freaks had taken ten losses for every one the Elantrians had taken, thanks to their magical powers and some guns, which Duke still found a strange sight to see in another world and time. How had they even gotten guns, anyways? Wasn't this all set in the past? Duke sighed, letting go of the thought. He would leave thinking to the higher-ups. 

"The destruction of Odium means nothing", came a tinny voice from inside Duke's head. "There is still much evil out there. You'll never find which of your comrades is a traitor. You can't do it. You're too weak."

"Like I couldn't hunt down Slab the Killer?", Duke asked, amused. "Like I couldn't duel all four Daltons at once? Just because you're weak doesn't mean I have to be."

The shadow fell silent, leaving Duke alone. Lucky Duke took another step, and continued down the abandoned street, going nowhere in particular.

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Jaspian had spent most of the fight huddled up in a corner, talking to the stick. He had very little experience with fighting, so he figure that it wasn't best to leave all that to the others. Especially since apparently a godlike being had been involved. Like, who even tried to fight a god? 

I am a stick, he heard in his head. He sighed, shaking his head. The stick had become quite nervous ever since the strange god-monster-demon-guy had shown up. The stick was now calming down since that god had apparently been killed, but it was still worried about the god hurting it. Jaspian wasn't completely sure why a god would want to harm a stick, but he did realize that his stick was a special stick, so he had decided to hide it from the god...which seems rather silly in retrospect, now that he thought about it.

Jaspian followed Remnant as he led them through the city. He wasn't quite sure what was going on anymore, and he was quite confused by the sight of the magical device that the others seemed to be calling a "gun." He'd never seen anything like it before, and he was suspicious of the man named Strider who wielded it. He was also concerned for the crazy man who kept attempting to invent things, but that last attempt at recreating the gun had really scared him.

I am a stick, the stick said. Jaspian sighed, shaking his head, and continued on with the others. The stick was right. It would serve no purpose to worry about these things. He figured he should stick with Remnant and the others to stay as safe as possible, and in turn keep the stick as safe as possible too.

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2 minutes ago, Elenion said:

...And apparently I have accrued 2 downvotes for my last post? It says I got 6 rep on it but it's at +4. Why downvotes?

I have no idea, but I really wish they would take that feature off the Shard.

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Just now, Ammanas said:

I have no idea, but I really wish they would take that feature off the Shard.

I only use it for the zucchini-style purposeful trolls, but here I am getting them for a time extension announcement?

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Chapter 5: The Windless Valley


“On the count of three, everyone jump in. And don’t leave anyone behind this time.”

They stood holding hands in a circle around the mountainside pool. As when they began their adventure, Skai’s Remnant was in the middle of the pool, though he was now treading water.


Now gathered all in one place, the adventurers looked around at each other. Some of them had a completely changed appearance—their skin was slightly darker and they had an epicanthic fold.


They waved goodbye to Strider, who waved back, a look of hope in his eyes.


They all jumped into the pool as one.


The Wanderer once again found himself in the Cognitive Realm, divested of the persona of Rayse/Odium, and with his bracelet spinning at a fairly noticeable pace.  As he watched, it slowed down and soon came to a stop.  Once again, he understood: In this adventure, unlike all that had come before, the bracelet would need to be charged sufficiently to send him home, and that had not happened before his death.  Another adventure would be required, before he could return home.

He started walking when—


The punch floored him. He looked up and saw Eobard. “That was for killing me.”


Jaspian and his comrades reappeared in a completely new world. They were in another pool on the summit of a mountain surrounded by even taller peaks jutting up into the sky. From their elevated vantage point, they had a clear view down into a beautiful valley.

The peace did not last for long. Seconds after their appearance, a huge group of black, spidery shadow creatures with glowing yellow eyes climbed out of the ground.

Everyone scattered--everyone, that is, except Silver Feather, who was standing on his head with his feet in his mouth, juggling live fish while also trying to do something with chocolate pudding, and singing through his feet a song about a “Hambo de grote”. Jaspian shook his head, muttering about insane birds, and ran as fast as his legs and his stick could carry him. He looked over his shoulder to see what the creatures were doing.

They were all coming for him.


Mr. Red Facemask watched as the shadows enveloped Jaspian and his stick. He heard Jaspian's screams and the meaningful sound of the stick's silence.

Then, as quickly as they had come, the shadows vanished back into the ground. Requiem was the first to arrive by Jaspian's lifeless body. "Heartless," Requiem said. "I thought it was weird enough when Odium sent the Daleks, but Heartless? Really???"

Requiem stood in stunned silence for a moment, and Mr. Red Facemask took advantage of it by stepping up to him and asking, "Hey, is there a way I can contact that Ambition guy again? Unfortunately, I've found myself out of a lawyer again and--"

Requiem slapped him. "Skai's Remnant SAVED YOUR LIFE from Odium, and all you can think about is SUING HIM after you tried to steal from him? And this from the guy who 'despises thieves almost as much as vote manipulators'! I am disgusted."

Mr. Red Facemask rubbed his face where he had been slapped. "I'm suing you for assault, too, by the way." If I can find a lawyer.


Straw has passed to the Spiritual Realm.

StrikerEZ has died and passed to the Cognitive Realm! He did not leave a will, but here is his autopsy report:




I, Phil, am proud to present today’s lottery and auction items! Today, there will be 2 lottery items and 2 auction items.

Both lottery items are Essence Marks. One has a pattern that looks like a heart & crossbones, and the other has a pattern that looks like a hugely oversized crown.

The first-place auction item is a pair of Bifocals. Contains both Harrier’s Lenses and Courier’s Lenses.

The second-place auction item is Rum! …no, wait, we just got word from the distributor that the Rum is all gone. Apologies for any inconvenience.

[You hear from afar:] “Storm it, why does this always happen!?”

Edited by Ecthelion III
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The first paragraph about the Wanderer was written by Yitzi, so toss him some upvotes!

Everyone should have received a PM. If I skipped you, or if something is amiss, please let me or Remnant know ASAP!


The Physical Realm

1. Lucky Duke (Cloudjumper) - handy with a barrel
2. Vulture Sam (asterion137) - a card hustler
3. BrightnessRadiant as Herself - very confused worldhopper
4. Liz Allan (Sami) - terribly confused Marvel fanatic
5. Ister Mo (Manukos) - likes camping
6. Tautali Laust (Megasif) - valiant Radiant on a journey of self-discovery
7. Dr. C (Clanky) - Rickrolling mad scientist
8. Locke Tekiel (OrlokTsubodai) - I feel like this guy's died before
9. Aran (Aonar Faileas) - the hunter
10. Requiem (Drake Marshall) - Kyner from the future
11. Silver Feather (Roadwalker) - deep in thought
12. Mr, Red Facemask (Alvron) - likes to use commas
13. An Innocent Man (A Joe in the Bush) - definitely harmless
14. Daniyah as Herself - first blackout game!
15. Aralis (Araris Valerian) - former head-thumper back from the dead


The Cognitive Realm

4. Eobard Thawne (The Flash) - DEFINITELY not an evil speedster was Arelon Villager
6. The Wanderer (Yitzi2) - definitely not Hoid was Odium
8. Jaspian (StrikerEZ) - talks to a stick was Karata


The Spiritual Realm

20. ppil (STINK) - had some beef with Phil
3. Alvron (Straw) - was a very confusing guy



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Thmmm something dawned on me last night 

Is it possible that drake is evil and lead the lynch on odium so that we all think he is good ?

I would say that based on his atitude and ecthelion's storytelling it is highly improbable, but still just throwing it out there 

Perhaps not this game but generaly is it a good elim tact?

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1 hour ago, Manukos said:

Thmmm something dawned on me last night 

Is it possible that drake is evil and lead the lynch on odium so that we all think he is good ?

I would say that based on his atitude and ecthelion's storytelling it is highly improbable, but still just throwing it out there 

Perhaps not this game but generaly is it a good elim tact?

The tactic you are referencing is called bussing. And yes, bussing is a good eliminator tactic. I will freely own to being very fond of elaborate bussing schemes.

Typically however, bussing isn't done unless it looks likely that a team mate is getting lynched regardless.

I would conjecture that this isn't really for tactical reasons so much as just proper conduct. Even if a D1 or D2 bus would be tactically quite effective, it also doesn't give your team mate a fair chance at the game. In my opinion such a strategy would be poor form. It devalues your team mate.

That being said, paranoia is your friend in SE. Viewing anyone as above scrutiny would be a mistake. Personally I don't want to be above scrutiny. I'd rather be under scrutiny, and hold up to it.


And with that, goodnight. On the topic of scrutiny, analysis incoming tomorrow.

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