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1 minute ago, The Flash said:

Ok i think I figured out what this game is about (maybe) 

If odium is on Sel right now, is this the shattering of Dominion and Devotion? 

I thought that was prehistory on Sel, but whatever we shall see

Whether prehistory or not, it certainly predated the formation of Dakhor.  So not the current time.

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Hello again, it's Phil. I pulled a passage from the write-up to aid you in your theorizing (that sounded way formal)

"You fools!" he cried. "Use the Marks! I told you to make the transition, but by your disobedience we are far behind the others in time and are all in danger of being destroyed!"

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28 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:

Hello again, it's Phil. I pulled a passage from the write-up to aid you in your theorizing (that sounded way formal)

"You fools!" he cried. "Use the Marks! I told you to make the transition, but by your disobedience we are far behind the others in time and are all in danger of being destroyed!"

Ah, so the events in the Cognitive realm may very well be the Splintering of Devotion and Dominion.

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50 minutes ago, The Flash said:

Ok i think I figured out what this game is about (maybe) 

If odium is on Sel right now, is this the shattering of Dominion and Devotion? 

I thought that was prehistory on Sel, but whatever we shall see

I get the impression this isn't our last stop in the timestream. Why start us off time traveling if we're only going to visit one time and place?

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8 hours ago, Yitzi2 said:

Names were chosen in the sign-up thread, before getting alignments.  Voting based on that makes no sense, so Alvron.

And yet Straw chose my name.  You didn't think I was going to just let that pass without some fun did you? :P 

5 hours ago, Megasif said:

Alvron for attacking the hooded man.

I didn't attack the Hooded Cloak.  I tried to steal from him.  Big difference.  In fact I wonder if I can bring assault charges against Hooded Cloak. Maybe sue him and demand Essence Marks as compensation.  Hmm.....

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I get the impression this isn't our last stop in the timestream. Why start us off time traveling if we're only going to visit one time and place?

Yeah, ok. So Phil told me I am an Arelon Villager. ARELON.  Not just villager, a Selish villager, so I am thinking maybe we will be in different planets as well. Maybe the splintering of different shards?

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No , no @OrlokTsubodai you are right and I agree that revealing our roles would be catastrophic so i'll remain silent 

I just wanted to avoid an early lynch by being cooperative, cos these seem to haunt me whenever I am in an interesting game and this game is certainly that. But it sems that it had the oposite effect 

Also @The Flash ithink the writeup said smt about wyrn and dakhor , also the fires of elantris refers to the attack at the end of the book 

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Okay I just want to let everyone know that I'll be catching up on this game late tonight lol....I haven't even read Cycle 1 yet oops :P 

Now that I'm dead in LG35 I should focus on this game.

Hopefully no one is trying to kill me and I'm unaware :lol:....if this was wolfia I would just say Shoot Me! lol (why do I troll so hard in wolfia *shrugs)

Although who's to say I never troll in SE :ph34r:

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7 hours ago, Roadwalker said:

Ok, so what is the difference between an Arelon Villager and a vanilla villager?

I asked the GM that. He said there wasn't any difference :wacko:

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I don't know if I've done enough RP but just in case I'll do a little more. 

Time travel. Duh. 

Still, even if it is time travel, WHERE was he? What is Elantris? Who is Odium? 

Eobard considered for a moment. Maybe he should ask someone what was going on. 

He skidded to a stop in front of a farmer. The farmer fell over in surprise. 

"What is elantris? Who is Odium?"

The man stared wide eyed at his sudden appearance. "Where... where did you come from? Who? How do you not know where Elantris is?" 

"Oh just tell me where Elantris is" Eobard sighed, lightning sparking around his upheld hand. 

The man got the hint, and pointed in a direction. "You can't mi-"


Eobard was gone, leaving a very confused farmer in his wake. 

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Aralis sat on his chair. Or, he supposed, the memory of his chair. The memory of Tyrian Falls was strong in this place. Off in the distance, Aralis saw Rent digging a hole. Even with an endless amount of time, that man couldn't figure out how to extort people. Some things never changed. But last night something did change. A note found under his chair, and a strange object. He could choose to ignore it, but it would be a long time before the town woke up again. Maybe tonight he would see if he could beat some sense into a new group of folks. If worst came to worst, he would come back to his chair.

I'll vote on Alvron. Any self-respecting Shadow would never allow themselves to get kicked in the face.

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4 hours ago, Roadwalker said:

Yeah, ok. So Phil told me I am an Arelon Villager. ARELON.  Not just villager, a Selish villager, so I am thinking maybe we will be in different planets as well. Maybe the splintering of different shards?

Maybe it has something to do with your Spiritweb. We know that location has an affect on how you can use investiture and given the secretive nature of this game there very well may be abilities that can be gained or granted throughout the game. Perhaps this means that since you are from Arelon and we are currently in Arelon you have the possibility of being chosen by the Shaod and becoming an Elantrian or something like that.


2 hours ago, Sami said:

I asked the GM that. He said there wasn't any difference :wacko:

Was it Phil who answered this? If so we were already warned not to trust Phil before the game even started.

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All work and no play makes Phil a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Phil a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Phil a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Phil a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Phil a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Phil a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Phil a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Phil a dull boy.

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Well, here we have another D1 vote. D1 lynches are annoying.

In any case, I'm rather interested in what the lottery item might do. It is called a "somatic mark" and somatic is defined as "relating to the body, especially as distinct from the mind."

So, chances are, this mark is supposed to change something in the physical realm. Where a typical soulstamp presumably changes the cognitive and/or spiritual aspects, this mark is supposed to change something physical.

Maybe it's a protective power? Like giving you an extra life or something?

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Hmmm...so, I was not expecting the ability I got from my Essence Mark. I was misleaded by the symbol, and I'm sad. <_<

But, the ability I got isn't too bad, honestly. It definitely could come in handy. I just wish my assumption about the Essence Mark I have was correct. It would've been so much more fun if it had been lol.

I'm honestly not sure who to lynch, but I think that's just a given with D1 lynches, though. I'll wait and see what other people think before I finally decide.

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Lucky Duke's eyes shot open with the morning sun. For a moment blind panic seized him, but as he looked around he realized that he had not passed into the Beyond, yet. Duke crawled onto his hands and knees, feeling for his buffalo rifle in the warm mud around him, but he could not find it. Duke looked down at his own body at the feel of coarse wool around his skin, and found that his body looked...different. Instead of the tan that his arms should have looked like, pale, white skin covered his body, and he wore simple clothing, like the skaa of old, before the factories that now produced the clothing of modern Scadrial. He was significantly shorter than his usual body, and instead of muscle his body was lean and skinny. Duke got up and looked around for the first time, wincing at a shooting pain in his left leg. He appeared to be in a muddy ditch that lay near a stone road, polished and smooth grey. Golden fields of long, wavy grass surrounded the road, and in the distance, tall, stone walls lay around a city. Four small collections of wooden houses lay surrounding the stone city, and Duke could see more roads in the distance leading to the city from each town. 

Duke favored his right leg as he walked slowly to the road, noting strange plants and weeds along the side of the road and growing in the ditch that he'd never seen before. Strange. He'd assumed that because of the hooded man's wording that they would be just traveling to a different time period, not a different planet. But this was obviously another world. Nalthis? Duke had never been well-versed in his knowledge of the Cosmere, but now he wished he at least remembered something. No, wait...Duke vaguely remembered someone talking about a tall stone city, full of wonders and magical feats beyond reckoning, in a tavern once, saying it was called Elantis? Elatrai? Elantris. He said it was on...Sel. That was right. Sel was the name of the planet. Duke limped down the road. Well at least he had a start. All journeys had a start, and Duke had a feeling that this would be an interesting journey.

Word count: 377

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Liz forgot to be frightened. She stared back at the girl. "Who are you?" The girl paused. "My name is Era. And this is yours. you must take it."

"What is it?" Liz asked, staring at the medallion that seemed to pulse in the girl's hand. The girl cocked her head. "I.... I'm not exactly sure. I used to know, but my memory has been fuzzy since-" the girl winced. "It is important. It will return you to your true self."

"My true self?" Liz repeated. She reached for the medallion, and paused. "Where am I? What is this place?"

Era seemed surprised. "You are in the Cognitive Realm. Where all spren take their true form." She glanced up. "Quickly now. It will soon be too late."

Liz reached for the pulsing silver again, hesitated, and then picked it up. It sat solid in her hand for a minute, then seemed to vanish, sinking into her hand. A strange tingling feeling ran up her arm and through her body and she shut her eyes tight.

A warm light bathed over her. She slowly opened her eyes and viewed a brilliant blue sky. Below her feet..... Suddenly she was slpashed into a pool with icy cold water. She gasped and spluttered at the sudden cold, and scrambled out of it, and sat on the grass shivering. In the distance other people suddenly materialised out of the air, which she recognized from the Cognitive Realm. One guy still carried his rediculous stick. She sighed, opening her clenched fist. Inside, to her astonishment, was another Medallion, plainer and without the brilliant light. In the grass beside her was a small pile of gold. And raising her eyes, she saw sprawled before her down the valley, the Bright City of Elantris.


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Alvron.  Okay my fellow shardpool hoppers, I'm going to be on a 20+ hrs flight so will not be around for a while. I'm on the good guys' side so don't don't kill me just yet. This is incase I don't get another chance:


The darkness shied away from the glowing mark. The mark called him. He grasped it with all his might. An explosion of light.


Tautali Laust felt like he had woken up after a millennia. It could possibly be true. He couldn't remember how long he had been in that state. After separating with his companions from Silverlight.

His mind was clearing up. The darkness receded. Slight fogginess remained. He still had his black leathers on. He looked around through hazy eyes. There were others. The ones around the fire! They assumed various shapes and forms. Some were in the process of forming. Was that a chicken? Duck? Some kind of bird? The one with a stick was walking off already.

An incredibly strong wind buffeted him. No. Lightning? Weird. Slowly, carefully, feeling returned in his whole body. He took a deep breath. He looked around again. Not everyone was here. Some were still in the cognitive realm. Oh well. Their choice.  There was a pool behind them. So that's how. He needed to know where he was. Wait, was that someone swimming in the pool? Who were these... people. Were they allies? Enemies?

He walked away carefully, testing his footing, getting used to his physical body again. Not exactly the same as before. At least he had a body. He walked to the edge of the plateau. The world suddenly expanded. He was on a mountain overlooking vast fields. A brilliant light in the distance caught his eye. A fire. Two cities next to each other. One was burning.

Elantris! He remembered the voice in his head. What else had it said? Oh no. He must hurry. Now this had better work. He jumped off the plateau on to the gentle slope dropping towards the plains and a road. He willed his body to become an edge. Cutting all resistence and friction. The wind. The air. All elements would move around him. He fell flat on his face and rolled down to the road. He looked up at the sky and sighed. So no powers. No stormlight. He had to discover this world's power source and fast.

He got up and looked down from the still high vantage point. The lighting was still coursing on the field and... stopped. Was that the stick guy. And he was swinging the stick again. Laust looked away and sighed. Hope they're friendly. He started walking towards the city and thought on his mission. Get rid of the bad guys. Although he couldn't remember much else, the voice in the head had given him something afterall. An identity. Arelon Villager. He would assume it for now.


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 I'm still at the part where I'm confused at what's going on but oh well. Alvron. Just because everyone else seems to think he's evil. Also to get my gold. (kidding) I can be quite cold-hearted and stupid - when I want to be. 

Does it cost to enter the lottery?

On a side note, I'm not going to be around a lot the next couple of days because I have a music camp coming up. So I might miss a couple of things.

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1 hour ago, Sami said:

 I'm still at the part where I'm confused at what's going on but oh well. Alvron. Just because everyone else seems to think he's evil. Also to get my gold. (kidding) I can be quite cold-hearted and stupid - when I want to be. 

I don't think anyone is really convinced Alvron is evil at the moment. The previous votes were silly votes based on the write-up. Not much of a reason to kill him.

@Araris Valerian I would still like to know your reasoning for not using an essence mark last night. I'll leave my vote where it is for now

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11 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

Hmmm...so, I was not expecting the ability I got from my Essence Mark. I was misleaded by the symbol, and I'm sad. <_<

But, the ability I got isn't too bad, honestly. It definitely could come in handy. I just wish my assumption about the Essence Mark I have was correct. It would've been so much more fun if it had been lol.

I'm honestly not sure who to lynch, but I think that's just a given with D1 lynches, though. I'll wait and see what other people think before I finally decide.

Can you tell (or remind) us what the symbol was?

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