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"It's not a big deal. Dalinar Kholin is friends with one of the worst murderers I've ever met. So? Dalinar is lighteyed. He's probably friends with a lot of murderers."

I think it's pretty clear that this is Kaladin talking to Bridge 4 about Amaram.

EDIT: ninja'd

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"It's not a big deal. Dalinar Kholin is friends with one of the worst murderers I've ever met. So? Dalinar is lighteyed. He's probably friends with a lot of murderers."



OK, this one seems like Kaladin talking to Bridge 4 about Amaram and his crimes.


Actually after reading it again this seems more like Kaldin trying to convince himself he can still trust Dalinar, even though he's friends with Amaram.


Like it should be expected that a lighteyes would have criminal friends, so he shouldn't let it bother him. Or let it affect his relationship with Dalinar.

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Ooh, Kaladin having issues with Dalinar's relationship to Amaram, you say?


Or more accurately, he's not having problems with it. He could be lying, but it seems very Sanderson-like to have a character behave in a very mature fashion given a situation where cliche demands they handle it poorly.

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Almost seems like he's talking to himself here.


Or that the quote was combined into one long sentence when it was intended to be read like:


"It's not a big deal."

"Dalinar Kholin is friends with one of the worst murderers I've ever met."

"So? Dalinar is lighteyed. He's probably friends with a lot of murderers."

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Well that are to be expected =)


Kaladin dilema about vegence and honor will indeed be his focus on this book =)




PS: To the moderators, Hey guys could you put the alenthis in the fonts pool. Would be very nice to use Alenthi in some posts just for the fun =)

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Or more accurately, he's not having problems with it. He could be lying, but it seems very Sanderson-like to have a character behave in a very mature fashion given a situation where cliche demands they handle it poorly.


He may be trying to convince himself that he's okay with it, or at least convince himself that it shouldn't change his opinion of Dalinar.  

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He may be trying to convince himself that he's okay with it, or at least convince himself that it shouldn't change his opinion of Dalinar.  

Yeah, that's what it sounds like to me, too. Although, since he's saying it aloud, I still think he's talking to someone other than himself, too.

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I'm firmly in the camp that thinks this is Kaladin talking to himself, probably while pacing in his barracks, preferably upside down on the ceiling completely unconsciously having discovered use of the final lashing while he was distracted.

I think the real question here is whether or not this delays Kaladin's partnership with Dalinar to re-found the KR.

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Eh, he could be talking to any of his close Bridge 4 friends, honestly. He'll be raging after that last chapter, I don't think he is going to be able to say that there's no problem and he is just fuming for no reason.

He could be talking to Moash or Rock. But I think it is most likely just Syl. I hope not though.

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He could be talking to Moash or Rock. But I think it is most likely just Syl. I hope not though.

I guess I'm not taking into account that Syl is learning and growing in terms of her understanding of things. Originally I didn't even consider Syl because it doesn't sound like her to defend or trash talk lighteyes specifically. I guess sometimes she is the voice of reason, but so many times the other members of Bridge 4 have stood up for Dalinar, it just immediately felt like a response from someone who reveres him. Syl might though. And I thought Syl would have seen what Amaram did and not sounded so passive about Amaram's integrity here.

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It doesn't have to be immediately after that chapter. It's probably after he's come to terms with Dalinar's friendship with Amaram. We don't know how long that will take.


The point was more that Kaladin's reaction to Amaram will be noticeable at one point or another, and I'm sure that will lead to other members of Bridge 4 becoming aware of his feelings on the subject.

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Here is a weird reaction. I have been listening to my WoK autobook for weeks now because I'm excited about WoR. Now after reading that one glimpse I can bring myself to listen to Kaladin's story again. This glimpse feels like a natural progression, but it is in a different place from where Kaladin's story ended in book 1. I don't think I will be able to enjoy WoK until I read WoR now because I want to know where Kaladin's path will go from there. I'm glad we only need to wait two more weeks.

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I know I said I think he's talking to himself, and I still do, but I just had one other possibility that makes sense pop into my head.

He could be talking to Hoid. I'd imagine Hoid would be maybe the one person we know that could get Kaladin off-guard enough to be talking/monologuing to himself to work through a problem and solve it.

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This glimpse made me laugh so hard. I don't know why, probably just the extremely casual tone Kaladin has. Almost like, "Dalinar's wearing red today. That's such an awful color. Oh well, no biggie, his friends all wear red too. Completely understandable." I'd expect a fuming Kaladin or a severely depressed Kaladin, not this... "whatever this is" Kaladin. 


Or, if you look at it from another perspective, he feels like his entire world is falling apart because of this reveal. Dalinar is the only lighteyed relationship that he's been invested in ever since Amaram. He could be having a panic attack saying this to Syl, almost as a way of trying to calm himself down. Or I just think too hard.

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I know I said I think he's talking to himself, and I still do, but I just had one other possibility that makes sense pop into my head.

He could be talking to Hoid. I'd imagine Hoid would be maybe the one person we know that could get Kaladin off-guard enough to be talking/monologuing to himself to work through a problem and solve it.

I dont think so, i think Hoid will be off doing whatever he he does when hes not mainstage.


I'm firmly in the Kaladin is speaking to himself camp.

It strikes me as if it's a conscience battle, like dark vengeful Kaladin vs Light KR Kaladin.

He is also debating or even second guessing his relationship with Dalinar, i think he's been burnt by lighteyes to often to trust any completely even know i think he will come to trust and respect Dalinar a great deal but it will take time and finding out that Dalinar who he thought was different is friends with Kaladins biggest sore spot...i sense trouble brewing... :B 

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So I was thinking some more about this glimpse.





I now definitely think that this is the stormfather talking to Syl.


I think that this is a warning that Odium is coming for her, and I think that the "little traitor" is spoken with affection. Sort of like he doesn't approve of what she did in defying him, but he admires her bravery. And the apology is because there isn't anything he can do to help her.


While I was thinking of reason for Odium to go after Syl I came across this WoB.


Can Odium pick up pieces of a Shard without changing the nature of his Shard?

Any investiture, over time, will slowly change one’s personality, no matter how small that investiture



It wasn't so much the question, but the answer that got me thinking. This could be how he corrupts spren, he puts a small amount of his investiture into a spren and that changes it's personality making it loyal to him. Then I thought, what would happen if Odium corrupted a spren that had bonded to a human? Would the Surgebinder also become corrupted?


If this is possible then I think that it would be a good reason for him to go after Syl.

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