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Everything posted by Sh3phrd

  1. There was some discussion on this sort of line over here, if you want some further thoughts.
  2. Let me know how booktopia goes delightful, I'll have to remember that one in the future. I've pre ordered from QBD before with no trouble, although that was for Memory of Light, so admittedly a bit of a different scale. I just find it hard to believe that the anticipation for Wor isn't enough to justify having stock on hand for release. I should have the Kindle version in a few hours, so I guess it's not so bad, just a bit disappointing I suppose.
  3. Yeah, I didn't even think of kindle, keep forgetting there's an app for that, lol
  4. I checked fishpond, and near as I can tell, all the ones they have are shipping at launch day, from overseas. It says to please allow an extra week for shipping. I think we might just be straight out of luck. I'll get the audible version for now, I was going to get it anyway.
  5. I pre ordered WoR from a QBD near home. I was told it would be ready on 3/3, which I was a little excited about. I called them today to see if it was ready and they said while today is the release date, and it says it's available on the website, they won't be getting stock till the 11th. Is anyone else having trouble getting a copy or is this just a Brisbane thing? Is there anywhere around I can find one? Feeling a bit desperate at the moment...
  6. Just when I thought we were actually getting a glimpse without all the hypothetical subtext...
  7. For those who need it, I have also been compiling a list of the glimpses HERE. It's just a Google doc and living in Aus means I can't update it straight away, but I try to do it first thing each morning.
  8. I would say, that because of the very medical nature of the comment, it would have to be said from one medic to another. To me this says Kaladin is probably talking to himself again , though I will hold to a slim hope that it could be coming to or from Lirin...
  9. Definitely agree that Kalden is talking to himself here. It doesn't seem like it's directed to another person. @Chrono - yeah this is the first glimpse that has held a bit of humour for me. I like the variety these glimpses are giving us
  10. is Glimpse #5, which is why this stands out to me so much. I definitely got that vibe too...
  11. Along with the all caps of this statement, not the lack of quotation marks. All the other glimpses stated by characters have had quotes. To me this indicates that it must be a deity/shard, which it seems is the consensus anyway.
  12. Hey guys, just wanting to put this up here. Like I'm sure a few other people, I jumped on this bandwagon a bit late. I've been going back through this and other forums looking for the earlier Glimpses. Decided to put them together into a google doc here. I'll try to keep it up to date as much as I can, but if anyone else wants to add to it let me know and I can give you permission.
  13. This is a very interesting thought, though I personally disagree, and for a very mundane reason actually. Basically, parshmen are so anatomically similar to humans, that almost every difference is obvious and stated. They are described like slaves but without basic motivation or will. I just feel like something as drastically unhuman as a lack of aging would have been considered noteworthy. Although it could be that the characters doing the describing are so used to it that they didn't feel it was worth mentioning. It will be interesting is something comes of this
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