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Long Game 30: Journey Before Destination


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1 minute ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

As for discussion, is the best course of action to keep Sheep in jail or to execute as soon as possible? Imprisoned players can't vote or do much anyways, but the only way to know of their alignment is to execute them. I think we need all of the information we can get now, so we have evidence to base stuff on later. But what exactly are we going to get from Sheep? Two players have formed bonds, but what are the odds that one of them will be Sheep? And if Sheep is going to be inactive, then why go through and get a bond, if only to keep others from getting it? I don't think Sheep is much any threat now, but I don't think we should pardon.

I believe I can say with some certainty that sheep does not have a spren. I estimate she only has one honor, and she gained that in cycle 1, so if she was going to bond a one-honor spren, she'd have done it then. Even if she somehow did bond a spren, she'll lose it shortly as spren need 1 honour per chapter to remain bonded. I agree we shouldn't pardon her, so that her absence doesn't affect our ability to execute players at a later date. For that same reason, I'm going to place my vote on quiver , at least until a more valid interrogation target appears.

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It seems counterproductive to keep inactive players around, so while I think Aman said we only need a majority of the free players when voting, I'd still favor going ahead and executing Ashetvl (AliasSheep) today since they said they were dropping out, and interrogating Veriq (Quiver)  to remove them from the free player list as well. I'll switch that vote if someone gains suspicion in my opinion, but for now I doubt I'll have enough to go on for anything else. 

I'll try to respond to the criticism of my vote yesterday soon, though I've responded already to much of it. Sorry, guess I'm just not going to win when it comes to day 1 lynches, since I don't like them, but either voting without reason (which is all that's possible) or not voting gets me flak, so I'm kinda stuck there.

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Some time ago...

"Um, um, um. Uh. I, uh, um. My dress got ripped in the Highstorm and, uh, um, it's falling to shreds. So, uh..." Ralaanar trailed off. He pulled his torn dress up higher, unsure of what to say. He'd been trying to steal Shinon's cloak? He needed something to cover up his very obvious lack of breasts? None of those answers would work.

Ralaanar is going to be absolutely useless in this fight. Blame his parents for that. He'd work better as a field medic, when he's not admiring how pretty the chasmfiend is.

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1 minute ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

How many players do we want to confirm that they have jumped off the cliff before we begin the chasmfiend fight?

If you're willing to wait a short while (should be less than an hour), I'll have a short RP up presenting 'the plan'. You are all free to ignore it, of course,  but I'd like to have it up before everyone charges the beast.

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3 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

How many players do we want to confirm that they have jumped off the cliff before we begin the chasmfiend fight?

Well, if some players don't end up RPing until later, like I did last cycle, they can always retroactively put something in.  It limits the aspect of working together, though, so I think it'd be best to get as many people as possible.

Just now, randuir said:

If you're willing to wait a short while (should be less than an hour), I'll have a short RP up presenting 'the plan'. You are all free to ignore it, of course,  but I'd like to have it up before everyone charges the beast.

We've got days. :P  I, for one, don't mind waiting an hour or so.

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Ranatar observed the chasm-fiend, considering how to approach this problem. The initiates where still just a group of individuals with wildly varying backgrounds and experiences, so whatever plan he came up with would have to be simple. Ranatar watched as the chasmfiend started slowly stalking in his direction. Its armored bulk would be almost invincible to mundane weapons, and it’s claws would easily shear through armor. Even shard-plate wouldn’t hold out for long against this creature’s assault. Depending on how coordinated it could move, the creatures many legs would allow it to pose a threat to multiple initiates at once.

Those legs where a weak-spot though. They were relatively thin but would have to contain a lot of muscle to support the creature, meaning they should be more thinly armored. If enough legs where disabled, the creature would collapse and finishing it off would be a lot easier.

Ranatar took a quick look around. Kintas had joined him, as had the Shin and two others he didn’t immediately recognize. One of them appeared blind, but moved with the determination and purposefulness of someone who could see just fine. Several of the other initiates where preparing to jump down as well.

Alright, listen up everyone.” Ranatar spoke loudly, making sure his voice was heard by the initiates at the top of the cliff as well. “Unless someone has brought a Shardblade, there is no way we can finish this creature with one precise blow.” Ranatar observed the initates carefully as he mentioned the Shardblade, but none of them looked particularly guilty. “Instead we’ll have to bleed it dry with a thousand cuts. This will be a lot easier to do if this creature is no longer able to chase us around, so we’ll have to take out its legs, which aren’t as armored as the rest of the creatures body.”

“We’ll split up in three groups. One group keeps the beasts attention while the other two flank it and attack its legs. If the creature decides to go after one of the flanking groups, they’ll take over the distracting role and those that had been distracting it go after the legs instead.” Ranatar’s attention was drawn by Ralaani. Many of the initiates seemed apprehensive, but she seemed to be worse off than the rest. “There might be some among you who, due to your background or previous experience, might believe themselves unsuitable for this fight. Your support will still be invaluable. If you can’t wield weapons, drag those that the beast has wounded away from the fight and get them stormlight if they have run out. If you can’t fight the beast yourself, help those who can fight it to survive this encounter instead.”

“There is no way any of us can take this creature alone. This whole exercise isn’t about personal honor or glory, but about working together and surviving as a group, so support each-other, share your stormlight when someone runs out and don’t take stupid risks.” Ranatar took a deep breath, taking in some of his Stormlight to give him the strength he'd need in the coming fight. "If someone sees faults in this plan, or thinks he has a better idea, speak up now. Otherwise, get down here and get your weapons ready."

I never said it was a very good plan :P . 

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Sareth considered Ranatar's plan. Then he looked at the chasmfiend. Storms, it was enormous. Maybe what Ranatar said could work, but even then, it would be an intense and possibly very bloody fight. He eyed the beast's legs. Yes, as Ranatar said, its legs seemed vulnerable. but they were still huge. As Sareth examined the chasmfiend, a memory came to him. One day, he had seen a bird of prey swoop down on a small songbird. Seeing its inevitable doom, the bird cried out. Then, from seemingly nowhere, the entire flock of songbirds emerged and swarmed the predator, pecking at it with unexpected ferocity. Eventually, the larger bird fled, leaving the songbirds alone.

This is the illustration from WoR of the chasmfiend. I copied it from Brandon's website. I hope it will give a bit of perspective on the adversary we have to face.




Edited by Hemalurgic_Headshot
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I'll start this cycle with some analysis...

Unless someone else gains reasonable suspicion, I'd be in favor of jailing quiver.

But I don't think we should execute sheep. Now that they are jailed, they pose no threat to our votes, so executing doesn't accomplish anything.

And... Even as an inactive and jailed, sheep probably contributes to the total count of village, which is part of the elims' win condition. It means that if we leave sheep alive, they might still eat up one of the elims' kills.

For this reason I would definitely recommend y'alls take your votes off sheep unless you actually think they might be an elim (which I personally find very unlikely).

In regard to the spren... This probably confirms that spren have different honor costs. Because I feel like there's enough people with max honor right now that we wouldn't have all gone for the same two spren.

Also, Aman, your write-ups are great as always. :)

Also... What's the deal with everyone getting hurt in the fall? Is there some kind of WoB out there I haven't seen that says that Kaladin being able to fall without being hurt is exclusively a Windrunner thing? So far as I know, the only instances in which a radiant has fallen a long distance with a large amount of stormlight in them have resulted in a large expenditure of stormlight, but no injuries if they land on their feet.


Uther watched as Captain storming Kaladin revealed a live, mature chasmfiend to them.

"Well then I guess today is our lucky day. Cause not only are we seeing one of them up close. We get to kill one!"

Delightful... I was right. He was serious. Well, at least there's a chance that the murderer will get eaten by the chasmfiend...

"Did I say we? I meant you all, of course. My Squires and I are only here to supervise."

Of coarse you are. Smug bastard.

"In case you’re all wondering how you’re getting down there, well… I hope you listened when I said to bring every infused sphere you own, because trust me. You’re going to need a lot to survive this drop."

Then he pushed Ranatar into the chasms.

"So." Kaladin said with a wide grin. "Who's next?"

I swear, the only time I've ever seen that man smile is when he is tormenting someone.


Uther wasn't about to give the Windrunner the satisfaction of pushing him off. He looked over the edge of the chasm... Storms that's a long way...

A sudden vertigo gripped him. No! I'm not jumping off a storming cliff for no reason. So far down... The fall will kill me!


Then... Nothing. I will deny the grip of terror in myself. I will not shy away from self-sacrifice.

Fine then. Uther braced himself to jump.


He saw the Hithon, the blind man, next to him, preparing to do the same. Hithon checked his pack before jumping.

Uther froze. No... In the man's pack there was a small, nondescript glass vial, with two bands of steel wrapped around it to reinforce it. Uther knew that vial. He had one just like it in his pack. On the underside of the stopper there would be a tiny, triple-diamond insignia. It contained a mix of blackbane distillate and sedatives. More then enough to kill a man; it might even have some effect on a chasmfiend.

Hithon was a Ghostblood assassin. There was no other explanation. The vial was the standard issue toxin among their ranks. Typically administered to the target with a sharp dagger like the one at Uther's side, the mixture would quickly paralyze someone, rendering them incapable of resisting, shouting for help, or even breathing... then send them into a deep sleep from which they would never wake up. Quick and painless. And if he's anything like me, he didn't come with just a single vial of poison to take down a greatshell, either. This one is dangerous...

Storms... Maybe the Ghostbloods are the ones behind these attacks... I'm never going to be free from them, am I?

Hithon threw himself from the edge with confidence and grace. Is he even really blind, or is it all just a load of crem?

The chasmfiend roared in the distance, the multiple pitches overlapping in a way that sounded like a hundred trumpets being blown in coordinated fury. As serious as the revelation about Hithon was... Confront Hithon later. Kill chasmfiend now.


No point in waiting at the top of the ledge any longer. Uther leapt out into empty space, sucking in a measure of light from his pouch of spheres. He had seen others act with caution, trying to break their fall on the way down. He saw little point to this; trying to break his fall would just hurt him on the way down. The wind rushed around Uther for a moment, drowning everything else out. The flickering spren streamed alongside him, fluttering its wings around Uther's head as if it weren't falling at breakneck speed. Then the ground slammed into his legs.

A cloud of stormlight exploded from the point of impact like dust from an old mattress. He felt the jarring force radiate from his feet, but the stormlight absorbed it. He stood up and examined his surroundings.

Hithon, Ranatar, Sareth, Kintas, Czarn... All in the chasm with him. The rest were at the top still, either steeling themselves to face the the drop or steeling themselves to face Kaladin when they didn't jump.

Ranatar, the one who had been pushed down at the beginning, was just finishing describing a plan when Uther hit the ground.

"There is no way any of us can take this creature alone. This whole exercise isn’t about personal honor or glory, but about working together and surviving as a group, so support each-other, share your stormlight when someone runs out and don’t take stupid risks. If someone sees faults in this plan, or thinks he has a better idea, speak up now. Otherwise, get down here and get your weapons ready."

We're going to need an extra edge to beat that thing without shards. Ranatar's plan is good, but I'm not sure it will be enough... This will require more thought.


Uther drew his sword. A fine piece of steel, requisitioned from the Kholin armory. Good slashing edge. Someone had even hammered a little double eye insignia in the center of the crossguard. He undid the stopper on his first vial of poison and smeared a thick layer of its contents of the blade. Far more of it then was practical to kill a human. He hid the vial from Hithon's line of sight, just in case the blindness really was an act.

I may serve honor, but at the end of the day I am still an assassin. I'm not above using poison, particularly against this monstrosity. If he could find a weak joint in the chasmfiend's armor, maybe the poison could weaken it.

"We wait for the others now."

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After night on the roof

When I came back Teilin already disappeared (I even not expected something other than that) all that she left was small piece of paper with glyphs on it. (I checked room but looked like nothing was stolen.) On it was written something like that (I’m not very good in Alethy glyphs so I just can guess that I’m right):

Dear Nium, sorry but I should go right now, businesses can’t wait but I assure you we will meet soon, very soon.

Yours not very dear Teilin.

Oh, and wine was beautiful.

Chasmfiend hunt

I stayed on the edge of the cliff (this time I was dressed not in one of my suit but in simple black leather jacket) and looked down how this blind guy falling, what was his name hmm… Hithon? Yes, Hithon was his name.

“Cursed by the waters of Great River bastard. He stole my trick, just look on it!” I growled loudly to no one and everyone in the same time, watching on his perfectly executed fall.

I gritted teeth, pushed Captain Kaladin the Dullbrain aside and stepped forward from the cliff.

I was falling head downward. I blinked… one… two… three. First what I felt was pulsation over all my body, then from nowhere came cold breeze, second later all started to slowdown, but this was just in my head.  Hands in one blink motion slipped under jacket and back, holding 2 seals in right and dagger in left. One of stamps was essential seal, I pressed it in my forearm, heat started to move from seal through muscles and skin. Body changed in unseen moment, hair became shorter, muscles grew bigger (but not too much), skin darkened from pale to tan. Second seal I imprinted in dagger's handle (where was special deepening for it) and dagger changed in long dual sword, convenient stamp, isn’t it?

Even falling much slower I almost reached earth, I quickly hid seals in pocket. Everything started to go with normal speed again, I spinned closer to wall and pushed with legs from it. I turned in air again last time before I hit the ground .

I fell on straight legs even without bow, of course I broke legs at least in 10 places but I immediately started to tap golden rings on fingers of left hand, so bones were healed even faster than they broke.

Fell I right in the middle of group of other initiates raising wall of dust, I grinned to them putting sword on shoulder.

"So what the plan?" I asked with grin looking from one on another.

Sheep. Quiver.

And I was ninjad by Drake... mehh. I not gonna rewrite something.

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8 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

Also... What's the deal with everyone getting hurt in the fall? Is there some kind of WoB out there I haven't seen that says that Kaladin being able to fall without being hurt is exclusively a Windrunner thing? So far as I know, the only instances in which a radiant has fallen a long distance with a large amount of stormlight in them have resulted in a large expenditure of stormlight, but no injuries if they land on their feet.


I... Don't know about this.  I suppose with enough stormlight, it's possible that you could just eat up the impact.  And Stormlight does increase endurance and things?  Huh.  I didn't think of that.

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19 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

And... Even as an inactive and jailed, sheep probably contributes to the total count of village, which is part of the elims' win condition. It means that if we leave sheep alive, they might still eat up one of the elims' kills.

Good point. However, I quickly checked the rules and they state that.


In order for the Unjust to win, they must outnumber the free Honorable.

I don't really see a reason to excecute sheep, or to not excecute her. I'll look at the total vote count for that closer to the end of the cycle to make my decision.

19 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

Also... What's the deal with everyone getting hurt in the fall? Is there some kind of WoB out there I haven't seen that says that Kaladin being able to fall without being hurt is exclusively a Windrunner thing? So far as I know, the only instances in which a radiant has fallen a long distance with a large amount of stormlight in them have resulted in a large expenditure of stormlight, but no injuries if they land on their feet.

personally, I've done it that way because in most other circumstances seen in the book, the one employing stormlight had been using it in some way or another for a long while. That was not the case for my character. I'm also not sure if we can rule out that it is a windrunner thing.

Edit: @AmanuensisIn relation to the Unjust win-condition, I assume that the free unjust need to outnumber the free honorable? If that is not the case, we should definitely execute sheep as she could, in the unlikely event that she is an unjust, help them achieve their win-condition. If she is honorable, she won't contribute to our win-condition while imprisoned, and makes voting for an execution harder while free.

Edited by randuir
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7 minutes ago, randuir said:

Edit: @AmanuensisIn relation to the Unjust win-condition, I assume that the free unjust need to outnumber the free honorable? If that is not the case, we should definitely execute sheep as she could, in the unlikely event that she is an unjust, help them achieve their win-condition.

We surely should execute Sheep in case if he elim(even if inactive in rules mentioned that his teammates can send action for him), cause even imprisoned elim can kill(if I understood wording in right way).



If an arrested player is capable of using an action, they can only use it on their fellow prisoners.

And that:


If a player is imprisoned, only one Unjust will need to put in the order.

If it works how I think. One imprisoned elim can kill other prisoners without help.(don't know if elims want to do that work for us, but in late game or when we will deside to pardon someone looks like it can be used by them).

Yeah imprisoned elim can kill only other people in prison. But we don't know how will work if we will deside to pardon someone and imprisoned elim will use kill on this person. (Yeah Aman how it will work?)


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This is so wrong.  So very, very wrong.  
What kind of training involved throwing people off a cliff?
We’re all going to die.  
This is going to be the end of me.

I’m okay!” A voice echoed up the chasm. “Make sure you’ve got at least an emerald broam’s worth of stormlight before making the jump!”

He survived?  He survived!  Oh blessed be the Almighty.

Hithon, Sareth, Kintas, Arionium, Czarn and Uther had all made the leap and Captain Kaladin the Insane was waiting for the next lunatic to step up and take the leap of stupidity.

“Well, if those fools can survive then it shouldn’t be any problem for me.”  Naihar said confidently.  The fearspren bubbling out around him however told a whole different story and no one was fooled.  A few even looked at him with expressions of amusement.

Nevertheless, Naihar strode up to the cliff fully intent on giving Stormblessed a rude gesture as he leaped off backwards.  The rockbud he stepped on however had other plans as it quickly retreated into it's shell causing Naihar to trip and disappear over the side with a very unradiant-like yelp.

Naihar flailed his arms and thrashed his legs trying to right himself to no avail.  Instead all he managed to do was entangle himself in a curtain of vines that hung down from a broken section of rock.

There were snaps and pops as bones broke and limbs were torn from sockets.

Naihar could feel the Stormlight healing his wounds but it could do nothing to help him when he ended his fall about three feet above the chasm floor looking for like a marionette from a puppet show.

He looked at the others already down through tear clouded eyes.

“Ah, a little help.”

Loving your write ups Aman.  They are absolutely fantastic.

Edited by Alvron
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1 minute ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Wait. Only one Unjust is necessary to kill a person in prison? If there are two players in prison, and one is killed by elims, then can we assume that the other is an elim?

Yeah there can be chance, but I think free elims too can kill people in prison.

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3 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Oh. Well that goes one great way to prove elims down the drain. 

Nuh... I don't think that elims will do that just to kill(without any advantage for them in it), cause what need for them in it if they can just sit and look how we wasting lynch.

I think they even can try to confuse us by killing prisoners.


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@Drake Marshall, quotes aren't working right for me, but I chose to have Kintas get hurt both because he's not really a Radiant yet (Kaladin had been working with Syl and using Stormlight for a while before we saw that, while we don't even have spren yet, which was an interesting choice on Aman's part) and because I recalled the scene during the 4-on-1 duel when Kaladin lashed himself into the guy's back. He broke his legs then, and they knit themselves back together. Granted, he was intentionally not holding a lot of Stormlight so he didn't glow, but still, I figured it seemed appropriate for an Initiate, especially one with no experience in this sort of thing, like Kintas.

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57 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

Also, Aman, your write-ups are great as always. :)

Also... What's the deal with everyone getting hurt in the fall? Is there some kind of WoB out there I haven't seen that says that Kaladin being able to fall without being hurt is exclusively a Windrunner thing? So far as I know, the only instances in which a radiant has fallen a long distance with a large amount of stormlight in them have resulted in a large expenditure of stormlight, but no injuries if they land on their feet.

Thank you very much sir :P I spend a lot of time on these, so I'm always happy to hear people are enjoying them

My handcannon is that if you're not *used* to Stormlight, it's not as effective. Theoretically, everyone in this game is as strong as Kaladin was during the majority of The Way of Kings, as he didn't speak the Second Ideal and start doing the really fancy stuff until the Battle of the Tower, when he swore the Second. I'm pretty sure if Kaladin jumped off a ledge this tall back then, he would have been severely injured, but unlike him, you guys actually know what you need to do: breathe.


48 minutes ago, randuir said:

Edit: @AmanuensisIn relation to the Unjust win-condition, I assume that the free unjust need to outnumber the free honorable? If that is not the case, we should definitely execute sheep as she could, in the unlikely event that she is an unjust, help them achieve their win-condition. If she is honorable, she won't contribute to our win-condition while imprisoned, and makes voting for an execution harder while free.

I'm sorry guys, I messed up the win conditions again. The Unjust need to outnumber the *living* Honorable, so just arresting them and having majority won't cut it.. The Honorable, on the other hand, only need to arrest the Unjust to win.

29 minutes ago, Arinian said:

We surely should execute Sheep in case if he elim(even if inactive in rules mentioned that his teammates can send action for him), cause even imprisoned elim can kill(if I understood wording in right way).


  Reveal hidden contents

If an arrested player is capable of using an action, they can only use it on their fellow prisoners.

And that:

  Reveal hidden contents

If a player is imprisoned, only one Unjust will need to put in the order.

If it works how I think. One imprisoned elim can kill other prisoners without help.(don't know if elims want to do that work for us, but in late game or when we will deside to pardon someone looks like it can be used by them).

Yeah imprisoned elim can kill only other people in prison. But we don't know how will work if we will deside to pardon someone and imprisoned elim will use kill on this person. (Yeah Aman how it will work?)


I think the only question is about the OOA regarding pardons and Unjust killing an imprisoned player. The Pardon will happen first, so they need to use two Unjust to execute them.

26 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Loving your write ups Aman.  They are absolutely fantastic.

Thank you very much :D I'm also loving everyone's RP. It's what keeps me motivated to keep producing these!

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15 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I'm sorry guys, I messed up the win conditions again. The Unjust need to outnumber the *living* Honorable, so just arresting them and having majority won't cut it.. The Honorable, on the other hand, only need to arrest the Unjust to win.

Okay, so in that case, unless there is some more solid indication that sheep is an elim, it would be a baaaad* idea to kill sheep.

* I'm so sorry for that. i don't know what came over me. Please don't kill me for this horrible pun.

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