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6 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

I checked the online times of the no-voters to see if I could narrow down who was around when all of the voting craziness happened(about, the last hour of the lynch or so) and I my top suspects based on that are Nyali, Wonko, Hero, and Joe(with Wonko as my biggest suspect probably, because he was last online just a few minutes after the votes switched to Ecthelion and then he went offline I believe, which means he may not have been around to cancel his Rioting order once the tie was in place).

How do you know that the rioting was done during the last minute vote changing shenanigans? As I pointed out yesterday, it could just as easily have been planned and done well in advance. Anytime in the last ~15 hours, I believe, as that was when Doc voted on Dalinar. There were a bunch of people with two votes on them, and the Mistwraith Council could easily have decided to deflect the vote from Dalinar to Ecth well before things started changing at the last minute. It was Dalinar's vote that selected who the secondary vote target would be, as his put it from a tie with a few others at 2 to 3. Unless I'm totally mistaken, the last minute changes just added a couple more votes to Dalinar and Ecth, they didn't change whether rioting would save Dalinar or not.

Also, I should point out that the first day mess hard-clears Doc, doesn't it? Emotional Allomancy doesn't work on Mistwraiths, right?

Have we decided to go for Dalinar the Mistwraith this turn? Or are we tired of hanging Mistwraiths only to find out that they don't need to breathe? Might I suggest we try acid this time?

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"There's a corpse in my shop," Rin observed.

"Yes, there is." Nikki agreed, with a look that just dared him to disapprove.

Rin nodded absently, peering over the clothespeg on his nose to the body of Kip lying on the wooden floor. "You do know I'm going to make you clean up my shop after you're done here?"

Nikki proceeded to ignore him, as they started to sponge the corpse. It was not out of any particular respect to the corpse (Nikki was planning to experiment on him after all), rather a concession to their noses and Rin's need of hygiene.

He was sleepy. Again, he had overslept the previous day, and had only woken in the evening. If he didn't watch himself, he was going to get another label of "Rin the Late". Lying back, he continued to sort his thoughts on the previous three nights. He supposed it was too late to conduct any sort of analysis on the past three days, but he could begin sorting out what he thought of different people. That could help

My current sort-of trusts.

El - Rin actually liked El a lot...from a distance. He had often watched her in the apothecary's and admired her insight and quiet skill. He had just...never talked to her much...

I am still cautious around El. She was the first to put a vote on Len, for dismissing the Wilson attack easily. I can see where Ecth and Drake believe that she was directing the discussion to Wilson's attack. I am also not a fan of how she began sorting players into who would be more likely to attack Wilson, which prompted Joe to do the same. Still, I am willing to have a village read on her now. 

Rae *(NIkki)...right. She was one of the most interesting of all. She had come to him, blatantly asking for spikes. A cover? or innocent? She amused him, anyways.

Anyways, she had offered advice on day one, which some people disliked as she had advocated revealing the number of mistings between us in the village. She was the first to vote on Reginald on day one. She has been talking a lot, and this gives me a slight trust read on her. She has been an advocate of coinshot kills, which does seem pretty normal, but that doesn't indicate anything about her alignment. 

Matilda...what to say about her? Behind her drunk, cat loving demeanor lurks a sharp mind

She's been highly active and has actually been contributing a lot to discussion. She also has been very active in encouraging discussion, which seems like a village move to me. So far her votes have been poke votes, and tying the vote on day one, which still can be justified as Reginald admitted to asking her to do it. . So yes, I still read village on Matilda. 

Stink has been expressing his exasperation at the fixation on Reginald, saying that we get no information from a bandwagon. Has voted on Joe. His exasperation at a bandwagon seems village, unless of course Dalinar turns out to be an eliminator. We'll see. 

My current distrusts

Headshot was an interesting man. He spoke a lot, and accused wildly, often without much substance. He was called out on this repeatedly on the first day, leading to many people calling for his death, but he was protected by several others who argued against killing a newcomer on the first day. The argument for protecting a person on the first day I understand, but with the rapid vote switching at the end of the cycle, I can't help but feel that he knows something. Also interesting is the fact that after being one of the primary lynch targets for day one, he has managed to drop under everyone's radar again. 

Lopen (Sothe)- Many people have expressed suspicion of Lopen, such as Nik, Reginald, Aralis, Joe, Cassius and many others. The main reasons being that he seems to agree easily without saying much of his own. I think the general idea of suspicion on him seems to be him phrasing things weirdly, or responding weirdly. i find his paranoid theory very much of a stretch myself. I'm just watching you. 

People on whom my trust is contingent on further proof. 

Herwynbe the put-upon, but never snapping Terrisman. Rin respected him very much.

The Terrisman had been gunning hard for Reginald. His reasons make sense. Either Reginald has had extraordinarily luck, or someone has a very vested interest in keeping him alive. And it was likely that those keeping him alive had less than pure intentions. If Dalinar turns out to be an eliminator, Hero is justified. 

Dalinar (Reginald), the thief, the lucky, the man who just wouldn't die.

Not much to say about him here that hasn't been covered by everyone else. People have a vested interest in keeping him alive, having been saved by a Rioter, saved by a Lurcher, and then surviving an attack with Pewter. Has claimed Mistborn, and has proven it so far. If he is spiked, it would explain why the eliminators are trying so hard to keep him alive. If he isn't, then the eliminators are laughing at us. If he is to be lynched this cycle, I would be okay with that, though we should certainly begin discussing others as well. 

Little Wilson (Whistler)- I'm still not drawing any conclusions from the attack on night one. Wilson has expressed suspicion of Hero for starting the night vote to perhaps direct the coinshot to a target they could protect and thus influence discussion. 

Wyrmhero (Wyl Sharpe), the jaded private detective. Rin swore he heard muted violins and sax whenever the man walked by with his hat over his head.

One of the more vocal players who believed Dalinar was innocent. Again, Dalinar's alignment might shed light on his. 

People who have spoken too little to get a read on

Elenion (Cassius). when he wasn't surrounded by a crowd of admirers, he liked to join bandwagons.

 He joined the Terrisman's contribution crusade on day 1, going after Mr. Hoid, then going after Reginald. Self-confessed to following the crowd. On day 2 went after Stick, but switched back to Reginald.  He suspects Stick and Lopen.

Seonid (Lord Conrad). As usual, no one had caught much sight of him except for his servant Rolan posting flyers everywhere. He has also been rather silent. Not unusual for rich, eccentric noblemen. Still, he would have thought the crisis on hand would warrant more attention from a supposed noble in charge of the town.

He called for Headshot's death on day one on the grounds that Headshot sounded off, and the same for Reginald's death on day 2. Made no mention of his earlier suspicion on Headshot. Has made some mention of possible role distributions, but nothing much other than taht. 

Joe (Jack Tormander) was an interesting man. New to Tyrian Falls. Eyes old and weary, as if he had seen a lot.

He had been among those involved in the chaos of day one's final hours, voting on Reginald to tie the vote between him and Headshot. Expressed suspicion of Stick, Lopen, Dalinar and Arinian. Has been vocal in trying to identify soothers and rioters, asking every member of the town to vote to find them, and has vowed to vote to prove his vote is sound, even though that logic was called out by others. Ended up not voting.

Jondesu (Remart). Rin had to admit a repulsed fascination at watching the man eat. Supposedly, his stomach had even protected him from death.

He was one of those attacked last night. Self-claims to be a Thug. Voted for El on day one for bringing the discussion to Whistler, then poked the Abundance Orgaization. He has been suspecting the Terris steward for some time. Though. Rin thought that if Remart had been eating all his food all the time, he would be inclined to kill him too, so if the Terrisman was a spiked, he could see why they would have gone for Remart. Anyway, Remart had voted on Herwynbe on the grounds of subtly trying to influence discussion with the incentive of treats, and has been one of the most vocal in calling for Reginald's death. Other than that...the man just ate.

Stick. A nice, if forgetful girl

Was part of the group which Ecth messed. Thought Whistler was evil. Has been poke voting. Not sure what to think of her just yet. 

Nyali (Nyah), a superstitious, but well meaning girl.

Clashed with Rae on day one on Rae's advice post. Convinced herself that the lynch on Dalinar was worth it. I would read village on her for her reasons for voting on Rae, and her pointing out a flaw in Lopen's plan, but I know how well Nyali can act village if she wants to. (Consider it a compliment if you're village) 

Also, what do you mean the vote shenanigans hard clear me? I'm not too clear on that sorry.

Magestar (Carmichael) - A compulsive gambler?

Was the one who pointed out that even if Jack voted, he could be framed as a vote manipulator easily. Voted on Reginald for information, although stated that the lynch felt contrived. On day one voted for Nikki as he thought some of her advice was weird, but retracted it after he realized he had misunderstood her sentence. 

Araris (Aralis) the old man, had voted on Nyah and Nikki for their 'superstitions'

However, he has also voted on Lopen for only posting agreements and not much analysis of his own.

Drake (Felix) - A pretty good kind of fellow, scholarly enough. Rin would have liked to talk more with him.

Felix was one to find balanced solutions, wishing for a tie on day one, and only voting on El when pressed. Voted on Dalinar on the belief it would give more information. He brought up an excellent point on Dalinar not claiming Mistborn on day 1 when it seemed like he was about to be lynched. 

Bugsy (Annix) A reclusive Terrisman whom he had not seen. 

He likes ciphers. Was suspicious of Rae on day one, thinking she might have copy-pasted advice from elim doc, which I think is a bit of a stretch. After that he retracted his suspicion, saying he realized it was unfounded himself. 

Gamma (Grumbles) - The grumbly innkeeper who hasn't been seen much of. Then again, Rin wasn't one to frequent bars. 

Suspects Lopen, Matilda and Headshot. Voted on Headshot the first cycle.Has expressed that if Dalinar is a village mistborn, revealing himself made him less useful. Is of the opinion that mistings should use their abilities at their own judgement, and is wary of spiked smokers and lurchers. 

Assassin. The Jaist. He seemed a harmless enough man.

Voted on Dalinar on day 2, and offhandedly called for Coinshots to attack Dalinar.  Voted for Dalinar again today. The man hasn't said much otherwise. Not that he was one to complain.

The Silent ones

Orlock Tsubodai: Locke Tekiel- Has not said much. Yes, he has said he's going to post soon, which is good. He still gets to stay here for now.

Wonko the Sane: Abundance Org - Has not said much other than a vote on Headshot on night one, and a response to Dalinar on how important posting is for the village.

Arinian - Another dreamy fellow who doesn't talk much. Voted on Dalinar. Has said he wanted to switch his vote to Wonko. 

Sart: Another silent one, with only a vote on Conq and Joe. 

Drought has not said anything at all other than some brief rp and reasons for being inactive. 

Conq (Mr. Hoid). Forgetful indeed. I've rarely seen him on. 

Silverblade Ryth. Another silent one. 

Manukos (Enias)- Has been active in other parts of town, but has not contributed much to discussion besides asking for information on alliances between villagers.

Ugh, that took far too long. 

Rin cracked open an eye, wondering where Nikki had gotten to. The body of Kip lay still on the ground, currently covered by a sheet. Gingerly, he stepped around it, grabbed a loaf of bread from his pantry and headed towards the mansion where the rest of the village should be gathered. He supposed it was time to place a vote.

It would have been difficult for his voice to be heard among the press of people, and honestly he didn't feel like forcing his way through the sizable crowd there, so he just eased himself into a corner and brought out the tiny handheld catapult he had built the night before. It was a simple contraption of arranged sticks, a throwing arm, a spring, and a trigger lever, one of his experiments on being able to shoot coins like a Coinshot which had never really worked out. Anyways, winding the spring, he placed a bit of paper in the cup of the catapult, aimed it carefully, and pulled the trigger lever, sending his vote onto some random person's head. 

There was an indignant yelp. 

Allowing himself a small smirk, He sank backwards against the wall to rest against the floor, vowing he would not miss any discussion this time.

The piece of paper simply said: "For the moment, my vote goes to Hemalurgic Headshot." 

I want those who called him out for sounding off such as @Seonid, @Wonko the Sane and @Gamma Fiend to see if his posts still do sound off to you. I'm hoping that @Hemalurgic_Headshot will give us his thoughts on Hero, Lopen and Dalinar. 

On the topic of Hero, I'm unwilling to lynch him until I know Dalinar's alignment. It does seem like Dalinar will once again be leading today's lynch, so we should get results soon.

Guys, Even though Dalinar seems to be on track to being killed once and for all today, please discuss other people as well. i've managed to give my thoughts on all players, so any players who don't like what I said about them or wish to clarify something please say something, or if you disagree with my read on another player, say something. 


And ugh, this post took forever to get done...

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While I cannot condone the killing of any man, Dalinar has proven that he is a Mistborn, and I have little trust in him at this moment. If he does die by a mob, then we will have information on which to base our analysis of Stick, Lopen, etc.

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12 hours ago, Herowannabe said:

As for the events from last night... I'm not quite sure what to make of it. As best as I can tell, the eliminators attacked Jondesu but he survived due to pewter, either from being a thug or a mistborn, and our Coinshot took out Straw. That seems like an odd choice to me- Straw wasn't on my spike-dar anywhere. Glancing back at the votes it looks like he voted for Etchelion on day 1 and didn't vote day 2, and nobody has voted for him at all (I believe. I'm just flipping through the game archive, I don't have detailed voting notes or anything. If I'm wrong, someone please say so). 

Huh.  I'd assumed that the Elims attacked Straw, and Jondesu was Coinshot-ed.  Just because, like you said, it doesn't make sense for the Elims to have targeted Jondesu.  But I'm not sure, because Jondesu doesn't seem like he should have been coinshot-ed either.

Because I'm bored, I'm going to make a list.  Wheeee.  

Assassin In Burgundy: Assassin has been acting in this game in ways that are pretty different than how I've seen him act as an Elim. I think.

Elenion: This person, regardless of their inferior looks, seems to be acting fairly normally. However, a few of his actions have made me feel a little odd about him. Still leaning village, which, I suppose, is odd for me.

Seonid: Leaning village. It looks like he's trying to be helpful overall, plus good gut read.

A Joe in the Bush: I... don't know. I have a bad feeling about Joe, even though I'm not sure I have a good reason to be.

Jondesu: Probably village. I doubt the Elims would attack one of their own, and I don't think a Coinshot would have targeted Jondesu. But why would a Coinshot have targeted Straw? Idk.

Manukos: Seems pretty quiet. He just posted while I was writing this, but I still feel like he's too quiet for me to make a good judgement.

I_Am_Stick: Fairly neutral read. I honestly wish they would post more, because they're posting pattern always sets off alarm bells in my head.

Wyrmhero: I'm loving the RP, but it makes it hard for me to know what's going on in his head. Plus it's all really long. :P

Nyali: Was away. Idk RN. Too many people are quiet.

Herowannabe: I'm vaguely suspicious of them, but I'll wait until Dalinar dies to say more. If Dalinar is an Elim, than I'll become pretty certain Hero is village, but if he isn't... Idk. I think that I'll be suspicious of the people who voted on Hero if Dalinar is an Elim.

Arinian: Too quiet. -sigh- LURKERS. COME OUT.

Conquestor: Same as above. The bandwagon on him D1 was odd, but I'm not sure what to make of it.

Silverblade5: Same as Arinian.

Magestar: Best looking dude around. Even Carmichael would bet on him being good. :P 

Arraenae: I feel vaguely suspicious of Rae for the reasons I brought up D1.

Doc12: Fairly village read. Has been helpful, if quiet.

Hemalurgic_Headshot: Decent read. Mostly RP, but that's to be expected, I think. I believe that this is his first game, and I don't know what to say.

Araris Valerian: Quiet. Idk what to say.

Droughtbringer: Also kinda quiet.

Stink: Also quiet now. Said some things that sounded village, but I can't tell with Stink.

TheMightyLopen: I had a bad read on him, but I'm feeling neutral now. His last post differs from my suspicions quite a bit, so that's something I'll be watching, but other than that nothing much to say.  Except, of course, that I'm better looking than him.  And Stick, for that matter.

Madagascar: Doing excellently with that RP. I admit, I have trouble reading her for the same reason that I'm having trouble reading Wyrm, however, I'm getting a village read. That lisp is epic. Plus, Madagascar is doing a pretty good job getting her thoughts through.

Dalinar Kholin: I'm fairly certain he's an Elim. If he isn't, well, we just lost a village mistborn. We're probably dead.

Drake Marshall: Fairly good read.

Bugsy6912: Idk. I don't really have anything to say about Bugsy.

Gamma Fiend: Seems to be lurking, but paying attention. Fairly good read overall.

Little Wilson: Idk. I'd say that I think Wilson is village, but honestly she's been quiet too this game. The whole shenanigans at the beginning of the game makes me want to watch her more closely, but I haven't had the opportunity.

Sart: Too quiet.

Orlock Tsubodai: Also quiet, but village read.

Wonko the Sane: Also quiet, but slight Elim read.

Elbereth: I'm actually kind of suspicious of El. She's been quiet, her posts are making me feel odd, and even though she's been on a bit and has followed this cycle she hasn't said anything. Plus a bad gut read. Honestly, if for no other reason, it's the conversation direction she did C1. The short argument she had with Len just felt forced.

Dang.  That took way too long.  For reference, I started when Assassin's post came in. Admittedly, I did take a break that was a couple hours long, but still. :P 

Doc, I apologize for being a bit quiet.  I've been trying to accompany all my posts with some RP, so I usually wait until I have something really important to say to say it.  So I made a list.   :P 

Carmichael wiped his forehead.  Making lists like this always tired him out.  True, he did take a nap sometime in between, but still!  Making lists was hard work. However, he was confident that his list was the best list ever created.  He grinned in satisfaction, looking down at the page of numbers and letters.

Carmichael stood up, stretching.  He looked outside, and saw that a crowd of people were forming around Reginald.  He smiled.  Whatever you could say about Reginald, he did have style.  Surviving multiple attempts on his life, and in such a way?  Now that took finesse.  And not a small portion of awesomeness.  He sat for a moment in thought.  Carmichael reached into his desk, and pulled out a sack of Boxings.  He walked downstairs.  After opening the door, he paused for a moment, then slammed it shut violently.  Confident he had gotten at least a few people's attention, he through the bag of boxings down on the ground.

"I'm willing to bet all of this," Carmichael announced,  "that Reginald won't be able to survive this lynch!"

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Hi everyone, I've been busy with college and cleaning up my house, because we are getting ready to move, so, it's been kind of stressful, but I'm here now! :D Dalinar, I'm sorry, but it seems as though you keep dying, but coming back to life! Are you a zombie or something? Now back to our randomly scheduled program.

"Whew, that was a close one," Mr. Hoid said. "But now that I'm back . . . how has that guy called Reginalod survived?! Guess i'll have to do something my self."

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Well, @Doc12, if you want to know how I feel, then have it.

Hero: He makes an interesting character. He attempts to sound sophisticated by making mild claims, then subtly backing them up post by post. Not a terrible strategy. However, it makes his true intents hard to read. He tries bring supporters to his cause. I find him suspicious, but then again, most everyone is suspicious somehow.

Lopen: I don't think he is very dangerous right now. He could very well be village. My feelings on him are not sure.

Dalinar: At this point, I'm just annoyed he won't die. I have pointed out earlier that his death could bring us more information if he is Spiked. I still stand with that. Personally, I think that we should focus our targets on questionable figures, because at this point a lot of the information we have is about or surrounding Dalinar.

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40 minutes ago, STINK said:

No need to talk, not like I'm gonna convince any of you not to waste another lynch or something. 

Do you have a better lynch option to put forth?  I, for one, think highly of my opinion, but by virtue of my great humility and ability to compromise, would be happy to hear other suggestions.

Plus, I wouldn't bet on Dalinar surviving another lynch.  It doesn't make sense that he'd roll Thug twice in a row, and I doubt the Elims have enough vote manips to save him, assuming he is an Elim.

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2 hours ago, Magestar said:

Little Wilson: Idk. I'd say that I think Wilson is village, but honestly she's been quiet too this game. The whole shenanigans at the beginning of the game makes me want to watch her more closely, but I haven't had the opportunity.

I've been quiet? By what metric? My past activity? The players who are devoting hours and hours to the game every single turn? I've made at least one post every cycle, and my posts have made my thoughts and opinions clear. I will not go back to my former level of activeness because quite frankly, I have no desire to devote 3+ hours per day to the games. I'm keeping up with the game, and I'm posting at least once per cycle. If you want more activity from me, I'm sorry, but you're not going to get it.

Now. Onto the night's events. Jondesu's attacker came at him with a blade, and Straw's death had the breaking of glass and multiple things (ie, coins) smacking into him. To me, that's a pretty clear indication that Jondesu was attacked by the Spiked and Straw was attacked by a Coinshot. I don't know why the Spiked would attack Jondesu, and I don't know why a Coinshot would attack Straw, but that's definitely what happened (Meta may not be one for other writeup hints, but he at least makes the attack type known in his writeups)

I'm getting really tired of the Dalinar thing. At this point I kind of just want him dead so we have this over with and move on. This has gone on way too long and taken up far too much of our time. It's ridiculous. That said, I have no desire to vote for him, because for one, I still don't think he's Spiked, and therefore we'd just be doing the Spiked's work for them. And two, I like what El said during the night about wanting to promote activity, and not lynching people who've been less active in the past who are more active now. So lynch him, if you want, and we'll learn undoubtedly learn something from his death, given how much discussion has taken place around him. But I'm not voting for him. And if someone I believe is actually Spiked comes up for the lynch, I'll probably vote for that person.

I'm still suspicious of Hero, but his comments since the rollover make me slightly less suspicious of him. Though I don't agree with his comment about Dalinar proclaiming his action in the thread, because stating his metal and asking the thread what he should do with it completely defeats the purpose of it. Let's say he drew Bronze or something. If the Spiked have a Smoker or a Copper-drawing-Mistborn, who do you think they're going to Smoke? If he draws Lurcher, they just won't attack who he's Lurching. If he draws Steel, they'll lurch who he's attacking. There's literally no use in him stating an active-use power to the thread before he's used it. That said, since knowing if he has a vote manip doesn't really matter at this point, I definitely think he should tell us now. The night is over, and the Spiked can't do anything about that action. So what did you draw, Dalinar?

Anyway. That's all I've got for now. I'll make another post later, maybe tomorrow but certainly before rollover, adding a vote somewhere but for now I should get back to work. :)

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Honestly, I’m a little suspicious of the people voting on Dalinar. We’ve already spent 2 lynches and 1 Coinshot attack on him. Better to let the coinshot kill him at their own time (so the elims are less likely to have him protected that Night.) Regardless of his alignment, we're not getting much information out of trying to kill him again via the lynch.

Bugsy has not said very much about who he is suspicious of. So far, he’s mostly been defending people. The one suspicion he has mentioned was me, which he retracted almost immediately afterwards because he said he misunderstood what I was trying to say. I think Bugsy might be trying to lie low.

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1 hour ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Dalinar: At this point, I'm just annoyed he won't die. I have pointed out earlier that his death could bring us more information if he is Spiked. I still stand with that. Personally, I think that we should focus our targets on questionable figures, because at this point a lot of the information we have is about or surrounding Dalinar.

You know there is a simple solution to that problem, just stop trying to kill me :p. But regardless, my days are limited. This will likely be my last post. So a couple of things left to resolve.

1st: @Wonko the Sane and @Elbereth, I agree with your general premise, and believe that my actions in previous games have not constituted a level of accepted beneficial activity to aid  an SE game. However, I still strongly disagree with the concept that activity for the sake of activity is good. (activity for the sake of activity may be better then inactivity for the sake of inactivity). Regardless, I do not believe that this is the best arena or time to discuss it considering the politicization of anything I say, so hopefully in a future game.

2nd: @Herowannabe and @little wilson I am a rioter this round. Perhaps that will convince you to put more votes on me to ensure my death. Perhaps that would be for the best.

Regardless, I will not contest my own lynch. It's similar perhaps to Harambe in LG 29, as long as I survive the conversation will be focused on me. Even if I managed to survive the lynch through some miracle, I will not be trusted. There's no easy way to verify my alignment (without tin, with spiked smokers, and with no knowledge of how many seekers/mistborn who could be seekers we have, not to mention its futile to seek someone under so much suspicion). There's simply no alternative upon who to focus, and even if I presented one, who would believe me? Dalinar. 

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34 minutes ago, little wilson said:

I've been quiet? By what metric? My past activity? The players who are devoting hours and hours to the game every single turn? I've made at least one post every cycle, and my posts have made my thoughts and opinions clear. I will not go back to my former level of activeness because quite frankly, I have no desire to devote 3+ hours per day to the games. I'm keeping up with the game, and I'm posting at least once per cycle. If you want more activity from me, I'm sorry, but you're not going to get it.

Wilson, one post every cycle, even assuming you mean turn, and not every 72 hours, is not super active.  And, yes, Wilson, you have a right to be as active as you'd like.  But you yourself posted this last day cycle;  


Sorry about my lack of posting: I've been somewhat distracted the last couple days.

And proceeded to not post in the night cycle.  Which is fine.  It's just kinda quiet.  You've made at least a post every cycle, and you were fairly active D1, so yes, you're active, but I still think that you've been quieter than normal.  It's not bad, I'm not accusing you of anything, and I'm not bothered by it, but you've made eight posts in 192 hours.  That's    about a post a day, including a post a sentence long and a post just about first-day voters.   Block posts are great, but it's dialogue between players that allows me to read them.  So yes, you've been kind of quiet.  Sure, don't increase your activity.  That's fine.  My read on you hasn't changed.

23 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Regardless of his alignment, we're not getting much information out of trying to kill him again via the lynch.

I don't know.  I feel like at this point, if we do kill him, which seems likely, then a whole ton of the conversation surrounding him should become easier to analyze.  At this point, I'm not confident that he's an Elim, but I still think he needs to die so we can move on.  Sorry Dalinar.  You've been put in a bad position, if you are a villager.

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When I got into town, I couldn't help but be a bit exasperated by the accusations flying around. I mean, I knew this would happen, it made perfect sense to lynch Reginald and call an end to this whole saga. At least then we could move on either way. But it looked like people weren't bothering to question anyone else yet again. Only a few people were doing that. Everyone else was just repeating what they did yesterday, it seemed. Seemed mad to me to think we'd get anywhere if they all did that, but who was I to tell them? They clearly didn't want to listen. Quite happy to just keep going round in circles voting for the same guy. We could at least do that while asking pressing questions of others, couldn't we?


Not that I felt it was the wrong move, at this point, despite what the metallurgist might think. Sacrifices had to be made in the name of the greater good, sad to say. I hated it, but there it was. Maybe they'd be right, and it'd turn out Reginald really did have an appetite for murdering folk. Don't get me wrong, I didn't think he was innocent. Don't think anyone's innocent, not really. I was sure there was some stuff weighing heavily on his heart. But really, his actions hadn't helped himself. Seemed his attempt at weaseling out of things had drawn a lot of hate to him. But I was a bit of an outsider to that whole event, and found it hard to understand the certainty others felt.


But for now, everyone else seemed to have his death firmly in hand, regardless of I personally felt. At least we would move on from this. I actually agreed with Rin's current thought, after hearing what everyone had to say today. Joe was acting a bit strange. He seemed to have done pretty much the same as Reginald, but been avoided by everyone. A mistake, or something more calculated by his friends, drawing to another guy instead of him? Joe tended to say a lot, but very little that was actually helpful. But more, I just didn't like what I heard from him today. Seemed a bit of an odd way to mourn someone, in my opinion. Not the first time he'd gone to lengths to show he was sorry for the passing of someone either. Perhaps it was honest, and the guilt was making him say that. Either way, I felt he deserved more investigation.



By 'Joe', I do mean 'Hemalurgic Headshot'. Sorry for the confusion.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Well, we have enough votes on Dalinar right now that we don't really need to discuss him anymore.

I was going to point out the things that Wilson said about the night, but I guess I don't get to do that now.

For reasons I have mentioned before, I think Rae is an eliminator, or at least very unhelpful. From there, I'd like to see the result of the lynch on Dalinar before I comment any further on the situation around him. And I will try and get some substantial reads on other players before I post again.

Aralis stepped out from behind a building and right in front of Reginald. The man barely had a chance to react before Aralis's staff caught him in the gut, and he let out an "Oof" as he sank to the ground. Aralis gave him a thwack on the head for good measure, and then began to rummage through Reginald's coat. Eventually, after some somewhat shocking discoveries, he found the bottle of brandy that had been stolen from his cellar. By that point, Reginald was beginning to come to.

"Do I have your attention?"

Reginald let out a small groan.

"Okay, you see this bottle here? My wife gave me this brandy nearly 40 years ago on our wedding day. Now, I'm not a man for drinking, since I value being able to see the world clearly, but now that she and our children are dead, that was all I had left of her. If there really were "Koloss" coming to attack us, I'd tie you up and leave you outside the city for them. As it is, your going to be dead by sunset. So I won't tell anybody where you are, and you won't take any more of my things, okay?"

Reginald nodded his head gingerly.

"Okay." Aralis knocked the man out one last time, and went back to his house to replace the bottle.

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43 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Honestly, I’m a little suspicious of the people voting on Dalinar. We’ve already spent 2 lynches and 1 Coinshot attack on him. Better to let the coinshot kill him at their own time (so the elims are less likely to have him protected that Night.) Regardless of his alignment, we're not getting much information out of trying to kill him again via the lynch.

If Dalinar was telling the truth, and it now looks like he was, he's the Mistwraith Mistborn. Every day that he survives is another chance for the Mistwraiths to gain access to Coinshot capabilities. There is literally no way he can survive being lynched this time (and I've managed to scrounge up some acid (don't ask), which should help). If we let him live, we'll just have to contend with this every night until he dies. He openly admits that he's a rioter this turn, so we need the lynch to be winning by a fair amount or he'll get away.


I'm still trying to figure out why the village coinshot killed Straw. It just doesn't make any sense to me. I guess they figured Dalinar would be protected again and went for someone else, but the choice just seems random. I am a believer in coinshotting someone every night, but you're supposed to go for the suspicious people first, not roll a die.

Regardless of whether or not the Mistwraith Council performed a WGG on Wilson, I highly doubt the Mistwraith Council would perform two WGGs, so to me, Jondesu is pretty much cleared.

I don't really have many suspicions to share right now - I need to go back and reread the days I missed. My brain is pretty fried from puzzling though, making analyzing this game difficult. x.x


Oh, and Doc, the comment about you being hard-cleared was a joke of sorts - I'm convinced the eliminators are Mistwraiths, and they're immune to emotional allomancy. You were rioted. Ergo, you cannot be a Mistwraith.


EDIT: When people vote for Joe, could you please specify which Joe you're voting for? I keep thinking people are voting for the player named Joe when they might be voting for HH and it's confusing.

Edited by Nyali
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8 minutes ago, Nyali said:

EDIT: When people vote for Joe, could you please specify which Joe you're voting for? I keep thinking people are voting for the player named Joe when they might be voting for HH and it's confusing.

Yes please! The problem comes from the fact that some people use the player's username and some people use their character's name. If we all stuck to one or the other, it wouldn't be a problem (and if I had to pick one to use, it would be their character's name since that's who is actually signed up for the game after all), but since we don't you'll need to specify which you're using. 

The way Magestar did it with the parentheses above would be just fine. 

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8 hours ago, Nyali said:

How do you know that the rioting was done during the last minute vote changing shenanigans? As I pointed out yesterday, it could just as easily have been planned and done well in advance. Anytime in the last ~15 hours, I believe, as that was when Doc voted on Dalinar. There were a bunch of people with two votes on them, and the Mistwraith Council could easily have decided to deflect the vote from Dalinar to Ecth well before things started changing at the last minute. It was Dalinar's vote that selected who the secondary vote target would be, as his put it from a tie with a few others at 2 to 3. Unless I'm totally mistaken, the last minute changes just added a couple more votes to Dalinar and Ecth, they didn't change whether rioting would save Dalinar or not.

Also, I should point out that the first day mess hard-clears Doc, doesn't it? Emotional Allomancy doesn't work on Mistwraiths, right?


Have we decided to go for Dalinar the Mistwraith this turn? Or are we tired of hanging Mistwraiths only to find out that they don't need to breathe? Might I suggest we try acid this time?

I don't know, but it seems pretty certain that it would have been within the last 45 minutes to an hour, because of how the votes were. At least, that's how I was looking at it. I don't think they would have planned for Dalinar to go for Hemalurgic first then back off and go for Ecthelion like he did. Just doesn't make sense to me. And that was all in the last hour.

I am very annoyed that we have to spend another lynch on Dalinar, but I do think it would be best, especially since a bunch of my analysis depends on his alignment(plus what Nyali said, that he could be the Spiked Mistborn, or a Spiked Mistborn I guess I should say, which is an important role to take away from the Spiked).

I think I'll throw my vote on Wonko as well. I went through his posts, and while he did say that he might only have minimal activity in this game, he hasn't posted since D1 when he voted and then retracted on Hemalurgic. I know he's been around since then at least a couple times(I've been watching online times pretty closely this game) but he has yet to post again.

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