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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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3 hours ago, Pinnacle-Ferring said:

Not to upstage you, but in Hebrew we say "until a hundred and twenty years." This is because, according to tradition, Moses lived to be a hundred and twenty.

I was literally going to post this earlier but multiquote wasn't working and I didn't feel like fighting it...forgot what the other thing was that I was trying to comment on....

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10 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Yeah, I've had to leave bad online communities before, and I always wind up looking back and wondering why I didn't do it sooner. :/ Good on you for just ripping off the band-aid. 

Next question: should I post an official I'm leaving or just vanish without a trace

They even sent me a nice little email about what they expect of me and my character when I get back, as though they think I am coming back. 

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5 minutes ago, Kestrel said:

Next question: should I post an official I'm leaving or just vanish without a trace

They even sent me a nice little email about what they expect of me and my character when I get back, as though they think I am coming back. 

That's up to you. 

Pros of leaving a message: One last chance to tell everyone what drove you away, in hopes of making them realize how they're driving members away. 

Cons: No matter how politely you word it, some people WILL read it as passive aggressive and/or a cry for attention. 

Personally, I never left a message. I just vanished. I thought it'd be easier for me to cut myself off if I didn't leave a post there that I'd constantly want to check back in on. 

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3 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

That's up to you. 

Pros of leaving a message: One last chance to tell everyone what drove you away, in hopes of making them realize how they're driving members away. 

Cons: No matter how politely you word it, some people WILL read it as passive aggressive and/or a cry for attention. 

Personally, I never left a message. I just vanished. I thought it'd be easier for me to cut myself off if I didn't leave a post there that I'd constantly want to check back in on. 

Yeah. I get that. I'll just wait out my month "ban" and see if the chat is any better. If its not I'm leaving the community for good. Might still rp since I like my character, but also... don't want to deal with it. I wish I could make another WOT rp and know it'll be as consistently active as this one.

I've been looking at a larger star trek rp tho, but they look kinda strict, which isn't a big problem, it might limit my character. She's a falconer and I'd like her to have one of her birds.

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I would go on there and write a sarcastic apology, detailing everything they've complained about, but I'd twist it so they feel guilty about complaining, then I'd explain that: "in order to avoid causing you more "frustration" and "hurt"*, I'm leaving the group."

But that's what I'd do, any other suggestions would probably make more sense for your situation.

Please ignore this if it isn't helpful or if you decide on something more suited to your personality.

*wry statement that proves itself false and means the opposite of what is actually stated.


Also, if you wanted to make an RP about WOT, I'd probably try to join. It a great series.

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4 hours ago, The Honor Spren said:

In France, they don't say "Happy birthday." Instead, they say "Je suis un bâton" which means "May your special day be filled with joy" and I think that's beautiful.

Oh, they're all Sanderfans in France, are they? :P 

Edited by Slowswift
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I get how frustrating it is to feel like you're just shouting in the wind. Sorry that that community didn't work out.

I'd suggest, if your character is active in stuff, maybe giving notice that you plan on leaving, rather than leaving other RPers in the lurch or waiting. Other than that...band aid ripping sounds the way to go.

As a suggestion, maybe take a page out of Benders playbook and make your own WoT RPG on this site? :ph34r: There's a few fans of it, and a few roleplayers here...

(Amusingly enough, I was talking to a co-worker last night who is a big WoT fan and who has always wanted to roleplay)

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I would definitely like starting one on here. Maybe give me a few days? I've gotten pretty busy with falconry and school now.

@ShadowLord_Lith @Quiver @Exalted Dungeon Master


As for my leaving, for sure I'm waiting it out. I pmed one of the mods to say that them banning me from the chat completely isolates my character from any future planning (despite the fact they said in their email they wanted me to use the time to move her character along??? I can't do that without knowing what everyone else's plans are??? What??) Anyway. He hasn't replied. This is a mess.

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28 minutes ago, Kestrel said:

As for my leaving, for sure I'm waiting it out. I pmed one of the mods to say that them banning me from the chat completely isolates my character from any future planning (despite the fact they said in their email they wanted me to use the time to move her character along??? I can't do that without knowing what everyone else's plans are??? What??) Anyway. He hasn't replied. This is a mess.

If he doesn't reply soon—within the next couple of days, I'd say—cut your losses and leave. Make a final farewell post if you want, but don't tie up loose ends with your character. Don't make an effort to say goodbye. If they're going to give you that little consideration, leave them all in the lurch. 

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Ya know what. I'm going to play this against them the best I can. If they're trying to isolate me then they're gonna have a hard time. I'm gonna send, like, five people who I've never rped with messages asking if I can plot with them/possible ideas. I'm even gonna send one of the mods one. This might get tiring but oh well. If they think they can isolate me they're wrong, I'm gonna get up into their faces and spit in all of them.

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7 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

I realized the other day that with the way Snow White is described, (hair as black as ebony, lips as red as blood, skin as white as snow) she fits the description of a vampire.

That does explain the first, third and fourth results in this autocomplete. 


The second may defy explanation. :mellow: 

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3 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

That does explain the first, third and fourth results in this autocomplete. 


The second may defy explanation. :mellow: 

I suppose she could be one of those materialistic vampires that don't suck blood but instead go for money and prey and the rich, while using her inherent mind control capabilities to create as convincing a scenario as possible?

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16 minutes ago, Edgedancer said:

I suppose she could be one of those materialistic vampires that don't suck blood but instead go for money and prey and the rich, while using her inherent mind control capabilities to create as convincing a scenario as possible?

Maybe, but I still can't help imagining Vampire!Snow hosting a Jerry Springer-style talk show. :mellow: (And I know that variety shows and talk shows have very different formats, but that's just where my mind went.) 

Also, Mark Hamill apparently read Trump's New Year's Eve tweet….



….as the Joker. :mellow: 




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6 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Maybe, but I still can't help imagining Vampire!Snow hosting a Jerry Springer-style talk show. :mellow: (And I know that variety shows and talk shows have very different formats, but that's just where my mind went.) 

Also, Mark Hamill apparently read Trump's New Year's Eve tweet….

  Reveal hidden contents


….as the Joker. :mellow: 

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To be fair, Hamil can probably make everything sound sinister by reading it in his Joker voice. :mellow:

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34 minutes ago, Edgedancer said:

I suppose she could be one of those materialistic vampires that don't suck blood but instead go for money and prey and the rich, while using her inherent mind control capabilities to create as convincing a scenario as possible?


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5 hours ago, Orlion Determined said:

I was thinking the same thing.

Someone should have him read inspirational quotes as the Joker!

"Inspirational" made me think of televangelists (since their genre is often called "inspirational" television). 

I'm going through some of Benny Hinn's more well-known stuff. 

I cannot stop hearing the Joker's voice in my head, reading them aloud. :mellow: 

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15 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

"Inspirational" made me think of televangelists (since their genre is often called "inspirational" television). 

I'm going through some of Benny Hinn's more well-known stuff. 

I cannot stop hearing the Joker's voice in my head, reading them aloud. :mellow: 

Weeeellll...It does seem like his sayings fit the ravings of a mad man...:mellow:

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8 hours ago, Edgedancer said:

To be fair, Hamil can probably make everything sound sinister by reading it in his Joker voice. :mellow:


7 hours ago, Orlion Determined said:

I was thinking the same thing.

Someone should have him read inspirational quotes as the Joker!

Hamil at his most sinister


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My niece is 2 years old (almost 3!) and recently fell in love with Frozen. She sees herself, naturally, as Elsa (she is the elder of two sisters after all!). 

For the last few weeks she's been desperate for a cape, and has been using blankets/etc. to act as a cape. 

It is ridiculously cute. 


My mother, being the wonderful woman and doting grandmother that she is, just made my niece a cape. And not just any cape, it is an Elsa cape (made from a Disney Elsa pattern). 

It is insanely cute.


I felt you needed to know this. 


I also feel that capes should come back into fashion. Because seriously? Capes/cloaks are awesome. 

(As long as you're not stupid enough to make them tied tightly to yourself. Else Edna Mode will give you a talking to or you will pay the price of your folly). 

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