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Puns Puns Puns and More Puns

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Have you ever seen a picture of Helen Keller's dad...? No? That's ok, neither has she.


Going vegetarian is a missed steak.


A steak pun is a rare medium well done.


Three guys are in a boat with 4 cigarettes, but nothing to light them. They toss one out, and the entire boat becomes one cigarette lighter.


Whoever stole my Microsoft Office is in big trouble. You have my Word.

Man, I can't th?id=OIP.M81cfb271d1b2fe2bafa1b27365c34 how bad these puns are...

I'm sorry...

Edited by Aon tEhe
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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Ookla the Flighty said:

Today in the library I passed a guy wearing a sweater patterned with # symbols and I had to stop myself from telling him he looked sharp today.

True story.

Im not sure if Im more frustrated at the pun or that you didnt say it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

X.x Seriously guys... All of the bad puns on this site have corrupted me. I am completely serious when I say this. The wind was blowing hard here today. My wife looked up and saw some birds flying, and she said to me, "I wander how they can fly into the wind so easily." It was at this point that I smirked, adjusted my glasses and said to her, "I don't know. I guess they're just... Sparrowdinamic!" Yeah... She hit me... I swear. You guys and your cookie puns have Ruined me...

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Two men walk into a bar. The first, one being a chemist, says, "I'll have some H20, please." The bartender gives him H2O. The second man, trying to act cool, says, "I'll have some H2O, too." The bartender gives him H2O as well, because he's not a murderous bartender that just so happens to have H2O2 handy. 

I wish I could do subscript, instead of having to write it out like that. 

Edited by StrikerEZ
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7 hours ago, DarkJester said:

X.x Seriously guys... All of the bad puns on this site have corrupted me. I am completely serious when I say this. The wind was blowing hard here today. My wife looked up and saw some birds flying, and she said to me, "I wander how they can fly into the wind so easily." It was at this point that I smirked, adjusted my glasses and said to her, "I don't know. I guess they're just... Sparrowdinamic!" Yeah... She hit me... I swear. You guys and your cookie puns have Ruined me...

XD As a bird enthusiast, I LOVE this pun. I'll have to share it with my birder friends!

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So, the other day I came up with ten new puns and decided to try out these puns on my friends, to see if any of the puns got a laugh.
No pun in ten did. 

What did the door say when his baby girl was born?
You're my door-ter.

Okay, that's enough of that...

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