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Long Game 23: The Siege of Luthadel


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Tram looked over the ball. So many polite faces, eager to kill at a moment’s notice. He hadn’t realize that the nobles would actually kill Shady. He wasn’t too upset about it. After all, he was the first one to accuse the man. Still, they did it without a second thought. Whatever protests the merchant could muster were swept away in a tide of animosity. It was beautiful, in its own way. They came down like a mistwraith descending on their prey. This war would certainly have its fair share of bloodshed.

There was a problem though. The rumors of the Inquisitor and his Spiked minions. He didn’t like those rumors. War was always chaotic. Men running through each other, though glorified in stories, was a bloody business. It never left the soldiers in the same shape. He could attest to that. So he knew that war was by its very nature chaotic. However, he knew that too much chaos could lead to a bloodbath. An army of highly disciplined soldiers was much more effective than a ragtag rebellion of skaa. The current state of affairs was caused by a lack of order. The skaa did not know their place, causing chaos with their new beliefs. Still, if you added too much order, it could snap like a too taut piece of rope. When order failed, power was the needed substitute. Even the most disciplined army would have a hard time going through a single koloss. A mistborn could take out several men before they even reached him. The Lord Ruler, well, he was a God among men, not because of his wisdom, but because of his power.

That was why Tram feared the Spiked. They added both chaos and power. They could cause loyal allies to suddenly become traitors in the night, using powers they had not had before. They could become stronger than any one of them, augmenting their powers to new heights. So yes, he was worried about the Spiked. Unfortunately, he did not have a way to stop them. The Houses needed to be united, unless they wanted to be run over by the others. The logical course of action would be to find the Spiked among the other Houses, before his faction was infiltrated. He feared it was already too late for that. Still, it was better to assume the ideal outcome in this circumstance. Even killing one Spiked would be instrumental in finding the remaining fiends. At the very least, it would prove their existence as fact, rather than paranoid delusions. So, he needed to find a new suspect.

Tram began flicking his fingers, trying to spark an idea. His eyes wandered around the room Eventually they settled on Dominic (dowanx), the weapons merchant. Pretending to be a merchant seemed like an easy place for the Inquisitor to hide. More importantly, he jumped onto the bandwagon of Shady (Paranoid King). While Tram couldn’t fault him for doing that, it was a tad bit suspicious. He had also made a vote on Zas, though that was apparently in jest. Were they teammates? Tram didn’t know. However, he did know the arms dealer was being too quiet. Although parties (and 4-day weekends) were fun, this was just a facade for a deadly conflict. Tram wanted more. He disliked the quiet nobles, scheming in their factions. It was too easy for a Spiked to hide that way. This was a war, after all. There could be no sitting on the sidelines.

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Well, I guess now is as good a time as any. Better late then never, eh, Orlok?

For the most part my desire to vote for you is because you've been skating under the radar (total of three posts over 120 hours; really, that's all you can muster?). Now, I'm aware that a lot of players have been just as active, if not less (zas and dowanx come to mind), but despite me being interested in their opinions, I don't know them quite as well as I know you. Therefore, naturally, I'm going to prod you first.

That and the fact that, unlike them, you did something that to me reeks of evil intent.


Now Kipper has already declared himself against this, but I wonder if there is an argument to be made for the revealing of faction lists.

Yes, it does compromise our own factions, and remove a potential advantage in the faction war, but it simultaneously gives us an advantage against the inquisitor - rather than leaving it to a single faction to identify inconsistencies in voting patterns, instead all of us can do so.

I would argue that the parallels with MR7 are not accurate. The lesson some of us seem to have learnt from MR7 is not to focus on the 'hidden faction'. Were MR7 to be replayed, this would be the correct lesson to learn. However, this is not MR7. The eliminator faction grows in strength, potentially each cycle, has the advantage of ever increasing intelligence, and the potential to hit back. 

It's all very well protecting our individual factions, but I fear this will devolve into a tragedy of the commons scenario - where our individual interests differ from the common interest, and by ignoring the common good, we all lose.

Consequently, I am staunchly in support of a consistent focus on the inquisitor, and the revealing of faction lists.

First of all, the point in time you suggested this does make sense at all. If I'm not mistaken, you brought this up around the middle of N0, when the Inquisitor had no one to strategize with. No voting was going on, and even by the start of the next cycle, there'd only be one Spiked on his side. The chances of either of them getting put up for the lynch on D1 is what? Less than 8 percent? I could understand you proposing this on D4 or D5, maybe, when the Inquisitor has used up all of his conversions. But even then I can't even fathom what good it would do. In fact, I argue it would do a ton of harm to the village, despite your frequent talk about the common good.

Now, let's say you succeeded in convincing the thread it was a good idea. Every member of House Venture, Cett, Lekal and Penrod is laid bare for the world to see. How does this help the Inquisitor? Well, for starters, they can see each team's player composition and be able to accurately judge who among that group of people would, or could, quickly assume a leadership position. Additionally, if an Inquisitor had said from the start, "Alright, I'm going to convert Alvron, Lopen, Mailliw and Orlok" but it turns out three of those players are all on a team together (which is certainly possible), well, that'd certainly be information he'd like to have ahead of time so that he can plan accordingly. Not to mention that if he sees a team that could be overrun early, he might decide to invest himself more in others instead, and just drive those three factions to eliminate that one. Either way, I'm pretty sure that any Inquisitor would prefer to make informative conversions rather than random gambles. And your suggestion would allow them to do just that.

More importantly than all of that, it spells out for each faction where their focus needs to be. This is a faction game, after all. If everyone knows where everybody is from the start it would be so easy to decide who was the biggest threat and needed to be taken care of immediately. First of all, there's one faction that starts off disadvantaged. All it would take is two factions to openly agree to stack all of their votes on the highest threat player in the third faction to get them down to six. Barring soothers, there's no real defense for that. Two factions could easily take the lead and render the others useless, and that's the opposite of what we need. You say that making faction lists public would make people focus on the Inquisitor more. But how? Because everyone can analyze voting patterns? There'd be no use for voting patterns because teams would vote together, simply because of the fact alone that everyone but them needs to die. In the game's current state, when there's genuine unknowns, there exists an opportunity for Spiked to do shady things. If you strip them of that opportunity entirely, you give them no choice but to follow along, no matter what. If they didn't, after all, they'd only implicate themselves. The Spiked need to believe they have a chance if they're going to act rashly and get caught.

Each House is large enough that they can police their own. Unless an entire House gets Spiked, there should be no excuse for the villager majority not catching them red handed. There is no problem with the game as it is now, in regards to finding the eliminators. I myself have written up and posted exactly what each House needs to do if they want to succeed in finding their Spiked. If Houses follow that until the end, or until situations grow dire for us all, then maybe I could see us doing such a thing. But this early? Please explain to me how it helps, because even your second post clarifies nothing for me.


I think we are at significant risk of letting the spiked run away with this game. By not revealing lists, we leave it to each individual faction to identify spiked. This, though, carries the not insignificant disadvantage of having the group responsible for lynching having a significant vested interest against killing their own team members unless they are certain of guilt. We need the additional scrutiny.

The faction game is great fun, yes. But it will be immaterial when, in not very long, each of our factions are outnumbered by the spiked, who also have far more information than we do.

Consequently, I'm going to vote on Maill. Your views on this issue only benefit the spiked.

Significant risk of letting the spiked run away from the game? It was D1 brother and there was only 2 of them! I can kinda understand the bit about additional scrutiny, but the thing is... how do the two even correlate? A faction is going to be hesitant about lynching their own members. I get that, utterly and completely. But you know who won't be hesitant in it regardless of if the player is actually suspicious or not? Every other faction. The fact that I know everyone in my House means I'm already scrutinizing those players more than any other. The second one of them slips up and gives me a genuine reason to think they're evil, you can bet I'll bus them. So long as you are alive and are willing to do the same, you'll have no problem in your House.

Isn't the whole point of these games having fun, anyway? Doing what you suggest would strip half of what makes this game unique away. I, for one, would be bothered by such a plan being followed through if I were the GM. Of course he can't stop us from doing it, but I know I'd be disappointed. There are plenty of elimination games on these forums as in, but a faction game only pops up every few months, it seems. I would think you would feel similarly yourself, as with every other player, so naturally the only thing that makes sense to me is that you have an agenda that would severely benefit from a faction list reveal, just like how the Diaggramists in MR10 were eager to see it happen. As of right now there's only a single agenda I can imagine that would benefit from it; the Spiked.

How do you vote for a player for their views "only benefiting the Spiked" when your views do the exact same thing, if not worse?

Also, this:


Maill, Aman Kipper

Edited Thursday at 9:00 PM by OrlokTsubodai

What is this? What was even the purpose in this? I always had the impression that it was against the rules to edit a new vote into an old post after other people had already posted - especially right at turnover - but since Ren counted it I guess it was allowed. But still, who does this help? How does this help? It had absolutely no impact on events, just made some people think there were two Soothers when there weren't. Was that your intent? To mislead people, to cause confusion? Cause that kinda sounds Spiky to me. But I might just be crazy.

Anyway, as of right now you're the best I've got. If you can explain yourself and your perspective adequately enough that I understand where you're coming from, then I'll likely retract. I want to be wrong about you. Want to just assume that you're playing devil's advocate. But even then, I really don't get the purpose. To see who would support a plan so clearly bad for villagers? I do things like that all the time, but even this... I'd say that might've worked if PK wasn't the only one who gave it the thumbs up, but there was so much opposition to it that... for whatever reason you decide to bring it up again? Help me help you, Orlok. Help me understand. Otherwise I'm going to have to see you dead, and I really don't want that. Not yet.

EDIT: @OrlokTsubodai

Edited by Amanuensis
Needed to grab his attention..
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Analysis of players. Maybe everyone, maybe not. We'll see how far I get before I feel like taking a break. :P Full disclosure, even if I'm leaning village for someone, that doesn't mean I'm against killing them! :D

1. Joe - Hmm, looking over his posts, I still get a suspicious vibe from him. He claimed to be certain that the Inquisitor will Spike people fast, which is what happened. Doesn't really mean a whole lot, but with Joe, I could see that as a bit of a mind game-y thing. Mild suspicion.
2. Orlok - Pushed for revealing faction lists. I can't really tell with him. Generally, he's good when I'm good and evil when I'm evil, so I don't usually have to worry about him. :P I'm neutral on him.
3. Elbereth - Not really time to go into much detail with her posts, given they're fairly long. I would hazard a guess she's not the Inquisitor, though she may be Spiked. Like I've said multiple times, she's a tough one to get a solid read on. Neutral/not the Inquisitor at least?
4. Aman - Again, he's posted a lot and I don't have a ton of time. I'm leaning village for him, although he hasn't posted since the most recent Spiking. But before that, I was reading him as village. Gah, ninja'd. :ph34r: Hmm, fair points on Orlok, I think. I may move my vote over there later, depending on the circumstances.
5. Mailliw - Lots of posts. Lots of mind games(or were they mind games? ;) ). Don't think he's the Inquisitor. I don't think he'd be that likely a target for Spiking either. There's no PM's and he doesn't have a great survival rate. Leaning village.
6. Alvron - Probably the toughest player to read for me. I guess he has been a bit more active this game, but I'm not sure that really means anything with Alv. Neutral.
7. Bard - Hm, well, while I don't agree with his vote on Alv really, I feel that that's something a Spiked isn't very likely to do, since it could draw attention that the Inquisitor/Spiked really don't want. Leaning village.
8. Elodin - Reading over his posts, I get a genuine village vibe. Also, given Elodin doesn't have a great survival rate, I would guess he's not Spiked. So, leaning village for now.
9. Mckeedee - Okay, so, he hasn't posted much, and what he did post, isn't even a valid point. He says the Inquisitor can keep converting without end... So, well, I guess I'd lean towards him not being the Inquisitor, haha! :P I would like to hear more from him though. Village/maybe Spiked.
10. Arraenae - One interesting thing I saw. She posted about how Spikings come after Seeking, which shows a familiarity with the rules I expect the Inquisitor will have. Other than that, hard to tell, really. Mild suspicion.
11. Straw - Hasn't gone in his doc yet?! Poor Burnt's team. >.> He's posted like, twice? Once with a vote on Joe and once explaining his absence. Possible suspect for Inquisitor. He claimed Regular, which, I guess would be a bad idea for the Inquisitor, given he would have to have some accountability for his role(or connect to one of his Spikees). Still, in QF15, he was a conversion role and was very quiet. But, seeing as he explained that his computer is broken, I think I'd be okay with giving him a Cycle or two to get that stuff settled.
12. cloudjumper - Hard to say. Not very many posts. Possible suspect I suppose. Mild suspicion.
13. Kipper - Another player I personally find tough to read. Don't really suspect him of being the Inquisitor, but, can't say I trust him at all either, so yeah. Neutral.

I'm kinda getting tired now and that's half way. I'm leaving my vote on Joe, cause I think he's my top suspicion for the Inquisitor at this point. Will decide once I finish reading up on each player and the thread as a whole.

I would like to accuse all of the lurkers of being lurkers though. :P So, those of you who haven't been posting in the thread very much(or other places...), please do so, or I'll be forced to lynch you(and I'm sure neither of us want that. ;) ).

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2 hours ago, Kipper said:

My faction attacked Lekal with a Koloss, and based on Kandra information, they have 5 left, which means that they maxed out their boxings. We did not attack Penrod. Just wait until next cycle. ;) You're all getting hit. Can't wait to see the reactions when your Koloss armies go down by a third each.

Edit: Aman(da). I'll be interested to see how you try to manipulate your way out of this vote by using appeal to emotion, or perhaps some long and complicated "vote for this person that's not me because we'll learn SO MUCH" strategy.

Since I just saw this due to moderator approval, my only response is there's no need for me to manipulate your vote. Sorry to disappoint?

Oh and, here's a tally cause I'm so thoughtful.

Alvron (1): The Young Bard,

The Only Joe (2): TheMightyLopen, Straw,

Straw (1): Mailliw73,

Amanuensis (1): Kipper,

Dowanx (1): Sart,

OrlokTsubodai (1): Amanuensis,

Edited by Amanuensis
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3 hours ago, Master Elodin said:

So, the thing is, it's a lot easier than that. You just turned it into into a Vigenere. Anyways, I have a request. Encrypt abcdefghijklmonqrstuv for me. Thank you!

Storms, I was hoping you didn't know enough about cryptography to know that. Gratz on calling my bluff :P 

Oh, and there's something I'd like to let you know, if I had a safe way  to communicate it free of prying eyes. Unfortunately, I can't think of one off the top of my head. If your faction's tineye has a spare PM, contact me :P

Edited by Bugsy6912
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25 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Oh and, here's a tally cause I'm so thoughtful.

Alvron (1): The Young Bard,

The Only Joe (2): TheMightyLopen, Straw,

Straw (2): Burnt Spaghetti, Mailliw73,

Amanuensis (1): Kipper,

Dowanx (1): Sart,

OrlokTsubodai (1): Amanuensis,

And since I'm just as thoughtful, I'll once again point out a little mistake in your tally.  Burnt didn't vote for Straw.:P

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35 minutes ago, Bugsy6912 said:

Oh, and there's something I'd like to let you know, if I had a safe way  to communicate it free of prying eyes. Unfortunately, I can't think of one off the top of my head. If your faction's tineye has a spare PM, contact me :P

I just want to point out that other than being Spiked, the only way you could know this is if your faction has a Seeker, and that if they Seeked them last night that means they burned Tin and therefore sent two anonymous messages. So, don't expect a PM until D3 at the earliest :P

24 minutes ago, Alvron said:

And since I'm just as thoughtful, I'll once again point out a little mistake in your tally.  Burnt didn't vote for Straw.:P

Fixed it, thank you. I could've sworn that I saw her red his name somewhere... and to think, several of my Housemates looked at it and said nothing. Are they determined to make me look like a fool? :[

Edit: @cloudjumper It makes me uneasy how often I see you viewing the thread but not posting. Any thoughts?

Edited by Amanuensis
Cloudjumper? More like cloudlurker
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1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

I just want to point out that other than being Spiked, the only way you could know this is if your faction has a Seeker, and that if they Seeked them last night that means they burned Tin and therefore sent two anonymous messages. So, don't expect a PM until D3 at the earliest :P

I was fishing for info. Way to ruin my plan :P

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2 hours ago, Bugsy6912 said:

Storms, I was hoping you didn't know enough about cryptography to know that. Gratz on calling my bluff :P 

Oh, and there's something I'd like to let you know, if I had a safe way  to communicate it free of prying eyes. Unfortunately, I can't think of one off the top of my head. If your faction's tineye has a spare PM, contact me :P

I asked Ren if I could have a PM to communicate with my team for the times when I could only view my faction doc, not edit it. He said he could set it up. I think he should also be able to set something up for you. It would be much better than using a one-time pad inthread.

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6 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

I asked Ren if I could have a PM to communicate with my team for the times when I could only view my faction doc, not edit it. He said he could set it up. I think he should also be able to set something up for you. It would be much better than using a one-time pad inthread.

Don't bother the man Rae, we don't want to talk to you anyway :P 

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31 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

I asked Ren if I could have a PM to communicate with my team for the times when I could only view my faction doc, not edit it. He said he could set it up. I think he should also be able to set something up for you. It would be much better than using a one-time pad inthread.

Thanks for the suggestion! I recently went to an Internet cafe so I could just get the app installed, so the situation is pretty much resolved, though. Oh, and as for the quote you included, Elodin isn't in my faction, so it wouldn't work for that particular situation. Good idea, though!

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3 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

What assumptions did Kipper make exactly?

Also, the smack talk is back. Awesome. XD

That Lekal maxed their boxings by having 5 Koloss. As Ren has confirmed to me, all factions started with varying resources. 5 Koloss takes 20 boxings. Since it's likely they earned 14 boxings last cycle, that would require them only to have started with 6 more boxings, if not some starting Koloss. I see no reason for that not to have happened. Just trying to save him from getting destroyed too quickly. 

3 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

I just want to point out that other than being Spiked, the only way you could know this is if your faction has a Seeker, and that if they Seeked them last night that means they burned Tin and therefore sent two anonymous messages. So, don't expect a PM until D3 at the earliest :P

Except everyone keeps forgetting that Tineyes could not have made PMs last night since it takes two vials. 

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5 hours ago, Sart said:

Tram looked over the ball. So many polite faces, eager to kill at a moment’s notice. He hadn’t realize that the nobles would actually kill Shady. He wasn’t too upset about it. After all, he was the first one to accuse the man. Still, they did it without a second thought. Whatever protests the merchant could muster were swept away in a tide of animosity. It was beautiful, in its own way. They came down like a mistwraith descending on their prey. This war would certainly have its fair share of bloodshed.

There was a problem though. The rumors of the Inquisitor and his Spiked minions. He didn’t like those rumors. War was always chaotic. Men running through each other, though glorified in stories, was a bloody business. It never left the soldiers in the same shape. He could attest to that. So he knew that war was by its very nature chaotic. However, he knew that too much chaos could lead to a bloodbath. An army of highly disciplined soldiers was much more effective than a ragtag rebellion of skaa. The current state of affairs was caused by a lack of order. The skaa did not know their place, causing chaos with their new beliefs. Still, if you added too much order, it could snap like a too taut piece of rope. When order failed, power was the needed substitute. Even the most disciplined army would have a hard time going through a single koloss. A mistborn could take out several men before they even reached him. The Lord Ruler, well, he was a God among men, not because of his wisdom, but because of his power.

That was why Tram feared the Spiked. They added both chaos and power. They could cause loyal allies to suddenly become traitors in the night, using powers they had not had before. They could become stronger than any one of them, augmenting their powers to new heights. So yes, he was worried about the Spiked. Unfortunately, he did not have a way to stop them. The Houses needed to be united, unless they wanted to be run over by the others. The logical course of action would be to find the Spiked among the other Houses, before his faction was infiltrated. He feared it was already too late for that. Still, it was better to assume the ideal outcome in this circumstance. Even killing one Spiked would be instrumental in finding the remaining fiends. At the very least, it would prove their existence as fact, rather than paranoid delusions. So, he needed to find a new suspect.

Tram began flicking his fingers, trying to spark an idea. His eyes wandered around the room Eventually they settled on Dominic (dowanx), the weapons merchant. Pretending to be a merchant seemed like an easy place for the Inquisitor to hide. More importantly, he jumped onto the bandwagon of Shady (Paranoid King). While Tram couldn’t fault him for doing that, it was a tad bit suspicious. He had also made a vote on Zas, though that was apparently in jest. Were they teammates? Tram didn’t know. However, he did know the arms dealer was being too quiet. Although parties (and 4-day weekends) were fun, this was just a facade for a deadly conflict. Tram wanted more. He disliked the quiet nobles, scheming in their factions. It was too easy for a Spiked to hide that way. This was a war, after all. There could be no sitting on the sidelines.

Zas and I could be teammates, but you'll just have to use your kandra to find out. :)

As for being quiet I normally don't post much.  That is mostly because I normally don't have something to say that hasn't already been said.  Players like Aman tend to post most if not all of the same theories or conclusions I manage to come up with.  

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Sandhya sat properly as always, demurely looking down at her hands, though inside she seethed with resentment. My sister was just killed by an Inquisitor, and I have to go to a stupid party! I could be out there hunting a murderer and instead I’m stuck in here because Father only cares about power and Houses, instead of the threat right under his nose. The threat that killed his daughter.

Her eyes burned, with tears or with rage, and she kept her head down. Just because she was being forced to be here instead of out avenging her sister didn’t mean she had to be helpful. Maybe if she came back with nothing, he wouldn’t send her again. 

Or beat me, more likely. She couldn’t find it in herself to care at the moment, though. 

She rubbed at the inside of her navy blue, lacy sleeve. She hadn’t ever worn this dress that she could remember. Too muted and somber for her tastes, or it had been. But it suited her mood now, even though it itched. She wasn’t a bubbly young girl anymore, just playing with suitors and not much else. None of that mattered anymore. Only finding the Inquisitor. 

She idly took out her pen and notebook that she always had with her, then looked over to the spot where the dead man had lain before he’d been taken away and the floor cleaned so that she couldn’t even tell there’d ever been blood there. 

He’d been killed by the Inquisitor, too. She was nearly certain of that. No one had seen the murderer, who had apparently vanished into thin air, although everyone was certainly accusing each other enough of the deed. They were wrong, though. The inquisitor was to blame, again. And who knew what family the dead man had had? A sister, a brother, a father? 

“If only I knew his name,” she murmured. 

Sorry for not posting for so long. Wanted to get some RP up before any game-relevant thoughts, and haven’t had time until tonight. Game relevant thoughts coming within the hour, I hope. If not it’ll be in the morning. Depends on how much I have to say, and judging by the 5 multiquoted posts... may be a lot. Maybe not. We'll see, I guess. :) 
Not sure if the ball is running multiple nights or this happened last night or what, but whatever. Rae, you’re up. :D 

Edited by Elbereth
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22 hours ago, Mailliw73 said:

Nyali: Vvr al kzfy cwa vf Ilrjhr. Yqct soydbuk Nxbkgii? I stole Elodin's idea from last day. Use a one time pad cipher to encrypt this and send it back to me.

No. Stop trying to steal access to other people's docs. I know people can crack Bugsy's doc from what he posted, but I seriously hope no one actually tries to do that. I may not be in his faction, but that doesn't mean I condone such blatant cheating. Is trying to gain access to a doc you aren't supposed to have access to against the SE rules? 'cause it really should be.

EDIT: Oh, I just realized that I misunderstood what you meant. You didn't mean for me to use my faction doc title to encrypt, you meant to use a random otp. So, you weren't fishing for access to my faction's doc, but you WERE trying to circumvent the "no PMs" policy of this game. If I did that, we would be PMing, even if we weren't using the system built into the forum. I consider that also cheating and will not do it. Sorry.


From last night, how many soothers changed votes? There was something about someone ninjachanging a vote by editing an old post to include a vote that wasn't there before (is THAT against the rules?), unless I misunderstood. Does that mean there was only one soother vote change, not two?


5 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Fixed it, thank you. I could've sworn that I saw her red his name somewhere... and to think, several of my Housemates looked at it and said nothing. Are they determined to make me look like a fool? :[

I think you're thinking of yesterday, when she did vote for him.



EDIT2: Oh, and just in case I get caught up in 4th of July stuff and forget to post (we're taking baby Shallan to see fireworks for the first time ^.^), [ Aman ]. Just continuing my vote from Day 1 - I'll change it to someone I think is Spiked later, if I get a chance to log in before the end of the day.

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Some stuff I didn’t have time to say earlier:

As for the business with mods, it's because I see a player willingly going against their win con as destructive and worthy of addressing. Like I said, I don't know if in that scenario Strawman was intentionally sabotaging the village despite being village, but that sorta thing, I thought, is generally thought of us game breaking / against the rules.

That’s to the GM’s discretion if he wants to call in the IM, but… I see it as perfectly within a player’s rights to do that if they’d like. There’s even precedent with LG4. As long as the player understands that if they help the other side they still won’t win, it’s totally fine. We may differ in that viewpoint, though. 

If Elodin, or any player, causing chaos is a plan from their House that means they know the reason and the truth of it. Unless he is in the faction of 6, 19 other players in addition to me are all suffering from said chaos. When you throw the Spiked in there who want chaos to keep us from organizing against them, those of us remaining villagers should definitely want to see it end.

Oh, got it. Wait, 27 players in the game. Minus seven for his faction including him. Minus two for the Inquisitor/Spiked? That’s not 19. That’s 18. Unless I’m doing my math wrong somewhere… 

I am willing to bet that Renegade balanced the player composition of every faction as well as the roles and starting resources.

Really? I kinda doubt that, given how long he’s been gone. And the fact that for the most part (and I think even more in the past, though I’m not entirely sure on that point) GMs balance pretty much completely randomly, without any handpicking at all except for obviously wrong balances (Maill as a Coinshot, for example :P). 


I do do things like that, but only when it'll help my team. That cycle in the QF, I also knifed Lopen, who was evil. I just chose the wrong player to bus in the lynch.

>> Yes, thanks so much for that. :P


I'd have liked to keep that between my faction and I, but when someone tries to claim I'm being Chaotic, I'm going to argue I'm not. Chaos is random. What I was doing was far from random. It all had a purpose.

What Maill does has a purpose, too. That’s not the distinction as I see it. Being a Chaotic isn’t not having a reason for what you say. It’s not having a readily apparent reason. You can never tell if someone had a reason for what they said. You can only take their word for it. All you have is your own subjective perspective, so the only way you can categorize people as Chaotic is if their actions don’t make sense to you. So who is and who isn’t a Chaotic will vary from person to person somewhat, I think. 


On July 2, 2016 at 10:48 AM, Arraenae said:

Art and RP reasons. :)

:o Art? :D I'm excited now. 

23 hours ago, Mailliw73 said:

That's something I do take after you on. 

So, Venture and Lekal have 6 Koloss each. At least, before they bought any last night. Do with that what you will. 

...You do realize that kandra scans come after buying koloss, correct? Just checking. And you and Kipper have now quoted different numbers for Lekal. The problem is that neither of you is more trustworthy than the other, because I don't trust either of you at all. :rolleyes:

Don't have much time left tonight, but I'll stick a vote on Orlok for now, since I still want an explanation for yesterday. May change that in the morning when I have time to lay out my thoughts against someone else, but right now I have about three more minutes with wifi, so I don't really have the time. >> Aman's said most of what I wanted to say on the subject of Orlok, anyway. 

I have a few more things to say, but no time, so I'll probably be posting again in ten hours or so. Until then, good night (/afternoon/morning/whatever depending on your timezone)! 

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1 hour ago, Nyali said:

No. Stop trying to steal access to other people's docs. I know people can crack Bugsy's doc from what he posted, but I seriously hope no one actually tries to do that. I may not be in his faction, but that doesn't mean I condone such blatant cheating. Is trying to gain access to a doc you aren't supposed to have access to against the SE rules? 'cause it really should be.

EDIT: Oh, I just realized that I misunderstood what you meant. You didn't mean for me to use my faction doc title to encrypt, you meant to use a random otp. So, you weren't fishing for access to my faction's doc, but you WERE trying to circumvent the "no PMs" policy of this game. If I did that, we would be PMing, even if we weren't using the system built into the forum. I consider that also cheating and will not do it. Sorry.

Yeah, the second is what I meant. Mods have explicitly said that as long as codes do not require OOG setup or a program not everyone has, they're perfectly acceptable. We never lost all the Dreamwalkers in LG22, so you didn't see it, but in the original, LG6, many people used their PMs to set up codes for when the PMs went down.

39 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

Really? I kinda doubt that, given how long he’s been gone. And the fact that for the most part (and I think even more in the past, though I’m not entirely sure on that point) GMs balance pretty much completely randomly, without any handpicking at all except for obviously wrong balances (Maill as a Coinshot, for example :P). 

>> Yes, thanks so much for that. :P

...You do realize that kandra scans come after buying koloss, correct? Just checking. 

Hey, that's not unbalanced. :P You did it once, yourself. 

Sorry... Didn't know he'd have protection. :P

I did get a clarification on that from Ren after posting. 

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9 hours ago, Mailliw73 said:

Yeah, the second is what I meant. Mods have explicitly said that as long as codes do not require OOG setup or a program not everyone has, they're perfectly acceptable. We never lost all the Dreamwalkers in LG22, so you didn't see it, but in the original, LG6, many people used their PMs to set up codes for when the PMs went down.

Yeah, but your message is decryptable without giving you any information just from word length analysis. I've pretty much gotten it, and all I have to say is, no, I don't want any vanilla Cookies. Thanks for asking though.

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