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Long Game 23: The Siege of Luthadel


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3 minutes ago, Nyali said:

Yeah, but your message is decryptable without giving you any information just from word length analysis. I've pretty much gotten it, and all I have to say is, no, I don't want any vanilla Cookies. Thanks for asking though.

You're gonna want to actually decode it. Promise. 

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Alvron (1): The Young Bard,

The Only Joe (3): TheMightyLopen, Straw, Cloud

Straw (1): Mailliw73,

Amanuensis (2): Kipper, Nyali

Dowanx (1): Sart,

OrlokTsubodai (3): Amanuensis, Elbereth, Conq
Jaimie (1): Burnt
Burnt (1): Zas


I don't really have much to say. Some gut reads, but that's about it.


And I'm going to put a vote on Joe because he hasn't posted at all this day cycle.

Edited by cloudjumper
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17 hours ago, Bugsy6912 said:

Storms, I was hoping you didn't know enough about cryptography to know that. Gratz on calling my bluff :P 

Oh, and there's something I'd like to let you know, if I had a safe way  to communicate it free of prying eyes. Unfortunately, I can't think of one off the top of my head. If your faction's tineye has a spare PM, contact me :P

Well, if you're being genuine, you can use the method I was telling Orlok about.

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12 hours ago, Elbereth said:

:o Art? :D I'm excited now. 

Maybe. It depends on a few things. You still haven't described Thanata...

I think that what Orlok did was weird and unhelpful to us, but not Inquisitor-like. Asking people to reveal faction lists is like shining a spotlight on yourself, coupled with two or three signal flares in case anybody missed what you were doing. I don’t think most Inquisitors would deliberately try to get so much attention.

Joe, you haven’t posted at all this cycle. You’re not lurking, are you?

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4 hours ago, Burnt Spaghetti said:

Going to put my vote on jaimie .  I dont really have any suspicions yet as getting Way of Kings and Words of Radiance read is currently my priority. So this is mainly a vote for the boxings. 

Darn, she's on to me... :P I completely understand those priorities ;)

Okay, sorry about my inactivity due to the 4th of July holiday, I should be more active over the next week at the very least.

weekends in the summer time are so hectic for me, if I drop off the face of the earth on a weekend that is why, I will always try to give a fair warning and be on mobile when it's possible.  I live in an area that is spotty with cell service as it is so I can't always guarantee it.

Anyway on to my vote, Aman took the words (analysis) right out of my head, and put it down in a way that sounds much more coherent than what I would have managed, so thank you. So Orlok the push for faction reveal rubbed me wrong from the start and the fact that you continued to bring it up after several people disagreed seemed strange and also frustrating. I firmly believe that individual houses stand to learn more about their teamates from doc conversations than anything else, and this would in no way change or even help if you knew who belonged to what house because at the end of the day you are still not involved in those interactions. I do believe, as Aman said, that knowing who fits where would greatly benefit the Inquisitor in deciding how to build his team to get the most information and trust.

38 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Maybe. It depends on a few things. You still haven't described Thanata...


I think that what Orlok did was weird and unhelpful to us, but not Inquisitor-like. Asking people to reveal faction lists is like shining a spotlight on yourself, coupled with two or three signal flares in case anybody missed what you were doing. I don’t think most Inquisitors would deliberately try to get so much attention.

Joe, you haven’t posted at all this cycle. You’re not lurking, are you?

I see what you are saying, but I think the issue for me is he's presenting it in a way that is pro village and therefore trying to prevent that spotlight by writing it off as a helpful suggestion (especially when he added the bit about staunchly supporting the hunt for the Inquisitor, the I can't be him if I'm trying to catch him ploy :p).  Also, if I'm remembering correctly, he wasn't the first to suggest it, which would absolutely be worth taking advantage of as the Inquisitor.    

I have no other good reads yet, and I don't want to waste my vote, Orlok is at the top of my list at the moment so he gets the vote.  I also second people's suspicions of Joe but I'm more confident in my feelings about Orlok, at least until he defends himself.

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I don't know where I stand on Orlok. I think there are multiple ways to go about faction reveals, some of which wouldn't hurt the integrity of the game. I actually think that if one faction had revealed their player list during Night 0, it could have insulated them from getting spiked, since the Inquisitor would already know what players that faction would have. Also, there is the possibility of revealing faction lists, but not the name of the faction, and maybe splitting each faction into 2 groups. So we would have some sort of idea of who was working together, but the Kandra actions that reveal player factions wouldn't be totally shot. In the end, my personal bias against info reveals means that I don't want to do what Orlok suggested, but I'm also not willing to lynch him for it. Instead, I'll follow up my vote from last cycle on Joe again, and note that I got a bad read from Jaime's most recent post, so I would be willing to move my vote there as well.

Edited by Araris Valerian
Greening vote
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12 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I don't know where I stand on Orlok. I think there are multiple ways to go about faction reveals, some of which wouldn't hurt the integrity of the game. I actually think that if one faction had revealed their player list during Night 0, it could have insulated them from getting spiked, since the Inquisitor would already know what players that faction would have. Also, there is the possibility of revealing faction lists, but not the name of the faction, and maybe splitting each faction into 2 groups. So we would have some sort of idea of who was working together, but the Kandra actions that reveal player factions wouldn't be totally shot. In the end, my personal bias against info reveals means that I don't want to do what Orlok suggested, but I'm also not willing to lynch him for it. Instead, I'll follow up my vote from last cycle on Joe again, and note that I got a bad read from Jaime's most recent post, so I would be willing to move my vote there as well.

Care to elaborate? I don't want anything I was trying to say to be misinterpreted.. And I see what you are saying, but I still disagree. Also, I don't think one faction being revealed would have ensured any kind of protection from spiking, maybe that night yes, but not in the long run.

Edited by jaimeleecee
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Mailliw, there's absolutely no need for you to worry about my assumptions, unless you're really confirming them by your post. Why would you have any reason to help me out by telling me that I might be making mistaken assumptions?

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@Mailliw73 I guess House Penrod decided that ties weren't really in their best interest, haha.

@jaimeleecee It was really your response to Rae that set me off. Of course people are going to present things as pro village. Different players emphasize that sort of thing in their posts by different amounts, and that kinda comes down to playstyle, since it is generally seen as redundant by the community. Also, this is a game where it can be argued that there is a legitimate reason to not pursue the Inquisitor. I disagree with those folks, but that decision is up to them. So it is at least nice to have claims from some people about which goals they are assigning the highest priority.

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Also I think all you guys are overreacting to Orlok and just trying to bandwagon him, probably cause he's not in your faction and your worried that he'll get ya :P like a bogeyman or something. Know what I mean?

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1 minute ago, Araris Valerian said:

@Mailliw73 I guess House Penrod decided that ties weren't really in their best interest, haha.

@jaimeleecee It was really your response to Rae that set me off. Of course people are going to present things as pro village. Different players emphasize that sort of thing in their posts by different amounts, and that kinda comes down to playstyle, since it is generally seen as redundant by the community. Also, this is a game where it can be argued that there is a legitimate reason to not pursue the Inquisitor. I disagree with those folks, but that decision is up to them. So it is at least nice to have claims from some people about which goals they are assigning the highest priority.

Okay... but she was arguing that the inquisitor would not put themselves in that kind of spotlight, so I was countering that by saying how I think the inquisitor would do exactly that.  They would come off as pro-village and helpful, and against the thing that they are.  Maybe that is something we all assume, but it was why I didn't agree with her.. not sure how that is "bad." 

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1 hour ago, STINK said:


I don't like all this code stuff, and also I need moneys.

What code stuff in particular, Stink? I wasn't skirting the rules by communicating with anyone outside my faction, I just couldn't edit the doc. The situation is done now, if that makes you feel any better; I just managed to install the docs app on mobile, so I can edit as needed now :) 

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I guess for me it has to do with the way you formulated your argument. Your last paragraph has weak(er) evidence than the one before it, and they both had the same general topic, which struck me the wrong way, like you were trying to wrap something up that had never been fully covered in the first place. But now I see that I didn't misinterpret you, so I just want you (and other players) to know that I have slightly elevated you on my suspect list.

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1 hour ago, Kipper said:

Mailliw, there's absolutely no need for you to worry about my assumptions, unless you're really confirming them by your post. Why would you have any reason to help me out by telling me that I might be making mistaken assumptions?

Just saw this. Why not? ;) Probably for the same reason you posted that in the thread. 

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Declaration to Houses Penrod, Cett, and Lekal:

The person going by the name of "Silk" is a member of the strongest House in Luthadel: Venture. The control over Atium that House Venture had, prior the death of our Lord Ruler, gave them immeasurable amounts of wealth. Thus, their access to Koloss and Kandra far exceeds that of our Houses. Holding 10 Boxings in addition to their 6 Koloss and unnumbered Kandra, they are a threat unprecedented by the remnants of the Empire. 

Vote for Silk's death to ensure a chance at regaining Luthadel.

Remember: A Vote for a Venture is a Vote for Victory!

This message brought to you by the Anti-Aman-Alliance.

Edited by Mailliw73
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3 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

I don't know where I stand on Orlok. I think there are multiple ways to go about faction reveals, some of which wouldn't hurt the integrity of the game. I actually think that if one faction had revealed their player list during Night 0, it could have insulated them from getting spiked, since the Inquisitor would already know what players that faction would have. Also, there is the possibility of revealing faction lists, but not the name of the faction, and maybe splitting each faction into 2 groups. So we would have some sort of idea of who was working together, but the Kandra actions that reveal player factions wouldn't be totally shot. In the end, my personal bias against info reveals means that I don't want to do what Orlok suggested, but I'm also not willing to lynch him for it. Instead, I'll follow up my vote from last cycle on Joe again, and note that I got a bad read from Jaime's most recent post, so I would be willing to move my vote there as well.

Please explain to me how revealing a memberlist insulates that faction from getting spiked. The Inquisitor (and everybody else) now knows who is in that faction. That’s it. If that faction isn’t the one the Inquisitor is in, they now have one less person to spike to find faction lists. That’s one spike that they can now use on players with powerful roles, have good synergy, or provide important analysis. It might even be one spike more that they use on someone from the originally revealed faction who the Inquisitor wants to work with.

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