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*hoping I don't have to have greened out my votes way back when I originally voted for my vote on Sart to count* :P


Edit: 'Cause I've greened out my votes when placing a new one, but can't recall if Gamma said it was necessary to green out in original posts as well?

Nope, you don't, although Gamma does prefer it that way. Edited by Elbereth (Lomion)
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I'm not sure what about this game has got it so active but I love it and I hope this continues throughout this game and to the games beyond it

Agreed. 13 pages on D1, guys! :D I don't remember ever having a D1 this long before. That's cool.

Calm down, Winter. :) Nothing we can do about it now.

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edit: oh wait, that won't work...


I was about to vote for you just now because of this but it makes little sense for Nik to do so, therefore I'm going to have to refrain, sadly.

Edited by Amanuensis
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Locking thread now! Expect write-up in an hour....ish or so. Got a huge flaming thread to pour over. Note that I will be keeping an eye on what times any edits were made, and am not counting any votes or vote changes made after 9:00. See y'all on the other side!

And yes, mother's milk in a cup! One hell of a starting Day 1, with 14 pages!!! Thank you so much everybody, and I hope the game stays as animated as this the whole time through!


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Long Game 22, Night 1: The Dark One's Luck

Sarah Tea awoke from her nightmare, able to recall it completely in perfect detail. Mostly because it hadn't been a dream, or at least not in the normal sense. She could remember the feel of the heat coming off the flowing lake of liquid fire, could still smell the stench of sulfur and death that lingered in the air. The glory and radiance of basking in the Great Lord's own presence at Shayol Ghul. And the terror.

She had been summoned, and as a Chosen, she knew better than to refuse, even if the myrddraal that had come for her had been equally unnerving as the summons itself. Whoever heard of a fade taller than the rest? Even worse, when she had tried channeling, she felt... nothing. No shield, no weaves blocking her off from the source, it was worse than being in a stedding, since then at least she would know why. But the myyrddaal, giving the name of Shaidar Haran -- The Hand of the Dark-- was almost as terrifying as the Great Lord requesting her presence.

She sat up from her bed, the memories of the dream slowly receding, but her instructions remaining clearly embedded in her mind. She felt a slight pressure wash over her body, as if somebody had grabbed ahold of her and started slowly squeezing, trying to crush her beneath the great, unseen weight. She shivered uncontrollably. Her cour'souvra, the Mind Trap being used as leverage against her, left absolutely no room for thoughts of disobedience.
"Let the Lord of Chaos rule"

Those were her instructions. And although she wasn't sure why, or how she was stuck in this backwards village, trapped in these barbaric times, she still knew her mission. And failure was not an option.

Her and her fellow friends of the dark had done a great job so far in Drell's Crossing. She could feel the paranoia and mistrust slowly eating away at the heart of the town, worming itself down into the very core of it's citizens. She wished she knew who had been the one to kill the mayor, a stroke of genius, that. Either way, it had helped plunge the town into chaos, just as her master wished. So she would help spread that sickness as far as she could.

She got dressed for the day, hating the common appearance she had to adopt to fit in in this poor excuse of a village, and made her way to the local inn -- The Golden Dagger -- to see where things stood for the day. The townsfolk were in an uproar, just shouting at each other and hurling insults, and Sarah could feel the tension building up slowly to a boiling point. More than a few fists were clenched, and she could easily see things coming to blows before too long. Perfect.

There were a few fools who loudly claimed that they should be the one's to lead in these times ahead, each one decrying the other candidates and accusing them of suspicious activity. Yes, this town was ready for blood. She took a sip of her tea that had been delivered to her without ordering it, but didn't question, despite the slightly minty taste that made her grimace.

She slid gracefully off of the bar stool, making her way across the room, aware of the effect her swaying hips would have had on the men in the room, and made her way to the person she perceived to be in charge. But Jak was already making his way to her, it appeard, a triumphant smile on his face.

"Meet the newest Mayor," Jak said, greeting her.

Sarah went to reply, calling his competency into question, but it felt like she had to force the thought through a dense fog, losing the thoughts as they formed. The shock must have appeared on her face, as the realization slowly dawned on her. She couldn't feel the Source!

"Just a little something from the village Wisdom," Jak said, smiling even more broadly. "We weren't sure if it'd even worked, but why take the risk, just in case? Light bless whoever discovered Forkroot tea," was the last thing Sarah heard before her knees gave out and everything faded to black.


She awoke next to the village surrounding her, the sun was setting in the background, the twilit sky bleeding into a dark, deep crimson. The color of blood.

"See how she changed form after we dosed her with the tea?" Jak said to the growing crowd. "Proof she is a channeler, at the very least, and one skilled at deception. So before we send her off to the light, we give her one chance to admit guilt and ease the burden of darkness holding her soul!"  How generous, she thought furiously, straining against her bonds, snarling at the filthy peasants in front of her. How dare they! I am Chosen! But then another thought had crept into her mind.... what if the Great Lord had abandoned her?

"Shaitain curse you all!" She screamed out, roaring her final defiance. "I am Chosen! The darkness may be held back by the light for now, but eventually that flame will be extinguished, and then all will be nothing!"

She screamed out once more, a wordless rage that reached a crescendo as the flames started to slowly lick their way up the stake she was tied to. She had the sudden thought to laugh, as she felt wave of icy coldness wash over her. Of course, the one who held her mindtrap wouldn't let her suffer too much, needlessly. Just enough.

"The grave is no bar to the Great Lord! He is the Lord of the Grave! I will be back one day, and I will haunt all of you in your dreams! I will torment and torture every single one of you, and that is my promise!"

The roar of the flames eventually washed everything else out and overwhelmed her with the smoke. Her final thoughts before the blackness took over were, May the Lord of Chaos rule.


Sarah Tea was lynched! She was a Forsaken
Jak was voted mayor of Drell's Crossing!

Sart (8): Wilson, Meta, Elbereth, Strawman, Orlok, Lopen(+1), Winter
Strawman (5): Jaime, Bugsy, Elodin, Conquest, Sart

Deathclutch: Hellscythe
Phatt: Nyali

Seonid: Araris
Sheep: Young Bard, Stink, Rubiks
Elodin: Twei
Lopen: Sheep
Meta: Mailliw

Mayor Votes:

Jak - Lopen, Sart, Stink, Rubiks

Elbereth - Mailliw, Young Bard, Elbereth
Meta - Wilson, Conquestor
Mailliw - Orlok, Jaime
Elodin - Winter, Elodin
Conquestor - Meta
Hellscythe -Hellscythe


Night 1 will last 24 hours, until 10:30PM Est Sunday, June 5th! (or if all night actions get sent in earlier than that!)

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Well, that's awesome! Pleasantly surprised! 
So, now I know I'm pretty suspicious because of my defense of sart and my eventual jump on the lynch. 

Before I get lynched, I'm going to say that by the point I was defending them, all they were saying was meta talk. Which, when I left, was usually going on every single game. So. Let's get this lynch train on me starting! Woo hoo! 


Wilson and Meta are basically cleared at this point! I don't really think that there's any doubt about that, at this point. 

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Well that was lucky.

(I'll post more thoughts in the morning. I am very tired.)


I'm very surprised by that, to be completely honest. Got a ton of analysis to do now, which I'm excited for. Unfortunately I am too tired to tackle it now and I've got work in the AM so I'm going to sleep (only reason I've stayed up this long was to see the results of the lynch). So expect a big post from me in 12ish hours.

Edited by Amanuensis
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That was surprising, honestly, it's been ages since we got an eliminator round one. I think someone mentioned the last time already. Impressive. 


Edited by Winter Cloud
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