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Ah, that does make more sense.

Yeah... If we knew for certain we'd be catching Fain with that detainment, it'd definitely be worth it. But as it is? There are so many different possibilities that it's not necessarily even all that likely that the detainee is Fain. So... I personally would advise not claiming. But then, I usually do. :P

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I say we need a new mayor. It went from a one turn temporary station to a more permanent and corruptible target, and we're setting a bad precident by not taking every precaution we can. I'll just vote Lomion, since I'm getting some relatively village reads. May change later.

Oh, and I'm assuming Elodin evaded the WB kill since he's still alive. That could mean any number of things, but I doubt the WB would have forgotten to place a kill in the double night cycle we had.

Now I'm going to give my incredibly overtired brain a few hours rest. Night all

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Please explain why that is, barring the exception (which I already stated) of being in contact with a scanner.

There are many times when kill roles manage to take out the eliminators effectively. Look at LG20, 3 of 5 Ghostbloods effectively died to village kills. I'm not happy our Wisdom was killed either, but if the Wolfbrother has suspicions, it's fine to act on them.

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I agree with Maill, but I currently lack the brain capacity to write up my point with a reasonable amount of coherence, so I shan't. Also, I'd really prefer to keep this kind of discussion for the night when we have nothing else to discuss, rather than the day in which we also have a lynch to carry out.

On that note, I agree that we should get a new Mayor. I'll be Mayor if people want me to be, but in the interest of providing another candidate to vote for, I'd like to nominate Jaime. She's actually probably the person I trust the most right now, due to mostly gut. (If she is an eliminator I shall be very impressed and not that displeased to have been fooled.)

You may or may not hear from me for the rest of the night. Depends on if I see anything I really want to respond to. If not, I'm just going to be finishing Cursor's Fury (and potentially also Captain's Fury if I get too absorbed), since I finally got it from the library. :D

EDIT: Retracted mayoral vote.

Edited by Elbereth (Lomion)
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I've appreciated Lopen's contributions as Mayor, but I think that moving the role around is wise. Of all of the choices, I think I trust Elbereth most. She's consistently given off a village read to me - not that I know her Eliminator tells at all, and my gut this game has been shaky at best. But I think it's a worthwhile place to start.

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I have a couple of minor things that I want to say, and I will try and tie them into some actual suspicions and a vote a bit later in the cycle. The first one is something that has been bugging me a bit, and that is when people say that we need "focus on Fain" or "focus on the Darkfriends." As far as I can tell, both of those statements are equivalent to "play mafia as a villager," since we don't really have any way to distinguish the corrupted from the Darkfriends. And nobody that has made a post along those lines and then gone on to say what sorts of changes we should make to go about hunting one team over the other. So when I post my suspicions later, people with posts along the lines of what I mentioned will be higher up than others.


The other thing is much less important, and I just want to agree with Mailliw (and disagree with phatt) about vigilante roles. I have a different reason though. It is often implied that we should not kill this person or lynch this cycle or use vigilante kills or whatever because of roles. Roles are important, I acknowledge that. But we can't let roles be a reason not to kill people. We have Troll GMs, if you hadn't noticed. And vanilla roles can totally win a game by themselves, and probably have much more fun than a game where everyone gets scanned by a protected person.


Okay, so that's what I wanted to say, and I know that both of those points are more meta/gameplay related as opposed to being useful for finding Darkfriends. What I said is also just my opinion. But I feel like they have each come up enough that they were worth mentioning.

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Yeah, I would like to suggest that the Wolf-Brothers focus their kills on actual suspects at this point though, if they kill at all(not killing is definitely an option you guys! :P). If a player is inactive for too long, they could get switched with a pinch-hitter or you could kill them then, if they're genuinely inactive. But Twei wasn't really what I'd label as 'inactive.' She was just having trouble keeping up with the thread, and understandably so.


So, on to those actual suspects. My current pool of suspects for the last Darkfriends are Meta(lots of people suspect him), phattemer(I'm hoping he'll participate in the lynch finally. Well, I suspect he'll be involved with it in one way or another. ;)), Elodin(still suspicious of him. Plus, Meta has defended him quite a bit lately), Haelbarde(yeah, still wondering about you :P), and Hellscythe(still lingering suspicion from last Cycle). Oh yeah, and Conquestor a bit as well. I would lynch any of those players except Haelbarde at this point.


To respond to Rubik about what I'd like to hear from you, I want to know who you're suspicious of and any thoughts you have on the game so far. Just basic stuff. You haven't talked much about who you think is suspicious. You've said how you go about analyzing players, but we haven't really heard the results of said analyzing. You helped lynch Gunshy, true, but you were pretty late with your vote and the lynch was basically settled when you voted, so I'm not inclined to trust you very much from that.


Edit: Voted on Meta.


Edit2: I kinda still want to be Mayor, but whatever. :P

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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@Lopen: Been trying to get a final programming assignment done, which I submitted ~15 minutes ago. And now it's the weekend. So I should finally have the time to actually sort through my thoughts on everyone.

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Just to poke a huge hole in Seonid's theory, I was detained and I am not Fain.. I do think it is likely that Fain was role blocked however, or just wants us to think he/she was role blocked.. 


And thanks for the mayor vote Elb, I'm flattered :) however (and I swear this was my plan from the start not just because you voted for me) Elbereth


Edit: Just a disclaimer, I am going to be out of town this weekend, going to a beer fest where I am holding a (legit) who can drink the most competition (if anyone has seen the episode of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia where they are drinking on the plane, its going to be like that  :P) Therefore I will try and contribute as much as I can today before leave, and will be very sparse after that.  I will be reading the thread often on mobile but I won't necessarily be posting much.

Edited by jaimeleecee
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actually i think meta is the pan fahn or whatever its called. it explains why im intuitively off about him and why he voted for a forsaken, yet jumping along with wilson -- who is confirmed good. 


that make any sense? i'd do this bit in orange, but the mayor thing. I vote stink for mayor. he seems legit. frustrated with my trolling him last cycle. that was fun. 


it's chaos... anything that gives her chaos makes her happy. 


devoted to ruin. :D

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Yes, but I took it more as a 'why not check' seeing as everyone was seemingly fine (aka paranoia aka only I should be hating that and I'm not is it opposite day?) and also more of a 'trolly' thing. Not a 'I truly believe that Wilson is the fain' thing.

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Is it too far fetched of a theory to think that conquestors tunneling of Elodin as fain or corrupted is a possible attempt at diverting himself as Fain onto someone else? He was holding hard to his feelings of needing to vote for Elodin during D2 despite the decision that the Elodin lynch was too easy.. so part of me thinks he was just trying to find another reason to be suspicious of Elodin because he couldn't shake that feeling, or hes Fain and is trying to divert that by pointing the finger at someone else. 

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Is it too far fetched of a theory to think that conquestors tunneling of Elodin as fain or corrupted is a possible attempt at diverting himself as Fain onto someone else? He was holding hard to his feelings of needing to vote for Elodin during D2 despite the decision that the Elodin lynch was too easy.. so part of me thinks he was just trying to find another reason to be suspicious of Elodin because he couldn't shake that feeling, or hes Fain and is trying to divert that by pointing the finger at someone else. 


Is it to far-fetched a theory? No. But I know for a fact Conquestor is not Padan. I was hoping to clear more players last night, but it appears my gambit either worked too well or not at all. Personally if I were Padan I would have saved my Corruptions until I knew for certain that a particular player would bring role value to my team. Since a few critical players I'm aware of / know other people are aware of were not converted last night, that suggests that Fain and his first Corrupted are not in the know; that is if you are truly not Padan, jaimee, or if you were not the target of conversion.


On that subject, Elbereth. Why am I voting for you? I promise it's not because I'm tunneling, though I could very well be wrong right now, but hear me out real quick. Last night we were discussing Padan Fain and likely targets for conversion. When I brought up Joe and the reason why I thought he would very likely be the target of conversion, you kinda downplayed how great his role would be for an eliminator faction (can't quote you exactly but you said something along the lines of "Well I guess I could see his power being useful and he is kinda confirmed innocent thanks to Nyali"). I emphasized, then, how powerful redirects can be, and you said you sorta agreed based of what you saw in LG20 (you used I suppose and I guess at least five times total during this conversation and no other, which I suppose could be just a natural habit, but to me it feels more like you reacting to someone figuring out your plan before you could execute it). So then the next thing you ask is if I plan on saying in thread that Joe is a very likely target for conversion to steer Padan towards someone else or just let it happen then lynch him, to which I told you that there is a second Whitecloak targeting him to make sure he remains village. You seemed somewhat distraught by me revealing that, given you sarcastically used a synonym to the word "Terrific" and made slanty eyes, which I don't really get from a villager perspective because why would we not want a role that is basically confirmed good after Gunshy's death to be on our side? Additionally you also said it was a good plan, when honestly it's not because A: Detaining a player prevents them from using their role, and B: It only delays Fain's conversions, not makes him lose a charge, so while it does buy us some time it's not as useful as say, using Joe's power to confirm another player as innocent, just as Nyali did with Bard.


Anyway, the thing is this was all a lie the throw you off just in case I was right about you. The actual target was Jaimee, whom I had told Lopen long before turnover. I find it either ironic or preordained that you voted her for Mayor before she revealed that she was detained. There's a lot of ways to look at this, but the way I see it is, for the most part, people have repeatedly stated they trust you and that they value your input on this game, and you saying you trust her for mostly gut might start swaying people to feel the same. But why do you trust her exactly? Is it because you're Padan Fain and you converted her N1? Is it because she's Padan Fain and she converted you N1? Is it because you're Padan and planned on converting her, maybe even attempted to last night, but didn't now why your action failed and assumed that since she already posted without mentioning detainment that she was a Channeler who used Mask of Mirrors on herself to make her untargetable, therefore proving her a role that you would want on your team? Or are you Padan just trying to lay false leads later on for us to follow, in case you're ever caught? These are all possibilities, and as I said before I could be completely wrong, but another thing that interests me is how earlier on (before her reveal) you tried to push the conversation away from the Detainment target being Padan by saying there are way too many possibilities. Does that seem fishy to anyone else, or am I just crazy? And I still stand by my point in the beginning of the game that Elbereth was mentioning PM safety, role claiming, and secret roles wayyy too much, which was one of the reason's you caught my interest as a potential Padan Fain from the start.


The only point in your favor is that apparently Wilson was certain you weren't Padan, according to Lopen. I immediately assumed you two were a Warder/Channeler pair, which he denied, but now that we know Wilson was a Warder that's the only explanation I have. If that's the case you're doomed to die anyway, Padan won't convert you and the Darkfriends are already very far behind, so killing a player guaranteed to die won't help them, so if that's what you are then please tell us now. Otherwise, you really are my best guess at Padan right now, since you're one of ten players left I have not confirmed and are the most connected among them.

Edited by Amanuensis
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