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Yeah... At my school, it's occasionally reffered to as the Scottish Play as a joke, but never because they were actually worried about a curse.


Also, I'm imagining a variation of the Drumpfinator now... The "MacB'inator". It would be... beautiful.

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I absolutely love playing characters who's primary drive is Rage. I'm currently the actor for Ross in my school's production of Macbeth. Ross is a warrior-thane, and participates in several battles against Norway before the play, and against Macbeth during the play. And in every scene, I play him as either happy, or enraged. Angry characters are just so fun! They do the best things!


To audition for Macbeth, we were told to memorize any monologue or soliloquy from Shakespeare, and perform it. I chooses Iago's 'Thus do I ever make my fool my purse'. I played him as full of rage as well. One of the Lines in the monologue is 'I Hate the Moor'. I worked with a techie before hand to make some props for the audition, and during the audition, I screamed that line to the theatre, and smashed my fist into a table we'd built to break it in half. It was beautiful.


Rage is a beautiful emotion on stage.


Did you break the table?  :blink:

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Lets write a modernization of The Masque of the Red Death... except no... lets just draw inspiration from it and write a horror story about a masquerade, because that is original and everything...

You could write a story about the slow and agonizing murder of the Anthropomorphic Personification of originality. I don't think I've read that yet. :ph34r:

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Hee.  It really was.  She was astonished that it could fling that far.


But more funny was the time when one of my cube neighbors managed to create a temporary geyser of soda.


See, he had put his bottle of Mt. Dew into the refrigerator to keep it cold.  Unbeknownst to him, it was turned down too cold and his drink started to freeze.  By the time he retrieved it, it was a mix of slush and drink.


As he described it to me later, he had started to untwist the cap and had just enough time to realize that something was horribly wrong when the cap was flung up into the air by a burst of pressurized carbonated beverage.  It showered him, me, and everyone else around us with Mt. Dew.  He even had to call the maintenance guy to mop it off of the ceiling.

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You could write a story about the slow and agonizing murder of the Anthropomorphic Personification of originality. I don't think I've read that yet. :ph34r:

XD I could definitely do that.


Well lets see, so far I have the characters Dave, who never keeps track of anything, Jim who keeps track of everything for him, Kate who is the one organizing the masqurade, Dave thinks she is a freak, not completely without reason as she does have a skull in her locker, Jim however thinks the weirdness is really hot.


There, drama. And none of that will be resolved because something horrible is going to happen to them, I just havent figured out what yet.


Yeah I basically just split my personality into three...


Another fun fact is that I am writing this dialogue only so far, seems like I cant do dialogue and descriptions in the same story...


Back to writing!

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Hee.  It really was.  She was astonished that it could fling that far.


But more funny was the time when one of my cube neighbors managed to create a temporary geyser of soda.


See, he had put his bottle of Mt. Dew into the refrigerator to keep it cold.  Unbeknownst to him, it was turned down too cold and his drink started to freeze.  By the time he retrieved it, it was a mix of slush and drink.


As he described it to me later, he had started to untwist the cap and had just enough time to realize that something was horribly wrong when the cap was flung up into the air by a burst of pressurized carbonated beverage.  It showered him, me, and everyone else around us with Mt. Dew.  He even had to call the maintenance guy to mop it off of the ceiling.


There are worse things to be covered in. :blink:

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I played the Queen of Hearts in a production of Alice in Wonderland. It was my second play. For my first, I was the sheep who yells at Tenpleton in Charlotte's Web, and I guess they decided I was good at yelling at people. :P It was a lot of fun. Rage is definitely one of the more enjoyable emotions to play onstage.

I get the pleasure of being Dodo, a daisy, March Hare, and someone who gets sentenced to execution.  The last one i actually funnest for me because I get to screm about being to young to die and stuff. Fear is another fun emotion on stage.  :D

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Bruce Wayne Batpug and I have an unshakable friendship which will last a lifetime now. I fed him ice cream and fries. I am confident his loyalty is mine. :P



Told Nessie you said hi, by the way. He said hi back before re-submerging. :ph34r:


Well, when I said your name in the car, he gave me a head tilt. So you made a good impression. :ph34r: 


A greeting from Nessie. I am okay with this. :ph34r: 

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Well, when I said your name in the car, he gave me a head tilt. So you made a good impression. :ph34r:


A greeting from Nessie. I am okay with this. :ph34r:



The name I was born with, or my real name? :ph34r: Either way, I'm pleased to have made a new friend. :lol:

Edited by Kobold King
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