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The Planning Phase is over!


Eda has selected the following people for the mission: IrulelikeSTINK, Avis, Lane and Lopen. These players cannot use PMs for the rest of the Night, and cannot post in the thread, or use or be targeted by Actions. I will now ask the selected people whether they want the mission to succeed or not.


The Night Turn will end at 8PM GMT on Wednesday.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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I meant to post sooner, but I kept getting distracted. Well, at least this might be useful for future cycles.

First I want to say a bit about the missions (for the ones in the future). I’m not sure about Ada’s idea because it kind of shoves aside the mechanic instead of making use of it. It does limit the amount of information the traitors can get from it, but it also limits the information we can get from it and how we can make use of it. It also won’t be very effective if people are already sharing roles in PMs and saying whether they are willing to go anyway.

I think the missions are best used as either a way to protect people who are likely to be targeted by the traitor kill (especially early on when missions are unlikely to fail) or as a roleblock on people who are suspicious to hopefully take away traitor actions.

I also think it would be good for leaders to post who they plan to send before the planning phase ends so others can give feedback and so the people going on the mission are prepared for not being able to post or PM for the rest of the night.

Anyway, I would be fine with going on a mission if someone wants to send me. I wouldn’t miss PMs too much.

Also, I have an idea to extend private communication beyond PMs. We can use ciphers and/or codes in the thread that are set up in PMs to share things with people we have set them up with. While normally a cipher would just point out who wants to communicate privately so much that they spent time setting one up, the one I have in mind is relatively simple to use, requires only a little set up, and can be used securely by everyone.

First, I’ll go over what is allowed. Anything that requires using another website or something to encrypt or decrypt a cipher is not allowed. It should be possible for ciphers to be used manually. We are allowed to write our own programs to make encoding and decoding faster if we have the skills to do so, but we are not allowed to share them with one another and we shouldn’t use websites to do it for us even if they are available.

My idea is to use a Vigenère cipher. The link tells a bit about it, but I’ll describe it here. This type of cipher uses a keyword known only to the message sender and recipient. It is stronger than a simple substitution cipher, where each letter is replaced with a different one, because it uses several different sets of substitution rules: each letter of the keyword says how much to rotate the corresponding letter of the message and thus which substitution rules are used.

I’ll show how to use the Vigenère cipher in the spoiler.

Let’s say you want to send the message “Secret Message” to someone with the keyword “word”. Here’s what you do:

First, repeat the keyword until it has the same number of letters as the message:


Next, change each letter of the message and the keyword to a number using A=0, B=1, …, Y=25.

 s  e  c  r  e  t  m  e  s  s  a  g  e
18  4  2 17  4 19 12  4 18 18  0  6  4
 w  o  r  d  w  o  r  d  w  o  r  d  w
22 14 17  3 22 14 17  3 22 14 17  3 22

Next, add each number in the keyword to the corresponding number in the message, mod 26 (this means if the result is larger than 25, you subtract 26).

 18  4  2 17  4 19 12  4 18 18  0  6  4
+22 14 17  3 22 14 17  3 22 14 17  3 22
 14 18 19 20  0  7  3  7 14  6 17  9  0

Finally, replace each number with the corresponding letter (0=A, 1=B, …) to get the encrypted message.

14 18 19 20  0  7  3  7 14  6 17  9  0
 o  s  t  u  a  h  d  h  o  g  r  j  a

So using the keyword “word”, “secretmessage” is encrypted to “ostuahdhogrja”.


Decrypting is similar. Start with the encrypted message, and repeat the keyword like above.


Next, change each letter of the message and the keyword to a number using A=0, B=1, …, Y=25.

 o  s  t  u  a  h  d  h  o  g  r  j  a
14 18 19 20  0  7  3  7 14  6 17  9  0
 w  o  r  d  w  o  r  d  w  o  r  d  w
22 14 17  3 22 14 17  3 22 14 17  3 22

Then subtract each number in the keyword from the corresponding number in the message, mod 26 (this means if the result is less than 0, you add 26). This undoes what was done to encrypt the message.

 14 18 19 20  0  7  3  7 14  6 17  9  0
-22 14 17  3 22 14 17  3 22 14 17  3 22
 18  4  2 17  4 19 12  4 18 18  0  6  4

Finally, replace each number with the corresponding letter (0=A, 1=B, …) to get the decrypted message.

18  4  2 17  4 19 12  4 18 18  0  6  4
 s  e  c  r  e  t  m  e  s  s  a  g  e

So you get the message “secretmessage” from “ostuahdhogrja”.

It is best to remove punctuation, spaces, and capitalization when using this cipher so the message cannot be easily guessed. It wouldn’t hurt to make abbreviations and leave out unnecessary words as long as it is understandable and unambiguous once decoded.

One way to come up with keywords is to use words in your PMs. You could come up with a systematic way to go through the words that were used in PMs when you send messages to one another. Or you could post where to find the word (third post, first paragraph, tenth word) along with the message if you didn’t set up a key beforehand. Or you could make a list of keys to use in your PM for future communications.

Keywords should not be too short. Four letters is probably too short for a message of any length. Also, keys that are difficult to guess (uncommon words, a few words together, or even random collections of letters) are better. Avoid reusing keywords for several messages. That way there is less text to use to guess a keyword and even if one keyword is discovered, the others haven't been.

If messages are too long, it will take too long for the recipient to decode them, or they might not even bother. So keep any messages reasonable. Also, even with ciphers being used, the thread should primarily be used for public discussion, so if you like this idea, don’t overuse it. Please avoid making posts that are entirely in code.

If someone wants to use this cipher with several people, it could be useful to give codenames so the recipients know whether a message is for them without others knowing who it is for. Replies would make it more obvious who is communicating, but if many people have coded messages, or if some people make fake messages, that is less of a worry.


I hope this is helpful. I think it will be good because it allows some measure of coordination without the traitors seeing it even when we can't use PMs. It should be very difficult for the traitors to figure out what the encoded messages say, even knowing what code is being used.

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Day 2: A Knife in the Dark

It was six o' clock in the morning, and Heron Industries slowly woke up to the new dawn. Many of the workers had been up for hours already, acting as security or maintenance or performing janitorial duties. But these people were the movers and shakers in the company, those that would put in an extra hour before work in order to try and get ahead of their competitors whenever there was a vacant position higher up.

In thousands of homes this morning, the television was turned on, not to be watched but to provide ambient noise over breakfast. A quiet din that was only half-observed. Through osmosis, they would overhear the most important parts of the news, and thus learn about what was going on in the world.

At this time every day, these televisions tuned in to Heron News. To Mistrunners, it was known as a corporate mouthpiece, a propoganda machine used to cajole the naïve and turn them on the enemies of the Megacorporations. But to the workers, it was their connection to the world, almost their sole opportunity to hear about other cities, and the other corporations, and more besides.

“...Lord Wyatt, A spokesperson for Heron Industries Mining Concern, was willing to speak to us about the alleged incident.”

The man who sat at ease on the comfortable sofa on the news show smiled a perfect smile at the audience and the newscaster. He wore a neatly tailored suit, and his tie mimicked the reddish hues that made up the company logo on the wall behind him in the studio. He adjusted his glasses, themselves a relic of a bygone age where eyesight problems were commonplace, in an affable manner.

“Heron Industries Mining Concern is pleased to be able to shed some light on this incident,” he began, in a calm and reassuring voice. “At approximately one o' clock this morning, a band of criminals waylaid and attacked a police station. They used explosives to blast a hole into the building, and then murdered several officers at the scene. It was a cowardly attack on people who give their lives to protect others. Heron Industries Mining Concern's thoughts are with the families of the victims, and wish them to know that we will not forget their sacrifices in the name of peace, justice and liberty.”

The host nodded along, a picture of understanding and concern. “Do we know what their motives were? And I assume our officers were able to repel their attack and prevent an even worse tragedy?”

“Naturally,” the representative smiled. “Our Lone Shard officers are trained to be able to handle a diverse set of threats, and it is only through underhanded tactics that these blights on the world were able to even get as far as they did. As for their motive...” he shrugged a little. “Who can say, with a criminal element such as this? It is probably something they see as revenge for the police's efforts to reduce the crime rate down to the lowest level it has ever been. When crime becomes less profitable for these people, as it has been these past few years, it makes sense that they would lash out like this, like some kind of dumb animal.”

“And what about the future? Are our officers equipped to deal with an attack of this nature again?”

“We were successful in this instance already,” the representative replied, scowling slightly before covering it up with another winning, manufactured smile. “Our officers repelled the attack and prevented additional civilian casualties in their careless attack. But, recognising the loss they have suffered Heron Industries Mining Concern will be channelling additional funding into the security forces of this city. We will not allow this sort of attack to go unanswered.”

“Many of the attackers were of course killed in the attack,” the newsreader said. “In light of that, and that there were no successful live captures, how do the Lone Shards intend to bring those that escaped to justice?”

“We made several live captures, but unfortunately they were willing to kill themselves and even one another to prevent us finding anything out from them. However, despite their barbarity, we have several leads that are being perused even as we speak. No stone will be left unturned. These criminals will be persued to the ends of the earth, I can assure you of that.”

“Lord Wyatt, thank you for your time.”

In a shadowy apartment overlooking the damaged office, Ember watched the television somewhat lazily, occasionally looking out the window to see the commotion. “Revenge?” she muttered, still watching. “What a joke.” It was all spin, of course, and a sad indictment of the world that most people would believe it. As if they'd attack the police for something so petty and pointless as revenge.

No, the real prize was in the unfettered access they now had to their computer systems. Their mission had been a complete success, and sure they may have lost some low-ranking members, but nothing they didn't expect. Nothing they couldn't handle. She raised the remote and switched the television off, the only real luminescence vanishing from the room.

“I suppose that's Heron propaganda for you,” her partner for this stake-out said with a shrug. “Turn a humiliating defeat into an astounding victory. Get enough people to believe in the lies, and they become true.”

“It's horrific.”

“Horrifically effective, maybe. Imagine what we could do with a media arm for Mistrunners, instead of a pointless forum online.” His phone rang. “Sorry, got to take this.”

“It'd be nice,” Ember admitted as she walked over to the window to look out of it again. Below, the Lone Shard officers attempted to organise themselves as best they could. They'd stopped running around helplessly now, and efforts were being made to clear the rubble. She hadn't expected the explosion to be that big, but she wasn't a part of this mission. She didn't know what specifications were asked for.

“Hm? Yeah, we're both here. Okay. Right. See you soon.” He put the phone away and got to his feet.

“We leaving?” Ember asked.

“No,” the other occupant clarified. “Just me,” he said, as his knife slid between her ribs.

The mission was successful!

Ember Ghetti was a Mistrunner with no specialisation!

Player List


IrulelikeSTINK - IrulelikeSTINK - A placeholder.
Anamaximder - Alexandrius Venturia
Mailliw73 - Miller Washington
Hellscythe - Avis
Kynedath - Dragonsight - A teetotal seasoned criminal.
Shallan - Citona Vinid - Thinks quickly on her feet.
phattemer - Exisa - Paranoid, but who isn't in this business?
Elbereth - Elbe - Quiet and polite.
RippleGylf - Ripple - Another teetotaler, but not so far proven to be seasoned at criminal activity.
Elkanah - Lane - None of your business.
Bridge Boy - Sam Flynn - Experienced Mistrunner and Cognitive Matrix explorer.
Adavantos - Count Banuir Reynaud - Count is actually his first name.
TheMightyLopen - Lopen - Excitable and forward-looking.
Araris Valerian - Araris - A fencer with an aluminium sword.
Burnt Spaghetti - Ember Ghetti - Most definitely not a Kandra. No Specialisation
Clanky - Klyn - Distraught at the idea of being sober.
Arraenae - Niter - A mute guy with a high-tech notepad.
The Silver Dragon - Star Thief - Part-Scadrialian, part-magpie, all mysterious.
luckat - Lucy - Never late, nor early.
LUNA – Eda – A new Mistrunner.
OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel - Always in a rush.

Day 2 has begun! It will end on Friday at 8PM. I will not be around at that time, so I'll let you know what's going on with regards to rollover tomorrow.

Edited by Alvron
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Of course, Lopen! :P

On a serious note, why was Burnt the target? She's a very good player - but not one with a particularly high profile.

I'm going to have low activity until tomorrow evening - I have a job interview at 10am GMT tomorrow.


I knew it. Let's lynch him!!!  :P (For real though, I think you are one of the players most likely to suggest killing her, so that's why I'm voting on you.) I'll probably go through the first Cycle and see if I can scrounge up a reason or two to accuse someone later.

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Klyn was sitting at the bar again when he heard about Embers death. He hadn't really known her, just seen her for the first time the previous night so naturally his first instinct was to have a drink. However to his dismay he realized it was empty.


How does this keep happening? I swear I've told the bartender to not let this glass ever go dry! Well now that it's empty I should probably change drinks. Perhaps something strong to mourn the death of Ember? But everyone is also talking about how successful the mission was last night so I should get something celebratory! Hmmm, such a tough decision... Well I guess there really is only one option then.


"Bartender, I would like a glass of your finest whisky, neat, and also a bottle of champagne for us to celebrate the successful mission!"




So no real thoughts to add at this point, sorry for not voting day 1, had to study and then kinda forgot about it. Not surprisingly at all the mission succeeded. 

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 (For real though, I think you are one of the players most likely to suggest killing her, so that's why I'm voting on you.)

Lopen, why do you think Orlok is one of the players most likely to suggest killing Burnt?



Ninja'd by Klyn.


*holds tablet towards bartender*


I second that thought! Someone give our operatives a drink.

Edited by Arraenae
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Lopen, why do you think Orlok is one of the players most likely to suggest killing Burnt?


Just because. I can reason it out in my brain, but it's tough to explain here. I think who gets killed can be indicative of who's an eliminator, even if players are trying to randomize who they kill a bit.


I think Araris(he's played with her as an eliminator before), Mailliw(just because I think he might), Kynedath(she did good in LG16), Elbereth(I think she might pick Burnt as a random kill) and Orlok(I think he might decide to kill her randomly as well) might be possible players who would push to kill Burnt as eliminators, with Orlok as my main guess. It IS just a guess though, and I could be completely wrong.

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I killed Burnt 'Because I might decide to kill her randomly'?

You could use that argument for any player killed. In its very nature it cannot be used to lay specific blame on me - for you acknowledge that it would be chosen randomly, and hence I could not be any more likely to pick her than any other - and indeed any other player who might choose a kill randomly would be equally likely to decide upon her.

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I do not appreciate being on the mission.

That's what happens when you claim "No Specialty". 


Of course, Lopen! :P

On a serious note, why was Burnt the target? She's a very good player - but not one with a particularly high profile.

I'm going to have low activity until tomorrow evening - I have a job interview at 10am GMT tomorrow.

She PMd me and mentioned that she was PMing quite a few people. So that might be it. Our PM was mostly just conversations about PMs in general and some joking around. We didn't discuss much about the actual game though.


Edit: Went through the PM and found the one game-related thing we discussed. I asked who she'd send on the mission and she replied with Lopen, Araris, Stink, and herself. Lopen because she talks to him often and wants to know if he's good. Araris so that she could have a good reason to be annoyed, especially after him being a Demolitionist in LG16, Stink to troll, and herself because she's good. 

Edited by Mailliw73
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Sorry, but I'd have done the same thing. I'd much rather save those with roles so that they can use them while sending all those without anything to do on the mission.

Assuming that no-one lied about their role.

Which makes one of the reasons why you claimed what you did correct.

Which makes me wonder why Mailliw is explaining LUNA's actions.

Also why no-one talked about the mission choice after the team had been chosen and made public?

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Lopen, given how few players I interacted with last cycle - indeed, before today, you could make the same argument about my killing almost any player. I still don't see why you're promoting me to suspicion here?


I understand that. I just have a hunch that from what I know about you as a person, you might pick Burnt. It's just a hunch, and not one I feel very strongly about. I mostly just voted on you for the sake of voting. I usually try to give as much reasoning as I can for why I vote, so I tried to explain myself.


Anyways, I've only said as much as I have about it because players have asked me to. I already said I'd most likely go through the first Cycle and see if I can find anything suspicious about anyone, so I'm probably gonna change my vote pretty soon.


Assuming that no-one lied about their role.

Which makes one of the reasons why you claimed what you did correct.

Which makes me wonder why Mailliw is explaining LUNA's actions.

Also why no-one talked about the mission choice after the team had been chosen and made public?


I was kind of wondering why no one was talking about the mission choice as well. There were a few volunteers who weren't put on the mission, and I'm not sure why the players who were chosen were chosen as I don't remember them saying much about it. I don't know how much attention we should draw to it though, if players were chosen for reasons that might not be wise to announce in the thread.

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