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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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3 hours ago, Robinski said:

That's rough. My mother is 92, still lives on her own, although she has a friend there 50% of the time. She broke her ankle a couple of years back and had a boot for... I'm thinking 3 or 4 weeks(?). She's fiercely independent, but we were very fortunate to have other people around, and carers who went in regularly (thank goodness for the UK's NHS). I can't imagine having to deal with that even two of you, with the added pressure of a major festival coming up.

Are you and your dad able to share your frustrations? Leaning on someone else can make a difference, not necessarily making things easier, but fortifying you to get through.

Have they given you a timescale for the foot healing? I see you've got a good couple of weeks till Passover. Hopefully your mom will be reassured that things are taking shape and that will make things easier.

Good luck! You can do this. :) 

Its tricky I work part time and he works late. We have been collaborating, but we have yet to deal with a full week. Thankfully she was fit with a boot so she is somewhat mobile. Her recovery is supposed to take a minimum of a month. As a result all work for and on passover will be up to my father and myself.

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On 15 February 2018 at 9:45 PM, Steeldancer said:

I'm sick of them constantly getting uptight about how we use our time. So what that we aren't always productive? I DON'T WANT TO BE PRODUCTIVE ALL THE TIME. 

I'm glad you've reached an understanding with them. 

On 1 March 2018 at 6:30 AM, Queen Elsa Steelheart said:

I changed courses because I had a mini panic attack in the exam. I'm doing a 6 month course in Aged Care to help me go back to my Dip of Nursing. I felt like a failure and felt stupid for doing that course. It is helping though.

So I'm already a bit fragile but I need to make a stomach doctor appointment. The receptionist was rude and was actually asking me why I was seeing her! None of her business!

Her: Why are you seeing her? Did you have a procedure?
Me: Yes, but this appointment is not for that

Her: Is it a review?

Me: No. I need to see her.

Her: Why?


Honestly I'm putting in a complaint. Such a breach of patient confidentiality. 

Ugh thats the worst. 

On 9 March 2018 at 3:05 AM, Nathrangking said:

My mother fell this morning and hurt herself. As I am the only other person at home early in the morning I had to take off from work today to help her. We had to go to the doctor he thought it was just a bruise. We went home then the doctor called and informed us that a specialist to whom he had sent the x ray of my mother's foot found that one of the bones had chipped. He put her in a boot and on crutches. She has little idea of how to use the crutches and she keeps trying to step on the bad foot. She refuses to let me help her and I'm at a loss as to what to do. She worries about Pesach/Passover despite assurances from both myself and my father that everything will be ready. The whole situation is extremely frustrating.

Refuah Shelaima! Pesach is hard and I wish you a lot of success. And maybe consider hiring help if you can?

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So, I lost my temper last Friday during class. I may have whacked the girl next to me on the arm, because people were talking during class (including her). Problem is, whacking people is not an appropriate response. I had to apologize after class. She told her mom, and her mom filed an official complaint. Now I am in big trouble (at worst, I could get suspended). I am waiting for school to start, and I will learn the consequences today. Just what I needed on Monday, besides the remnants of a sinus infection... Ugh.

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44 minutes ago, SilverTiger said:

So, I lost my temper last Friday during class. I may have whacked the girl next to me on the arm, because people were talking during class (including her). Problem is, whacking people is not an appropriate response. I had to apologize after class. She told her mom, and her mom filed an official complaint. Now I am in big trouble (at worst, I could get suspended). I am waiting for school to start, and I will learn the consequences today. Just what I needed on Monday, besides the remnants of a sinus infection... Ugh.

Over an arm smack? So glad I'm not in school these days. In my day (not that long ago) the teacher would have smacked someone before you felt you had to, and thus stopped this nonsense from going further than it has. We'd even get just detention over bloody noses, and everyone is fine now. 

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On 3/26/2018 at 6:11 AM, SilverTiger said:

So, I lost my temper last Friday during class. I may have whacked the girl next to me on the arm, because people were talking during class (including her). Problem is, whacking people is not an appropriate response. I had to apologize after class. She told her mom, and her mom filed an official complaint. Now I am in big trouble (at worst, I could get suspended). I am waiting for school to start, and I will learn the consequences today. Just what I needed on Monday, besides the remnants of a sinus infection... Ugh.

I had a very similar thing happen a few weeks ago. I just went off on the other person, and the teacher's only reaction was to close the then open door.

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@Steeldancer @Shqueeves So it looks like the signs I took to mean one thing actually meant another, so while the situation is still awkward for me it isn't that bad anymore. She's not trying to put a romantic move on me but she wants a close friendship that I really don't. I can deal with that much better than the alternative.

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I have just been through the single most terrifying experience of my entire life.

I sing in the young adult choir at my local church, and today we were singing at the 3:00-4:30 Good Friday Mass. During the homily, just after the stations of the cross had finished, the altar servers go up to Father, and then they all start quietly conferring. Then Father says, "There's been an incident. Because of the nature of the incident, let's say the Our Father." We said the Our Father. Then the Hail Mary. All the while, the altar servers are over at one of the entrances/exits of the church, clustered by the doors. Then they come back and talk to Father some more.

That's when Father tells everyone to please go quietly to their vehicles, out of the left entrance. Not the other two, just the left one. And the choir director asks us (the choir) to all go too. I kept asking what was going on, no one knew, the choir director told me to stay with him because I didn't have a car, and no, I couldn't walk home (I live close to the church), he'd drop me off instead.

After going outside, I asked him (again) what was going on, and could I just walk home. He'd talked to the priest just before leaving. That's when he told me, "There's been a threat."

I ended up getting to walk home, and while doing so I saw no less than two cop cars and a sheriff's department car. One of the cop cars was parked on the sidewalk, empty, but still running.

I have never been scared for my life before. I was singing church hymns while walking. I called my mom to let her know what was happening, and told her I loved her. I was terrified. For my life. I am in high school. And I was at CHURCH.

As I said, the most terrifying experience of my life: that moment you hear there's been a threat. And you realize you could die today.

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On 3/26/2018 at 3:58 PM, AngelEy3 said:

Over an arm smack? So glad I'm not in school these days. In my day (not that long ago) the teacher would have smacked someone before you felt you had to, and thus stopped this nonsense from going further than it has. We'd even get just detention over bloody noses, and everyone is fine now. 

........capital punishment is illegal in most civilised places.

On 3/28/2018 at 5:34 AM, Tesh said:


Someone out there needs this. Someone always does.

Dear Evan Hansen!

On 3/31/2018 at 0:30 AM, SilverTiger said:

I have just been through the single most terrifying experience of my entire life.

I sing in the young adult choir at my local church, and today we were singing at the 3:00-4:30 Good Friday Mass. During the homily, just after the stations of the cross had finished, the altar servers go up to Father, and then they all start quietly conferring. Then Father says, "There's been an incident. Because of the nature of the incident, let's say the Our Father." We said the Our Father. Then the Hail Mary. All the while, the altar servers are over at one of the entrances/exits of the church, clustered by the doors. Then they come back and talk to Father some more.

That's when Father tells everyone to please go quietly to their vehicles, out of the left entrance. Not the other two, just the left one. And the choir director asks us (the choir) to all go too. I kept asking what was going on, no one knew, the choir director told me to stay with him because I didn't have a car, and no, I couldn't walk home (I live close to the church), he'd drop me off instead.

After going outside, I asked him (again) what was going on, and could I just walk home. He'd talked to the priest just before leaving. That's when he told me, "There's been a threat."

I ended up getting to walk home, and while doing so I saw no less than two cop cars and a sheriff's department car. One of the cop cars was parked on the sidewalk, empty, but still running.

I have never been scared for my life before. I was singing church hymns while walking. I called my mom to let her know what was happening, and told her I loved her. I was terrified. For my life. I am in high school. And I was at CHURCH.

As I said, the most terrifying experience of my life: that moment you hear there's been a threat. And you realize you could die today.

Ive experienced similar as a Jew; anti-Semitism is millenia old. It sucks. Hate crimes and violence suck. Be vigilant. Dont walk around with headphones in. Look out for people acting suspiciously. Be careful.

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37 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

Doesn't capital punishment refer only to the death penalty, or am I missremembering?

You're correct. Capital punishment is the death penalty; corporal punishment is physical punishment like spanking.

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1 hour ago, Sunbird said:

You're correct. Capital punishment is the death penalty; corporal punishment is physical punishment like spanking.

I stand corrected.


Also im so grossed out because my in-laws have no problem with chicken necks and I was eating soup and there were VERTEBRAE in my BOWL. And they think *im* the crazy one.

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@A Budgie, I'm alright. It turned out to be a false alarm.

@Del-light-full, I'm sorry you've experienced hate crime and discrimination. That must hurt.

But basically, someone had a rifle in their car, another person saw it called the cops, big scare ensued. Said parishioner with a rifle had a concealed carry permit. Everyone is fine.

Thanks for your support and sympathy!

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