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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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10 hours ago, Silva said:

*sighs as well*

Sorry. People like that are annoying.


My own bad day that's all petty first world problems:

First, a sort of friend calls me a nickname I hate and have told her not to many times. I (not actually) swear, she does it because she knows I hate it.

Then, I discover how my one totally failed quiz in a class is literally bringing my grade down and that without that fail I'd have a perfect score in that class for the section of the year. Pretty sure it's directly altering my GPA.

One of my closest friends halfway across the world still hasn't answered my messages in almost week.

And finally, my other friend halfway across the world and I had a fight for the first time ever. It was stupid, but when you don't see eachother regularly, even small things become larger.

Ehh... the nickname could be an attempt at friendly teasing; I have called a sister a nickname that she absolutely loathes plenty of times. But that's what siblings and close friends are for. If you really want the sort-of friend to stop, I recommend that you don't answer to the nickname at all, just ignore it.

The bane of high school students: that one assignment that is just killing your grade. I completely sympathize, being in (senior year) high school myself.

Don't be too worried, they could have lost or broken their phone. I had a friend who stopped answering suddenly, and it turned out she'd washed her phone. In the washing machine. Just be patient.

9 hours ago, Inklingspren said:


Ah, those both suck. People who always think you're making fun of them for whatever reason, they aren't so great. I got one, a fellow trombone, but I just act like normal, don't think I've done anything to him. Anyways, that sucks.

A lot of people call me a nickname I don't like (which actually lengthens my name, which is weird) I just learned to accept it, but I get your annoyance. 

with the GPA, i totally get you. I care a ton about grades, and when there is that ONE thing dragging it down... ugh.

Umm... dunno what to do about the not answering... that's a bit worrying.

I hope you two get over it and get back to being friends!

Okay, now my little rant:

My neighborhood had a halloween party, and it was alright. The bad part is, one of my best friends (not a sanderfan yet, I'm trying.) was riding his skateboard down a hill, tried to do an ollie, and landed wrong and broke his femur. It was scary, an ambulance had to take him to the hospital, and I'm going to visit him tomorrow, but that just scared me. It's hard when friends are hurt. Who knows though, i could convert him while he's recovering...

That is scary, seeing a friend hurt badly. At least it was a broken bone; those are fairly routine injuries, so little chance of complications. Try bringing him some cosmere books for hospital reading in case he gets bored :)

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17 minutes ago, Lucy said:

Is it Friday yet?? :(

Almost. Almost... only 4 days.

Literally probably the smallest thing here. I had a great day today, but now there is a fly buzzing around my room and it WONT STOP LANDING ON MY FACE GAHHHH!!! :angry:

^^^^^^ that was extremely petty but yeah. I’m slightly irritated. Ignore it.

Uhh, otherwise, I’m here for you guys. Whenever you need it. Whatever you need. Unless it’s cooking or drawing. Then look to someone else.

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10 hours ago, Inklingspren said:

Almost. Almost... only 4 days.

Literally probably the smallest thing here. I had a great day today, but now there is a fly buzzing around my room and it WONT STOP LANDING ON MY FACE GAHHHH!!! :angry:

^^^^^^ that was extremely petty but yeah. I’m slightly irritated. Ignore it.

Uhh, otherwise, I’m here for you guys. Whenever you need it. Whatever you need. Unless it’s cooking or drawing. Then look to someone else.

Hopefully you got the fly! I will admit a drawing would be cool.. But I totally get it! :P how about a hug? 

You guys are awesome on this forum. I was having a rough night (rough month to be exact) and when I got on here it's all positive. Makes my heart happy! 

Ps I hope your friend is doing ok. And that you attempt to convert him to a sanderfan is successful

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It went away eventually. I’m glad we can help you be more happy! Sure, I like hugs.

Yeah, my friend is out of the hospital, but he’ll be in a wheelchair for at least 5 more weeks. He turned down sanderson <_< saying it was “too long.” He’s been playing CoD a lot...

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37 minutes ago, Inklingspren said:

Yeah, my friend is out of the hospital, but he’ll be in a wheelchair for at least 5 more weeks. He turned down sanderson <_< saying it was “too long.” He’s been playing CoD a lot...

Sorry about the wheelchair but you need new friends <_<

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3 hours ago, Inklingspren said:

I’m trying, but some of my friends aren’t huge readers. Some are book nerds some are science nerds and some are video game nerds. This one is the third.

Still I hope he will recover soon!


4 hours ago, Lucy said:

You guys are awesome on this forum. I was having a rough night (rough month to be exact) and when I got on here it's all positive. Makes my heart happy! 

I hope you life will get easier/ better!

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A really weird one this time.

As some people may already know, I’m a furry, a human who likes anthropomorphized animals. Furries get a lot of scorn and hate from some people, and my friends are some of those people. None of them know yet, but every time I consider telling them, they make some remark that keeps me quiet. I’ve been discussing this with another sharder, who I will not state by name in case they don’t want it known, but who is also a furry. They gave me advice, but it didn’t really work. I’m just afraid they’ll find out some other way besides me, and get the wrong ideas, or shun me for being what I am. I almost was pushed over the line today but nobody noticed, but I’m afraid if this happens again, they’ll find out and I’ll be left alone again. I say I’m an introvert, but I need friends, and not just shard ones (you guys are great BTW). It took a long time to form these friendships and I’m afraid I could wipe out most or all if I don’t do this in the right way.

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Being different is never easy and especially if you fear that you might loose friends over this.

Since I know that you're writing with some others in a pm about this, only a few lines to offer some hope:

We had something like that with some of my friends too (though it was about being a lesbian). I was a bit in the middle back then, because the one with secret asked for my advice and I felt like choosing sides, but the moment it got personal and they knew her, their attitude changed. So it can work. Though probably we were also really lucky in that regard.

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On 11/3/2018 at 9:49 AM, Silverblade5 said:

Car just broke down and my phone battery is low. 

That sucks. You get home okay? Also, why are you on the shard if your battery is low? I mean, I can’t judge, but...

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15 hours ago, Sorana said:

oh no. I hope you still got home/ some help!


7 hours ago, Inklingspren said:

That sucks. You get home okay? Also, why are you on the shard if your battery is low? I mean, I can’t judge, but...

I got home fine. It was actually one of the less bad places I could've broken down. Had a sign for directions and a bridge for shelter from the rain when attempting to hail other drivers  



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1 hour ago, Silverblade5 said:

I got home fine. It was actually one of the less bad places I could've broken down. Had a sign for directions and a bridge for shelter from the rain when attempting to hail other drivers  

Good to hear that! And I hope it's nothing too grave/ expensive that broke down!

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