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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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2 hours ago, bleeder said:

*to the tune of Beethoven's 5th*

I am in pain,

I am in pain,

my wisdom teeth were taken out and I'm in pain, 

my gums were operated on and I'm in pain,

my cheeks are swollen, 

my cheeks are swollen, 

I need painkillers please

Don't drink through a straw for 3-4weeks!

prepare for stank breath as the holes fill back in. Carry a bottle of mouthwash.

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It was one of those days where I got stuff done, but nothing I really wanted to get done, you know? Plus, I got some brain weaselly thoughts filtering through. Things like Are you really giving Bruce the best life he could have? You're almost 30 and have the dating experience of maybe a high school sophomore; you're not going to find anyone who wants someone like that. The book you're writing will sell 15 copies total. 

That sort of thing. 

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28 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


It was one of those days where I got stuff done, but nothing I really wanted to get done, you know? Plus, I got some brain weaselly thoughts filtering through. Things like Are you really giving Bruce the best life he could have? You're almost 30 and have the dating experience of maybe a high school sophomore; you're not going to find anyone who wants someone like that. The book you're writing will sell 15 copies total. 

That sort of thing. 

In response to your brain weasels, as long as your trying your best and Bruce is happy, he is having a wonderful life. You have more dating experience than most sophomores I know, and more than me, a junior. Don't worry about it. And who cares if your book only sells 15 copies. That's 15 more people who's lives you've touched.

You deserve to be happy. Prove your brain weasels wrong and succeed

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2 hours ago, Shqueeves said:

In response to your brain weasels, as long as your trying your best and Bruce is happy, he is having a wonderful life. You have more dating experience than most sophomores I know, and more than me, a junior. Don't worry about it. And who cares if your book only sells 15 copies. That's 15 more people who's lives you've touched.

You deserve to be happy. Prove your brain weasels wrong and succeed

Unless all of those 15 people tear my book apart online and leave it at that. :wacko: 

That aside….thank you. :) 

1 minute ago, Mestiv said:

@TwiLyghtSansSparkles you don't need any experience if you meet the right person. You just need to meet a lot of people. Maybe use dating sites to try someone?

I've been wanting to for a while, but I don't….well, it'd probably be wrong to say I don't think I can spare the expense for a subscription, because I could, but I'd just rather save that money right now. And I could sign up for a free account and leave it at that, but I've done that before, and they really do hold the best features hostage until you pay. And by "best features" I mean "features that allow you to actually communicate with singles you are interested in." They'll tease you with them, too; one site would tell you when you'd gotten a message, and then blur out all of the words with a note that basically said, "Whoops, too bad you're not a paying member, because if you were, you'd know what this message said! Har har har!" 

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I feel like crem today on so many fronts.  In addition to being physically exhausted and my head feeling like it's splitting open (more than usual), my mind is going into overdrive trying to figure out if I ruined a 17 year friendship with a Facebook message that was interpreted wrong, feeling completely inadequate due to my inability to do anything useful around my house (I went to the store briefly, and came back regretting even that much physical activity, and then slept for I think 4 hours), and then having to decide we needed to tell my parents not to come to my son's birthday party tomorrow because my sister (who still lives with them) has the flu.  It's the right decision, but I'm simultaneously feeling bad about having to say it, and preparing to haul off and punch my dad in the face if he tries to come anyways, since he's a stubborn chullhat. All that means I've been wiped out physically, mentally, and emotionally all day long, including some tears and a lot of trying to play games to distract myself, with very limited success.

Edit: I got a response from my friend who just hadn't had access to Messenger and was very supportive, so no friendship ruined, and my dad didn't try to show up today for the party.

Edited by Jondesu
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@TwiLyghtSansSparkles - remember, brain weasels are bad. Don't listen! 

Bruce is your dog, and you are his human. Are you abusing him (obviously not)? Otherwise the life he has with you is 100% the best life he could have. 

Can you make his life better? Sure. But only by being happy. You have a dog. Dogs are happiest when you are happy. They can sense/smell/notice human emotions, and they respond. So you want Bruce to be happier? Do what makes you happy. 


And dating experience? I don't have any. I have 'dated' one person in my life and we were lab partners who transitioned from studying together to being in a relationship. 

I firmly believe that dating experience is unnecessary (otherwise, I'm hooped!). What matters is making a connection. Get that down, the rest will happen. Dating 'experience' will only help you present a polished, practiced, appealing and fake version of you. That's only useful if you're into one-night stands or short term relationships. 

What you do need/want is self-confidence/self-esteem, so that you can go out there and meet people. I need it too. There's no easy way to get it though. And I'm not the best one for that advice :) 


And Twy? You're writing a book. That's awesome. While you may not like the Sanderson path (a dozen or so unpublished works...), don't freak out about the response to this (your first?). 

Unless it becomes a best seller. (Which it just might :D ). 

In that case, feel free to do happy freak-out dances, or whatever floats your boat ;)


Cheers, and down with the brain weasels! Slay them! Hunt them into oblivion! Make lovely scarves and muffs out of their coats! 


.... hrmmm, weasels aren't exactly mink, but it's the 'wearing the corpses of our deceased enemy' thing that really matters here. 

Scare the rest of them off. 

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3 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


It was one of those days where I got stuff done, but nothing I really wanted to get done, you know? Plus, I got some brain weaselly thoughts filtering through. Things like Are you really giving Bruce the best life he could have? You're almost 30 and have the dating experience of maybe a high school sophomore; you're not going to find anyone who wants someone like that. The book you're writing will sell 15 copies total. 

That sort of thing. 

I know the feel...Not the dating stuff, but some of the self-doubt stuff.  When I write, I go from 'this is a great idea!' to 'this is a piece of [insert appropriate comparion] and about 10* worse than what I would even consider reading.' In other words, I can't help you but I can sympathise.

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10 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Aggghh. Panic. Panic. Duet performance tomorrow. Panic. Playing Bach double but scared. Panic. I'm not ready I'm not ready aagghhh. Cute partner making me nervous as Kal in a chasm. More panic why can't things be simple. 

Deep breaths my man, and if all goes well. Maybe you can ask her out ;)

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5 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Chiiil, just do what your good at, your good at playing Bach? Then play Bach! Just focus on that, everyone will be impressed.

Thanks. Listening to Hamilton in the last five minutes calmed me down a bit, so yeah. Still nervous, but I'm a bit better. 

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1 minute ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Thanks. Listening to Hamilton in the last five minutes calmed me down a bit, so yeah. Still nervous, but I'm a bit better. 

No worries, besides. When you start playing, all the worries will go away amirite? I feel that way when I do something I love.

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54 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Thanks. Listening to Hamilton in the last five minutes calmed me down a bit, so yeah. Still nervous, but I'm a bit better. 

Bach double concerto? What instrument? 


Focus on the process, not the results. Go get 'er done. 

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18 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


It was one of those days where I got stuff done, but nothing I really wanted to get done, you know? Plus, I got some brain weaselly thoughts filtering through. Things like Are you really giving Bruce the best life he could have? You're almost 30 and have the dating experience of maybe a high school sophomore; you're not going to find anyone who wants someone like that. The book you're writing will sell 15 copies total. 

That sort of thing. 

I don't know if I'll be able to buy your book, since I have a really small book budget, but when it comes out I'll try to find it in the library. :) I've read your writing before, and it's good.

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I once was building a sandbox and while laying the last timber (the last possible time I could injure myself!), I dropped it on my right ring finger! I then spent the next minute running around yelping "ow". That was two months ago. My finger still isn't the same. The fingernail is the worst, and most visible. After I dropped the timber on it, it turned a dark purple, and the rest red. Then the next week the purple had turned blue, the red stayed red, and then the rest turned white. After that, the red and blue turned into purple and faded... you get the picture. The problem was, I had a piano recital the next week, so I was really worried about that. However, the pain had subsided mostly by then, so I was fine.

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