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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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31 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

*sees everyone else's problems* *looks at mine* Maybe I shouldn't be posting here . . . But I need the advice.

I have gotten appointment set up for getting my wisdom teeth pulled. That shouldn't be a big deal, but I'm irrationally afraid of this. They will be cutting holes in my mouth. I just . . . Ugh. How can I get over this?

It helps that you'll be unconscious for the whole procedure. When I got mine removed, before they applied the anesthesia, they said that the next thing I knew, I'd be waking up to hear them tell me that they were finished. And they were right. I remember waking up, and being taken to a "recovery room" where I thought I was alone, but apparently there was another girl there because when another couple was shown in, I thought they were coming for me and that I was hallucinating them because they looked nothing like my parents what was going on. And then they escorted the girl I hadn't seen out of the room and I knew I wasn't hallucinating. :P 

You'll be fine. It'll take a few days to recover, but you won't remember any of the actual surgery. 

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I have been Shard derived :( I think I'm going into withdrawal.

Oh, and I am attracted to my cousins 0_0

Oh, and I got food poisoning, stupid Pakistani food.

Oh, my older cousins are all getting married and having kids nowadays, so I'm an uncle :/ or Mammu to be more precise.

Oh, and our family problems have escalated thousandfold.

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22 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

I have been Shard derived :( I think I'm going into withdrawal.

Oh, and I am attracted to my cousins 0_0

Oh, and I got food poisoning, stupid Pakistani food.

Oh, my older cousins are all getting married and having kids nowadays, so I'm an uncle :/ or Mammu to be more precise.

Oh, and our family problems have escalated thousandfold.

You have a word for the relationship between you and your cousins children? I'm jealous. 

Eep. Well we're always here for you. Go shard family!

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23 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

I have been Shard deprived :( I think I'm going into withdrawal.

Oh, and I am attracted to my cousins 0_0

Oh, and I got food poisoning, stupid Pakistani food.

Oh, my older cousins are all getting married and having kids nowadays, so I'm an uncle :/ or Mammu to be more precise.

Oh, and our family problems have escalated thousandfold.

Oh, man. That sucks. 

All of it. 

As Del said, we've got your back. Feel free to rant as you wish. We're here for you. 

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2 hours ago, The Honor Spren said:

*sees everyone else's problems* *looks at mine* Maybe I shouldn't be posting here . . . But I need the advice.

I have gotten appointment set up for getting my wisdom teeth pulled. That shouldn't be a big deal, but I'm irrationally afraid of this. They will be cutting holes in my mouth. I just . . . Ugh. How can I get over this?

As Twi said, you'll be asleep through the entire procedure.  I had mine out somewhere around two decades ago; after braces, it was nothing.

Also, you will get to subsist on milkshakes for at least a couple of days afterwards, so there's that to look forward to.

2 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


You'll be fine. It'll take a few days to recover, but you won't remember any of the actual surgery. 

I...actually do remember a little bit.  Mostly hearing the doctor and nurses talking to each other.  But I've got that damned redhead gene messing with my anesthesia, so I don't think I was "down" quite as far as a normal person would have been.

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1 minute ago, Delightful said:

You have a word for the relationship between you and your cousins children? I'm jealous. 

Eep. Well we're always here for you. Go shard family!

Well, um technically it means brother of the mother, but we're all close XD

2 minutes ago, bleeder said:

Oh, man. That sucks. 

All of it. 

As Del said, we've got your back. Feel free to rant as you wish. We're here for you. 

Thanks both of you!


Can somone ask about the family problems :ph34r:

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9 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Well, um technically it means brother of the mother, but we're all close XD

Thanks both of you!


Can somone ask about the family problems :ph34r:

What kinds of increasingly cremmy family problems are you having, DA?

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@The Honor Spren I had my wisdom teeth out with a local anaesthetic. It didn't hurt - and I happen to know and trust the dr who did it - so it mostly just felt really weird and a little scary. Tbh it hurt worse afterwards once the anaesthetic wore off. That's legitimately not fun. And there are actual cuts in your mouth that do take a couple days to a week to heal. And it's hard to talk and it's frustrating but it's also temporary and you can get through it because you're brave and awesome. You're strong, and you have us to rant to and for virtual hugs and cuteness. So you'll be ok. :)

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Just now, bleeder said:

What kinds of increasingly cremmy family problems are you having, DA?

*rubs hands vigorously*

These are "extended" family problems, and JUST HAPPEN to be on my father's side. Funny how my mothers side is great, anyway

So my dad has 3 brothers and a sister. And theirs like a clash between them. My dad is pretty rich, so he tries to help the others out, but they keep "betraying" him, and "doing things" behind his back. His brother Munaver has been living in one of his houses here in Gulshan for a fair bit, but this particular house is also partially owned by his brother Altaf. Altaf and his wife, are, according to my father <redacted> which is funny cos I think of him the same way. So, Munaver is living in Dad's portion of the house, but is in fact paying the rent to Altaf instead of my dad. Munaver also happens to live with my grandmother, dad's father who is caught in the crossfire and happens to listen more to Altaf, and If I judge him by his children, must be a great guy. Dad hates it that his mother doesn't listen to him and is "In Altaf's pocket". He always brings up stuff like organising and paying for her daughter's marriage, but not being invited to the marriage itself, and how he is always taken for granted blah blah blah. Dad likes his little temper tantrums, which always end up with.....bad stuff, but this time, two days ago, he snapped and yelled at Munaver's family and his mother for a solid half hour, and delivered an ultimatum, that he was going to kick them out of the house if they don't leave first or Altaf says that they will stay in his portion. He told his mother never to show her face to him again etc etc and I was kinda just sitting there.

So yeah. 

But on the bright side, my cousin Waqas is getting married tomoz, so we're gonna be going on a 12 hour train ride to Sadi Kabbad where his soon to be wife lives for the ceremony. Wait, I forgot to mention the death rate, the disease and the fact that I will be there for 12 hours plus with the very cousins I'm attracted to -_-

Shouldn't be too bad, I have a nazgul ponification to do!

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On wisdom teeth: follow the instructions to the letter for care afterward cause you will not want to go back afterward to correct. Don't drink with a straw for awhile. Also on a gross note you will have hell breath for awhile after as the holes refill. Food will get in and it will be hard to clear it while the pain is there. I had the worst taste in my mouth and wouldn't speak close to anyone's face for about 2 weeks lol

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11 hours ago, The Honor Spren said:

*sees everyone else's problems* *looks at mine* Maybe I shouldn't be posting here . . . But I need the advice.

I have gotten appointment set up for getting my wisdom teeth pulled. That shouldn't be a big deal, but I'm irrationally afraid of this. They will be cutting holes in my mouth. I just . . . Ugh. How can I get over this?

Hey, I'm getting an appointment to get my wisdom teeth pulled too! I've had mouth surgery before -- it's not that bad. When's your appointment?

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Sooo I bought a laptop like a month ago. The store did not include Windows key but the system works without although it lately started nagging me to do something about it and now it's giving me three days or somethin'.

Back then the store said I should contact the company that made the computer (Dell). The thing is, as soon as I enter either Service Tag or Express Service Code page reloads to Swedish :blink:

Trying to switch the language sends me back to the "enter the code" window.

I think it's because this laptop isn't new; it's post-leasing, so probably some company had a bunch of computers in leasing and after leasing expired they got sold. I strongly suspect all of that took place in Sweden.

I'm trying to find a way to contact Dell without using the code but I can't find it :|

EDIT: Oh, and some of the links on their site take me to the Russian version. I'm... I'm not sure what's happening.

Edited by Ookla the Sunrise Watcher
edited the reason for edit :D
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14 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

It helps that you'll be unconscious for the whole procedure. When I got mine removed, before they applied the anesthesia, they said that the next thing I knew, I'd be waking up to hear them tell me that they were finished. And they were right. I remember waking up, and being taken to a "recovery room" where I thought I was alone, but apparently there was another girl there because when another couple was shown in, I thought they were coming for me and that I was hallucinating them because they looked nothing like my parents what was going on. And then they escorted the girl I hadn't seen out of the room and I knew I wasn't hallucinating. :P 

You'll be fine. It'll take a few days to recover, but you won't remember any of the actual surgery. 

With general anaesthesia, you'll be totally knocked out.  If they go with local instead (in my case, it was much cheaper), you'll be awake, but won't feel it.  It's not all that different from having any other tooth pulled (and certainly isn't like a root canal), but the recovery instructions are stricter.  Don't play around with the recovery instructions.  Take every precaution to avoid dry socket.  And you?  Will be A-Okay.

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Of my family members who had to have their wisdom teeth pulled, none of them continued taking the prescription painkillers past 4-5 days after the surgery. I was still taking them 13 days later. It should be noted that I usually have a rather high tolerance for pain, so...yeah. I thought that I followed the instructions well enough, but apparently I did not do as well as I'd hoped, because I ended up with two dry sockets and I kind of hated life there for a bit. Dry sockets are not something I would wish upon anyone (though the hydrocodone was kind of fun...). I would definitely second the advise to do exactly what the recovery instructions say. You'll be fine if you do.

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When I had my wisdom teeth taken out, I got the general anesthesia and was completely unconscious until the surgery was over. I felt just slightly loopy afterwards. A few hours later, I was eating soft foods without a whole lot of trouble. The doctor wrote me 2 prescriptions for painkillers: one strong one that contained an opioid IIRC, and one weaker drug with less potential for addiction. I didn't touch the opioid because drugs that powerful scare me and my pain was not severe enough for me to want to go near it. Overall my experience was very positive.

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Some one stole my debit card info...

After the bank closed...



At least the bank has a fraud company that monitors this stuff and they caught on before I put any more money into the account. Im supose to go in as soon as possible to fill out forms to try to get the money I lost back. Its probably no more than a couple hundred and they didn't get my savings (thank goodness) but I dont make that much money so it still smarts.

I think that they used an electronic skimmer thing since I only use my card for pulling money out of the atm when the bank is closed.

Kinda mad at my dad since I didn't want the card to begin with (because it might get stolen, which it did) but he pressured me into it since its the "adult" thing to do.

So basically due to the holiday I cant take care of it until tommorow after work (its black friday) :-( 


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This is a friendly reminder not to mess with pharmaceutical drugs, or any for that matter. A guy I used to know as a kid accidentally overdosed recently after he mixed Xanax and Heroin. Nothing good can come from stuff like that, just stay away from it.  

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7 minutes ago, Patar said:

This is a friendly reminder not to mess with pharmaceutical drugs, or any for that matter. A guy I used to know as a kid accidentally overdosed recently after he mixed Xanax and Heroin. Nothing good can come from stuff like that, just stay away from it.  


Yeah, that's a dangerous area.  I'm taking a crazy number of them too, so I have to keep that in mind (I can't have vinegar while I'm taking one of them, for instance, and I only take it two weeks out of three, so I have to keep track).  Mixing them with hard drugs like that just exponentially increases the chances of huge problems.

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Re: drugs, my mom worked as a retail pharmacy tech for a few years, and she saw lots of customers in the pharmacy that were obviously addicted or high or stoned or trying to con their way into getting more medication than was legal or safe. America has a SERIOUS problem with prescription drug addiction. I look with suspicion upon anything that has the potential to get me addicted to it for that reason.

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In the past 2 days I've had two older guys try to hit on me. So much ick.

The first guy managed to actually get my number by pretending he didn't have his phone and desperately needed to contact someone, and we weren't in a wide open space where he could easily run away with my phone. I fell for it and lent him my phone and he called his own number "oops my friend isn't answering." He's friendly, blesses me (I figure, okay, plenty weird people live in Israel, I'll take friendliness and a blessing whatever.) A few hours later I get a call from a stranger speaking fast Hebrew, when I say I don't understand what he's saying he talks in circles and eventually says "I hear you're looking for a shidduch* do you want to go out." I was super confused till I looked at my call log and realised he called from the number of "his friend" from earlier. He must have been at least 40, and dressed like the Ultra-Orthodox.

The second guy was behind the counter in a food shop. I was in a rush and didn't actually realise what happened till afterwards. I was trying to work out what and how much to buy and he says "How many people are you buying for?"
"Just me"
"Pity it's not me and you."
I just kind of look at the food and keep trying to work out what I need, walk out the shop a minute later and I'm like wait, did that actually just happen?

Let me emphasise this guy is like my parents age, maybe a little younger.

Well random older Israelis, I am not flattered. Go try flirt with someone your actual age and stop being creepers. Yuk.


*Shidduch is essentially a blind date, often set up by a matchmaker, common way for marriage-minded Jewish singles to meet. No random person who won't explain where you got my number I am not going to marry you BYE.


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2 hours ago, Jondesu said:

I've had heartburn straight from Damnation for the past few hours. Nothing is helping, or at least not enough. All those home remedies, as well as pepto...not much use.

Storms, this is painful.

Try baking soda. With caution. Should help.

But in internet please remember,
I'm just a random stranger.

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Sunrise Watcher said:

Try baking soda. With caution. Should help.

But in internet please remember,
I'm just a random stranger.

Tried it. :-( Two teaspoons in water (separate 1tsp doses).  Mild improvement as I swallowed it, didn't last even a full minute.

Just got back from the store with Tums (haven't worked yet) and ginger ale (should help my mood if not my throat).

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