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1 minute ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

The site filter won't let me repeat what I actually said, so I'll leave it at


Like, what's he gonna do to gay people? What's gonna happen to you, and me, and my sister, and my friends? And transgender people, too? Are we all just gonna go sit in the corner for four years? God forbid, eight years? Or are they going to take away our rights, too? 

Make America Great Again does not mean to push America back fifty years, when no one talked about the important issues. 

I can't actually believe this is happening to us.

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9 minutes ago, bleeder said:

Like, what's he gonna do to gay people? What's gonna happen to you, and me, and my sister, and my friends? And transgender people, too? Are we all just gonna go sit in the corner for four years? God forbid, eight years? Or are they going to take away our rights, too? 

Make America Great Again does not mean to push America back fifty years, when no one talked about the important issues. 

I can't actually believe this is happening to us.

I was going to say he probably won't be able to overturn same-sex marriage just like that, but Republicans still control Congress, so I dunno. -_- 

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3 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

I was going to say he probably won't be able to overturn same-sex marriage just like that, but Republicans still control Congress, so I dunno. -_- 

Not only that, he's also a rusting chauvinist! He objectifies people and calls people names, particularly women. 

I'm just real worried.

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2 minutes ago, bleeder said:

Oh, hey, look. My faith in humanity.

No, wait, where are you going? 

No, stop, come back?

Come b- 

Oh, nope, there it goes. 

It's gone.

That just about describes my state of mind right now.


2016 now holds the record for the most storm-invested insane year of all time.

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Just now, Zea mays said:

I hope it went somewhere nice.

Like space. Or Cuba. It went to Cuba. Like Tupac. And Prince and Jimi Hendrix. It went to Cuba with Tupac and Prince and Jimi, because none of them are actually dead; instead they all faked their deaths and went to Cuba. Duh

2016, as I have said... trash fire. Giant pile of wet garbage set ablaze.

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On top of the election hullabaloo, the pizza I ordered nearly an hour and fifteen minutes ago still hasn't arrived. 

I called and was told it would be here "shortly." 

If it isn't here in seven minutes—at which point I would have put in the order an hour and twenty minutes ago—I am going to call again, and I am not going to be nice this time. :angry:

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2 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

On top of the election hullabaloo, the pizza I ordered nearly an hour and fifteen minutes ago still hasn't arrived. 

I called and was told it would be here "shortly." 

If it isn't here in seven minutes—at which point I would have put in the order an hour and twenty minutes ago—I am going to call again, and I am not going to be nice this time. :angry:


Day 1 of the Trumpocalypse. Pizza being delivered remorselessly late, presumably by far right-wing extremist groups.

It's worse than I ever feared.

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You know what?  I'm just going to copy/paste what I posted to Facebook this morning.  Because I don't think I can get any more eloquent than I already was.  (And I must've hit some buttons out there, because it's getting shared all over the place. I just spotted a Share notification from a complete stranger who has no friends in common with me.)


I am afraid.

I am afraid because a man with the self-control and temperament of a toddler is going to have access to the nuclear launch codes.

I am afraid for my LGBT friends who are looking down the barrel of losing the rights they have so recently fought for and won.

I am afraid for the people who have come to rely on the ACA, because it gave them access to healthcare they would not otherwise have had. People with chronic conditions that got them denied coverage before. People who would likely have died had they not gotten coverage. People who are now afraid that they WILL die if that coverage is stripped away from them.

I am afraid for the EPA, for the Clean Air Act. I was already afraid for the water protectors at Standing Rock, but now even more so.

I am afraid, not because I believe that everyone who voted for him is racist, sexist, homophobic, but because those who are now believe that their views are justified. Who may now believe that more of the country agrees with them than actually do. Who may now believe that violence against the minorities they hate will be forgiven.

I am afraid of what the new VP represents in the religious right's ongoing war to bring down the wall between church and state. That wall protects people like me. Maybe it will not crumble, but it will weaken, and that is a scary prospect.

But I am not so afraid that I will be silent.

I still stand for marriage equality.

I still stand for trans* rights.

I still stand for renewable energy and the belief that we have a responsibility to preserve our planet and its resources for the good of all.

I still stand for a woman's right to choose.

I am still Pagan and proud.

I will not be silenced.

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14 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

On top of the election hullabaloo, the pizza I ordered nearly an hour and fifteen minutes ago still hasn't arrived. 

I called and was told it would be here "shortly." 

If it isn't here in seven minutes—at which point I would have put in the order an hour and twenty minutes ago—I am going to call again, and I am not going to be nice this time. :angry:

That's... evil nefarious.

10 minutes ago, Kobold King said:


Day 1 of the Trumpocalypse. Pizza being delivered remorselessly late, presumably by far right-wing extremist groups.

It's worse than I ever feared.

"We all must give our dues to His Lordship." 

                          - Josh

10 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

You know what?  I'm just going to copy/paste what I posted to Facebook this morning.  Because I don't think I can get any more eloquent than I already was.  (And I must've hit some buttons out there, because it's getting shared all over the place. I just spotted a Share notification from a complete stranger who has no friends in common with me.)


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I am afraid.

I am afraid because a man with the self-control and temperament of a toddler is going to have access to the nuclear launch codes.

I am afraid for my LGBT friends who are looking down the barrel of losing the rights they have so recently fought for and won.

I am afraid for the people who have come to rely on the ACA, because it gave them access to healthcare they would not otherwise have had. People with chronic conditions that got them denied coverage before. People who would likely have died had they not gotten coverage. People who are now afraid that they WILL die if that coverage is stripped away from them.

I am afraid for the EPA, for the Clean Air Act. I was already afraid for the water protectors at Stone Rock, but now even more so.

I an afraid, not because I believe that everyone who voted for him is racist, sexist, homophobic, but because those who are now believe that their views are justified. Who may now believe that more of the country agrees with them than actually do. Who may now believe that violence against the minorities they hate will be forgiven.

I am afraid of what the new VP represents in the religious right's ongoing war to bring down the wall between church and state. That wall protects people like me. Maybe it will not crumble, but it will weaken, and that is a scary prospect.

But I am not so afraid that I will be silent.

I still stand for marriage equality.

I still stand for trans* rights.

I still stand for renewable energy and the belief that we have a responsibility to preserve our planet and its resources for the good of all.

I still stand for a woman's right to choose.

I am still Pagan and proud.

I will not be silenced.



That's really powerful, Kaymyth, and more people need to hear this.

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I refuse to consider he will get bored/mad one day and launch a nuke and doom our species. If anyone does it it ll be N Kor. I'm aware that people are panicking but my advice is take breaths. That's about all that can be done right now. America needs to meld back together ASAP after that most hated contest in our history. Won't be done over night.

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For a longer while I was only reading the forums. Today as was to be expected I found those posts about the results in USA. I'm not from the USA but I am afraid.

Your 'shared' post, Kaymyth, just hits the bull's eye (the nail on the head, whatever :) translating idioms is not that easy) and one passage I'd like to *steal* if it is okay for you, Kaymyth. This passage:


I an afraid, not because I believe that everyone who voted for him is racist, sexist, homophobic, but because those who are now believe that their views are justified. Who may now believe that more of the country agrees with them than actually do. Who may now believe that violence against the minorities they hate will be forgiven.

This because I'm afraid I will have to use it here in Germany, especially Bavaria, soon also.

I hope for all of you in USA -- and for the rest of the world -- that it won't get that bad as it seems from what this person told during the events prior to the choice told.
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14 minutes ago, maxal said:

Not a single living soul is happy about the outcome of the election over here in Quebec... I understand how it happened, even why, but... this seems extreme. We shall wait and see, but yesterday, the Canadian Immigration web site went down... :ph34r: 

Got to make sure the you keep the savages in the south out of your country.

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I didn't think it was insulting: it was meant to be amusing, but I do not want to create a tempest, so the post is gone. 

1 hour ago, Zathoth said:

Got to make sure the you keep the savages in the south out of your country.

Though I still have to respond to this one: the website went down due to abnormally high traffic and not for any other reason as you are implying.




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