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How do you like your Brandon served?


Brandon Format  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your thought on Audiobooks....

    • Physical media only, why spend money on non-tangable objects.
    • I've never tried an audiobook, but for other reason
    • Michael Kramer and Kate Redding are gods! Audiobooks all the way.
    • I like to buy the book and have the audiobook too.
    • I'm an ebook fan

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Just curious.. Personally, I'm a big audiobook fan.. I own every book Brandon has released on Audiobook.   I find I don't really have the time to read anymore but can multitask and listen to books to make my work day go faster.


I'm big fans of Michael Kramer and Kate Redding.  They are married if you didn't know..

(Kramer is the Narrator of WoK, Mistborn, and he and his wife did the entire WoT series)


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I am voting for "I like to buy the book and have the audiobook too," but only because you don't have an "EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME IN ALL THE PLACES FOREVER" option. My preferred medium is an actual book, but I will go through the effort and acquire eBooks and audio books as well. I won't read the eBooks, but I will listen to the audio ones (which is what I am doing now, by the way).

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I've only recently listened to my first audiobook: Deadhouse Gates by Steven Erikson. I prefer to be my own audiobook and read the books aloud to others! As for the kinds of copies that I prefer, you need an option for "physical and e-copies"! The actual physical books are so pretty and I love actually having them in my hand as I read, but for research, literary analysis, and work for the Coppermind, the ability to do a search through the book is invaluable!


I also like having Brandon's books in other languages whenever I can get my hands on them. I recently (thanks to a wonderful fandom member who was kind enough to buy them) acquired the Fils-des-brumes series in its entirety (Mistborn in French). I'm trying to get my friend to grab a copy of the Japanese Mistborn books while she's stationed in Okinawa, and I'd love to get my hands on a copy of The Way of Kings in Chinese, because it's such a pretty printing!

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I've only recently listened to my first audiobook: Deadhouse Gates by Steven Erikson. I

Ralph Listner did SUCH a good job narrating that.


I was in tears when in tears when Ikovian was describing compasion to the T'lan Imass.

"We humans do not understand compassion. In each moment of our lives, we betray it. Aye, we know of

its worth, yet in knowing we then attach to it a value, we guard the giving if it,

believing it must be earned. T'lan Imass. Compassion is priceless in the truest sense of the word.

It must be given freely. In abundance."

Edited by Mikanium
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Ralph Listner did SUCH a good job narrating that.


I was in tears when in tears when Ikovian was describing compasion to the T'lan Imass.

"We humans do not understand compassion. In each moment of our lives, we betray it. Aye, we know of

its worth, yet in knowing we then attach to it a value, we guard the giving if it,

believing it must be earned. T'lan Imass. Compassion is priceless in the truest sense of the word.

It must be given freely. In abundance."


I'm going to refrain from opening that because I haven't quite finished yet. That is the thing I don't like about audiobooks, they take so long to listen to! I like having something to do while driving, but I've been trying to get through it for a few months and I just don't have time. I'm about 3/4ths of the way through, but I've been listening since August!


Edit: Also, I never know how to spell the characters' names. That's annoying.

Edited by FeatherWriter
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I don't personally like audiobooks. I tried it once but didn't like it at all. I have always been a printed-book type of person but I got a Kindle last year and I'm slowly transitioning to e-books. I still love physical books as well. But the searching and highliting are fantastic.

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Step One: Read hardcover.

Step Two: Read ebook. Search for words and phrases, make notes, and highlight foreshadowing.

Step Three: ?????

Step Four: Profit.

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Step One: Read hardcover.

Step Two: Read ebook. Search for words and phrases, make notes, and highlight foreshadowing.

Step Three: ?????

Step Four: Profit.


Close but not quite:


Step Three: Report findings on Coppermind

Step Four: Be kidnapped and sacrificed to the admins in their dark hemalurgic rituals as "thanks" for your efforts.

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I prefer e-books simply because it allows me to read them faster. Why drive to the nearest bookstore(over half an hour away), when I can buy the ebook as soon as I wake up on release day, and for cheaper as well. I've slowly but surely been accumulating a hardcover collection, but its going slowly, as I only search in used bookstores and thrift shops, excepting my one signed copy of WoK that I bought online.

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Lightly fried with a side salad....sorry what was the question?


More seriously, I vastly prefer to read physical copies. Audiobooks are too slow and I just prefer having something solid in my hands over ebooks. Ebooks just don't feel the same. I'm undecided on hardcover vs paperback though. The hardcovers are nicer but they can be a tad bulky. Paperbacks are easier to carry around.

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Ebooks just don't feel the same.


I've struggled for years to figure out why. I mean, I've been reading (big) physical books since I was 12, so about half of my life (and half of the other half doesn't really count...). I understand it's normal to be attached to them, that doesn't bother me. What does bother me is the irrationality, and to an extent - impracticality - of keeping a physical library. It's certainly more convenient to have an eBook library. But I keep buying paperbacks and hardcovers like the world - or at least the part of it that reads fantasy - will depend on my personal collection. 

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The concept of an audio book is interesting to me but I like reading the books myself be that through a physical copy (preferred) or on my e -reader (more regularly nowadays). I feel that was how they were written and I can completely understand enjoying the books through an audio experience but yeah that is just me for now any ways. 

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What I do is, preorder the book on Amazon, in hard copy. Then, while I'm waiting for my Brandon fix, I buy and read the ebook. When I get the hard copy, I read it once, put it on my shelf, and wait for Brandon to come around so I can get it signed.

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I personally have no, like... desire? to have physical copies. Like, I'm happy with them but I'm happy without them, so its easier just to get the ebook so I can read it without hauling it and then use it for the coppermind.

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And I'm the opposite, Joe. To me, a bookshelf is a both a functional piece of furniture. I love the way books in a series look on a shelf together, and I like pulling them off to flip through them and smell them and such. One of the things I knew I wanted in my dorm room was a bookshelf, because the room wouldn't feel complete without it.

I read the Infinity Blade novellas as ebooks though. While the convenience of downloading them was nice and the ability to loan them to silly friends around the world is nice, I do prefer reading the physical copy.

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As a stay-at-home mom with 3 kids under 5, audiobooks while doing dishes, cooking, folding laundry, driving kids to preschool, etc. are the only way I get anything done. My oldest two are finally old enough to pay attention so I have started introducing them to audiobooks in the car as well. We will probably do some Harry Potter when we drive out to Grandma's for Thanksgiving.

On the other hand, audiobooks are freakin' expensive. I usually buy Brandon's hardcover so I can read it NOW, then use audiobooks from the library for a re-read.(Exception: Way of Kings was too long for me to hope to read the physical book in a timely manner, so I bought the audio. Got the physical book for Christmas.) Even more handy if they are available from Overdrive so I can put them directly on my phone to have with me always.

My husband can't stand audiobooks and always buys the ebooks to read on the bus to work. So yes, we keep Sanderson in business.

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Audiobooks and ebooks for me.  I love to collect hardcovers, but my current living arrangements don't allow for much space and eventually moving would cost too much, so for now that's on hold.  I love audiobooks, but I've always been the kind of person who enjoys "background noise" at all times, and I much prefer audiobooks to TV.  I find that I catch many more details listening to audiobooks than I do while reading, though I like to read books as well.  I can listen to audiobooks while working, driving, exercising, cleaning, cooking, etc.  Lately I find my time to just sit and read is non-existent, so audiobooks are my salvation.  However, they will never replace being able to read the words, see how they were written, and especially for Sanderson works, in world art.

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I'm currently a very much in debt law student, so I rely on the library for my audiobooks, when I'm a lawyer making money (knock on wood, hopefully I become a lawyer making good money, haha), I'll probably have all 3 forms.

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I absolutely love reading books in paper form. However, I have listened to Mistborn and WoK and really enjoyed the audiobook forms as well. If anyone wants to hear Kate Reading by herself, the Codex Alera is a great fantasy series that is very well narrated by her. Personally, I prefer audiobooks because they force me to think more about what I am listening to, and they provide a baseline for me to pronounce names. Paper copies are good because I can skim through to the interesting parts and enjoy the plot.

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