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About lizbusby

  • Birthday January 17

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  • Location
    Bellevue, WA
  • Interests
    reading, writing, long-distance running, yoga, knitting, video games (especially Legend of Zelda)

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  1. Yes, but we also know the Knights are a relatively recent invention. Presumably the Unmade were made before there were such things as Bondsmiths. Therefore, they wouldn't have ever been an option for bonding.
  2. I just thought of this idea today as well. I feel like RoW is pointing in this direction, especially with how the Sibling talks about what is happening to it as "unmaking." I wonder if all the unmade are shadow versions of once positive emotions: the Thrill vs Courage, the Heart of the Revel vs Love?
  3. Y'all are way better than me. My score was 20 points. Top points in my friend group was 27, so not terrible, but the Diagram isn't going to be recruiting us any time soon....
  4. I would say yes because up until this book, Navani was not a main character.
  5. Looks like these are the final answers. Start posting your scores and claim your future sight!
  6. The Stoneward question was about if we would see a modern Stoneward (aka not Taln), which we did. Good point. Stricken. Does someone want to find the names of the ferruchemists/terrispeople/Selish people we saw?
  7. Sorry for falling down on the job of posting the answers! Shortly after the book release, we decided to move our family cross-state and this was one of the balls that got dropped. Answers here:
  8. Sorry for falling down on the job of posting the answers! Shortly after the book release, we decided to move our family cross-state and this was one of the balls that got dropped. Answers here:
  9. Apologies to everyone who entered the betting pool for falling down on the job of posting the answers! Shortly after the book release, we decided to move our family cross-state and this was one of the balls that got dropped. What betting pool? This one: https://forms.gle/LGjkJZeri4EPUotX7 Your guesses are "grade your own", but I'm compiling a list of answers. It's been a while since I finished the book, so I need some help checking the accuracy of these answers, particularly the bolded ones below, which I am super not sure about. I'm also not sure who counts as the main characters in each plot arc. Is there a standard agreement on it? Radiant Oaths on screen (5 pts, -2 over/under): 5 Kaladin Shallan Venli Navani R'lain 4th Ideal (2 pts): Yes Stonewards (2 pts): Yes Bondsmiths (2 pts): Yes, bonded to the Sibling Side character spren (10 pts): R'lain, Navani Unmade (5 pts, -2 over/under): 1 (Sja'Anat) Unmade captured (5 pts, -2 over/under): 0 Heralds killed (5 pts, -2 over/under): 0 Shallan personalities (2 pts): 2 Urithiru functional (2 pts): Yes Character death (10 pts): Teft, Phendorana, Rayse, Lezian, Raboniel New worldhoppers (10 pts): Axindweth, Gerrah, Nalthian caravan Lift steals food from (5 pts): Song New romantic pairing (10 pts): Jasnah/Wit, Lift/Song, Renarin/R'lain Primary plot characters (1 pt each): Urithiru Plot (Navani, Kaladin, Venli, Moash, Teft/Dabid/Bridge Four) Secondary plot characters (1 pt each): Shallan, Adolin Tertiary plot characters (1 pts each): Jasnah, Dalinar Hoid story (5 pts): Kaladin Shameful ribbon (10 pt, -1 over/under): 105
  10. I thought people might be interested in some of the stats from the 50 guesses we received from random Sharders. Completely unscientific, but fun to see what everyone expects. I didn't include many free response questions as they are hard to see. Most likely to die: Lirin, followed by Teft Most likely new world hoppers: Khriss, followed by Kelsier The "shameful ribbon" histogram peaks around chapter 108.
  11. Sorry, correct link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScDY4GdiKlo_s0lcSGAaxUvGFUvAkA6gCZx5XG8bA0Tu8f6YQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
  12. If you're interested, I'm running a little RoW prediction game. Final bets tonight! https://forms.gle/6XmJKJdsKgERx4gx
  13. Bumping this up. PSA: Tonight's the last night for placing your (non)bets in the Rhythm of War Guessing Game: https://forms.gle/6XmJKJdsKgERx4gx
  14. Bumping this up. PSA: Tonight's the last night for placing your (non)bets in the Rhythm of War Guessing Game: https://forms.gle/6XmJKJdsKgERx4gx
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