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Hoo boy.


I have no advice for dating at the high school level.  I really didn't get into that until college.  One of the curses of going to a small town high school was that there were no boys my age into nerdy things, so I had no pool of potential dates to draw from.  Mostly, I was mocked a lot and suffered.

On this particular thing, I do what is known as "hiding under a rock."  :ph34r:

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On this particular thing, I do what is known as "hiding under a rock."  :ph34r:


It gets better down the road.  Being a teenager, though, is the worst.


Oh, and on the subject of insomnia, you guys do know that in the late teens through early twenties, your circadian rhythms go all out of whack and shift your natural sleep cycles later, right?  This is a documented phenomenon.  It's not your fault, but it's annoying as all heck and the rest of the world doesn't like to adjust to accommodate you.  It'll shift back eventually, right about the time you get out of college.

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. . . Advice on boys?


Don't be a teenager.  Unfortunately, they're insane.  They'll mean totally different things than they say, but you can't be sure what they really want because there's so much pressure at that high school level to not be found out as a real human being.


This advice may be completely out of date; social networking seems to have made for less cliquishness in the teens I've observed, but every school is different.


Disclaimer: I am not observing schools.

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. . . Advice on boys?


Coming from one of said male teenagers,* my advice is; don't. :P We're just generally a bad idea. The legitimately nicer of us tend to be horribly awkward; those that aren't tend to be jerks, or just incapable to developing meaningful relationships with others. The idealized chick-flic boyfriend-guy does not exist (or if they do, I have yet to meet someone who fits the description). As a whole, we tend to be immature, insecure chull-holes, with no clue how to go about a relationship, and only the best of us have even the slightest basic idea of what it means to respect another human being. Wait for another two+ years (it can take well over a decade, for some of us), when we're getting near the end of high school,  have actually started to figure out how to be decent human beings, and matured to something more like the level you're at now, then try again. :P


*I realize that this likely makes me even less qualified to speak on the subject than most people, seeing how my relationship experience, aside from being very limited, is also from the perspective of the guy, rather than the girl, but I happen to know a lot of my fellow guys, and we kind of tend to be jerks. :P


Edit: Ninja'd by Voidus. :ph34r:

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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Wait, having a changing sleep schedule as part of being teenager is a thing? :blink: Everything makes. sense now.

I . . . Don't even know. He never said anything for me to go off of. It's just that I think he's pretty funny, and that his smile is contagious.

I think. :huh: I'm not even sure.

I just try not to think about it. I have enough stuff in my life right now. A crush is not something I think I could fit in.

Edited by The Honor Spren
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Wait, having a changing sleep schedule as part of being teenager is a thing? :blink: Everything makes. sense now.


Yes.  A lot of people don't understand/believe it, though, so they'll scoff at those "lazy" teens still in bed at noon without understanding that said teen was literally unable to fall asleep before 3AM the previous night, despite all attempts to do so.

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It gets better down the road.  Being a teenager, though, is the worst.


Oh, and on the subject of insomnia, you guys do know that in the late teens through early twenties, your circadian rhythms go all out of whack and shift your natural sleep cycles later, right?  This is a documented phenomenon.  It's not your fault, but it's annoying as all heck and the rest of the world doesn't like to adjust to accommodate you.  It'll shift back eventually, right about the time you get out of college.


Careful, insomnia is a real issue and it does not necessarily have to do with your circadian rhythms. It is an insane never ending spinning wheel which makes you afraid you won't perform if you are too tired due to the lack of sleep which alternatively makes you afraid you won't sleep as you didn't sleep the night before and because you haven't you end up believing it is a pattern which will make sure you are never to sleep ever again. Your life is thus doomed to sleepless nights, twitching eye lid and endless staring at the ceiling wondering why is it you just can't sleep?


Human beings should be able to put themselves to sleep.


It is a true disease and when it happens at a young age, it is even more terrible as you just don't have enough life experience to figure out nothing it forever. You feel as if you are doomed with a monster in your head. Or a vibe. I used to think it felt like a vibe that pulses through such as to make you know: "You just aren't going to sleep tonight.".


Today, I can tell the vibe to go screw itself: I want to sleep, but back when I was younger I couldn't. I didn't know how to.


Some people have bouts of insomnia which comes and goes, but for some people it just is more than that. It is anxiety related and for some individuals this anxiety express itself through sleep patterns. 

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Careful, insomnia is a real issue and it does not necessarily have to do with your circadian rhythms. It is an insane never ending spinning wheel which makes you afraid you won't perform if you are too tired due to the lack of sleep which alternatively makes you afraid you won't sleep as you didn't sleep the night before and because you haven't you end up believing it is a pattern which will make sure you are never to sleep ever again. Your life is thus doomed to sleepless nights, twitching eye lid and endless staring at the ceiling wondering why is it you just can't sleep?


Human beings should be able to put themselves to sleep.


It is a true disease and when it happens at a young age, it is even more terrible as you just don't have enough life experience to figure out nothing it forever. You feel as if you are doomed with a monster in your head. Or a vibe. I used to think it felt like a vibe that pulses through such as to make you know: "You just aren't going to sleep tonight.".


Today, I can tell the vibe to go screw itself: I want to sleep, but back when I was younger I couldn't. I didn't know how to.


Some people have bouts of insomnia which comes and goes, but for some people it just is more than that. It is anxiety related and for some individuals this anxiety express itself through sleep patterns. 


This is all true, but in the context of the particular complaints, it was, "If I stay up until I'm tired, then I can fall asleep easily, but by then it's stupid late." 

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Kaymyth that makes so much sense, I have been going to sleep during the afternoon, awoken around midnight and then been up all night lately... the fact that my entire social life is on a completely different time zone doesnt help either...

As for dating advice, I never had any interest in doing so so it is way out of my area of expertise.

My usual advice is grab your guitar, summon a Rockband, channel your inner Ziggy Stardust, look him in the eye and sing Moonage Daydream.

Going by what I have observed though dating is the act of taking people to dinner, feed them enough good food so that you Pavlov them into associating you with good food which makes them love you.

Or you could burn pewter, throw him over your shoulder and tie him up until he loves you... Im not quite sure how that would happen, but you'll figure something out.




Don't be a teenager.  Unfortunately, they're insane.  They'll mean totally different things than they say, but you can't be sure what they really want because there's so much pressure at that high school level to not be found out as a real human being.


This advice may be completely out of date; social networking seems to have made for less cliquishness in the teens I've observed, but every school is different.


Disclaimer: I am not observing schools.

The FBI is looking sternly in your direction.

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I'm going to have to agree with Aonar and Voidus here. Most of us are either awkward (*waves hand*), or boring, or jerks.

Often all three.

Even genuinely nice guys often act like jerks when it comes to girls due to stupid things like social expectations and peer pressure. Find one who just sits in the library and reads if you must hang out with one, then you can just ignore each other and deal with what truly matters.

Obsessing over tiny details in a Fantasy Epic.

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Often all three.

Even genuinely nice guys often act like jerks when it comes to girls due to stupid things like social expectations and peer pressure. Find one who just sits in the library and reads if you must hang out with one, then you can just ignore each other and deal with what truly matters.

Obsessing over tiny details in a Fantasy Epic.

Yes, this probably the best way. -_-

By the way, did you notice how in this particular scene, Kaladin turns his head 32 degrees to the right? 32 divided by two is 16, which obviously means he was from Scadrial all along! :o

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Kaymyth that makes so much sense, I have been going to sleep during the afternoon, awoken around midnight and then been up all night lately... the fact that my entire social life is on a completely different time zone doesnt help either...

As for dating advice, I never had any interest in doing so so it is way out of my area of expertise.

My usual advice is grab your guitar, summon a Rockband, channel your inner Ziggy Stardust, look him in the eye and sing Moonage Daydream.

Going by what I have observed though dating is the act of taking people to dinner, feed them enough good food so that you Pavlov them into associating you with good food which makes them love you.

Or you could burn pewter, throw him over your shoulder and tie him up until he loves you... Im not quite sure how that would happen, but you'll figure something out.

The FBI is looking sternly in your direction.

If we're using allomancy to make people like us, shouldn't we be using emotional allomancy?


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I hear you. As a teenage boy who deliberately does things like learn lists of fallacies in order to improve my logical thinking and ability to weed out irrationality, I must say that having a crush is extremely annoying.

If that distracting feeling had a physical form, I'd nuke the planet it was on from orbit.

Seconded. I just want to be able to focus without distractions. How hard does it have to be?
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On guys if they are anything like I was as a teen in the 90's then stay away. I'm sure it's even worse with social media now. Thankfully my generation was spared that added temptation mixed with teen hormones.

Focus on school then college. Books.

Fixed. :P

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So I finally finish my homework. I go to turn it in on Google Classroom, and BOOM. Google is out again. It's been going out randomly lately and saying my "connection is not private."


This is also the reason I couldn't finish this yesterday.


It's due before class tomorrow.


We aren't allowed to turn it in in class tomorrow.


I'll have to get up early and pray it works.


This is really, really annoying.

Edited by Mistrunner
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Jokes aside at least talk to him, it wont hurt, hopefully. 


Just... most people lose intelligence when there is a promise of skin involved, so to speak. Romance in general seems to impair on peoples abilities to reason. Lessons you shouldnt have to learn the hard way, just keep that in mind, I dont know, it sounded more important in my head.

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On the guys I can offer no advice as my dating involved 2 random girls running up to me when I was in primary school and telling me we were in a relationship. They lasted about 10 minutes and when they came over to tell me it was over I had forgotten all about it, as I was reading at the time and they rudely interrupted me not once but twice. 


As for when I was in highschool, all of the females I interracted with thought I was a psychopath. 


In college I kinda didn't care enough about people to put any effort towards getting in to any kind of relationship.

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Boy advice?... Ehhh, my general advice is if you start to crush on somebody then just try to become their friend. If they're nice then you can become good friends and get used to each other and then maybe move on to more than friends. If they aren't actually the type of person you like, then it should be easier to back away un awkwardly. There's no rushing into anything and maybe putting them off this way.

How to become their friend? Depends. My ways are styled to me, and don't necessarily translate to you. Basically, do whatever feels comfortable and nice and don't overthink. Overthinking leads to awkwardness, which is teenager ness, but should be avoided.

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Boy advice?... Ehhh, my general advice is if you start to crush on somebody then just try to become their friend. If they're nice then you can become good friends and get used to each other and then maybe move on to more than friends. If they aren't actually the type of person you like, then it should be easier to back away un awkwardly. There's no rushing into anything and maybe putting them off this way.

How to become their friend? Depends. My ways are styled to me, and don't necessarily translate to you. Basically, do whatever feels comfortable and nice and don't overthink. Overthinking leads to awkwardness, which is teenager ness, but should be avoided.

Good advice. Unfortunately, I have zero friends (except on this site) so getting a girlfriend is very out there.

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On the guys I can offer no advice as my dating involved 2 random girls running up to me when I was in primary school and telling me we were in a relationship. They lasted about 10 minutes and when they came over to tell me it was over I had forgotten all about it, as I was reading at the time and they rudely interrupted me not once but twice.

As for when I was in highschool, all of the females I interracted with thought I was a psychopath.

In college I kinda didn't care enough about people to put any effort towards getting in to any kind of relationship.

Accidental downvote someone fix pls
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