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I won't say it because I find it bordering on nationalism. I pledge allegiance to no nation or entity, save God and my own conscience. I bear no loyalties towards my own nation over any other, and I refuse to support or endorse the government that presumes to rule over me.


I don't know how many people say it daily, but speaking as someone in the heart of conservative Texas, patriotism of all kinds is pretty strong down here.



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Hmm, try this one.


Raised as a Sheltered Homeschooler (I once felt enormously guilty because I watched Toothless at a sleepover without getting my mom's permission which, let's face it, I wouldn't have gotten anyway) who later became a Rebellious Homeschooler crossed with a Hippie Homeschooler. :lol: 

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Kobold: so your loyalty is to yourself and your conscience - and then your family? Community? How far does it go till it becomes 'nation' which you don't pledge allegiance to?

Also and on a similar note, this gives me hope for the future: https://m.youtube.com/watch?ebc=ANyPxKpeQw9QVMTNTVmGP4pxrtf-wGW7MOJPetKnFxUkIoI0I65j3nI4LbMZBo-F7JYdCa_5vi3WdD-6UqXQ09NQvdAhSoD6oA&v=xQqX-Pd5U2w

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Kobold: so your loyalty is to yourself and your conscience - and then your family? Community? How far does it go till it becomes 'nation' which you don't pledge allegiance to?

As you participate more in "society", you find that there is quite a bit you rely on the nation for. Infrastructure maintenance, various standards and practices to prevent exploitation or child labor/enslavement, public education, police forces, fire fighters, and so forth.


It certainly has room for improvement, but supporting one's nation does not necessarily need to lead to fascist devotion. So one could always vote or protest or campaign according to one's conscience and acknowledge they owe quite a bit of their success/opportunities to the nation they reside in.

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I similarly don't say the pledge.  It's a bit militaristic, isn't it?  Expecting everyone to stand up and recite a loyalty oath?


Oh, and standing at the chorus of Handel's Messiah - dude.  This shouldn't even be a tradition.  You do it literally because a king did it once.

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I'm fine with saying the pledge. At my school, we only do it once a week. I imagine it must seem odd to others, but in high school, most people just mutter it. It is sometimes awkward, seeing as I hope to one day move to England permanently.  :ph34r:

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Well, to parallel this, I don't know the words to God Save the Queen. I used to know them back in primary school (that's elementary school to you Americans) but now I only the song name. I don't think the majority do to be fair.


Nor do I see any real need to re-learn them. I'd much rather be singing Galantis - Peanut Butter Jelly :lol:

Edited by ParadoxSpren
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...you know you're an introvert when you can't handle eating out in the dining room because people so you hide in your room with a bag of Fritos and some cheese dip. :ph34r:

You should've seen me the couple times there were Priest/Laurel church activities at my house. I am much the same.

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You should've seen me the couple times there were Priest/Laurel church activities at my house. I am much the same.

And the only people there were my family. So yeah. It was just a little too chaotic for me. I don't generally have anything against family dinners, but a free-for-all isn't really my thing. Hence the cheese dip.

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And the only people there were my family. So yeah. It was just a little too chaotic for me. I don't generally have anything against family dinners, but a free-for-all isn't really my thing. Hence the cheese dip.

You probably wouldn't have liked the family dinners my family had when all eight of us were home, then. :P They were nothing if not exciting. :D Though my brothers always stole my chicken. They still steal my chicken. This displeases me.

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You probably wouldn't have liked the family dinners my family had when all eight of us were home, then. :P They were nothing if not exciting. :D Though my brothers always stole my chicken. They still steal my chicken. This displeases me.


Well, I actually don't mind family dinners (usually). That actually sounds rather fun, and you can rest assured that I wouldn't be stealing your chicken. :P

Wish my parents had let me do things like that. <_< Even when I was all "peopled out," I had to be social.

I'm sorry. :( That really stinks.

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I honestly don't mind family dinners and gatherings. (Yummy food is always a great distraction but the problem is there is never enough of it) I usually just wander between groups *storyofmylife* due to growing bored because of uninteresting conversation. I'll typically stick around though for a few words here and there, sipping my tea, making myself useful by clearing up or just preferring to sit and listen as the women of the family steer the conversation to whichever topic is most prevalent ^_^  

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