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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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On 3/28/2020 at 9:11 PM, Snakenaps said:

I wish I could read Mistborn again with new eyes. Experience the shock, horror, and joy of a first read once again. 

Thatś exactly what my mom and my two brothers said. My dad, sister and other brother hasn't read it yet.

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I am currently Shadows for Silence in The Forests of Hell. Yes I know that is A short story, I SHOULD be done with it right now but generally i am not that fast of a reader and online school is killing me. But back to the book I am almost done with it and i really like! (which has never not happens when reading a Sanderson book.)

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On 3/28/2020 at 8:11 PM, Snakenaps said:

I wish I could read Mistborn again with new eyes. Experience the shock, horror, and joy of a first read once again. 

Did someone say Experience?:P

I am currently reading books by sharders. If anyone has books they've written, please send them my way. I want to read them!

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12 hours ago, Mandamon said:

HI everyone! A bit (lot) self-promotional this morning, as I just opened up the Kickstarter for Facets and Fall, which you kind folks have been reviewing.You can find the campaign here:https://kickstarter.com/projects/spacewizard/the-dissolution-cycle-books-2-and-3-science-fantasy-lgbtq

You can also get a look at a few of the characters, as I have the first illustrations posted in the campaign: G sitting on K, and one of the Elg!

Any social media shares are appreciated!

@Mandamon has just started his Kickstarter for his next two books, although he has also published multiple books: http://williamctracy.com/ I highly recommend Seeds of the Dissolution, as I adored it. 

@kais has also published several books: https://jsfieldsbooks.com/ I haven't had the chance to read any of their published work yet, but I love what they post on Reading Excuses. 

47 minutes ago, Experience said:

Did someone say Experience?:P

I am currently reading books by sharders. If anyone has books they've written, please send them my way. I want to read them!

I meant to have this quote on the top of this comment but I screwed it up and I can't figure out to fix it on mobile :/

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On 8.4.2020 at 4:17 AM, McWafy said:

I am currently Shadows for Silence in The Forests of Hell. Yes I know that is A short story, I SHOULD be done with it right now but generally i am not that fast of a reader and online school is killing me. But back to the book I am almost done with it and i really like! (which has never not happens when reading a Sanderson book.)

Nice! I've been re-reading all Cosmere short stories and novellas in the last few days (one per day). Shadows for Silence is actually the one I enjoy the most, along with Emperor's Soul. Its story-telling is just amazingly tight - I think in that regard, it's only matched by the Lift interlude (which is an absolute masterpiece in that aspect). Needless to say, I love the atmosphere. :D

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Guest _Shallan_

I am currently on book 6 of The Wheel of Time series called Lord of Chaos, but even though I am almost finished with it, it feels like a slog and I can't even remember what of any importance has happened in it so far.  Aside from the men still all being (Potentially offensive phrase redacted) whipped and the women still being as insufferable as ever. :/

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22 minutes ago, -Felurian- said:

I am currently on book 6 of The Wheel of Time series called Lord of Chaos, but even though I am almost finished with it, it feels like a slog and I can't even remember what of any importance has happened in it so far.  Aside from the men still all being (Potentially offensive phrase redacted) whipped and the women still being as insufferable as ever. :/

You are not even at the most difficult section of the series. In my opinion the series takes a steep dive from here and rock bottom at Crossroads of the Twilight a slight upturn at Knife of Dreams but still well below Lord of Chaos. Brandon Sanderson does a great job finishing the series and in my opinion is worth enduring. If it ever gets to be too much you can easily find plot summaries and just continue with The Gathering Storm. Honestly you could even just start with the Gathering Storm after Lord of Chaos and eventually pick everything up. Has any series had so much potential squandered as Wheel of Time? So many great ideas and a fascinating world but it has just so many problems. Opinions vary however but just my two cents on the series. 

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Are we giving controversial opinions on the Wheel of Time? Here's mine: it's significance is overstated and should never be considered a seminal work of fantasy.

Honestly, it's influence on the genre is very minimal or indirect. Much less pronounced than Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. 

Here's what it did: 

1) Vastly improved the careers of George R R Martin and Brandon Sanderson (Robert Jordan suggested aSoIaF to fans wanting books while they waited for the next Wheel of Time installment) 

2) Gave the entire fantasy readership anxiety over whether their authors would ever live to finish their series. 


That said, I do understand why a Brandon Sanderson fansite might promote it a little more. I would advise not to get too bent out of shape if it's not for you. The best way to support Sanderson is to buy his newer stuff first. Everything else is gravy on the mashed potatoes. 

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Guest _Shallan_
30 minutes ago, Orlion the Platypus said:

Are we giving controversial opinions on the Wheel of Time? Here's mine: it's significance is overstated and should never be considered a seminal work of fantasy.

Honestly, it's influence on the genre is very minimal or indirect. Much less pronounced than Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. 

Here's what it did: 

1) Vastly improved the careers of George R R Martin and Brandon Sanderson (Robert Jordan suggested aSoIaF to fans wanting books while they waited for the next Wheel of Time installment) 

2) Gave the entire fantasy readership anxiety over whether their authors would ever live to finish their series. 


That said, I do understand why a Brandon Sanderson fansite might promote it a little more. I would advise not to get too bent out of shape if it's not for you. The best way to support Sanderson is to buy his newer stuff first. Everything else is gravy on the mashed potatoes. 

your point number 1 just makes me question him even more if that's true.  I actively despise Martin with everything I have in me.  As to your second point, I have the Kingkiller books, But have not read them yet because of this issue Rothfus is having with the final book, whatever the hell it might be.

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I FINALLY made it through The Stand. Didn’t think I’d ever finish that book! Not a bad book but wouldn’t call it great either. 

I’m starting Broken Earth trilogy again. I’ve already made it further than my first attempt about a 1/3 through the first book. Like the first time I tried it hasn’t really hooked me yet but I find myself with a lot more time for books at the moment. 

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On 3/28/2020 at 9:11 PM, Snakenaps said:

I wish I could read Mistborn again with new eyes. Experience the shock, horror, and joy of a first read once again. 

I know! My mom is the one who introduced me to Brandon Sanderson (not literally, just to his books) and she felt the same way when I first started reading Mistborn.

Edited by McWafy
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Read The Dresden Files: Storm Front.  Really enjoyed it!  It's got a lot of issues, most notably the fact that Harry kind of needs to take a fridge cold shower through every interaction with a woman he has, but overall, it still captured me.  Obvious growing pains that accompany a debut novel as well.  Really looking forward to starting Fool Moon later tonight.  

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On 4/19/2020 at 9:46 PM, Briar King said:

Bk 2 is the worst of the series. Book 3 on is a roller coaster of epicness.

About halfway through it at this point, and I'm enjoying it.  I read a few reviews in advance, and I see some peoples complaints, but I guess those same reviews warned me, so nothings bothered me too much so far!  Hoping I like the rest of the book as much as I have so far.  Either way though I'm definitely in for the long haul.  I already love Harry so much lol.  Definitely the best wizard named Harry I've come across.

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On 4/9/2020 at 7:55 PM, Ammanas said:

... find plot summaries and just continue with The Gathering Storm. Honestly you could even just start with the Gathering Storm after Lord of Chaos and eventually pick everything up. ...

I feel so validated! because that's exactly what I did. I forced myself to finish the 6th book, then used the WoT Encyclopedia ( http://www.encyclopaedia-wot.org/) and Leigh Butler's reread (https://www.tor.com/features/series/wot-reread/) to jump straight to Brandon's books.

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1 hour ago, old aggie said:

I'm reading The Lord of the Rings again (19th time). Right now the company has just entered Moria. There's always something new to notice, on every trip to Mount Doom.:)

Are you a Hobbit and LOTR only Tolkien fan or have you read the rest of the Legendarium? I’m more of a middle of the road fan. It took a few tries to finish the Silmarillion but found it to be fantastic once I got a handle on it. I plan on reading Unfinished Tales in the future. I read the Children of Hurin but I think I prefer the shorter version of the story found in the Silmarillion. Probably isn’t a popular opinion though.

For what I’m reading it’s Heirs of the Blade by Tchaikovsky. It’s the slowest of the series, but the best written. The author continues to impress and entertain me.

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53 minutes ago, Ammanas said:

Are you a Hobbit and LOTR only Tolkien fan or have you read the rest of the Legendarium? I’m more of a middle of the road fan. It took a few tries to finish the Silmarillion but found it to be fantastic once I got a handle on it. I plan on reading Unfinished Tales in the future. I read the Children of Hurin but I think I prefer the shorter version of the story found in the Silmarillion. Probably isn’t a popular opinion though.

For what I’m reading it’s Heirs of the Blade by Tchaikovsky. It’s the slowest of the series, but the best written. The author continues to impress and entertain me.

unfinished tales is definitely worth a read.  but otherwise i'm with you.  I liked the short version of children of hurin, and have never made ti far when I tried lost tales

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Currently reading Shorefall by Robert Jackson Bennett. Foundryside was a wonderful read. I tried the Dragonbone Chair but it was just way too slow for me, and I was in a slump so that might have played a part. I'm hoping this picks my reading back up but so far so good!

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