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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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38 minutes ago, Shqueeves said:

What even is this? 

It's Joe's avatar as Roadwalker said, but Haelbarde photoshopped it to a thinking Joe after Joe used the thinking emoji all the time on Discord. It's also indistinguishable from Calderis in that photo. Oh Harmony it's good. 

Edited by Extesian
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When you're building a box for your MtG Storm deck and you realize there's only one way to decorate this thing: 

Also when you spend the whole time making it considering what color identities each of the KR orders would have. Esper Elsecallers, that's my order. 





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When reading or hearing the word "limitations" instantly reminds you of Sanderson's Laws of Magic.

When the best Kahoot username you've ever used is "Kelsier Kholin".

When you've surpassed the person who first recommended Sanderson books to you in reading the cosmere books and just in Sanderfanness in general. I'm talking about my dad. He's not really into the cosmere; he just loves the books for what they are, and he's annoyed by me sometimes when I fanboy about it all. I'm watching at him reread Words of Radiance next to me as I write this.

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9 hours ago, Firerust said:

When you've surpassed the person who first recommended Sanderson books to you in reading the cosmere books and just in Sanderfanness in general. I'm talking about my dad. He's not really into the cosmere; he just loves the books for what they are, and he's annoyed by me sometimes when I fanboy about it all. I'm watching at him reread Words of Radiance next to me as I write this.

This is just like me with my dad! :) He recommended the books to me in the first place, and he likes to talk about them with me sometimes, but if I talk about it too much, he'll just, like, change the subject on me. Only difference is that my dad is into the cosmere

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36 minutes ago, Penumbra said:

When you battle your fears by repeating the first radiant ideal to yourself. It's really motivational.

All together now:
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination."

I just may start that habit myself. I usually go with scripture, but Sanderson might be close enough in some cases.

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Just now, AngelEy3 said:

All together now:
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination."

I just may start that habit myself. I usually go with scripture, but Sanderson might be close enough in some cases.

It really keeps one thinking. "Journey before destination" has become like my Cosmere version of shouting "YOLO" when I find myself afraid to step out of my comfort zone and take a risk.

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20 minutes ago, AngelEy3 said:

All together now:
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination."

I just may start that habit myself. I usually go with scripture, but Sanderson might be close enough in some cases.

no lie, I've used that ideal as illustration at Sunday School...


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Short story: 

I just belt tested for Tae-Kwon-Do, and I got my next belt. (Yay)! To get your next belt, you have to break at least one board. (I got mine on my first try). Once I sat down again, I named my board my Oathbringer board! 


It refuses to go the other way.

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