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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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A few more photos from Saturday.

Duck portraits (4 photos)


This Mallard couple was super friendly. I think they were expecting me to feed them. XD







Another shot of the chicken from my last post in this thread (1 photo):




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You guys, I'm feeling so nervous and excited all at once and just a bit overwhelmed. Big things going on yesterday and tomorrow.

So yesterday, my varsity drama class had part of our region-level competition for one-act plays, and our class not only made it to state, but took first overall in region! Apparently, that hasn't happened for our school in years, so we were all ecstatic about it, and I was left exhausted by the overwhelming triumph. Stuff like that really doesn't usually happen with me. Like, I'm depressed quite a lot of the time, but that was an actual day of blissful joy for me. So many things went right that day.

And now I'm going to senior prom tomorrow with a really, really, really cute friend of mine who I've been friends with for a quite a while and liked for even longer and I'm both terrified and extremely excited, as it's my last formal dance of my last school year and I'm going with my crush. All in all, I'm feeling quite... ecstatic right now, and I just wanted to share it somewhere. Wish me good luck, I guess? Maybe some good vibes to go with it?

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On Friday I spent pretty much the whole day at Antelope Island State Park (on Utah's Great Salt Lake) and had a totally awesome time. Found lots of fun birds and got some nice photos, and I saw a coyote! (Got photos of him too, but they're kinda terrible.) I took over 300 pictures, so I'm still sorting through them, but here are some of the nicer ones so far. =)

Western Meadowlarks (3 photos):


In the middle of singing. They are beautiful singers!


Different individual, but still a Western Meadowlark, ruffling up his feathers.


Eyeing me before he decided I was too close for comfort and flew off. :lol:


Great Horned Owl (2 photos):


The park ranger who pointed out to me where this owl was sleeping said that this is the male and that the female is most likely sitting on a nest somewhere nearby.


Giving me a glare.


Assorted songbirds (3 photos):


Say's Phoebe. These guys are only in north-central Utah during the summer, so seeing them is a sure sign that spring is on its way!


Same with Sage Thrashers like this one--summer birds in most of Utah and a sign of spring.


Dark-eyed Junco, a type of sparrow:


More photos later when I've made more progress on sorting them. :)

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@Mestiv Thanks! That trip really was the highlight of my week. It felt so good to be outdoors and mostly by myself in nature. ^_^ And now, a few more pictures from Antelope Island!

Burrowing Owl (1 photo):


This photo is mega-cropped, taken from inside my car on the shoulder of the road with the lens pointing out the window. As the name implies, Burrowing Owls live underground--usually they take over prairie dog holes and enlarge them. The park rangers at Antelope Island, however, have put out a manmade "burrow" for the island's owls; that's what the box in the photo is. Because they nest on the ground, Burrowing Owls are even more vulnerable to disturbance by humans than other owls. I could have walked right up to the burrow since it was just grass and dirt between it and the road, but I was not going to harass the owls and possibly contribute to their abandoning the nest, just for a closer picture.


Somebody's very photogenic pet bulldog (2 photos):




Coyote waaaaaay off in the distance (1 photo):



Raven ( @AngelEy3 I think you'll want to see these 2 photos):


This guy (or gal, I suppose) was sitting on the roof of the visitor center, being very vocal. Several times he made a noise that sounded almost like a hiccup, which I thought was pretty funny.




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9 hours ago, Del-light-full said:

 Chag Kosher Vesameach @Pinnacle-Ferring @Nathrangking @Kingsdaughter613 @other Shard Jews I dont know!


(For the rest of you, Pesach/Passover starts tonight).

My ancestors were jewish, I've only recently found that out.  Happy passover to you to!

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13 minutes ago, Del-light-full said:

Ooh Happy Passover! Feel free to ask anything :)

Suffice it to say, I don't know what I don't know.  I have celebrated Jewish holidays, with my moms best friend.  But we were young at the time, and they were just hanging out with my aunt (not related by blood) and her daughters.

I was raised roman catholic, but I have since run out of faith for all religions.  *shrug* Lack of evidence.

Still, hope our jewish forum members had fun!

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10 hours ago, mattig89ch said:

Suffice it to say, I don't know what I don't know.  I have celebrated Jewish holidays, with my moms best friend.  But we were young at the time, and they were just hanging out with my aunt (not related by blood) and her daughters.

I was raised roman catholic, but I have since run out of faith for all religions.  *shrug* Lack of evidence.

Still, hope our jewish forum members had fun!

So being Jewish isnt just about religion, its also a culture and ethnic identity. But its also kinda all tied together so....its complicated.

Passover runs all week actually. The main thing is that we dont eat any risen bread/cakes etc. Instead we eat matzah and things made from matzah. 

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Happy Easter, Happy Passover, and Happy April Fool's, y'all!

Had a fabulous day of birding on Saturday and got some new photos. :D

Crocuses blooming (2 photos):




European Starling (1 photo):


This guy was super cooperative for photos. He sat in this tree posing for like 5 minutes while I snapped pictures.


American Avocets (2 photos):


A little squad of these guys (the prettiest shorebirds, in my opinion!) was foraging in the shallow water of a pond next to the road, so I pulled over and used my car as a "hide"--pointing my camera out the window so I could photograph the birds without scaring them off by getting out.




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Happy Easter!

I'm excited that I'm going to Easter mass at 11:00 am today, instead of 5:00 pm mass that I normally go to, and that the youth choir isn't singing today.

Because, really, singing in choir is my favorite part of mass. And Easter mass is always crowded, being a holy day of obligation and all.

Ah, well.

Also exciting for me: This week I am going on a field trip for my school chorus (I am in chorus at school, and the youth choir at church) to New York. To sing in Carnegie Hall for a festival that involves high school choruses from across the country singing there. It's also going to be the first time I've flown on an airplane. I'm excited and scared all at once.

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