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Ash, I'll send that PM in just a bit. I've been working on this nice long essay since I got home from work....


These seem like some good points. Regarding Wyrm, I might want to read through that MR2 game…

 MR3. He (and Kas, in a PM) corrected me. It’s Sart’s Rithmatist game.

At the same time, I’ll point out, Wilson, that you've been reacting very aggressively against any accusations against you. You pull out speculations against players who blame you and then try to turn the discussion against them (especially Wyrm, here).

If I’ve seemed aggressive, I apologize. That’s not my intent. As for the second part here, it’s pretty standard for me to defend myself and address different aspects of accusations, particularly when I vehemently disagree with those accusations. I’ll point out logical inconsistencies, because...well...logic is a big thing for me. It can make or break an argument.

This kind of contradicts what you've been saying about yourself in-thread ("You guys can't really trust me.", "Take what I say with a pinch of salt", etc.) Your suspect list is simply composed of the people who have accused you at one point or another. (well, mostly)

 ...I haven’t been saying that about myself, to my knowledge. Link, please? I’ve probably indicated that I understand that people don’t trust me, but I haven’t said that they can’t. Or shouldn’t. Or should take what I say with a grain of salt (although, again, I understand if people do. Because not everyone trusts me. Which happens.)
About my suspect list. Out of the five people mentioned, two have never mentioned any suspicion of me, one said that he understood why others would be suspicious of me and another but that he himself was suspicious of others, one apologized for a misaccusation (which was placed after I’d already stated I was suspicious of him), and one made a highly suspicious post trying to get a group organizer killed (regardless of it being me or not). I try to keep my own personal feelings out of my reasonings for suspects. I understand that I’m not always successful in that endeavor, but I think in this case, I’ve done pretty well.


Don't get me wrong. I'm definitely not accusing you of being an eliminator here (if you've been PM networking as much as you say, the eliminators would probably have more info and the kills wouldn't be going around so wildly). Just don’t point a gun at players who are simply discussing possibilities.

Oh, I love discussion. When everyone participates, it helps sift out the eliminators. Not always, but oftentimes.


The PMs set you up as potential leaders and garnered you a lot of information.  There is more value gained then just what is said in the group PMs, which as you stated is very dangerous to the spiked or very beneficial if you are spiked.  Which is why I am confused they would take out Kas instead of you.

 You and me both. Like I said, I expected one of two people to get hit. Me or someone else (again, I’m not referring to Claincy). The fact that that didn’t happen has me rather confused, because I seriously have no idea why they hit Kas. All I know is that it does not make sense for it to be a threat kill.

There are 6 other players who are better targets as threats than Kas. Me, Wyrm, Ren, Claincy, Maill, and Joe. Not all of us could be Spiked. Not even half of those are Spiked, I’d bet. So no, Kas wasn’t a threat kill. Kas was something else. Perhaps random. Perhaps a connection, but if it’s a connection, I can’t see it, probably because I don’t have all the pieces necessary--like knowledge of who exactly he was in communication with. The only connection I can see is Wyrm, but I’m skeptical about following that one out as far as I can, because the last time I went and analyzed a player’s posts in a game, I ended up getting them lynched and they were innocent. And they weren’t very happy with me about it. I’d rather not have a repeat of that.


With the amount of skilled players here I doubt the classic Eliminator style would be what they are playing.  Although I could be giving the spiked way more credit then deserve.

Don’t misunderstand me. When I say “classic Eliminator style,” I’m not meaning their entire playstyle in the game. I mean when it comes to a lynch. If they don’t have to get their hands dirty directly, most Eliminators aren’t going to get involved. Especially with something as dangerous as this. Let me lay this out two scenarios for you. Both of these scenarios will have a constant of Claincy and I being villagers. Obviously, the Eliminators will know this.
Scenario 1
The Eliminators decide to kill me tomorrow night. In the morning, when I am found dead, the villagers say “Well, that’s no surprise. Good to know she’s a villager. I guess we can pay more attention to those people she was suspicious of and also keep up with the discussion on finding these spiked” (Or something along those lines). The next night, Claincy dies. Once again, the village goes “That’s no surprise” and keeps on the hunt. They may lynch a few villagers mistakenly, but all the while, they’re getting closer and closer to finding the Spiked. They’re able to stay focused on the task. Whether or not they succeed is about how well the Spiked can stay hidden.
Scenario 2
The Eliminators decide not to kill us at night. The start manipulating the villagers very subtly in PMs, slowly turning the villagers against us. By about Cycle 4 of every night someone different dying and no kill being blocked, it’s obvious that the Spiked aren’t going after us, and the Villagers begins to think that, ya know, maybe they really are Spiked. They really could be. It’s the only thing that makes sense. They should be dead by now, but they’re not, and they haven’t even been attacked, and we’re all trusting them, but we’ve heard that they’re good at this, so they could be manipulating us really well and OH MY GOSH, THEY’RE TOTALLY SPIKED. The Villagers are the ones to bring this up so much in the thread and come to this full conclusion. This is all the result of days of manipulation on the part of the Spiked. They’ve worked very hard to make this happen, and they’re quite pleased to see their hard work paying off.
I’m lynched first. The Eliminators do not participate in that lynch. After I’m dead, the Village is shocked to find out that I’m a Villager. But, there’s another target. Claincy’s still alive. It’s got to be him. Sure it wasn’t Wilson, but he must’ve been manipulating her well, which is why she didn’t notice that he was Spiked, and he was keeping her alive because he had her wrapped around his little finger. Not point in killing her then. It’s got to be him. The next day, Claincy’s lynched. Some of the Eliminators will participate in this lynch. Others will sit back and say “I’m not sure that he’s really Spiked, guys; I think you might be making a mistake.” After Claincy dies, the Village is once again shocked to discover he’s a Villager.
They start pointing fingers at each other. Mostly at the people who started it--the ones who first vocalized in the thread that we must be Spiked. Those people get lynched. They’re not Eliminators. More fingers point, but nobody is really pointing at the spiked because they stayed out of it. In fact, some people might even rally behind a few of them, because they didn’t participate at all--in fact, maybe some of them tried to calm the Villagers down and get them to not lynch us. These people have got to be good, right? They knew. The Village implodes, and no one is really paying attention to the task at hand and really focused on finding the Spiked (and the ones who are are getting picked off at night), because they’ve all fallen victim to manipulation and gotten sucked into it. They lynch villager after villager, and all the while, the Eliminators are killing people off each night, narrowing the field, getting closer and closer to victory each day.

Tell me, which scenario do you think the Spiked are more likely to choose? The one that makes the Villagers go “That’s no surprise,” and stay on the hunt, or the one that turns the village on itself and makes them attack each other? That’s a rhetorical question, because I think we all know the answer.

I don't think the spiked were ok with the options on the table.  An eliminator that has completely flown under the radar wouldn't put themselves in that situation, but you and Eol haven't flown under the radar. Why else would Eol last minute vote like that?

You don’t? I sure do. I think there was a maximum of one Spiked on the table, and I’m nearly certain the Spiked have a vote manipulation role at their disposal. There were 4 lynch options, although if you count Dom, since the second vote on him got dropped late, there were technically 5. Satrams, Karnad, Hero, Ash, and Dom. Satrams and Karnad both are confirmed innocent. Dom is practically a guarantee to be a villager, but maybe not. Even if he is, the Spiked wouldn’t care that he’s on the table, since he’s inactive. My gut tells me that Hero is clean. And that just leaves Ash, who may or may not be spiked. One out of five. That’s pretty low odds. And with a vote manipulation role, if the person is checking constantly, they can make sure that in case their teammate looks like they’re going to get lynched, they can mess with it to make it a tie.
So no, I don’t think the Spiked were worried about the vote.
I never fly under the radar in terms of not standing out. Not anymore, anyway. I’m far too proactive, especially lately. LG6 corrupted me in terms of getting heavily involved. If you want to see Evil!Wilson flying under the radar in terms of suspicion but not flying under the radar in terms of involvement, go take a look at LG9. Even then, I held to the shadows as much as I could, because I far prefer mindgames and one-on-one manipulation to standing out in the open and keeping the crap from hitting me.
Why would Eol vote last minute like that? He’d be better to answer that one, but I just want to point out one thing: it wasn’t last minute. You make it sound like he voted 30 minutes before the rollover, not giving Sart any time at all to respond. He didn’t. It was 2 hours before, and Sart was online looking at the thread (seriously, why do people keep overlooking this!? It’s not a pointless, irrelevant fact).

I'll be very interested in what connection you come up with.

 Yeah, I may have overestimated my skill. And my patience. I really just want to watch Arrow right now and have a night to myself where I can eat far too much ice cream and watch a good-looking guy with a bow (I’m nothing if not a straight female with a slight obsession with bows and arrows :P)

This was meant to be shown as circumstantial evidence.  You said this is exactly how an eliminator should play and that (at least from what I see) is how it is being played out.  Maybe I am wrong but we will see.

Um. I believe my exact wording was that it would be “better to spread out the kills than focus on one group.” I didn’t say that’s how they should play, although it is the way that makes the most sense. I also disagree with calculating a villager-controlled lynch into that evidence, but that’s just me...

So you and Eol came up with a plan to last minute vote on Sart?  Would you flesh out why that was a smart plan especially with all of the suspicion on Eol at the time?

Once again, it wasn’t last minute, and most of the true suspicion on Eol had died down by then, thanks to his explanation--an explanation, by the way, that made sense given the context of what happened. He even told Kas, a confirmed innocent, that he was going to try something. I don’t care that he didn’t tell Kas what he was going to do. The fact is that he told him, and a Spiked would have no reason to tell an innocent. I also happen to know that he learned the identity of a Tineye through his experiment. Yet no Tineye was attacked last night. Not much evidence, but it’s some. Mostly, though, I know that no competent eliminator team would let someone try something like that, knowing that it would put such high suspicion on them, regardless of their role.

Condoned is actually the wrong word.  I don't think the spiked group would come up with that plan and risk it.  I do think Eol did the PM Phishing without the consent of the spiked, but the spiked didn't know of it until afterwords.  Eol even said he didn't expect people to find out for a least a couple rounds.
If a member of a spiked group did it without the others knowing I would expect it to play out like it currently is.  At least that is the only reason i can see for Eol's actions.

No, I knew exactly what you meant, and my response was based on that. If Eol and I were both spiked, and he pulled a stunt like that that was not condoned, the second I found out what happened and who was behind it, I would not have relented until he was dead. I would have continued casting suspicion on him--particularly in PMs. I don’t care if Eol said he didn’t think people would find out for a few rounds. The fact is that they did, and I would’ve tossed him aside.
I see a far simpler reason for Eol’s actions: he’s a clean villager who made a mistake and he’s defended himself at least well enough to keep the villagers from lynching him quite yet even though he still has suspicion on him from it. If he’s spiked, I don’t see how he’s still alive, since clearly he did it so he would die, so why isn’t he dead yet? Why did he even defend himself yesterday? He was set to be lynched and then he defended himself. So if there’s any explanation that literally does not make any sense whatsoever it’s that he is spiked. I would almost stake my life on it. In fact, you know what? I will. I’m so certain that Eol isn’t spiked that if he gets lynched today and he is, I will gladly submit myself to the chopping block tomorrow. I’ll even cast the first vote on myself, Kas-style.

My purposes are to try to figure out if you can be trusted or not.  I don't think I conveniently twisted anything... Although you have tried to turn my post into something sinister and suspicious.

Conveniently omitted portions of my logic and wording that don’t support your argument (as in the case with the threat kills) is twisting things, even if you deny it. And I didn’t turn your post into anything. I picked it apart logically. Using logic. It’s not my fault it ended up looking sinister and suspicious.

Why else would I all of a sudden be near the top of your suspect list?

Um. Perhaps because your post was illogical and based mostly on circumstantial evidence, and I was expecting the Eliminators to pull something like this, even if I never vocalized it (which I didn’t vocalize it, because you never know whose hands those words will get into, and if it gets into the Eliminators hands, what I was expecting to happen all of a sudden would never happen). I’m suspicious of you because you’re suspicious.

If you have questions about my behavior that you think would benefit everyone to know please ask.  That is all I have done with you and nothing you haven't done to others.

No particular questions. Though if you’d like to respond again, I’ll be happy to continue the debate. It’s been refreshing. :)

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Okay, I can finally post now.


I am also suspicious of Jain, a large part of my suspicion is because of this (I know it was a little while ago but it wasn't till a little later that this really stuck out to me):

Promoting that there should be a discussion but deciding not to take part in it is decidedly unhelpful. I'd really like to hear some of your thoughts.


Currently, I'm in China - and as I've said before in other place - the WiFi here is pretty limited, so I only get a few short windows in a day to check in on whats happening here, so I won't be able to participate a lot in the main discussions.


Kas, in my view, was probably killed because he' such a dangerous player. For those of you who haven't seen him in action, look at the Eliminator doc for Long Game 5, or any of the other games he's played. There's also the possibility that Kas accidentally came into contact with an Eliminator and perhaps got too daring, and as a result got executed. Kas tends to play a bit more daringly when he's a vanilla (he said so himself in previous games) and maybe he took one risk too many.


Peng, you still haven't posted or given reason for your inactivity. Care to come out?


Edit: (Sigh)

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Baron Von Piffertiff stood in the center of the street, observing a pair of guards lift away another body. Teys was giving him a general report on what he had found out, but the Baron wasn't listening anymore. One murder could be a strike of passion. However, with the koloss approaching and the saboteurs infiltrating the town, nothing was an accident anymore. Why, this morning the Baron had come across a baker claiming that the saboteurs had stolen all of his grain. Preposterous, although the Baron did instruct Teys to look out for any wheat and wheat by-products at the scene of any future murders. 


"Now, Baron, what's really interesting is this here multi-coloured response. These dyes are expensive, especially blue, and as a result I believe we can track down the killer! You see, blue dye can only come from-"


"Captain Teys, the message-writer may not be the killer, and even if he or she was, they could have easily stolen that dye. Don't jump to conclusions. If you do, good people get hung for no good reason. And I don't want that happening again. Understand?"


Captain Teys's had never seen the Baron act this way, and spluttered a "Yes, Baron." Most people only knew the Baron as a quiet man who hardly ever left his estate, and wrote books for a living. Some knew him as an aloof aristocrat, going through stewards and servants quicker than the ash could fall. Nobody knew him like this, serious and with such a look in his eye. That look that made men part crowds on their way to do something heroic. 


Or it could be the look of someone that is completely done.


Baron Von Piffertiff did something that day that no-one in town had ever seen him do. He went to a tavern and ordered something so alcoholic that if you are under 21 and you simply read the name of it, you'll be arrested faster than you can scream "It's just reading? How is this possible? What is this, Fahrenheit 451?"

Needless to say, the villagers were quite shocked.

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Once again, it wasn’t last minute, and most of the true suspicion on Eol had died down by then, thanks to his explanation--an explanation, by the way, that made sense given the context of what happened. He even told Kas, a confirmed innocent, that he was going to try something. I don’t care that he didn’t tell Kas what he was going to do. The fact is that he told him, and a Spiked would have no reason to tell an innocent. I also happen to know that he learned the identity of a Tineye through his experiment. Yet no Tineye was attacked last night. Not much evidence, but it’s some. Mostly, though, I know that no competent eliminator team would let someone try something like that, knowing that it would put such high suspicion on them, regardless of their role.

Good points, those. I don't agree that his explanation was very convincing, but the fact that he told Kas (I hadn't realized that that was who he told) ahead of time is huge. I hereby withdraw my vote for Eolhondras, though now I'm at a loss as to who to vote for. While I still suspect Wilson and Wyrm slightly more than most, I don't suspect either of them enough to try to have them lynched. 

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Ugh… I hate staying up late.  Although, it was completely my fault for reading Firefight for 6 hours or so…

First of all, with the Eolhondras thing, this is turning into so much of an “I know you know” thing that it’s kind of pointless for the Spiked to have done such a thing.  The Spiked, if I may add, did not target one of the players that Eol claims to have PM’d.  So, I’d guess that they do not have access to his information, or they’re just trying to hold off on lynching the Tineye to make Eol not look as immediately suspicious as a Spiked.  Right now, I’m leaning towards Eol telling the truth on this one, but it definitely does not mean that we should trust him.


My suspicion list is, well... rather inconclusive at this time.  I’d like to flag Ash, because of your last post.  I’m not sure why you’re assuming that there’s an Eliminator Seeker and Lurcher, and that there’s a mix of players.  Yes, probability-wise, there is likely going to be at least one or two experienced players on a team, but I don’t think it’s much help to make any assumptions based off that.  Also, you still haven’t voted yet (is this the whole “pulling the trigger” thing?), and I’m not really sure what you mean with by point against Winter Cloud and Ostrich.


I’m also wondering why Jain’s putting another vote on someone who is unlikely to show up.  Not that I don’t suspect Peng either, but it’s a rather convenient place to keep your vote for the remainder of the turn.


I’d really just like some more activity from… well, a lot of people, but I’d especially like some input from those who don't give many reasons for their lynch votes, or don't vote at all.  (Maill, for instance, wrote up a long post on the Tineye messages, but really only put one sentence about suspicions.)  If we can't get a good indication of your suspicion reasoning, we can't decide whether you're Spiked or not!

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Conveniently omitted portions of my logic and wording that don’t support your argument (as in the case with the threat kills) is twisting things, even if you deny it. And I didn’t turn your post into anything. I picked it apart logically. Using logic. It’s not my fault it ended up looking sinister and suspicious.


If I left something out when quoting you please let me know because that is not what I intended.  I presented what I thought were valid points and needed to be addressed.


You assumed a leadership type role and then started showing inconsistencies.  Maybe those inconsistencies didn't appear like inconsistencies to you, but you have to remember we don't have access to all of the information you do.  You only started offering up details when I started my earlier posts.  You asked for our trust without really providing us a reason to trust.  I am not asking you to tell us a role or anything (that would be very stupid to do and not beneficial), but don't act a way that might be perceived as suspicious.


You have addressed almost all of the points so... Wilson.


I do think we need more discussion from other people.  The cycle is half way over and not nearly enough talking as been going on to make an informed vote.


BTW I must say these games are pretty fun :) although it is going to be horrible for my schooling... I spent all day today reading this forum instead of paying attention in class!  On a side note how to do you get it so when you are quoting someone it says *player* said.


I'm Awesome because I'm Awesome!

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There is a button under each post that says quote, its in the bottom right hand corner of that post.

I totally understand how you feel about school. I had a work period today for reading Handmaid's Tale and I spent it all reading posts in this thread instead.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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The Spiked, if I may add, did not target one of the players that Eol claims to have PM’d.  So, I’d guess that they do not have access to his information, or they’re just trying to hold off on lynching the Tineye to make Eol not look as immediately suspicious as a Spiked.  Right now, I’m leaning towards Eol telling the truth on this one, but it definitely does not mean that we should trust him.


Well, Kas was technically already in communication with Eol, so while Eol didn't PM him for the social experiment, they were in communication. Also, the Tineye, unfortunately, was involved in the role reveal. Not just with Eol. Multiple people know that person's identity, and I'm fairly certain that there was a Spiked involved, so it's only a matter of time before the Tineye gets attacked.


BTW I must say these games are pretty fun :) although it is going to be horrible for my schooling... I spent all day today reading this forum instead of paying attention in class!  On a side note how to do you get it so when you are quoting someone it says *player* said.


I know exactly what you mean. It's killer hard to stay focused at work. And as for quoting. Araris mentioned the quote button. There's also the multiquote function, but that's not available on the mobile site. If you're copy and pasting the text, the BBCode is [.quote name="insert name here".] removing the periods. And then closing the html after the quote with [/quote.] (also removing the period)

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I'm going to remove my vote from Peng, since it doesn't look like he's turning up, and place it on Jain. Why did you just add an additional vote for someone who is - for the most part - inactive, instead of placing it elsewhere? I wouldn't be suspicious of it if it was the first vote on him, but when it's a lynch-threatening vote on an inactive, it starts to look a little strange to me.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Okay, I can finally post now.



Currently, I'm in China - and as I've said before in other place - the WiFi here is pretty limited, so I only get a few short windows in a day to check in on whats happening here, so I won't be able to participate a lot in the main discussions.

On the 4th of January when all this discussion was going on you said you were "in the Melbourne timezone" were you not in China at that point? I'm a little confused on this point.

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My suspicion list is, well... rather inconclusive at this time.  I’d like to flag Ash, because of your last post.  I’m not sure why you’re assuming that there’s an Eliminator Seeker and Lurcher, and that there’s a mix of players.  Yes, probability-wise, there is likely going to be at least one or two experienced players on a team, but I don’t think it’s much help to make any assumptions based off that.


Also, you still haven’t voted yet (is this the whole “pulling the trigger” thing?),


and I’m not really sure what you mean with by point against Winter Cloud and Ostrich.

I was calling eliminator Seeker/Lurcher because that's classic eliminator role distribution, but depending on how hard Meta's going to troll us, it could be any role combination.


No, it's just the I forget/ I don't know who to vote. I'm very indecisive...


The Winter Cloud and Ostrich point wasn't a point against, just an observation... It's basically what happened to me at one point. I said that I had had a strange conversation (I said this in my group PM), and Wilson told me that I wasn't the only one. It could've easily happened that way for them, so without further evidence for their collaboration, that idea is not exactly going to hold up.

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So...I totally spent last night reading Order of the Stick instead of planning my lesson for today. That's going to suck...


But it also meant that I didn't actually get the substantive comment out that I promised. Sorry about that. And it looks like I won't be able to do much of that today, either. I'll try to get something out during my lunch break (in about 9 hours), but I can't promise anything...


Hopefully tomorrow is better.

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Odustren analysed the crime scene for the hundreth time- looking for anything that would incriminate the true killer. Again, nothing stood out- the killer hadn't left anything traceable.  As he turned to go waste another night in the Tavern- he overheard the General and the Baron say something interesting...-

"Now, Baron, what's really interesting is this here multi-coloured response. These dyes are expensive, especially blue, and as a result I believe we can track down the killer! You see, blue dye can only come from-"

The dyes...? Now that he mentioned it, the colours did seem unsual..

Of course! Now that he looked closer at the message- he could recognise that all the colours of the message were from his own paints!

The person who had left this puzzle must have been the one who had stolen the paints from him. Or atleast, they had been passed onto the writer by the elusive thief. 

Odustren clenched his fist in anger at the thought of his precious paints being wasted for such ridiculing puzzles. As soon as he caught the guy who had put down these messages, he'd....

Odustren didn't finish that train of thought, instead he trudged down to the tavern- and bought the strongest drink he could afford- muttering to himself, and plotting malicous punishments for the thief. If only he could work the messages true meaning, if there was one- perhaps he could work out why it was stolen from him in the first place....

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I received an interesting PM last night from a player requesting information regarding why Kas died. This request was in the form of an information exchange. They give me their information, I give them mine. However, they did not bring anything of real value to the table. I still asked them what piece of information they would like. They could've picked anything at all. But they picked that.


To give some reference of time, this PM came through after I'd posted in thread saying I couldn't find any connection. And we all know I've been the only one saying that the Kas kill wasn't a threat kill. Yet this question leads me to think that someone else agrees. If they agree, why aren't they saying anything in the thread? Wouldn't it be better to have two or more minds working to find the connection? After all, if it's a connection kill and we find the right link, we've found an eliminator.


The only reason I can see for why this person isn't saying anything vocally, but still asked for this information is because they wanted to know exactly what I had. Who would this information benefit the most? Well, if I'm right about it being a connection kill, that information will definitely benefit the Spiked most of all, because it would tell them how close I am to finding one of them.


I'm not sure I want to reveal this person's identity quite yet. However, two of my trusted sources know who it is, so if I die before I'm able to, one of them can release it. Mostly, I wanted to see what people think about this. The person who asked it is under a fair bit of suspicion from a variety of people.


And to be honest, I'm tempted to switch my vote from Wyrm to this person, but I'd like to hear thoughts first, since the request could be an innocent one. So, what does everyone think?

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I would like to apologize for my relative inactivity thus far. I've been traveling. I only had time to look at the thread briefly and cast a vote for someone who said they were going to be inactive. I will be looking at the posts more closely then and come back with a more educated vote this cycle.



Alright, I looked over the thread some. As for my reasoning for voting Dom, I didn't really know who to suspect because I hadn't kept track of everything. I simply voted for an inactive, because if we kill an innocent inactive, we don't lose anything besides the lynch opportunity for this cycle and still might hit a spiked.


Peng stood atop his rooftop and screamed to the town. He did this often, usually shouting things like "When I was your age, we didn't have any of these fancy refined metals. We had to eat dirt and hope for the best" and "get off my lawn." This time however, it was an accusation. "Eolhandras!" he yelled. "Why are you fishing for infromation from everyone?


The fact of the matter is this: no one has done anything NEAR as suspicious as what eolhandras has done thus far in the game. I think our primary logic for not killing him last cycle was "If he was spiked, why would he do something so crazy and risky?" Here's my question: If he was innocent, why would he do something so crazy and risky? it comes down to three possiblities in my mind:

1. Eolhandras is not spiked. He is a regular villager with no abilities. Because he had no abilities, he tried to phish for info to make the game more interesting. I don't really feel bad about killing him if this is the case. He has no abilities and took a risk, knowing very well that it could result in his lynching.

2. Eolhandras is spiked (possibly with a role.) Acting on his own, without the direction of the other eliminators, he ran his phishing scam to try to get information.

3. Eolhandras is a spiked without a role, possibly the only one without a role. The eliminators decided to run this phishing scam to get info, and used eolhandras to run it because his life is less valuable to them.

Edited by jasonpenguin
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Well, my opinion is that Kas was killed because his disagreement with Hero was generating a lot of voting and discussion and other useful things. My top two suspicions are of Hero, for all of the reasons that have already been stated, and for Eol, because even if wilson would have thrown him under the bus for pulling a stunt like that, that was the response everyone gave him. He got several votes in a very short period of time. Then, when he gave his explanation, everyone's opinions changed, so if the spiked still were upset with him, splitting away from everyone like that would mark them as off. Regardless of how many people Eol guess incorrectly with, he almost certainly learned some info from his experiment, and the arguments about suiciding a player to gain info like that that were made during the first cycle still apply to him, he just managed to avoid getting killed. I can come back online around 5:30 Pacific Time and then shortly before the cycle ends. Most likely I will vote for one of these two, even if it is last minute and decides a lynch.

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Well, my opinion is that Kas was killed because his disagreement with Hero was generating a lot of voting and discussion and other useful things. My top two suspicions are of Hero, for all of the reasons that have already been stated, and for Eol, because even if wilson would have thrown him under the bus for pulling a stunt like that, that was the response everyone gave him. He got several votes in a very short period of time. Then, when he gave his explanation, everyone's opinions changed, so if the spiked still were upset with him, splitting away from everyone like that would mark them as off. Regardless of how many people Eol guess incorrectly with, he almost certainly learned some info from his experiment, and the arguments about suiciding a player to gain info like that that were made during the first cycle still apply to him, he just managed to avoid getting killed. I can come back online around 5:30 Pacific Time and then shortly before the cycle ends. Most likely I will vote for one of these two, even if it is last minute and decides a lynch.


Can you please explain how it fits that he told Kas what he was doing? If he was going off on his own without any advice from his fellow spiked, why in the world would he let someone else know who was not his own teammate?


Here's how I see the Eol situation: Eol wanted to be of use and try to peg some people by seeing how they reacted. I'll bet he was trying to match things up with past games for the players he could as well. He wasn't expecting to be discovered as fast as he was, but people started discussing it in the thread. The first person to hint towards it was Winter. However, her couple of posts weren't a direct "Hey, this happened to me, what do I do?" It was a "What do you do if this happens?" It was more hypothetical, but those who were messaged as well would know what she meant. Then we have Ostrich who gets on and directly calls out about false accusations and requests people to get in touch with him and Winter to talk about this. And it all spirals from there. That's how the role reveals started getting out and everything hit the fan.


Now, if Eol is a villager as I really think he is, the Spiked know this. When they got his PMs, they saw it as a way that they can totally spin the situation to string up someone. Make him look incredibly suspicious. Blow it out of proportion. Was Eol's experiment unwise? Yes. Should he have thought more about it? Yes. Did his explanation make sense? Yes. Did the situation blow up a little more than it should've? Yes. Was information revealed to more people than Eol? Yes. Is that Eol's fault? No. That's ours. That's on our heads. But who do you think was there, subtly encouraging the role reveals? The Spiked, almost assuredly.


I've been evil enough times to know that if I had a chance like this, there's no way I'd let it pass me by. You bet I'd try to make people suspect an innocent. He all but offered himself to the Spiked saying "Please, set me up to be lynched!" The only reason he hasn't been is because most of us are trying to be as level-headed as possible.


Could he be spiked? Yes, he could. Could he be innocent? Yes, he could. Which alignment makes more sense, given the entire situation? That he's a villager and the spiked took advantage of the opportunity he presented.

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I actually agree with Peng's point on voting for Dom.  However, I am going to vote for him since the Eolhandras issue is long over, yet he still seems determined to lynch him.  To me, this seems like a long inactive Spiked needing to find someone to point fingers at after coming back on, in order to get people to retract their votes on him.  It seems pretty likely that Eol isn't Spiked since he has explained why he conducted his experiment.

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How is the issue over? Is he any less suspicious today than he was yesterday? Just because he was able to post some logic for it doesn't make him innocent. If there's one thing I've learned playing this game, it's that people can be more deceptive than you would think. It's best to just focus on what people do instead of what they claim, and the fact of the matter is eolhandras tried to run a phishing scam to draw out roles.


EDIT: slight realization. After his day one actions, eolhandras was probably seeked. The fact that we haven't seen more of an action against him is a slight indicator towards his innocence. I'm still maintaining my vote for now though.

Edited by jasonpenguin
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I'm not sure what to do with my vote at the moment, to be perfectly honest. I can leave it on Jain, but I wouldn't be able to respond to him if he said anything later on, and I don't want to vote enough to get him lynched. I could remove it completely, but then I'm not sure I really want to do that. Do I distrust anyone enough to vote for them at this point? Well, quite possibly. I am going to vote for Eolhandras, bringing him up to two (Wilson may have convinced Weiry, but I am not so convinced, myself). If he is lynched and guilty, then I am happy to have brought it to that conclusion. If he is lynched and innocent, then at least this issue will have been settled once and for all, and we can stop being distracted by it. If he is not lynched, then let that settle for now so we can focus on other things.


As to Wilson's question, which everyone has ignored - I think it would be good to get it out in the open if you think it is suspicious enough to flag up to us. At the very least, it's more information for us to look at when voting (or for you all to look at when voting this Cycle, at least).

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Clarification for meta: did you pick the eliminators or decide them at random?


A bit of both? First thing I do is decide which and how many of the roles I plan to use for the game. I decide on which roles, if any, I think would make for a challenging Spiked team. After I decided on which and how many of the roles I think will make for a compelling game, I randomly distribute them to the player list. Then I pick out of that distribution who the Spike team is. This way, there can't be any favoritism in my distribution, but I can also make sure that neither side is overpowered. 

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