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Long Game 102: Re-Awakening at the House on the Hill

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Growing up, everyone told stories about the ruined house just outside town. Mostly ghost stories, but also a few tales of heroes and valor. One of your neighbors even claimed his great-great-great uncle had been the one to destroy the house. As if in opposition to that claim, one morning, instead of a ruin, a mansion stood there, as impressive as it must have been in the old stories. Nobody claimed a part in rebuilding the house, yet there it stood. So now you and some other curious folks have decided to take an evening and pay a visit to the House on the Hill. As the first member of your party reaches the top, the front gate swings open without a sound, as if to welcome you in.

Welcome to the House on the Hill! This game is loosely inspired by Wyrmhero's game LG 28: The Awakening at the House on the Hill, which is a fun read if you have the time. The rules here have been condensed and modified for a smaller group, but hopefully have a similar vibe.

The goal of these rules is to accommodate 8-10 players in 3 different scenarios. The village needs to discover which scenario they are in to pursue their win condition. Players can choose to explore the 3 different floors of the house to gain roles, trigger the Haunt, and gain clues about the scenario they are in. The game starts during a night turn which is RP only, with a private vote for receiving a gift from the steward of the House. The effect of the gift changes with each scenario, and the recipient is not informed which benefit they have, only that they have the gift. Also during that night, players explore the house, gaining roles and setting which scenario happens. During Day 1 forward, there is a standard execution, and from Night 1 forward, there is a kill and players can continue to explore the house to find clues about the scenario.

Rules as Doc

Rules as Spoiler:


General Rules:

  • Cycles are 72 hours long, split into 48 hour days and 24 hour nights
  • Each day turn, there will be an execution determined by a majority vote. There is no vote minimum, and a tie vote will have a random outcome.
  • PMs are open but group PMs are not allowed
  • Each player can take a single action during each night turn, which could be a role/item action, a faction ability, or exploration
  • The game begins on Night 0, which is RP only



Innocent Explorer: Now that you are inside, coming to the House doesn’t seem like such a good idea anymore. Hopefully you can survive and come away with nothing more than some scary tales for nights around a fire.
House Thrall: The House has Awakened, and you have fallen under its influence. Only your former friends stand in its way now, but they shouldn’t be too hard to dispose of.
Insatiable Kandra: Unlike others of your kind, you have a ravenous hunger for the flesh of humans. Now that you’ve led another group of innocents to your home, it is time to feast!


  • Scenario 1: Standard Eliminator game
    • Weighted more heavily by players exploring the ground floor during N0
    • Elims are more likely to be chosen out of players that explored the basement during N0
    • Items/Roles are more likely to be given to villagers that explored the upstairs during N0
  • Scenario 2: Free for All with Smoking Gun
    • Weighted more heavily by players exploring the upstairs during N0
    • The Smoking Gun is more likely to be given to players that explore the ground floor during N0
    • Items/Roles are more likely to be given to players that explore the basement during N0
  • Scenario 3: Single Body-hopping Elim
    • Weighed more heavily by players exploring the basement during N0
    • Elim is more likely to be chosen from players that explored the upstairs N0
    • Items/Roles are more likely to be given to players that explored the ground floor N0

Exploration Roles/Items:

  • Lerasium and Metals: Once during the game you can roleblock another player
  • Proto-Radiant: A spren has bonded with you, granting you the power to protect another player once during the game. If this fails due to a roleblock, you retain the use of your ability
  • Aviar: Exploring the House will always give you a clue, and you will reroll the clue once if it doesn’t match the current scenario

Scenario Roles/Items:

  • House Thralls (Exclusive to Scenario 1):
    • Standard elims (almost certainly 2)
    • Share a doc and a group night kill with your teammates
  • Smoking Gun (Exclusive to Scenario 2): 
    • You can kill another player during the Night. If you don’t submit a kill, or if you are roleblocked, you will die instead. This item is passed to another random living player at the start of each Night turn after Night 1, unless the current owner is executed, in which case it passes to a random player that voted on them.
  • Insatiable Kandra (Scenario 3 elim):
    • Serial Killer
    • Each Night turn you can steal another player’s body (by attacking them) and discard your current one, which will be revealed as having been killed in the writeup. The targeted player will become the new Kandra, and all present and former Kandra players share a doc (but only the currently “living” account can post in the thread)
    • Roles of attacked players are not retained, but if the original Kandra has the gift then that ability is retained
    • All players in the Kandra doc win/lose together
  • Scenario 1 Gift: 
    • Village: Your vote counts twice, but only during ExLo (which will not be announced)
    • Elim: You will obtain a village role during Night 1
  • Scenario 2 Gift: The first Smoking Gun shot against you will instead hit another random player (this could be the shooter)
  • Scenario 3 Gift: 
    • Village: If you vote on the Kandra, your vote is doubled
    • Elim: Once during the game you can choose to just kill a player rather than replace them

Detailed rules of exploration from Night 1+:


Players that explore the house post-N0 have an 80% chance to find a clue regarding what scenario is taking place, out of a pool of 6 unique clues. The clue has a ⅔ chance to be from the pool of clues for the current scenario, and a ⅓ chance to be from a different scenario. Each scenario has 1 unique clue, plus 1 clue shared with each other scenario. The clues will not be described exactly as below but it will be clear which one the player found.

Scenario 1 Clues:

  • Jeskeri paraphernalia (Unique)
  • Remnants of an explosion/gunshot (Shared with Scenario 2)
  • Hemalurgic Spike (Shared with Scenario 3)

Scenario 2 Clues:

  • Remnants of a Rithmatic Defense (Unique)
  • Remnants of an explosion/gunshot (Shared with Scenario 1)
  • A gemstone infused with Voidlight (Shared with Scenario 3)

Scenario 3 Clues:

  • A pile of discarded bones (Unique)
  • Hemalurgic Spike (Shared with scenario 1)
  • A gemstone infused with Voidlight (Shared with Scenario 2)

Detailed rules of exploration on Night 0:


Scenario weights are Player Count + 2*Explore Count
For example, in a 3 player game, where 2 players explore the ground floor, 1 player explores the basement, and 0 players explore upstairs, the scenarios would be weighted at Standard Elims - (3+4=7/15 or ~47%), Kandra - (3+2=5/15 or ~33%), Smoking Gun - (3+0=3/15 or 20%). Note that this calculation means the base weight for each scenario is 20%, and the remaining 40% is determined by exploration.

After the scenario is selected, the elims/Kandra/Gun are handed out per the specific scenario. For each choice, a coin flip determines whether the player is selected from the Floor Exploration pool, or from the entire player pool. For example, if only Araris explores the Ground Floor during N0 and Scenario 2 is selected, there is a 50% chance Araris receives the Smoking Gun, and a 50% chance that anyone gets it (Araris could also get it from this roll).

Next, if scenario 1 is in place and the gift goes to an elim, they are randomly assigned one of the 3 standard roles/items with equal probability. Then the other two standard roles are assigned to villagers, with coin flips determining whether the players are selected from the Upstairs Pool, or from the entire player pool.

Otherwise, each standard role has an 80% chance to be handed out to a villager (everyone, including the player starting with the Gun, is a villager in Scenario 2), with a coin flip determining whether the selected player(s) are from the corresponding Floor Exploration pool, or from the entire player pool

Gift vote:


During N0 players submit votes to the butler (in their GM PM) to determine who receives a special gift, the effects of which are determined by the scenario. Players are not allowed to vote for themselves to receive the gift. A tie vote will be decided randomly, but if all players have 1 vote then no player will get the gift. There will be no official vote tally for the gift vote, and no announcement about the identity of the recipient or lack thereof, except to the potential recipient.

Win Conditions:


Scenario 1: The House Thralls win if they reach parity with the Innocent Explorers, and the Explorers win if they kill all of the Thralls.
Scenario 2: When a shot of the Smoking Gun leaves 2 or fewer players alive, those players win and are allowed to leave the House
Scenario 3: The Innocent Explorers win if they execute the Insatiable Kandra, and the Kandra wins if they reach parity.

The IM for this game is @CadCom.

Signups have begun and will last for a week, until Wednesday September 11 at 11:00 PM EST. This will be the standard rollover time as well, unless something comes up.

I'm locking the thread temporarily until I can claim the first post for the player list, clarifications, etc.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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Player List:

  1. @The Unknown Order as Keisser, a tardy veteran
  2. @Coffeecat as Coffee Cat, an insomniac feline
  3. @Aeoryi as Aero Yee, a spook shooter
  4. @Lego Mistborn as The Nameless Recluse
  5. @Elandera as Leander, a paranormal investigator
  6. @Lord Spirit as Kirc, a clueless drunk
  7. @Sart as Father Rhinehardt, an ageless priest
  8. @Kasimir as Kanem, who's tired
  9. @Aeternum as Aven, who's quiet
  10. @Just a Silvereye as Junior Junior, the local grump


  1. @Tigersteel
  2. @Ashbringer (pinch hitter)
  3. @Experience (pinch hitter)





Edited by Araris Valerian
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2 hours ago, Lego Mistborn said:

How long do long games take? Put me down for now.

There's a fair bit of variance, but if the bad guys win, it will be 12-15 days. The village could win in as few as 3 or 6 days in some of the scenarios. (all days are RL, rather than in-game)

Edit: Since the first turn of this game is RP only, you (and everyone else) should come up with a character to play as. The setting is some earth-like cosmere world (in an alternate cosmere universe that has Rithmatics as well)

Edited by Araris Valerian
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I’ll join, but I have not played SE before, so I might need some help. 

I’ll be Kirc, a drunk guy who has no idea what’s happening. 

EDIT: I know how to play mafia, I just don’t fully understand this version. 

Edited by Lord Spirit
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2 hours ago, Lord Spirit said:

I’ll join, but I have not played SE before, so I might need some help. 

I’ll be Kirc, a drunk guy who has no idea what’s happening. 

EDIT: I know how to play mafia, I just don’t fully understand this version. 

Welcome! Glad to have you! You should check out the rules thread. And the rules for this specific game in in the OP, but you can also figure those out as you go.

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Understand Araris is player-starved and will be pushing the start date back so the clash is less painful. I have 7 conferences and presentations in this period so I'll be only a little more active than a dead stick, but I will be alive by that benchmark. 

Signing up as Kanem. I'll work something out character-wise when I'm not trying to clear every damn thing before I go on conference.

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21 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Just a heads up, I'm extending signups until 11 PM on Friday, September 13 (I'll edit the OP to reflect this). This works better for both me and for Kas, so hopefully it doesn't cause issues for anyone.

...Friday the Thirteenth? I think every can agree that is the perfect time to start this game. (And almost Midnight too)

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You can switch me to player, I probably just won't be extremely active since it's not really my style but admittedly is catching my attention again.

I'll be Aven, quiet guy who's not really sure why he's here.

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