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You people may not know, but Gnomes are omniscient, omnipotent beings that control the universe. I feel obligated to tell you all because the Gnome revolution has started and they are coming to destroy us.

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24 minutes ago, Block said:

Indeed. Our only hope is that the Potato Government will save us

as president of the potato government i am here to tell you that the potato council is at work finding a solution to this madness!

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4 hours ago, Block said:

You people may not know, but Gnomes are omniscient, omnipotent beings that control the universe. I feel obligated to tell you all because the Gnome revolution has started and they are coming to destroy us.

*whispers* pssst, Captain, the propaganda campaign is going great, everyone totally thinks we're coming to destroy them instead of to steal all their gelato, but also I think it may have worked a little too well because they also think we're all-powerful and I don't know how to live up to that expectation, sir, what do we do 

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6 minutes ago, AonEne said:

*whispers* pssst, Captain, the propaganda campaign is going great, everyone totally thinks we're coming to destroy them instead of to steal all their gelato, but also I think it may have worked a little too well because they also think we're all-powerful and I don't know how to live up to that expectation, sir, what do we do 

We must distract them and feign weakness. I have a solution:




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“Wahahahahaaaa! Potato Government I am here to save you!”

*brandishes potato cannons*

*whispers to whoever is leading the gnomes*

I’m on your side! Potatoes are delicious but gnomes are all powerful and kinda scary so I’m gonna help you. If you promise not to steal my family’s hard earned gelato.

Edited by WhyEverNot_8
Sorry 😅
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"The NPD (National Potatoe Defense) Has formally declared war on all gnome kind. We give you 24 hours to respond."

"Mr. President, what do we do? No one wants to try and fight the Gnomes."


Should this topic go somewhere else?


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Feels pretty fitting in Random Stuff to me. 

Captain they've declared war they've declared war we are DOOMED. On the bright side, the distraction seems to be working? 

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20 hours ago, Pineap-spider said:

"The NPD (National Potatoe Defense) Has formally declared war on all gnome kind. We give you 24 hours to respond."

"Mr. President, what do we do? No one wants to try and fight the Gnomes."

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Should this topic go somewhere else?


our best bet is to ready the potato cannons and prepare to fire down on them! give them 4 hours to respond!


i will likely be asleep when that happens...


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"24 hours are up! Fire!"

*a handful of slightly larger than average potatoes fly over the walls of Spudgart, landing in the general vicinity of the gnome camp. a completely unimpressive display*

* a small group of soldiers start digging trenches around the city, preparing for the gnome attack*


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A Snapdragon appears. given scaling, it is more-or-less an actual dragon in this. 

the gnome camp is now coated in soot, due to a small part of Spudgart being set a-flame. smog clouds now flood the skies.

the plant-dragon roars from above, zipping around at "unearthly" speeds. (3 mph.)

Edited by Just_a_Fan
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Draws my potato cannons, sitting in the middle of the camp and returns fire on the potato-people with fake potatoes.

I also pull out a giant water gun and shoot the snapdragon with it.

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In retaliation, it razes the gnome camp with a potent ray of Dragon-Flame, melting the powerful water cannon.

with their main front lines wiped out by dragon ex machina, the gnomes are set back a bit. 

also, the aforementioned smog kinda blocked out the sun, so no crops were growing very well.


tldr; "did you kill it?"

"nope, we just made it angry."

"oh [crem]."

"actually, there's a 1/256 chance we healed it."

"oh [crem]!"

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13 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

"I think so. Mayo, ketchup, and relish. Right? ...Yeah, airfrier."

*nom nom*

.  .  . "For me rarely (never) relish. I use pickle juice- and a drop of mustard-"

Edited by Wierdo
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